You are a Perfect You
Author: Dave Schmitz-Binnall
Women with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD): a Job From Hell
Author: Sarah Jane Keyser
What does it mean for a woman to have Attention Deficit with or without hyperactivity (AD/HD)?
Winnning Words For a Winning Website
Author: Oscar Bruce
Winning Words for A Winning Web Site - by Oscar Bruce / AKA / Doctor Oscar
Whose Fault Was It Anyway?
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach
One of the hardest things for some people to do is to accept the blame for something they did, as in admit they made a mistake. This has to do with authenticity, with being honest with yourself, and with your self-esteem. Perfectionists have the hardest time owning up to a mistake; in fact they would think that way, "owning
When the Seas of Life Get Stormy, Use These Tips to Ride the Waves to Fun and Happiness
Author: Susan Dunn
When the sea of life gets stormy, how can you stay shipshape and ride the waves?
What You Don't Know About Junk Science Can Harm You
Author: Dr. Irving David Shapiro
Who in America hasn’t seen at least one billboard making the claim that secondhand smoke kills? A claim presumably based upon scientific analysis. Believing that it’s not possible to make such an analysis, I began to wonder how such a claim could even arise. And then I remembered a story that might explain the whole thing.
What the Smart Vacationer Knows
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach
VACATION 101. It’s about having fun, peace of mind, not working and not worrying. Do these things and increase those chances! And remember that the watchword today is not that it changes, but how fast it changes.
What Does an Innate Strength Look Like ?
Author: Susan Dunn
Martin Seligman, Ph.D., noted Optimism researcher, who’s now studying Authentic Happiness, has proposed that one of the surest paths to happiness is to know your signature strengths and build your life around them, particularly if it’s in a way that has meaning to you.
What Do You Prize Most in Mid-life?
Author: Craig Nathanson
The big question: What’s really important?
Walking the Talk of Cells
Author: Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Walking the Talk of Cells
Twenty-One Steps to Discover and Do What You Love with Your Life's Work!
Author: Craig Nathanson
Twenty-One Steps to Discover and Do What You Love with Your Life's Work!
Transformational Principles of Excellent Team Players
Author: Manoj Sharma
“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” - Rosalynn Carter
Traits of People with Good Intuition
Author: Susan Dunn, Professional Coach
Intuition is a great emotional intelligence competency to have. It expedites decisions and is a very sure way of knowing. It also helps us stay safe.
Traits of Highly Intuitive People
Author: Susan Dunn
Want to be more intuitive? From an extensive study of intuitive people reported by Belleruth Naparstek in "Your Sixth Sense," this is what the highly intuitive person is likely to look like.
Top Ten Strategies for Getting Things Done with ADD
Author: Bonnie Mincu, Personal and Business Coach
Top Ten Strategies for Getting Things Done with ADD
To Blink or not to Blink?
Author: Bob Cannon
Malcolm Gladwell, author of Tipping Point, has gone to the Best Seller list once more with his new book Blink. I don’t want to take anything away from Malcolm because he is a proven best selling author, but how does it happen that a book about decision-making rises to the status of best seller when there are dozens of other books on the subject that never seem to get much past the list of required reading for students?
There is a shortage of GOOD copywriters!
Author: Don Pagan
There is a shortage of GOOD copywriters. Copywriting is as far from academic writing as you can get, and YOU don't have to be a writer at all to learn to be a top-notch copywriter. What YOU need are the fundamental secrets, a few tricks of the trade, and the right contacts.
The Worst Thing to be Addicted To
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life and EQ Coach
Shelley is worried about her financial situation. She has a home business that seems promising but is still barely producing and her credit card bills are starting to pile up. She picks up the newspaper to look at the want ads, thinks about doing some marketing for her home business, wonders which is the best course of action or if she should do both, and then decides to have a cigarette and clean the house.
The Void
Author: Lisa Raphael
Most of us spend the first half of our lives getting busier and busier. There is so much to do! Get and education, establish a career, create a home, manage a family - by the time most women reach mid-life, we have not a moment to ourselves. We are busy meeting others’ expectations.
The Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Live as if There Is No Tomorrow
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach
In Memoriam, Thomas Leonard, the Founder of Coaching, who died February 11, 2003
The Top 10 Ways to Get Organized
Author: Susan Dunn
Studies show that most New Year’s resolutions are broken by January 15th. Getting organized is most people’s number one priority, yet it never seems to happen. Here are the top 10 ways to get organized.
The Top 10 Very Useful or Necessary Things For Anyone Over Age 30 To Have Or To Know
Author: Dennis R. Tesdell
After age 25-30, depending on marital status and other things, it becomes more and more helpful to have and to know certain things. Some are practical and some make sense from a life planning standpoint. The following are suggested for anyone over age 30, single or married, male or female, "wealthy" or of more "average" means.
The Roses Won't Be There to Smell if You Don't Do the Weeding
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology
Saul's mastered enjoying life and smelling the roses, but his job is in jeopardy because he doesn’t get enough done, and so is his marriage, for the same reason.
The Question Freud Couldn't Answer
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, The EQ Coach
Have you received “King Arthur’s Dilemma: A Wise Lesson for All Men to Learn” in your email? (I have no idea to whom to attribute it.)
The Grinberg Method
Author: Michelle Ron
The Grinberg Method / Michelle Ron*
The Broken Window
Author: Anand Ghurye
The Broken Window Concept says that the most tiny but visible part of your personality can be most effective improvement tool if you show that you care .In other words the God is in the details .
Thanksgiving, an Occasion of Civilized Dining
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, cEQc, The EQ Coach™
The days of dining by plucking fruit from trees and roasting small animals over the fire, eating with fingers, and perhaps fighting with others over the scraps are long gone. Or are they?
Thanksgiving, an Occasion of Civilized Dining
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, cEQc, The EQ Coach™
The days of dining by plucking fruit from trees and roasting small animals over the fire, eating with fingers, and perhaps fighting with others over the scraps are long gone. Or are they?
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
When you gather with your family this Thanksgiving and experience the joy and the pain ... those who loved you and those who wounded you and still do, those who hurt you and those who healed you and still do, those who gave you hope and snuffed out your dreams and still do, those who picked you up and those who let you down and still do, those who kept promises and those who broke promises and still do, those who make you laugh and those who make you cry, those who comfort you and those who disturb you ... when you see those human faces ... joyous, angry, sad, bitter, broken, happy, hopeful, lost ... the young, the strong, the old, the weak ... remember that you will be all of these things one day ... and keeps these words of Mother Theresa in your heart:
Author: Eva Dahm, Coach Catalyst, Certified Personal Coach
We are too often in our heads or running around like crazy. We are missing out on the connection that is most important to our sustained energy and our physical well-being. To be grounded you must feel your feet resting on the earth and receiving energy from the earth. A grounded person is “in the moment”--aware of their thoughts and of the people around them.
Stress and its impact on wellness
Author: Heather Johnstone PhD RN CS NP
Stress has many definitions due to its myriad of applications. For this description we will be utilizing a psychological definition. So stress is any mentally or emotionally disruptive event either positive or negative( I am placing eustress, happy or positive disruptive event, in this category, since for our working purposes they are the same). Stress events cause that flight or fight response and the body's clock speeds up, This is fine when the stress is an episodic event and the changes in the body are transient. However, when the stress is chronic, the changes are prolonged and then we have real trouble for our bodies.
Author: H. Bernard Wechsler
We offer excerpts, commends and paraphrased quotes from *Evelyn Wood (1909-1995)
Sniffing Out Mindfulness: Your Nose Knows
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
A nose is a funny thing.
Sir Isaac Newton and his Diamond in the Ruff
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
I've been looking forward to writing this article because Sir Isaac Newton personifies some of the outstanding introvert characteristics that you can learn to prize in yourself, your introverted child or your introverted lover.
Simplifying Your Existence ... In Search of the Good Life
Author: Edward B. Toupin
I hear many people distress about their need to simplify their lives and "move to the mountains." Their desire is to eliminate all of the things that cause them stress and move into a less hectic, and more gentle, lifestyle. They want the dream of solitude and calm with easy living. However, simplifying your life does not necessarily mean selling everything and moving to a mountain cabin. I've done it, and it's not that easy. It's expensive, alienating, and difficult. Human beings are not meant to live alone; however, sometimes it seems as if that is the only way to survive.
