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Unleash the International Potential of Booklets
Author: Paulette Ensign

Does writing a booklet make you an 'authorlette' ? Yes, it does. That is one of several key reasons to write an informational tips booklet - author status as an expert on your topic. It takes much less time, money, and stress to write a booklet than writing a full-length book, and can bring as many or more benefits.

Writing a booklet means leveraging the research and experiences that are already part of your life. And you keep all the profits from the booklet, with rights to re-market the manuscript any way your creativity and energy allows. If you have already written a book, you might want to divide that book into booklets and make more money from the parts than you will for the whole.

Writing a booklet opens many other doors for you and your business. A few of those doors are:

* Leveraging the booklet contents to other formats and languages
* Sales of your other products and services
* Radio, television, airline, online, and print interviews
* Large quantity booklet sales
* Domestic and international licensing agreements
* Joint sales/marketing ventures
* Speaking engagements

Booklets are best written in short action steps, giving the reader a jump-start within your topic, with some good solid information. The best length of a booklet is 16 - 24 interior pages. As your reader experiences any success from what they read in your booklet, your credibility increases. They want more of you and more of what you are about. The booklet gives them an opportunity to test drive you.

Their next steps will match their budget, learning style, and overall requirements. Your next step is to help identify what they really need. When your business has a full menu of related products and services, you will jointly be able to unearth what that need is.

A booklet is both a profit center and a marketing tool. Every time you sell a copy of your informational tips booklet, it brings you direct revenue while promoting you to a larger audience.

Every person who reads your booklet is a ready-made marketing representative for you and your company. As a single-copy buyer, they could be a decision-maker for buying large quantities of your booklet to use for their company's promotional purposes.

A company or association who purchases a large quantity of your booklets as a promotional tool for their own purposes promotes *you* with each and every booklet they distribute. They have paid you to promote you. Life doesn't get much better than that!

They may also be or know of a reporter or producer to schedule you for an interview. The reader might have contacts in another country or a community in your own country who have interest in licensing your booklet into another language or different physical format. You may be just the person to consult or train on an issue.

Or, if you are also a speaker, they may need a series of speeches in different locations or departments within their organization. Any of that and more can happen from a booklet.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to how a booklet can serve your business. Write on the topic you enjoy most so your client can have a choice of the booklet or any of your other writing when they are in buying mode. The client may want to purchase the booklets first, and buy your book or your articles or hire you to speak later, or buy both product and service at the same time. Everyone benefits either way.

What will your first booklet be?


Paulette Ensign has personally sold over 500,000 copies of her own tips booklet, '110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life', in 3 languages and various formats without spending a penny on advertising. Leverage your knowledge into booklets as a marketing tool, profit center, or both.

Paulette Ensign

"Everyone has something they want the world to know about.
An informational tips booklet can help position you as an expert."

Tips Products International
12675 Camino Mira Del Mar #179 * San Diego, CA 92130
voice: 858-481-0890 * fax 858-793-0880
Paulette@tipsbooklets.com * http://www.tipsbooklets.com
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