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Hire Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel For Your Upcoming Corporate Events in [MERGEFIELD1]


If you want your next corporate event to be truly spectacular, you'll want to invite Rick & Jewel out to [MERGEFIELD1], to make your day more magical and exciting. You'll find our shows to be one of the most uniquely creative and energetic shows available in the [MERGEFIELD1] area. Our shows combine magic, illusion, hilarious comedy and an upbeat positive message. Audiences in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and New York love our shows. We've also taken our corporate Motivational Magic shows out of the area to Massachusetts, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Florida, and Nevada. 


Call Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel Today!

Dial (610) 400-3348


Rick's Motivational Magic:


 “You Can Be Amazing.” is a captivating keynote package that not only entertains, but also inspires audiences to live life to the fullest. Rick's outgoing and playful personality energizes the session and stimulates higher levels of participation. Participants know that he truly cares about their growth and success, helping them to get from where they are now to where they want to be. Topics and teachings can be customized to fit the needs of your audiences. Rick's keynote, workshop and seminar topics include: 


* Developing Self-Esteem and Assertiveness
* Essential Elements of Customer Service
* Promoting Customer Service Excellence
* Dealing with Problematic People
* Coaching Your Staff to Peak Performance
* The Art of Running Highly Effective Meetings
* Negotiating for Win-Win Results
* Presentation Skills Boot Camp
* Speaking With Poise Under Pressure
* Overcoming your Fear of Public Speaking
* Building Relationships - Success in Sales
* Developing High Performance Teams


Rick's various skills and talents have delighted employees from a wide variety of companies and associations. He has received outstanding reviews from many organizations, such as:



Commonwealth Telephone
Naval Air Surface Warfare Center
Dale Carnegie
Door is Open Counseling Center
PECO Energy
Commonwealth Telephone Enterprises
Random House Publishing
Montclair State University
Credit Suisse First Boston
United States Marine Corps
Office of Fleet Management

City of Philadelphia
Gregory Bishop Productions
Burtley Productions, Inc.
Over The Edge Theatre Productions
Lord Abbett
The Vendare Group
Voyage House, Inc.

The Glenmede Trust Company
Stockard Shipping & Terminal Corporation

Pyramid Club
Franklin Research Center

Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Litvin, Blumberg, Matusow & Young
Krusen, Evans & Byrne

Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg, Ellers & Weir
Greenberg Traurig
Zarwin , Baum, Resnick & Cohen
Greenstein, Gorelick, Price, Silverman & Laveson
Krusen, Evans & Byrne

Spear, Wilderman, Sjgnlond, Borish, Endy and  


Prime Bank
Pennsylvania Prison Society

City of Philadelphia Prison System

Philadelphia Youth Study Center
Philadelphia Committee for the Homeless







Special Packages for [MERGEFIELD1]:


We create a motivational and magical experience at your location in [MERGEFIELD1] that takes you on a wild roller coaster ride of high energy fun, education, teaching and entertainment. You'll feel as if we brought a little bit of Las Vegas style magic right there to you and your special guests in [MERGEFIELD1].

Very skillful in connecting with our audiences, we creatively wield the power and intensity of the stage to revive the joy of wonder and amazement of magic shows. Your staff and employees in [MERGEFIELD1] will talk about this special event for months to come.





Motivational Magic:

Luncheon, Dinner or Special Awards Banquet Shows in [MERGEFIELD1]

A full cabaret style Motivational Magic show with appearing doves, a comical parrot that does card tricks, mind reading, teleportation of small objects, and levitations. We've combed the country to compile some of the best magic and illusions you will ever see in your lifetime. We are strong with audience participation and bringing up volunteers to participate in the show. There is nothing like the experience of magic happening right in your hands. You'll see that we work hard to create a unique experience unlike anything else you have ever seen.

Our fundamental belief in all of our Motivational Magic programs is that when people have a blast while attending our special events, and that your return on investment is above and beyond what you were even hoping for.


If you are preparing an awards or special employee recognition dinner for your company, Rick can customize some of the content to include several of your corporate philosophies.

Our Motivational Magic programs have a track record of producing consistently high ratings for our clients and loyal customers for more than 10 years. We have received many great comments and wonderful feedback when performing this show for  programs held at schools, colleges, professional associations and corporate events.


Call Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel Today!  Dial (610) 400-3348

If email is easier for you, contact us  here.

To hire Magicians Rick & Jewel for their Luncheon, Dinner or Special Awards Banquet Shows in [MERGEFIELD1] please click here.










Close-Up Inspirational Magic Shows in [MERGEFIELD1]

For a smaller and more intimate gathering, the Close-Up Magic Show enables your guests to have an evening full of wonder and astonishment. We have a long track record of creating a very unique entertainment experience for our audiences.


You will always see your guests sitting on the edge of their seats, completely drawn in as the magic happens right before their eyes and sometimes in their own hands. The Close-Up Magic Show is even more amazing because the magic happens with every day objects, such as coins, cards, light bulbs, paper clips, handkerchiefs, watches, dollar bills, rubber bands and all sorts of household items. For this reason, some people have said that close-up magic is some of the very best magic to be enjoyed.


Call Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel Today!  Dial (610) 400-3348

If email is easier for you, contact us  here.

To hire Magicians Rick & Jewel for their Close-Up Magic Shows in [MERGEFIELD1] please click here.







