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You can click on any of the links below to open up the ebook. All ebooks are in pdf format.





  1. Accelerated Learning

  2. Coaching

  3. Confidence

  4. Inspirational

  5. Motivation

  6. Public Speaking

  7. Sales Training

  8. Stress Management

  9. Success

  10. Time Management




  1. Title: The Speed Reading Course

    Author: Peter Shepherd

    Pages: 40


    Summary: We all learn to read at school, after a fashion. But for most of us, this is not an optimal use of our brain power. In this course you will learn to better use the left brain's focused attention combined with the right brain's peripheral attention, in close harmony. Good communication between the brain hemispheres is a pre-requisite for creative thinking and also a sense of wellbeing, where thoughts and feelings are integrated.



  2. Title: A Course in Light Speed Reading

    Author: Joseph Bennette

    Pages: 109


    Summary: When I was in second grade I was called upon to read in front of the class. The material I was required to read was above my ability at the time and I knew it. I was so frightened to stand in front of the class, yet I was unable to resist the teacher who was an old-school disciplinarian. The teacher insisted that I come up and read in front of the class or receive a severe consequence - she liked to strike the backs of hands with a ruler, a very intimidating and painful experience. I was petrified with fright as I stood before my class, many of whom were snickering and giggling. I gave them quite a show when I released my bladder in fright. I was so embarrassed, and the teacher so unsympathetic, that I swore I'd never do that again. I was traumatized to say the least. I never again stood in front of a class - I took the consequences instead. Further, I never undertook to read adequately because that meant "proving" it to my teachers and classmates in some embarrassing way. So, I went to my mother's mother, my grandma Tuggle. She was a special reading teacher for the school district I lived in. She taught me some shortcuts that helped me get through. Some of her shortcuts are included in this course because they worked so well for me.



  3. Title: Alpha-netics Rapid Reading Program

    Author: Owen D. Skousen

    Pages: 114


    Summary: Over the years, the most effective ways of teaching and learning have been sought. Every method attempted has had some strong points and some weak points. Putting the best available methods of teaching and learning together has been the goal of every parent, school, marketing organization, sales force, and individual or group that has information, beliefs, or ideas to communicate or sell to others. Parts One through Five are all directional and instructional. The actual development of new skills begins in the Work Section. This section is broken into practice sessions labeled Week One through Week Four.







  4. Title: Leadership for Learning: Tips for Effective Mentoring and Coaching

    Author: The Creative Problem Solving Group--Buffalo

    Pages: 12


    Summary: Our expectations for what we learn and how fast we learn it are increasing at an alarming rate. Our minds are being asked to process tremendous amounts of change in incredibly short periods of time. To process that much information to the level we expect will require us to go well beyond the routine and to the edges of what we know, what we can do, and what we believe about ourselves and the world around us (Resnick, 1987). Stepping over the edge into the unknown, the uncertain, the ambiguous can feel threatening. It raises questions about our comfort, capacity, or commitment to take the next step - into a new level of learning and growth. It requires us to break through self-doubt, to create new levels of insight and understanding, and to embrace new frames of reference for defining ourselves.



  5. Title: Effective Coaching


    Pages: 15


    Summary: The four district managers aren't getting their phone messages fast enough. They're upset about it, and they say they're losing orders because of it. All fingers point at Sonya. Incoming calls are routed to her phone, and her voice mail backs everybody up. You've got to solve the problem. What's your first move? We'll come back to this situation after you've learn about the goals of good coaching and how management by coaching will help you get the information you need.



  6. Title: Coaching for an Extraordinary Life

    Author: Terri Levine

    Pages: 102


    Summary: The idea for this book came from my work as a professional and personal coach. As I coached people of all ages, all backgrounds, and from all continents, I began to realize the powerful coaching tools I had been using were changing people's lives, as they learned to use these same tools for themselves. Later, through the coach training company that I founded, I learned that many of our students weren't in the training program to be personal and professional coaches, they were there to use the tools to be more effective in their personal and professional lives.



  7. Title: Executive Coaching: A Guide for the HR Professional

    Author: Anna Marie Valerio and Robert J. Lee

    Pages: 241


    Summary: The purpose of this book is to help human resource professionals and their clients become more savvy consumers of coaching services. With the wide array of coaching services now available in the marketplace, HR professionals need information to allow them to sort through options, ask discerning questions, and understand what constitutes successful coaching engagements.



  8. Title: Coaching, Mentoring and Managing

    Author: Micki Holliday

    Pages: 300


    Summary: First, managers were hired to manage - take care of the business. Then, managers had to be leaders - provide vision and mission. Now, they must recruit and train, inspire and motivate, correct and empower. What's a poor manager to do? The answer is to coach. As a 21st-century manager, you are continually challenged to shift how you, as a leader, manage your most important and only unlimited resource: your people. Henry Kissinger once said, "Leaders take their staff from where they are to where they've never been before." That's what the role of coach lets you do - take a diversely proficient group of people, expand and grow their skills, keep them satisfied and motivated, and, most importantly in this competitive environment, retain their talent.


