Getting Angry?
Author: Venkatesan G.V.
Day in and day out, we see ourselves in a situation that we get upset over things that don't happen in our way. We wait for somebody, he doesn't turn up. We visit some guy, he is not at home. Some fella assures that he will call on us at exactly 8 o' clock, but the gentleman never turns up, and so on. These are the things that we face in our day-to-day life.
When things don't go as we wish them to, our blood pressure goes up, eyes redden, body trembles, and all symptoms show up that we are not in our wits. We not only make a hell of ourselves, but also make the others surround us feel sad, by our gimmicks.
Particularly, on working days, when a guy is late for his duty, his household will be turned upside down. He will search for things frantically that may not be there. He will pull up his socks and phone up his colleague to pick him up at his doorsteps, but he may not pick up the phone. His son will complain of stomach pain or something, his wife is upset with the color selection of his necktie. All these, we see in the mornings of a duty day. On week ends, this even gets worse. He will plan to do a lot of household chores on the week end, but nothing will fructify. He would be planning to dust off his altar and keep his house tidy. But, his friend and family would call on him and the whole day would be lost. At the end of the day, after a heavy chatting only, he would realise that the day is over. Once he turns back and sees his untidy house, our poor fella would once again be upset.
What to do? How to come out of this messy life? The answer is not as simple to be told in a line or even a paragraph. However, I would try to give some practical tips which I have myself tried in my life and found to be useful.
First, plan your things for the next day, the earlier day itself, when you relax at the end of the day. Put them in writing and read them before going to bed and after getting up. This will ensure that you act upon some sort of schedule. This will also unmess things. Though the things may not act exactly as you schedule them, you can atleast ensure that some of your activities are done as you desire. If some distraction comes in between, just ward them off without any mercy. This may be in the form of your close friend or your mother-in-law (!).
Next, believe strongly that by getting upset, nothing is goin' to change. On the other hand, you upset your mood and your health in turn. When things go outa your hand, relax and say withing yourself, 'Okay, I tried my best, now let me wait and see what happens.' This may sound as a resigned attitude, let me assure you it isn't.
Another thing we have to keep in mind is that by shouting at others, we worsen the situation. So, rather than letting the water boil, we can just take a deep breath for 3 to 5 minutes and force ourselves to keep mum. At the end of the 5th minute, your thinking clarity might have improved. You can avoid any verbal duel or fiery debate. When your mind and mood settle down, you may understand the reason on the other side. This may help to a great extent.
Another important thing is that generally, arguments take place over financial things mostly, like purchase of things, spending on some vacation, etc., So, if you plan your finances neatly, and handle your sources well, you can avoid getting upset.
Though the above points may not be exhaustive and situations may differ, you can apply the core principles given above and reduce your tense moments.
All the best ! ! !
Hi, I am working for the Central Government in India. I find Self Growth.com to be innovative and informative. I want to share my experiences with fellow netizens.