Beyond Anon: The Next 12 Steps
Author: Jyude A. Allbright
Some 65 years ago, Bill Wilson the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, proclaimed that during one of his darkest times, “a bright light” appeared to him with the 12 Steps of AA, offering him sobriety. And since that date, millions have found help through the program! Likewise, there have been many who have walked away because they instinctively could not accept the first step.
Today, as we bask in the millennium energy, many people are coming to realize that they, themselves, are totally in charge of their thoughts and that those thoughts are creating their perceptions of life. Those same people know deep within their hearts that the traditional first step, as it is interpreted today, negates their soul power, and the spiritual concept that what we believe about ourselves becomes self-fulfilling.
What if the first Step was never meant to say that we were powerless over alcohol? Rather, what if Bill Wilson neglected to include a very significant word, “thought,” simply because he thought it was not important? Then the step would have read, “We thought we were powerless over alcohol--that our lives had become unmanageable.” Wouldn’t that simple revision give us back our responsibility for creating our addiction, knowing it would deter us from our path--to show us that we were sidestepping? Wouldn’t it also be the ultimate satisfaction--to recognize that we created something to know that we could recreate it to something grander?
I’m wondering how many times you have sat at tables and have heard repeated over and over, “I am powerless over ...” And, have you been aware how the original first step is being misused? Wasn’t it written in the past tense (“were”) and now misinterpreted to be stated in the present (“am”)?
In declaring we are powerless, we get to blame something outside of ourselves for our problems and our payoff becomes not having to take full responsibility for our choices. Wouldn’t that kind of belief also give us permission to blame God, however we perceive him or her and think that Higher Power is punishing us for our wrongdoings? Might this kind of thinking create guilt, anger, depression and despair? However, in believing we were powerless, we then get the option to change that belief and become responsible.
This does not mean that addictions are wrong. There is no right and wrong to it; our addictions simply show us that we have choices. If we want a lifetime of not honoring our soul’s desires, that’s okay because our souls will continue bringing situations into our lives to remind us that we said we would do certain things to enhance this place when we came. After all, we are souls having a human experience!
Wouldn’t that realization help addicted people understand that they did create their addictions to show them that they really didn’t need them? Unless we experience what we don’t want, it might be difficult to see what we really do want. Once we accept that we really did call our addictions to ourselves for a higher purpose, then we can release them and the belief system surrounding them. We really can’t let go of something until we admit we have it. Then, the denial would have to leave and could be replaced with new thoughts.
We all have a divine purpose and that is to grow spiritually, make a distinct, loving contribution to this world, and realize that our thoughts are creating our lives and this planet. Many of us have neglected to use those thoughts in an empowering way. Perhaps, NOW is the time to re-empower ourselves and live in our integrity!
What if the following Soul Steps contained the message for the miracle healing we have all been awaiting?
The Soul Steps:
1. We admitted we were powerful beings--that we created our addictions so our lives appeared to be unmanageable.
2. Came to remember that a Power greater than ourselves could help us release our misperceptions about our own sanity.
3. Made a decision to once again return to our Source as we understand it and reconnect with our soul’s desires.
4. Admitted we were afraid to take our own personal inventory but did so in a powerful way.
5. Admitted to our Source. ourselves and others, the exact nature of our misperceptions.
6. Were entirely ready to allow ourselves with the help of our Source to release our misperceptions that we were in some way defective.
7. Humbly asked the Source to help us reconnect with our true power.
8. Made a list of all persons we thought we harmed, especially ourselves, and became willing to release those thoughts and be freed from old beliefs.
9. Made direct amends to anyone we believe we harmed.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and made appropriate behavior changes as needed.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with our Source, asking for our soul to be in charge.
12. Having realized that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, we carry this message of power to those with addictions that they may also wake up to their true destiny.
Jyude Allbright’s dream is to be “the soul instrument” to initiate Soul Steps internationally so all people can freely benefit from these “next” steps. She is asking for help from anyone aligning with her truths. The above Soul Steps are taken from her book, Soul Steps...Power Stepping to Recovery available at amazon.com or at Bright Writing, 954-785-0445.
Jyude Allbright is a "Relationship Makeover Artist" and author who draws on her own outrageous experiences as a single parent, divorced female, substance abuse counselor, spiritual teacher, and Neuro-Linguisitic Programming Practitioner. She has recently birthed her new book, SoulSteps...Power Stepping to Recovery, based on soul power rather than the traditional Alcoholics Anonymous belief of "powerlessness." She believes she is the "soul instrument" to get these next 12 steps out to the recovering community for those who are ready to take their next leap in personal power. Jyude can be reached at Bright Writing, PO Box 1116, Pompano Beach, FL 33061, 954-785-0445 or emailed at JudyAngel88@aol.com