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  9. Title: Conversation Confidence: Secrets to Fearless Conversation

    Author: Leil Lowndes

    Pages: 38


    Summary: How to make an unforgettable first impression. Introduces the series and gives you 2 techniques you can start using immediately to create a dynamic first impression in the first minute or less. The first is a nonverbal technique which makes you come across as a confident, friendly and outgoing person. The other is a verbal device which creates a feeling of instant rapport with your conversational partner.



  10. Title: Unstoppable Confidence: Unleash Your Natural Confidence Within

    Author: Kent Sayre

    Pages: 113


    Summary: Chapter one describes my background of being painfully shy and how I overcame my shyness. It continues on with having the reader set some very specific goals about what they want out of this book so that they can focus in and accomplish what they want. True confidence is defined and it's explained why confidence is such an integral part of life. Chapter two teaches the reader to speak the language of confidence. They learn how to speak authoritatively and harness the power of confident words. Furthermore, the reader learns how to eliminate the confidence destroying words from his or her vocabulary. Chapter three details the nine factors of unstoppable confidence. There are different factors that go into making someone confident and they are described in this chapter. The reader will learn how to use momentum to their benefit, how to commit to success, and how to discover their own natural motivation strategy. Chapter four goes into depth about the topic of beliefs.



  11. Title: How To Achieve Total Self-Confidence... FAST!

    Author: Mark Anastasi

    Pages: 66


    Summary: I have 'studied' what it takes to be totally Self-Confidence intensely for over 3 years. You see, I had suffered a near-decade of extremely low self-esteem, and I know all too well the pain that comes from erecting the mental prison called "I'm not good enough"... It all began when I was 13, and started having acne. That was it, from one day to the next, my self-esteem and self-confidence were just shot. During recess, I would hide away in toilets or in the library, out of fear that someone might see me and go, "What's happened to your FACE??!" I rarely came out of my room, avoided going to parties, did not eat with the rest of my family, in fact, avoided other people as much as I could.



  12. Title: Fearless Interviewing: How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

    Author: Marky Stein

    Pages: 193


    Summary: Have you ever felt jittery before an interview? Nervous or even terrified? Have you ever wished you had answered a question differently or negotiated your salary more skillfully? Do you panic when you imagine the possibility of "failure"? Do you just want to make sure you get it right the first time? Let's face it. Interviews are not like normal conversations. Being interviewed can be scary, even for ordinarily outgoing people. When you're sitting in the hot seat, the interviewer is an authority figure, and he or she has all or most of the power in the interview. Guess what? Studies show that more than 60 percent of interviewers have never been trained in the task of interviewing. Most of these managers report that they feel "nervous, anxious, confused, stressed" and even "incompetent" when taking on the responsibility of conducting a job interview.



  13. Title: The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

    Author: Dr. Robert Anthony

    Pages: 152


    Summary: As you look around at your fellow human beings, you will find it hard to ignore the fact that very few people are happy, fulfilled and leading purposeful lives. Most of them seem unable to cope with their problems and the circumstances of daily living. The majority, settling for the average, have resigned themselves to "just getting by." Resignation to mediocrity has become a way of life. As a result, feelings of inadequacy cause them, quite humanly, to blame society, people, circumstances, and surrounding conditions for their failures and disappointments. The idea that people and things control their lives is so thoroughly ingrained in their thinking that they normally will not respond to logical arguments that prove otherwise.



  14. Title: How To Change Your Shyness


    Pages: 11


    Summary: While it is possible that shyness is (partly) caused by your genetic make up, it is my belief that learned behavior (the Nurture part) is much more powerful. There are so many cases of happy, healthy, vibrant and outgoing children having their personalities ravaged by abusive parents or other traumatic situations. And, believe it or not, the opposite is also true. Quiet, timid, withdrawn people can become more sociable in the same way. Catatonics and autisms can be brought back to life, people with "learning disabilities" can become fully literate. It just takes the right tools.


  15. Title: How To Sell Yourself: Winning Techniques for Selling Yourself

    Author: Arch Lustberg

    Pages: 206


    Summary: Communications is the transfer of information from one mind to another mind, or to a group of other minds. It can be in the form of an idea, a fact, an image, an emotion, or a story. It can be written, spoken, drawn, danced, sung, or mimed. Whatever the medium, if the message doesn't reach the other person, there's no communication, or there's miscommunication. The simple premise of this book is that every time you open your mouth, in order for communication to happen, you have to sell yourself. If you don't sell yourself, communication is nearly impossible. If you do, your message will get across.


