Why Sit Here Until I Die?
Author: Audrina J. Bunton
The bible tells a story about four men who sat at the entrance of the city's gate dying with leprosy, an incurable disease which causes terribly visible swelling and sores on the skin, only then to eat inward to the bones. These lepers sat outside of the city because they were not permitted to live within the city because of this contagious and incurable disease. These men were faced with a fatal disease, they were outcasts, and they were starving because of a feminine in the land. Such a dark and gloomy life and no perceived future would make the average person throw in the towel and just give up on life - but not these men.
Why am I like I am?
Author: Rev. Keala Richardson
Who among us has not at some point in their lives raised
What is Abuse?
Author: Sam Vaknin
Abusers exploit, lie, insult, demean, ignore (the "silent treatment"), manipulate, and control.
Victim Mentality
Author: Barbara Baker
How would you answer this question: I am out of my abuse and have moved on with my life. There is something that I have been wondering about. How and when does the abuse stop playing a significant part of my life? I have seen others who have moved on and I would like to know how they did it.
Victim Mentality - Part 2
Author: Barbara Baker
In a previous article I talked about survivors who are unable to move on with their lives and/or having the attitude that everything that is wrong in their life is the result of another person. In that article it was discussed about how important forgiving yourself is so you can move on.
Traumas as Social Interactions
Author: Sam Vaknin
("He" in this text - to mean "He" or "She").
To know
Author: Elena M. Calabrese
To know defeat, to recognize you have hit bottom, that you are at a point in your life filled with disgust, is an accomplishment in itself. To know this also means you know inside that there is an opposite to this dispare. To know you are weak at this moment is the first grain of strength. The fight to the top is only as hard as you make it, remember how easy it was to hit bottom. Set your top within sight and when you get there, even if it means looking down from where you came. Take a deep breath and look up again setting another top within reach. Keep that gut wrenching memory, that dispare behind you, lurking in the shadows so it reminds you to walk in the light.
To do or Die!
Author: Ashleigh Stewart
My experience of being involved in a 2 year long relationship that was based on me being abused mentally and emotionally left me to question why I remained to be involved in that relationship, allowing myself to be mistreated in such a way.
Time for Healing!
Author: Joseph Ghabi
Time for Healing
The Sexual Abuse of Children
Author: J. Bailey Molineux
J. Bailey Molineux
The Psychology of Torture
Author: Sam Vaknin
There is one place in which one's privacy, intimacy, integrity and inviolability are guaranteed - one's body, a unique temple and a familiar territory of sensa and personal history. The torturer invades, defiles and desecrates this shrine. He does so publicly, deliberately, repeatedly and, often, sadistically and sexually, with undisguised pleasure. Hence the all-pervasive, long-lasting, and, frequently, irreversible effects and outcomes of torture.
The Psychology of Torture
Author: Sam Vaknin
There is one place in which one's privacy, intimacy, integrity and inviolability are guaranteed - one's body, a unique temple and a familiar territory of sensa and personal history. The torturer invades, defiles and desecrates this shrine. He does so publicly, deliberately, repeatedly and, often, sadistically and sexually, with undisguised pleasure. Hence the all-pervasive, long-lasting, and, frequently, irreversible effects and outcomes of torture.
The Malignant Optimism of the Abused
Author: Sam Vaknin
I often come across sad examples of the powers of self-delusion that the narcissist provokes in his victims. It is what I call "malignant optimism". People refuse to believe that some questions are unsolvable, some diseases incurable, some disasters inevitable. They see a sign of hope in every fluctuation. They read meaning and patterns into every random occurrence, utterance, or slip. They are deceived by their own pressing need to believe in the ultimate victory of good over evil, health over sickness, order over disorder. Life appears otherwise so meaningless, so unjust and so arbitrary...