Seminar !st March London - It's My Life
Author: Graeme Hoppitt
It’s My Life
"Self-Quiz: Are You A Stupid Space Cadet?"
Author: Rhiannon Hill
(c) Rhiannon Hill. All Rights Reserved.
Self-Care for Adults with ADD: Put On Your Oxygen Mask
Author: ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky
Take a moment to think about what happens when you get on an airplane. Before the plane takes off, the flight attendants outline safety procedures and inform you that, should the oxygen masks drop down, you must put yours on before you help anyone else. This is an excellent metaphor for self-care.
Retire Quickly - premier personal and business services
Author: Berend Lange
This personal note is to invite you to visit my personal website and to give you a brief overview of a company that I believe can have a tremendous impact on our futures.
RAISING A PARENT - “Congratulations…It’s a girl!”
Author: Jill Interland Press
Over the years, many people have asked why the title of my book is Raising A Parent-A “How To” Guide to Survival? So, in case you too are wondering, let me explain with the following story.
Plant A Garden in Your Soul This Spring
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Have you considered having a personal rebirth this spring, recreating your life, planting new seeds to bring about a different harvest? A coach can help you do this.
Planning for Success? Don't Leave Out the Most Important Ingredient!
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., the EQ Coach
According to research by Martin Seligman, Ph.D., pessimists are more often right, but optimists accomplish more. Optimism is an emotional intelligence competency, can be learned, and it can be twice as important to your success and happiness as your IQ. Take a look at some of this exciting research!
Okay, So Now I’m Supposed to Develop My Intuition? How Does That Work?”
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
“Intuition is vital to the empowered employee,” says Garrett Boone, CEO of the Container Store, in “Fast Company,” but intuition certainly doesn’t come to the unprepared mind. The more knowledgeable you are, the better informed you are, the better prepared you are to use your intuition.”
Multiculturalism: The New Reality
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Multiculturalism is a reality in the US and for those of us who do business globally. The US has more legal immigrants yearly than all the other countries in the world combined.
Multicultural Chaos
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
There we were, newly married, living thousands of miles from either of our homes, in Durham, NC where he was in medical school. My husband was from Texas, and I was from the North Shore of Chicago. We came from two different cultures ourselves, and now were together in a new one. It turned out to be culture shock on top of culture shock as we adjusted to each other, and to the cosmopolitan student body at Duke Medical School.
Mindfulness and Retirement: Time To Play
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
I have a 17-year-old daughter who is finishing up a year in Vitoria, Brazil. She's been having the time of her life in a gorgeous coastal city with the beaches of her dreams and the cute guys to match. What's not to like?
Mindfulness and Curiosity: Inspiring Affection
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." -------Albert Einstein
Mind Mapping: Recall and Creativity Naturally!
Author: Ed Strachar
Mind mapping (or mindmapping) is a system of recall and idea creation that has proven very effective and has been adopted by many in the accelerated learning and business communities due to its ease and effectiveness.
Men In High Places
Author: Nash
Men in high-status positions are expected to execute certain tasks and behaviors in a superior manner. Just like James Bond who readily knows how to do everything and nothing, you need useful skills in order to become a suave "Jack of all trades." Use the following list in order to acquire the skills necessary to embody the essence of a successful man.
Massage Your Mind!: Beardless Philosophy for Daily Living
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
I read a quote in one of those celebrity columns recently that just blew me away. It’s not that I believe everything I read, especially when it comes to Hollywood, but for the sake of discussion, let’s assume that the quote was correctly stated.
Making It A ÒHappyÓ New Year
Author: Marc F. Kern, Ph.D.
The new year is the cultural icon for self-reflection. At what we've accomplished, and what still needs to be addressed; to reflect on what's working and what isn't. You may say, I need to address my drinking, or my weight, being better to my children, or whatever it is. But bottom line, we strive annually to Òtake stockÓ and to Òfeel betterÓ this time next year.
Make New Year's Resolutions That Work This Year
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Making resolutions means resolving to do something, committing to do something. In Emotional Intelligence terms this is called Intentionality. It means saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. What are your intentions for your life this coming year? What do you intend to do to make this happen?