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  16. Title: Dale Carnegie's Golden Book

    Author: Dale Carnegie

    Pages: 7


    Summary: This is the Golden Book passed out by the Dale Carnegie organization. It is a summary list containing the 80 principles that Dale Carnegie taught in his courses. Dale Carnegie was born in 1888 in Missouri and was educated at Warrensburg State Teachers College. As a salesman and aspiring actor, he traveled to New York and began teaching communications classes to adults at the YMCA. In 1912, the world-famous Dale Carnegie Course was born. He authored several best-sellers, including, How To Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Over 50 million copies of Mr. Carnegie's books have been printed and published in 38 languages. Mr. Carnegie was a prominent lecturer of his day and a sought-after counselor to world leaders. He wrote newspaper columns and had his own daily radio show. Dale Carnegie founded what is today a worldwide network of over 3,000 instructors and offices in more than 70 countries.



  17. Title: Abraham Lincoln Writings Vol 1


    Pages: 57





  18. Title: Abraham Lincoln Writings Vol 2


    Pages: 62





  19. Title: Abraham Lincoln Writings Vol 3


    Pages: 42





  20. Title: Abraham Lincoln Writings Vol 4






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  21. Title: The Power of Concentration

    Author: Theron Q. Dumont

    Pages: 100


    Summary: We all know that in order to accomplish a certain thing we must concentrate. It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate. To make a success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working out. Do not become discouraged, if you are unable to hold your thought on the subject very long at first. There are very few that can. It seems a peculiar fact that it is easier to concentrate on something that is not good for us, than on something that is beneficial. This tendency is overcome when we learn to concentrate consciously. If you will just practice a few concentration exercises each day you will find you will soon develop this wonderful power.




  22. Title: How to Kick the Worry Habit

    Author: Jim Rohn

    Pages: 54


    Summary: In my seminars the last few years I have covered what I have found to be those few, simple, basic principles that can make major changes in life and lifestyle. One of those subjects that gets the most comment is: Diseases of Attitude. And out of that subject, worry and how to kick the worry habit have caused the most questions. So, in this brief visit with you, let me give you my best look at worry, how to recognize it and define it, and what to do about it. And hopefully these ideas will give you a good chance for confidence over worry.



  23. Title: Healing Through the Power of Positive Thinking


    Pages: 27


    Summary: Healing - is a topic which is becoming more and more pressing from day to day. Despite, and partly due to our modern medicine, there are now fewer and fewer people who can rightly say that they are completely healthy. Conventional medicine runs increasingly into difficulties: The diseases brought about as a result of the side-effects of medicines prescribed by physicians are growing in an alarming way. The taking of many chemical preparations is like a violation of the body. As a result of the rising environmental pollution, natural healing remedies increasingly lose their positive effect; the healing power of homeopathic remedies is also decreasing, because there will soon hardly be any pure original tinctures.



  24. Title: Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

    Author: David Allen

    Pages: 278


    Summary: The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 describes the whole game, providing a brief overview of the system and an explanation of why it's unique and timely, and then presenting the basic methodologies themselves in their most condensed and basic form. Part 2 shows you how to implement the system. It's your personal coaching, step by step, on the nitty-gritty application of the models. Part 3 goes even deeper, describing the subtler and more profound results you can expect when you incorporate the methodologies and models into your work and your life.



  25. Title: Rethinking Procrastination: Positive Effects of "Active" Procrastination Behavior on Attitudes and Performance

    Author: The Journal of Social Psychology

    Pages: 21


    Summary: Researchers and practitioners have long regarded procrastination as a selfhandicapping and dysfunctional behavior. In the present study, the authors proposed that not all procrastination behaviors either are harmful or lead to negative consequences. Specifically, the authors differentiated two types of procrastinators: passive procrastinators versus active procrastinators. Passive procrastinators are procrastinators in the traditional sense. They are paralyzed by their indecision to act and fail to complete tasks on time. In contrast, active procrastinators are a "positive" type of procrastinator.



  26. Title: Encouraging Entrepreneurial Thinking


    Pages: 15


    Summary: If you want your employees to be motivated to do their best, and if you want them to be the most valuable asset on your balance sheet, then let them feel and experience ownership in the organization. Effective managers make every employee feel like a business partner. Why? Because when people feel ownership of something, they look out for it. Encouraging an entrepreneurial mindset goes beyond profit sharing and stock options. It's a motivating attitude instilled in others by you, the manager.