The Longest Road: Finding Peace With the Past
Author: Maureen Lyttle
The Longest Road: Finding Peace With the Past
Author: Maureen Lyttle
The Banned Lecture- Modern Day Vampires on Inet
Author: Rev. S.C. Raven
The Banned Lecture
The Banned Lecture- Modern Day Vampires on Inet
Author: Rev. S.C. Raven
The Banned Lecture
Rebuilding Relationships with Your Family
Author: Judy Tso
Tips for Gaining Back Trust and Intimacy with Parents and Family Members
Sexual Abuse. A Story From A Survivor.
Author: Fatimah Musa
Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave me more candies when I went to his grocery shop. He always did. But I did not understand why he likes to touch and pinch my cheek.
Author: Danish Ahmed
Back in 1976, my family was living in Pakistan, where I was conceived. My dad had borrowed just enough money to fly himself to Canada. It took him four years before he could save up the money to fly my mom and my five siblings to Canada as well. So, I had absolutely no communication with my dad until I came to Canada at the age of four.
Mourning the Narcissist
Author: Sam Vaknin
At the commencement of the relationship, the Narcissist is a dream-come-true. He is often intelligent, witty, charming, good looking, an achiever, empathetic, in need of love, loving, caring, attentive and much more. He is the perfect bundled answer to the nagging questions of life: finding meaning, companionship, compatibility and happiness. He is, in other words, ideal.
Mental Abuse - The Seven Most Important Things To Know
Author: Annie Kaszina
1. Sticks and stones won’t break my bones” – and words won’t leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash.
Author: Piercarla Garusi, Life & Career Coach
Life Coaching is all about the present and the future; it is all about taking control of our lives, now, and creating the future we want. It is not about analysing events of the past or going back to old emotions. But it is true that what we are today is the result of what we have experienced, and we need to let go of the past, to resolve it fully, in order to free ourselves, take control of our lives, empower ourselves and create our future.
Leaving The Child Behind. Recovery From Child Abuse.
Author: Fatimah Musa
I looked at my father for the last time before he was finally laid to rest. And I said to myself, "I forgive you father".
Incest and Child Sexual Abuse: Definitions, Perpetrators, Victims, and Effects
Author: Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist
Incest and Child Sexual Abuse: Definitions, Perpetrators, Victims, and Effects
Incest and Child Sexual Abuse: Definitions, Perpetrators, Victims, and Effects
Author: Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist
Incest and Child Sexual Abuse: Definitions, Perpetrators, Victims, and Effects
I want You to Know
Author: Charlene Henry Kenon
Charlene Henry Kenon
Healing from Sexual Abuse
Author: Carol Tuttle
One of the greatest obstacles survivors of sexual abuse can face is the amount of denial they experience from perpetrators and even loved ones who doubt their experience could have happened.
Healing from Sexual Abuse
Author: Carol Tuttle
One of the greatest obstacles survivors of sexual abuse can face is the amount of denial they experience from perpetrators and even loved ones who doubt their experience could have happened.
Facilitating Narcissism
Author: Sam Vaknin
"The new narcissist is haunted not by guilt but by anxiety. He seeks not to inflict his own certainties on others but to find a meaning in life. Liberated from the superstitions of the past, he doubts even the reality of his own existence. Superficially relaxed and tolerant, he finds little use for dogmas of racial and ethnic purity but at the same time forfeits the security of group loyalties and regards everyone as a rival for the favours conferred by a paternalistic state. His sexual attitudes are permissive rather than puritanical, even though his emancipation from ancient taboos brings him no sexual peace. Fiercely competitive in his demand for approval and acclaim, he distrusts competition because he associates it unconsciously with an unbridled urge to destroy. Hence he repudiates the competitive ideologies that flourished at an earlier stage of capitalist development and distrusts even their limited expression in sports and games. He extols cooperation and teamwork while harbouring deeply antisocial i
Drunk Driving
Author: David Hill
Drunk driving involvement in fatal motor-vehicle crashes is on the rise. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, alcohol was involved in 41 percent of fatal crashes in 1995. Between 1982 and 1993, 266,291 deaths in the United States were alcohol related - one fatality every 30 minutes. How about trying a Breathalyzer. What if friends started to talk about drunk driving?
