10 Relapse Prevention Tips -the first 30 days
Author: Connie Carpenter
Soberity Savers ..
Relapse Prevention Tips to Help You Thru --
The First 30 Day's
1.) Grab a pen & paper. ...
Write day & date. Then write what's going on in that moment? in the second of clarity when you realize it's over, you cannot take 1 more second of the insanity that's become your life. What caused you too hit your bottom? what emotion's did you feel ? where were you ? who or what brought you to this place ? What did you see / hear ? write it all down.
This is vital to finally achieving success. Keep it close, guard it with your life. It may be the one thing between you & using ...again.
2) You need to be fully and completely committed....
It's your sobriety, their is Nothing more important. How much time and effort are you willing to put in to this ? You gave your addiction how long?? years, I'm guessing. Give yourself time to clear your head and shift gears. Please know that you don't need to do it all the first day.
You've hit bottom, admitted you were powerless & need help, now what?...
3.) Now you want to find a meeting ....
Whether AA NA CA -whatever you require; call 18007770987 for AA 1-800-627-3543for NA (regional east Conn) You can also find the numbers in the telephone book .Online google either the nae of the program your lookin for A.A., N.A. , ect... or 12 sep programs .. Tell the where you are located and they'll tell you where to go for a meeting in your area .web address also has an onlosay ine meeting schedule *** these are not to be a subsitute for daily face 2 face, may be used for extra or iminent relapse ***.,
4.)Go to meeting's !....
Just go & keep going. Today & every day Make no mistake, this is your life , its all or nothing. You cannot bargain nor debate .Change is the only option. GO to meeting's. You need to surround yourself with people in the same frame of mind, who have been there. Your environment is critical to supporting change . People places, things will only result in supporting your sobriety if sobriety is what you surround yourself with. You want & need support. Go and bring a pen.
How do you meet those who've been there ?
5.) After the meeting's don't rush out the door....
Get to know people who also want & need help staying clean. In case you didn't realize it , they are there also!! Listen to what they say . You will allot that's familiar. Do Not - leave your first meeting with out at least 2 phone numbers Walk up to someone ,(same sex only !) that you may have heard speak or looks like a friend , Hi, I'm Connie , I'm new, I'm hoping to get your number ." Just like that . They were new once too . You wont be turned down, unless the person is new too. In case YOU don't know ,you use it when you have a question, need a ride to a meeting, or most importantly, when a craving hits.
6.) Recall Life's Simple Pleasures....
Picture yourself on the beach collecting shells, or riding bikes, Can you draw or write ? All are Free, Sober, Fun !!. Their is also activities sponsored by the group's. Find a enjoyable way to spend your time. Remember how to have good times sober. As children, we always wanted to do ,be or try- something. Then we got sidetracked. Now, is your time to claim your life.
Here is one I hope you use. I know it's not always easy to keep up, but totally worth it.
7.) Start & keep a journal....
Now is the time to begin creating new habits. This is one thhat will reinforce the good habits you've began. Keep a record of the new thing's you see hear , feel. Make it a point to spend 30 min in the morning and set your intention. Read a thought for the day. You'll find it help's you remain centered & calm . At night you do a short inventory of your day. Did you go to a meeting? did you participate ? Were you good to yourself today? how could you have done more for yourself or another in recovery ? There's no need to worry about penmanship or spelling. This is for your eyes only.
OK your going to meetings, starting to reach out & ask help. By now the drug's, alcohol are out of your system. The fog is starting to lift , your eye's are clearer , you may even have caught yourself smiling once or twice. What Now ?
8.) You may feel blue....
You may feel you've lost a friend. A brief period of mourning is natural and common. Here's my advice .Turn the radio up as loud as you like (without disturbing the peace!!) then, CLEAN YOUR little heart out, the house, car ,your room, Clean your spot out .. you know the spot where you get high, drunk, do your thing .Get rid of your paraphernalia, any item's that assist or glorify your D.O.C ( Drug of choice) hat's ,t-shirt's , bumper sticker's.( you'll soon have more !) Clean all stash spots- even that one !! Any "tools" whatever - Get rid of it all! Have a friend from the program with you in case of a craving hits or you happen to find something .Don’t entertain it , flush it.
9.) Forgive yourself....
We all have done things to bring shame upon ourselves ,we did what it took and it wasn’t always pretty. Don’t be so hard on yourself. The good news is ; you can let that go. Embrace this whole heartedly. Being embarrassed & ashamed are all part of "hitting bottom" . We understood that it's not the values or standards you were raised with. We know thru experience ,with out your forgiving yourself , it will make you unable to ask or accept forgiveness when it is time to accept responsibility and make amends .YOU are the one fighting to stay in that chair ,night after night , and I promise sometime soon, you may even catching yourself smiling.
Perhaps the most important thing you may need to do to complete your first 30 day's of sobriety is
10.)Be good to your self,...
Take a nice hot bubble bath, get yourself that outfit you saw at the mall, or those shoes you've been dreaming of .You've earned it!!! Tenderness is key right now, when you are feeling like you could snap at any second, slow down, take a few breath's. realize you cannot be all things to all people. Find the strength to put your recovery first. Before anything or anyone, as it should to be. you'll never know when this chance is your last.
After a month or so of sobriety , you should be feeling some relief of the depression , if not, may I recommend some counseling with a professional. This will allow you to to move forward in your life with a clear psyche and your emotions intact. If you are dead set against therapy or unable to afford it I urge you strongly to raise your hands at meetings and share , share , share. Talk , allot, things have happened and you have been stuffing the emotions with chemicals for who knows how long? Truly forgive, it was not you , it was the drug's ,the situations the addiction. your the person fighting to keep your ass in that chair at those meeting's. THAT my friend, is you .
Remember, when you begin feeling better and you hear yourself say " I don't have time for a meeting today "That is exactly what your addiction wants you to hear. Think of all the times & ways you MADE time to serve your addiction's,----now you must serve you.
Fight for your sobriety ,Claim your life.
Trust me , Its worth it.
Good Luck and God Bless
I hope to see you on the other side ,
Then we'll talk about making 60 .
Connie Carpenter, author, Life& Recovery Coach & founder of Carpenter Life Coaching Services has over 10 years experince with 12 step programs , she specializes in collabrating with clients to develop a personalized RELAPSE PREVENTION PLAN tailored to their individual lifestyles .Allowing them to purse the dream of a life of soberity success & serenity . Living in Connecticut with her husband and 2 of her children still at home .Connie enjoys reading , shopping , and only recently discovered a passion for writing .If you or anyone you love could use a partner in relapse prevention ,She would love to hear from you at;
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