  27. Title: A Theory of Human Motivation

    Author: A. H. Maslow

    Pages: 21


    Summary: The present paper is an attempt to formulate a positive theory of motivation which will satisfy these theoretical demands and at the same time conform to the known facts, clinical and observational as well as experimental. It derives most directly, however, from clinical experience. This theory is, I think, in the functionalist tradition of James and Dewey, and is fused with the holism of Wertheimer, Goldstein, and Gestalt Psychology, and with the dynamicism of Freud and Adler. This fusion or synthesis may arbitrarily be called a 'general-dynamic' theory.


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  28. Title: Public Speaking Workbook

    Author: Sam Walch

    Pages: 47


    Summary: In its most basic form, communicating involves a sender who takes his/her thoughts and encodes them into verbal and nonverbal messages that are sent to a receiver. The receiver then decodes the messages and attempts to understand what the sender meant to communicate. The communication process is completed when the receiver transmits verbal and nonverbal feedback to indicate his/her reception and understanding of the message. This process takes place within a context, also known as a rhetorical situation, which includes all that affects the communication process such as the sender-receiver's culture, the sender-receiver's relationship, the circumstances surrounding the sender-receiver's interaction, and the physical environment of the interaction.



  29. Title: Essential Speaking Skills Handbook

    Author: Kim McFarland and Tom Vizzini

    Pages: 19


    Summary: Your tonality is very important, because you are using your voice to persuade others. If your voice isn't pleasant to listen to, who is going to sit and listen to it long enough for you to get what you want. Also, you need to be able to effectively control your voice in order to use techniques such as embedded commands and voice pacing. Posture is important because if the body is not properly aligned the voice can't come out with the power, the resonance, and the projection that it naturally has.


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  30. Title: The Certifiable Salesperson: The Ultimate Guide to Help Any Salesperson Go Crazy with Unprecedented Sales!

    Author: Tom Hopkins and Laura Laaman

    Pages: 177


    Summary: Many professions, including accounting, law, and medicine, have a certification program that sets the standard for success within that particular profession. Until now, the sales industry has not had such a widely accepted tool. Some progressive businesses have developed a certification program within their companies. Unfortunately, many programs focus on product knowledge and fall short of the sales skills needed to excel. Perhaps not having such a generalized program contributes to the reason why sales has not viii The Certifiable Salesperson been given the respect granted to other professions. Such guidelines will help each salesperson understand what strategies are necessary to becoming highly successful.



  31. Title: Surefire Sales Letter Secrets: How To Create A Fortune In Your Business With Powerful Direct Mail

    Author: Yanik Silver

    Pages: 50


    Summary: What's the first thing you think of when you hear "Direct Mail"? I'd bet you say "junk mail," right? Wrong! Direct mail is only junk mail if people are not interested in what you send them. If you carefully target who your top potential clients are and provide them with valuable information - you are not sending junk mail. Here's an example: Let's say you're really into raising Pot Belly Pigs and in your mailbox comes a letter telling you how to make your little piggie do all kinds of neat tricks. Would that be junk mail to you? No way! You'd want to rip that thing open right away to find out what it's all about. And this kind of precise targeting is what makes direct mail so powerful. What's more, that precision is coupled with detailed accountability and tracking. It's easy for companies to spend tens of hundreds of dollars on advertising and not really know what their results were.



  32. Title: The 24 Sales Traps

    Author: Dick Canada

    Pages: 199


    Summary: A wise person once said that you should begin a project with the end in mind. If that were the case, when you finished reading this book, this is what you would have learned: It is not what sales and marketing people don't know that is most likely to significantly hurt their performance; it is what they think they know that turns out to be either a partial truth, fallacy, or mistaken belief that affects their results more. We call these half-truths and falsehoods sales traps, and each trap springs from validated research. There are 24 traps that could be adversely affecting individual, team, group, and company sales performance. So much for the ending, let's go to the beginning.



  33. Title: An Information Multi-Millionaire

    Author: Robert G. Allen

    Pages: 44


    Summary: Welcome to the business of selling information. I call it info-preneuring. (An info-preneur is an entrepreneur who sells information.) It is the most exciting business in the world. If you do this business right, within a few months, total strangers will be sending you money for your ideas.... even if you think your ideas are worthless!



  34. Title: Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting

    Author: William "Skip" Miller and Ron Zemke

    Pages: 176


    Summary: Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting: How to Cold Call, Get Qualified Leads, and Make More Money is about making the most of your cold-calling opportunities. It is about developing the skill and judgment that lets you know when to pursue a prospect all the way to customer status, and when to cut your losses and move on. In fact, we've tried to make that even easier for you. Throughout the book you will find our sales prospector. When you see this little guy, pay close attention. He'll offer nuggets of wisdom that will help you find gold with all of your prospects. More than that, Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting: How to Cold Call, Get Qualified Leads, and Make More Money is about creating a personal program of cold-call selling, building the skills necessary to work it, and developing the stamina-the patience-to do so, until one day you, like young Thomas, become a master of cold-call selling.