Educational and Inspirational School Assembly Magic Shows in [MERGEFIELD1]

Rick believes there is nothing more satisfying and more rewarding than that of being given the opportunity to influence and shape the minds of today's youth. "It is both a privilege and an honor", says Rick. To reach that goal, Rick employs a variety of tools, not just stage magic. He uses storytelling, demonstrations, metaphors and video, along with the stage magic, to drive home his key points in a way that has memorable impact.


The topics of these presentations can be customized to suit the goals and objectives for your school year. Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Achieving Scholastic Excellence

* How to Achieve Straight A's in School 

* Respecting and Embracing Those Who Are Different

* Stop Bullying and Become A More Healthy Leader

* Preparing for College and Life Beyond High School

Call Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel Today!  Dial (610) 400-3348

If email is easier for you, contact us  here.

To hire Magicians Rick & Jewel for their Educational and Inspirational School Assembly Magic Shows in [MERGEFIELD1] please click here.









Inspirational and Motivational Programs for College Students in [MERGEFIELD1]

Rick loves to teach college students all the wisdom that he has learned the hard way. Through extensive trial and error, and often comical mishaps, Rick shares the life lessons he has learned for achieving excellence as a college student. College is the most powerful experience that a young adult can undertake.  It can be difficult, yet rewarding. Overwhelming, yet incredibly satisfying. 


When Rick first went to college, he was a C and B student. He simply did not know how to study effectively. Later on he developed an extremely successful studying system. He designed his own software to aid in retention and reinforcement. While taking the pre-requisites to get into nursing school, Rick achieved straight A's for two years. In his second semester, he took on 20 credits and still kept straight A's. Not only that, but he rose to be the top ranking student in the most difficult scientific topics such as Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology 2, Chemistry 1 & 2 and Biology.  Rick  shares many life stories centered around college life that will encourage your college students to push forward for excellence in all areas of their college experience.


Rick can also provide assistance to your college by helping to drum up attendance for his speaking events on your campus. Rick can visit various areas on campus where students congregate and perform some of his attention getting feats to draw in a crowd and promote the campus speaking event. The topics of these presentations can be customized to suit the goals and objectives for your school year.

* College Orientation for the New Student

* How to Achieve Straight A's in College

* How to Stick it Out and Make Sure You Graduate

* Respecting and Embracing Those Who Are Different

* Learning Assertiveness vs. Bullying Others

* Highly Effective Stress Management During Your College Years

* How to Become a More Effective Leader

* Preparing for a Career in Nursing

* Preparing for Life Beyond College

Look for Rick's upcoming book, "How to Get Straight A's in College", where he shares his strategies of going from a B and C student -- to getting Straight A's!


Call Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel Today!  Dial (610) 400-3348

If email is easier for you, contact us  here.

To hire Magicians Rick & Jewel for their amazing Inspirational Speeches for College Students in [MERGEFIELD1] please click here.













Nurse Magic Learning Systems:

Inspirational and Educational Programs for Nurses and Administrative Staff

Let's face it, not many look forward to in-service programs, right? You'll find our approach very unique. We love to mix in a little theatrical magic to keep your audience drilled in and paying attention. A perfect choice as in-service programs for hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and doctor's offices. As a newly licensed nurse with 15+ years prior experience in the field of corporate training, Rick shares his insights gained from cross blending the two fields. Rick says, "There are many strategies in the corporate world that should be brought over to the world of nursing and medical care in hospitals. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, 'How can you do things the same way again and again for decades, and yet keep expecting to achieve better results?' As we see more people adopt second careers in nursing, we'll hopefully see the old unfruitful ways drop off and give way to greater efficiency of more modern times." 


One of the most common areas in hospitals that is grossly behind the times by at least 50 years is the rampant nurse-on-nurse bullying that is so commonplace in the world of nursing and healthcare. You see rampant bullying take place in a hospital or nursing home setting that would never be permissible in the corporate world. Over the past 10-15 years, many medical schools have implement policies against bullying, but not nursing schools. Bullying among nurses demolishes morale, reduces hospital productivity and increases employee absenteeism. Nurses eventually lose sight of the altruistic and selfless reasons they may have originally entered the field, and devolve into a nurse who just shows up to your hospital to collect a paycheck.


Another common bottleneck to hospital efficiency and productivity is the software automation in the workplace. Countless administrative tasks are completed manually by nurses and nursing staff that eats up scores of hours each month. Software in various departments are unable to connect to one another and share information between departments. Such time consuming manual tasks could be reduced to a fraction if they were to embrace the power of computer technology that they have already sitting around their offices.


The topics of these presentations can be customized to suit the goals and objectives for your facility. Topics include, but are not limited to:

* How to Stay Highly Motivated When You Feel Like Quitting

* Highly Effective Stress Management for Nurses and Support Staff

* Learning Assertiveness vs. Bullying Others

* How to Quickly Develop Rapport with your Patients

* Respecting and Embracing Those Who Are Different

* Effective Goal Setting Techniques

* How to Motivate Co-Workers and Subordinates

Call Motivational Speakers & Master Illusionists Rick & Jewel Today!  Dial (610) 400-3348

If email is easier for you, contact us  here.

To hire Magicians Rick & Jewel for their Inspirational and Educational Programs for Nurses and Administrative Staff in [MERGEFIELD1] please click here.
























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