Don’t Know What You Want in Life? Play a Game.
Author: Kate Hufstetler
Have you ever said any of the following:
Does Your Childhood Hold You Back?
Author: Jo Ball
Have you come to a point in your life and got stuck and unable to move on?
Do words really hurt?
Author: Angela Renee Baker
Have you ever been told by someone that you love or by someone of higher authority that words don’t hurt? Have you been told that as long as you are not being hit, that it is ok to be abused?
Cutting: The New Teen Anorexia
Author: Dawn Miller
Bizarre. Worry. Pain. Shame. They’re just a few of the words that come to mind to describe the past few weeks in our stepfamily. We found out recently that my 14 year-old stepdaughter is cutting herself. It’s been very hard for her and for all of us. I’m writing this column because we hope it will help other families dealing with this problem seek help and treatment.
Author: Lisa Raphael
I was well into a busy private practice when I first read we teach best what we most need to learn. I was sure it did not apply to me. I had become a counselor to help others, not myself, and was trained to be objective in my work. If a disproportionate number of patients seemed to have issues with anger during a week that I was upset with my husband, it was attributed to coincidence, or something in the air, or the cycle of the moon. What could my personal issues possibly have to do with the content of my clients?counseling sessions?
Coping With Your Abuser
Author: Sam Vaknin
How to cope with your abuser?
Coping With Your Abuser
Author: Sam Vaknin
How to cope with your abuser?
Author: Sarah Binding
When most people hear the word bullying they automatically think of bullying in schools. However there is another kind of bullying that is happening every day and all over the country. Bullying in the work place is all too common and it is a very frightening and isolating experience for those who suffer at the hands of the bullies. Victims are made to feel frightened, useless, and full of shame and embarrassment. Being bullied at work can lead to depression, anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, complete loss of self confidence, panic attacks, withdrawal, many various health problems, and in some cases suicidal feelings or actual suicide.
Are You A Hopium Addict?
Author: Annie Kaszina
Are You A ‘Hopium Addict?’
All 12 Steppers Need Original Source Material
Author: Anne Wayman
No matter what 12 Step group you belong to, or what addiction/dysfunction you're dealing with, it's imperative you use the original 12 Step source material as well as whatever literature your group provides.
Alcoholics Anonymous and Artist Way
Author: Scott Samson
I just had acquired 6 months of sobriety after relasping from alcohol addiction. Before that I had three years sobriety. I utilized approved psychotropic medication and now my sponsor had me go off it. I relapsed. Now she tells me, even though I have a play production and possible readings at a major regional theater planned, to stop writing and find a "hobby" like going to AA meetings. I go to 10-14 meetings a week. I read my big book.
Abuse Me, Lose Me
Author: richard jones
It's usually much easier to get into an abusive relationship than to get out of it. Everything from fear of retaliation to feeling helpless can make it difficult for a victim of abuse to sever ties with the abuser. Things like unemployment, underemployment, codependency, and not wanting the children to suffer (though they probably already are!) can also make it extremely hard for the victim to simply walk away. And in dire cases, the pernicious prospect of being publicly humiliated or perhaps even murdered by the abuser might paralyze the victim.
A New Definition of Abuse
Author: Alan C. Walter
Alan C. Walter
A Definition of the Word Abuse
Author: Kerrith H. (Kerry) King
A Definition of the Word Abuse" is excerpted from The Spouse Abuse Tutorial located at .
$ 12 and 90 minutes to change your life !
Author: Kate Hufstetler
Have you ever listened to self hypnosis tapes? Or listened repeatedly to certain music that carried a specific message? Or what about, have you attended weekly services within a specific religious venue?
10 Benefits of Having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Author: ADD Management Coach Jennifer Koretsky
There is a common misconception in the world that having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a bad thing. While the ADD-wired brain certainly presents some challenges, it also offers some incredible benefits. The following is a list of characteristics that I consistently see in my clients, friends, and colleagues with ADD.