  35. Title: How to Make $1,000,000


    Pages: 21


    Summary: What we are going to talk about is how you can make $1,000,000. It probably sounds like a preposterous statement, depending where you are financially right now. I think that my tip of the day is for you to set an intention. What do you want to learn? What do you want to experience? And beyond that, what do you want to achieve?



  36. Title: The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History!

    Author: Joe Vitale

    Pages: 111


    Summary: If you want money, you only have to do one thing. It's the one thing some of the wealthiest people on the planet have done and are doing. It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today. It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone who does it but at the same time most people will fear doing it. What is that one thing? John D. Rockefeller did it since he was a child. He became a billionaire. Andrew Carnegie did it, too. He became a tycoon. What is the greatest money-making secret in history? What is the one thing that works for everyone? Give money away. That's right. Give it away.



  37. Title: Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels

    Author: Mack Hanan

    Pages: 255


    Summary: Consultative Selling is profit improvement selling. It is selling to high-level customer decision makers who are concerned with profit indeed, who are responsible for it, measured by it, evaluated by it, and accountable for it. Consultative Selling is selling at high margins so that the profits you improve can be shared with you. High margins to high-level decision makers: This is the essence of Consultative Selling.



  38. Title: Objections! Objections! Objections! How to Conquer Objections

    Author: Gavin Ingham

    Pages: 144


    Summary: Many sales books talk about objections and objection handling but then fail to put their money where their mouth is and produce a truly useable guide that salespeople everywhere will want to keep on their desks. This is truly achieved in Objections! Objections! Objections!



  39. Title: How to Be Utterly Relaxed about Cold Calling!


    Pages: 3


    Summary: If we cannot get ourselves out there properly in the market place, we have no chance at all of success. If we get out there but are battling nerves or doubt, then our performance will be mediocre at best.



  40. Title: The Sales Success Handbook: 20 Lessons to Open and Close Sales Now

    Author: Linda Richardson

    Pages: 65


    Summary: Sales talk. What is it? It is more than you talking. Sales talk takes two. It is not a monologue. It is a dialogue. It is a customer-centered exchange of information that begins and ends with the customer whose needs must drive the conversation. You have a sales approach you use consciously or unconsciously every day. How open are you to looking at your sales talk up close? If you are open, these lessons can help you assess yourself, spot your strengths and weaknesses, and change your sales talk. You will tap into your natural skills, leverage your knowledge, and sell more by creating compelling dialogues with your customers.



  41. Title: What makes this e-mailed sales letter hypnotic?

    Author: Joe Vitale

    Pages: 3


    Summary: I sent the following short sales letter by email to my own list of some 800 names. There was an immediate boost in sales. had to back-order the book I was selling in the letter. My publisher's online server went down due to all the orders they got at once. But something even more shocking happened. Many people wrote to me and actually asked how I was able to *make* them read the letter. They said they couldn't stop reading it! Others said they felt compelled by some unseen force to read every word of it. Still others just mindlessly read the letter but then automatically---as if obeying a subliminal command---went to and ordered the book I was selling. Afterwards, they wrote me and confessed they felt they had been "hypnotized."



  42. Title: How to Make Your Ads, Sales Letters, and Websites Sell like Crazy

    Author: Mark Hendricks

    Pages: 109


    Summary: Since you've probably been online a while now, and have gotten pretty used to using Email, you've most likely made this observation already, but I'll ask you anyway... Have you noticed that most folks write short and bare-bones Email messages? I mean they write messages as if a simple-minded computer who only understands binary language was at the other end of the modem line, instead of "a real, live, and breathing human being."


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  43. Title: The Mind guide to relaxation

    Author: Mind Publications

    Pages: 9


    Summary: Learning how to relax improves day-to-day living, and can be a valuable tool for coping with stress of any kind. This booklet explores why people have problems trying to relax and how to resolve them. It explains how to introduce more relaxation into your everyday life, and how to take it further. It is not designed to go into specific deep relaxation techniques.



  44. Title: Reliving Trauma: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Author: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

    Pages: 3


    Summary: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which grave physical harm occurred or was threatened. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD include violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or military combat. Among those who may experience PTSD are military troops who served in the Vietnam and Gulf Wars; rescue workers involved in the aftermath of disasters like the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC; survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing; survivors of accidents, rape, physical and sexual abuse, and other crimes; immigrants fleeing violence in their countries; survivors of the 1994 California earthquake, the 1997 North and South Dakota floods, and hurricanes Hugo and Andrew; and people who witness traumatic events. Family members of victims also can develop the disorder. PTSD can occur in people of any age, including children and adolescents.