Love & EQ--The "Geek" we all, eh, love...
Author: Brenda Smith
You know might have one working for you... you may even be in love with one...or, maybe you is one...
Let It Be
Author: Gabriel Raam
The authentic person does not try to be the executor, the mover or the causing factor of his life. He is rather a listener and a responder to his life, thus, allowing that which is bound to be - to be. He does not wish to be the playwright of his life, but rather the pen and the paper. His wish is to be the manifestation stage for his inborn potential.
Laughing Toward Truth: Six Tips for Lighthearted Thinkers
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
Do you believe in the power of your convictions?
Lady Will Power ... It's Now or Never: An EQ Tale
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
If you’re familiar with the lyrics to “Lady Will Power,” by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, you understand this woman is under some pressure.
Is Emotional Intelligence Just the Fad du Jour?
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
“I’ve been doing this for 15 years,” Annette told me. “It just wasn’t called this.” I was explaining to a counselor in Australia about the field of emotional intelligence, and she was sure she’d found it first. Likely you'll feel the same way.
Introduction to the Fourth Way
Author: Kevin Roberts RMT
Introduction to the Fourth Way
How to Stay Motivated in Hard Times
Author: Susan Dunn
A few years ago, psychologist Al Siebert, who's studied resilience and is the author of "The Survivor Personality: Why Some People Are Stronger, Smarter and More Skillful at Handling Life's Difficulties" (
How to Make Your Single Guest Comfortable at the Holidays
Author: Susan Dunn, Professional Coach
Whether you've invited a military person, divorced friend, friend whose children are holidaying with their other parent, or a widowed or widowered parent or friend to your table for the holidays -- when everyone else is paired -- here are some things you can do to make your single guest more comfortable. Use your intuition as to what will work with whom! It's the emotionally intelligent thing to do.
How to Learn What You Need to Learn in Order to Succeed
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach
It used to be a college education was enough, and then you would learn a few job skills and be on your way. People often stayed in the same job, much less career, for their entire working life.
How to Become Change-Proficient
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
In today's fast-changing world, there's hardly a more important emotional intelligence competency to have than resilience.
How to Beat Procrastination
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, cEQc, The EQ Coach
“In the time you spent complaining about this, Susan, you
How To Be The Perfect Guest
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach
Being a good guest is important to both your business and your social life.
How to Be A Good Guest
Author: Susan Dunn, Professional Coach
Being a good guest isn't a passive affair. It means actively participating in making the party or gathering a success. There are certain people I like to invite to anything I give because I know they'll show up and leave on time, they'll be able to talk to anyone, and they'll help me with little things that keep the party flowing and going. They just make a positive contribution!
How is Coaching Different from Therapy?
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
“Oh,” said Bob, after listening to me explain what I do, “So coaching’s like therapy for healthy people?”
Author: Rinatta Paries
Do you have repeating relationship patterns? Do you attract the same kinds of people again and again? Do you wonder why you can't find available partners? Do you complain that you can't meet anyone? Do you have relationships that only last a few dates? Are you suffering with some other relationship gripe?
Grow You're Presenting Skills Continually
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., Professional Marketing Coach
For most people, public speaking is a challenge, but even once you’ve mastered the techniques, and the part about just getting up there, you're work isn’t done.
Grasso, Kennedy, Frost, Public Service and You
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
“Something we were withholding made us weak/Until we found out that it was ourselves," wrote Robert Frost, in "The Gift Outright." Frost recited this poem at John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961.
Graceful Guidlines for Sexual Healing
Author: Michael Picucci, Ph.D., MAC
Graceful Guidelines for Sexual Healing
Go on ! Hug your Enemy
Author: Robina Hearle
Go On ! Give your Enemy a hug!
for such a time as this
Author: ogunmekan titilola
ogunmekan titilola
Five Surprisingly Hip Political Ideas From Plato
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
Don't you love politics?
Extra - Extra Read About An Extraordinary Online Strength Test
Author: William Cook
I want to start off by being a little playful in my explanation of test that was sure helpful to me.
Express Yourself with Internet Articles
Author: Susan Dunn, Professional Coach
Self-expression is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It helps you solidify your thoughts and feelings, gives you a chance to pass on the knowledge and wisdom only you have to give, and nourishes your creativity.