  45. Title: Diagnosis and Management of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Author: Bradley D. Grinage

    Pages: 6


    Summary: Although post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating anxiety disorder that may cause significant distress and increased use of health resources, the condition often goes undiagnosed. The lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the United States is 8 to 9 percent, and approximately 25 to 30 percent of victims of significant trauma develop PTSD. The emotional and physical symptoms of PTSD occur in three clusters: re-experiencing the trauma, marked avoidance of usual activities, and increased symptoms of arousal. Before a diagnosis of PTSD can be made, the patient's symptoms must significantly disrupt normal activities and last for more than one month. Approximately 80 percent of patients with PTSD have at least one comorbid psychiatric disorder. The most common comorbid disorders include depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and other anxiety disorders. Treatment relies on a multidimensional approach, including supportive patient education, cognitive behavior therapy, and psychopharmacology. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the mainstay of pharmacologic treatment.



  46. Title: Combat Stress: Department of the Army

    Author: Department of the Army

    Pages: 94


    Summary: This publication contains essential information about combat and combat-related stress. It describes, in layman's terms, techniques to prevent, identify, and treat harmful combat stress reactions at the lowest level or until professional medical assistance is available. It provides a basic understanding of the causes of stress and describes the preventive actions that can be taken to avoid or reduce its harmful effects. It describes how to identify and manage combat stress symptoms when they appear, and provides techniques to prepare units to handle combat stress reactions when they occur. All small-unit leaders should read this publication. Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women are included.



  47. Title: Combat Stress: U.S. Marine Corps

    Author: Department of the Navy

    Pages: 94


    Summary: Combat Stress is the mental, emotional or physical tension, strain, or distress resulting from exposure to combat and combat-related conditions. Controlling combat stress is a command responsibility. In terms of Service members lost from action and reduced performance, combat stress seriously affects mission accomplishment. It is a leader's responsibility to take action to strengthen Service members' tolerance to combat stress and manage it in his or her unit.


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  48. Title: Success Plan for Building Coalitions of Support

    Author: IdeaBridge

    Pages: 5


    Summary: Universal Principles of Business Achievement: The Four Key Determinants of Success in Business 1. Have a Great Attitude 2. Have a Strong Work Ethic 3. Create Value For Your Company 4. Stay Out of Trouble! The Universal Qualities of Successful Business People: 1. Focus On Your Unique Talents and Skills 2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction 3. Maintain Complete Focus and Concentration When Working 4. Develop a Reputation for Speed and Accuracy 5. Concentrate Single-Mindedly On One Thing At A Time 6. Maintain The Highest Standards of Character and Integrity 7. View Yourself As Self-Employed 8. Collect Friendly IOUs 9. Focus On Continuous Self Improvement 10. Hand Out With Successful People and Find A Mentor 11. Be Teachable and Admit When You Don't Know 12. Be A Team Player



  49. Title: Successful Stress Management in A Week

    Author: Cary Cooper and Alison Straw

    Pages: 8


    Summary: "Stress" as a word is no firmyl embedded in our vocabulary, although our parents rarely used it in its present context, let alone our grandparents. Yet these days, in the course of a week it would not be unusual to hear "stress" used to describe a wide range of feelings, symptoms and situations.



  50. Title: Success Coaching: The Best-Kept Secret of the Super-Rich

    Author: Robert Stuberg

    Pages: 48


    Summary: Did you ever notice how so many great athletes and Olympic champions credit their coaches for the success they have achieved? In other walks of life, students credit their teachers, children credit their parents, and businesspeople credit their bosses or mentors . . . and these authority figures, if they are talented in their fields, are all coaches, too, in their own way. Like sports coaches, they help their proteges reach the potential of their talents, set important goals, and motivate them toward ultimate success. There is another kind of coach you have probably heard something about - a kind that combines characteristics of all of these and then some - and that is a personal coach. A personal coach may not be in a recognized leadership position but he or she has the potential for being more inspirational and getting more positive results than any other kind of coach.



  51. Title: TurboCoach: A Powerful System for Achieving Breakthrough Career Success

    Author: Campbell Fraser

    Pages: 223


    Summary: In TurboCoach you'll find the same proven, practical, powerful techniques and exercises that we offer our coaching clients (who spend thousands of dollars per year to learn and apply them!), and you'll be able to apply them right away to improve your own personal performance immediately. TurboCoach will be your coach. With TurboCoach at your side, teaching and encouraging you, you will learn how to set standards, priorities, and goals; analyze yourself and identify your personal strengths; delegate, outsource, and eliminate tasks and activities so you can concentrate on the things that are most valuable to you and your company; commit to specific plans of action and improvement; and measure your own success on a predetermined timeline. With TurboCoach as your guide you will be able to achieve the same kind of breakthrough results as our personal coaching clients: achieving balance in your life while at the same time obtaining financial success and independence on schedule.



  52. Title: Be More, Make More, Work Less

    Author: Veronica Lim

    Pages: 14


    Summary: Just what is it that you want? Focus. Just what does it mean? The dictionary defines it as "point on which interest, activity is centered." And before that comes the question, what will you focus on? In other words, just what is it that you want? Stop for a moment and ask yourself that question.



  53. Title: Operation Excellence: Succeeding in Business and Life- The U.S. Military Way

    Author: Mark Bender

    Pages: 241


    Summary: Use this book as an instrument to discover truth. Before you can change your life you've got to get to the truth. You can handle the truth. And the truth will set you free. This book is like a mirror-to view where you are today and to formulate how you're going to get where you want to be tomorrow. Subject what's here to rigorous examination. But suspend some of the preconceptions that inevitably come up about the military. If you'll do that you'll find Operation Excellence can be a vehicle to change your life. But you've got to get beyond Sergeant Bilko, Gomer Pyle, and the guys on M*A*S*H. OK, that stuff is funny. All right, hilarious. Some of it's even true. But it masks the larger truth of the important processes that take place in our military. That's why so many of our success strategies are, in effect, secret. Nobody's made the translation from what we do to excel in a life-or-death industry to what works in business and life. Until now.


  54. Title: The Science of Getting Rich

    Author: Wallace D. Wattles

    Pages: 63


    Summary: This book is fragmatical not philosophical - a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money, who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached.



  55. Title: Make Yourself a Millionaire: How to Sleep Well and Stay Sane on the Road to Wealth

    Author: Charles C. Zhang with Lynn L. Chen-Zhang

    Pages: 367


    Summary: It's not an easy or a quick process to become wealthy. Actually, it takes a lot of discipline and hard work. However, recent history has shown us that becoming wealthy can indeed happen overnight. Over the past few years, we've seen many people strike it rich through the stock market. Internet stocks, IPOs, and stock options-it seemed that everywhere we looked there was someone else, and usually a young someone else, who had just suddenly become worth millions of dollars. Every week or so there was another initial public offering of a company whose stock price would soar into the range of hundreds of dollars. People were quitting their jobs to become day traders, all in the name of money and riches.



  56. Title: The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle

    Author: Jim Rohn

    Pages: 95


    Summary: Most books are written to entertain or inform. This book is written so that it might inspire. By virtue of the fact that you have been come into possession of this book, there is the strong suggestion that you are already in the process of looking for something. There is also a strong possibility that there is something in your like you would like to change. Perhaps you feel that you are worth more than you are currently being paid or that you have more talent and ability than your current occupation permits you to use. Maybe you are wrestling with some personal dilemma that has you bewildered.



  57. Title: How to Act like a CEO: 10 Rules for Getting to the Top and Staying There

    Author: D. A. Benton

    Pages: 224


    Summary: Whether you're a CEO now or on your way to becoming one, you want to be a good one. No, a great one! That's wonderful. That's what is needed in the business world. Your employees, customers, investors, community, and competitors will demand it. But most importantly you want to be the best because that's the kind of person you are. Like California winemaker, Robert Mondavi says, "Even when I played marbles as a child, I wanted to be the best." You are who I like to work with. You have basic ambition, drive, and talent. You'll put the effort in, and you'll make a difference in the world for all the people around you. You'll be what Super bowl Champion Denver Broncos coach, Mike Shanahan, wants on his team, "A difference maker."



  58. Title: Diamond Power? Gems of Wisdom From America's Greatest Marketer

    Author: Barry Farber

    Pages: 410


    Summary: Diamond Power is divided into 20 different areas that help us live better business and personal lives. It is a compilation of information and insight gathered from my 20 years of seminars, books, tapes, and radio and television shows. The experience I've gained has been my training ground, my ongoing university. This has really been an encyclopedia of information that I can draw from. It's helped me develop a literary agency that represents high-profile people, from television personalities to world-champion athletes. It's helped me develop a company that manufactures and licenses innovative products like the world's only FoldzFlat Pen. It's helped me earn a black belt and compete in martial arts competitions.


    Title: The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens

    Author: William Duggan

    Pages: 304


    Summary: This book tells how Leonardo and Jack Welch did it. And not just them: We find dozens of others throughout the ages. Napoleon Bonaparte, Bill Gates of Microsoft, Ray Kroc of McDonald's, and top companies like Nokia, Marriott, Johnson & Johnson-the list goes on and on. The art of what works is the secret of strategy, a timeless truth for success in business or any other field. This book presents principles, tools, and examples to help you apply the art of what works yourself. We study success, to see how it happened. Our trail leads mostly through business strategy, but it leads also to science, art, war, government, the nonprofit sector, psychology, and Eastern and Western philosophy. We hunt for success from many angles. Time and again, in case after case, the answer turns out to be the same: the art of what works.