Express Yourself and Help Others Too!
Author: Susan Dunn
One of the surest paths to personal growth and well-being
Excerpts from Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach’s New Book, “How to Live Your Life with Emotional Intelligence”
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, cEQc, The EQ Coach™
Excavating Values to Achieve Fulfillment
Author: Peggy Tsatsoulis, MA CAGS
Do you ever find yourself feeling as if life is controlling you, rather than you controlling your life? Do you ever wonder what the meaning of your life is, only to continue on living life by default?
EQ vs. IQ
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, the EQ Coach
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Article ID:
Date/Author/etc: Oct 22, 2005
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Date/Author/etc: Oct 22, 2005
Creating Emotional Breathing Room
Author: Sally Adams
There are people all over the planet who know what it is to have life so crammed with activity there is no possibility for passion. There are days when we feel we can do nothing but react. These are the times when having some emotional breathing room can make a huge difference in our physical response. In other words, it can mean the difference between having joy and laughter in the face of adversity or having only exhaustion and tears.
Author: 05_10_22_1917
Can A Coach Help Me with This?
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, Personal and Professional Development Coach
If you’re stuck with something you’d like help with and no one else comes to mind, you might try a coach, and here’s why: Coaching developed to fill a need that wasn’t being met. Actually it developed to meet a number of needs that weren’t being met, and it’s still evolving.
Buts Are Nice
Author: Jan Tincher
No, you can’t have a raise.
But How Can I USE Emotional Intelligence?
Author: Susan Dunn, Personal and Professional Development Coach
I’m sure you’re hearing the term Emotional Intelligence. It’s being talked about a lot these days. For most people there’s an immediate “click”. We recognize it as the missing piece!
Born Leaders
Author: John G. Agno
Your natural talents are gifts at birth. You had nothing to do with them. However, you have a great deal to do with
Book Summary: Mind Your Own Business
Author: Regine P. Azurin
A maverick is an independent person who will not go along with the other members of a group (Oxford ESL Dictionary). This book provides priceless stories and insights from a maverick of the business world; an exemplary business leader who prefers not to follow orthodox beliefs in business, nor be eaten by the hyped up ideas of the present. Instead, he chooses the course of action that is appropriate for the changing times.
Book Review of "Balancing Work and Family"
Author: Judine Bishop Slaughter
Balancing Work and Family
Believe in Love
Author: George J. Stewart
There is kind of a neat little story behind this little lesson for a good marriage.
Attention OLD People of ALL Ages
Author: Jan Tincher
Do you feel old? Do you look old? Do you think old?
Are You Staying True to Your Strengths?
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach
I stopped by a preschool the other day, and met Sam. He caught my eye right away because he had presence. We call him “Mr. President,” the teacher told me. “He’s bossy.”
Are You Overdue for Some Changes in Your Life?
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
“The Life Coaching professionals at the Life Coach Clinic helped me beyond measure,” says Dr. J. Jordan, a senior management consultant,” to achieve those overdue changes in my life and provided the foundations for successful new directions and personal fulfillment.”
Appreciating our Past
Author: Maria Haramis
Isn't it funny how most people blame their present circumstances on mistakes made in the past?
America: Police State Incorporated
Author: Benjamin Tepolt
[Author's Note: Written on Friday, June 27, 2003.]
America: Police State Incorporated
Author: Benjamin Tepolt
[Author's Note: Written on Friday, June 27, 2003.]
Adult Continuing Education is Healthy for You
Author: Ian McAllister
Adult continuing education is very practical. Seniors have several advantages over children.
Adjusting to Retirement
Author: Marilyn Barnicke Belleghem M.Ed.
Retirement is a lifestyle people dream about. It is also a time of adjustment.
Adapt or die (the perrils of the comfort zone)
Author: Theo Pistorius
Theo Pistorius
About Those New Year's Resolutions
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
If you’re sitting down to write your New Year’s resolutions and they're looking a lot like last year’s, it’s time to try something different!
A Way to Find More Happiness Through Your Work
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Our mantra is “if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting.” With that in mind, let’s talk about “happiness.”