  59. Title: The Challenge to Succeed: A Philosophy for Successful Living

    Author: Jim Rohn

    Pages: 84


    Summary: Jim Rohn begins his presentation with the words, "It is a challenge to succeed. If it were not...more people would be successful." Often, though, thinking about it the most difficult part. Today you took the hardest step-the first step. And as Mr. Rohn also says, let's not waste our time on things that don't count. So let's do something that does count and jump right into making this philosophy for successful living work for you.



  60. Title: The Greatest Obstacle to Success and How to Overcome It

    Author: Dr. Robert Anthony

    Pages: 20


    Summary: Our life is about a string of moments in time. So often we stand in our unhappiness trying to improve a future moment. The problem is that this moment is where we are creating what we call our "future". Most people are looking toward a future time for pleasure and a feeling of satisfaction, but very few experience it in the NOW. Yet NOW is the only time that exists. What you are being, living, thinking and feeling in the present moment will determine your happiness. It also determines how much time you spend on worrying about the future.



  61. Title: The Ultimate Success Secret

    Author: Daniel S. Kennedy

    Pages: 71


    Summary: I believe that I have identified the one, single, sole "secret of success" universally shared and relied on, above all other success secrets, by all extraordinarily successful individuals. And it is my contention that any person who discovers, accepts, comes to understand, and gives priority, paramount importance to this one secret can and will quickly create unbelievable breakthroughs in his or her life. I have paid a lot less attention to the thinking of the successful, and paid a lot more attention to their behavior.



  62. Title: 46 Ideas to make your business a Booming Success


    Pages: 87


    Summary: There is a difference, you know! In fact, people that don't recognize the difference within a year after starting their business will suffer for this lack of knowledge until they do. Let me give you an example to help you fully understand what I'm talking about. Suppose you went out this afternoon, purchased a computer system and some start-up business software at your local Office Max. You come home -- all excited -- ready to get your new business going. (Everyone has experienced this same type of feeling.) It gives you a great exhilarated feeling to finally take the first step to making your dream become a visual reality.



  63. Title: 365 "Power Quotes" From 27 Of The Worlds Top Internet Marketing Millionaires


    Pages: 102


    Summary: There has to be a way to do all the jobs in Internet Marketing more effectively and efficiently, whether its search engine optimization or writing great sales copy, creating a winning Google Adwords campaign, understanding customer sales psychological or just coming up with new and profitable product ideas. With unswerving and shameless determination, I have left no aspect uncovered in my quest to ensure this ebook is as thorough as possible. I have begged, cajoled and, I'm ashamed to say, issued thinly veiled threats to 27 of the Worlds Top Internet Marketing Millionaires in order to reveal the secrets of their success.


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  64. Title: Time Management for Busy People

    Author: Katey Walker and Nayda I. Torres

    Pages: 4


    Summary: How often do you say, "I'd like to do that, but I don't have time?" Learning to manage time is a problem for many people. Employers, employees, students, and home managers alike complain that there are never enough hours in the day to get things done. The essence of time management is to put some things first, others second, and still others third. Set goals and order them from most to least important. Then develop a time plan for meeting them. Control your actions in order to make the most of your time. Learning to manage time means learning to manage yourself.



  65. Title: Time Management Skills


    Pages: 36


    Summary: Time Management skills are essential for successful people - these are the practical techniques which have helped the leading people in business, sport and public service reach the pinnacles of their careers. The skills explained in the articles below help you to become reliable and effective and show you how to identify and focus on the activities that give you the greatest returns. The section finishes by explaining goal-setting, which is a vitally important skill for achieving what you want to achieve with your life. While you are reading these articles, have a look at the time management book reviews, resources and stores on the sidebars - these will help you to develop your skills further and will support you in your regular use of time management skills.



  66. Title: Time Management

    Author: Marc Mancini

    Pages: 177


    Summary: The primary benefit to you, as you read and absorb the lessons here, will be an increase in your on-the-job productivity. But, like other books in the Briefcase Books series, Time Management is designed to provide you with far more than that. It's intended to assist you, as well, in helping your frontline staff refine their own time-management skills, in making their jobs easier, and in making them more productive. Even more, it will help you to apply the skills you learn to your life outside the workplace-to your home, your relationships with family and friends-in short, to your life in general. This book, as you'll discover, also covers a myriad of other topics that intersect with time management, like organization, efficiency, and goal setting for your personal life. Indeed, time management doesn't exist in a vacuum. It meshes into the very fabric of our daily lives. It goes to the core of how happy and fulfilling our days ought to be.



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