When Your Mind Develops A Mind Of Its Own
Author: Charles Linden
We've all been there… One minute your listening intently as your mother in law tells you for the tenth time about the people she met on her recent holiday… or to the boss as he delivers a presentation on improving productivity levels (yawn!) One minute you're listening… the next you're planning the colour scheme of the new kitchen or what you're going to be eating for dinner tonight! Basically, your mind has wandered! It's called 'stream of consciousness' and it happens to us all! Our minds are designed to work like that, flowing from one thought to the next. It's the basis of intelligent human thought… of creativity… even of survival. Our brains have to react quickly to changing stimuli and they have to be thinking on many different levels at once. Of course that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to pay attention and stick to the subject at hand! We should control our thought patterns sufficiently so we can learn, so we can live. We should be able to apply this control, this discipline, over our wandering minds.
Understanding Anxiety and Your Treatment Options
Author: Pia Carleson
Generally, we may all experience some level of emotional stress when we are faced with difficult challenges in our lives. Most of us are able to effectively cope with the various situations, circumstances and outcomes that we must deal with on a daily basis. Although for some, this may be a much more difficult task than it is for others.
Unanswered Prayer
Author: Mike Scott
Q. Why does God not answer some prayers of his faithful children?”
Treat Your Anxiety Disorder Effectively
Author: Tracy Whitney
If you find symptoms of anxiety disorder in any of your near and dear ones then the best way is to visit your physician as soon as possible. Only your Physician can detect that whether these symptoms are due to anxiety or any other medical condition. The symptoms of Anxiety Disorder like restlessness, loss of sleep, loss of hunger, over-impulsive nature, losing temper easily, etc. are some of the symptoms which can detect the mental disease of anxiety disorder. After you come to know for sure from your physician that you are really suffering from anxiety then the next important step is to visit a mental health care professional.
Author: Harvey Cohen, Ph.D.
The undependability, arrogance, and the high cost of health care leave us no choice.We are going to have to find a way to get sick less, and, perhaps, ultimately, not get sick at all.
The Ugly Truth About Your Job !!
Author: Doctor Oscar
If you work for yourself : the odds you will still be in business in the year 2005 are only 1 in 5. In today¡¯s workplace swirling with change, one million people will start a new business this year. The UGLY truth is, 800,000 will be ¡°out of business¡± in the year 2005.
The Truth About Anxiety Disorder & Panic Attacks
Author: Charles Linden
Every day, I receive dozens of emails and telephone calls from worried anxiety disorder sufferers asking me about medications, therapy and other less conventional treatments; my answer is simple, I DO NOT encourage the use of medication and there are so many therapies available now that it is difficult, especially for anxious people, to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Survival Tips for Office Heroes
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
This one goes out to all you administrative professionals out there. That’s right. YOU. Not your boss. Not the guy down the hall who demands everyone’s attention. No. This is YOUR thing.
Author: Dr. Angela Neal-Barnett
author of Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman's Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fear Whether it is discrimination, prejudice, or another stressor, Black women appear to handle stress somewhat differently from men or white women. Men are more likely to do battle with whoever or whatever is causing stress, or they simply remove themselves from the situation. White women seem more likely to find stress relief by devoting time to their children or seeking support and friendship from others. Stress researchers call this a "tend and befriend" response. Black women's stress responses are intriguing; we tend, befriend, mend, and keep it in. As Black women we have, as Toni Morrison so eloquently puts it, "invented ourselves." Much of what we have invented to define ourselves as Black women has been resourceful and productive. We are loyal and loving. Many of us know how to persist and persevere. We are creative and have vast experience making a way out of no way. Without a doubt, Black women
Stop the Runaway Anxiety Train.
Author: Bill Albrets
We all have our concerns, our fears, our anxieties. It is part of our natural make-up. Indeed, some people feel a little “edge” helps them perform a little better. I know that if I have a difficult program coming up, I will spend extra time preparing so my performance will be better.
Author: Brian Harrison
The combination of genetics and environment is what most learned professionals feel that our personality profiles are attributed to. From intelligence to sense of humor any measurable trait can be treated and lent to either one of these influences. The worn cliché of nature versus nurture is a catch phrase thrown around to explain the similarities between twins separated at birth or denizens of similar geographic regions, even to reactive character traits influenced by parental and other social influences.
Remove the Cause of Your Anxiety with EFT
Author: Gary Craig
Anxiety can be triggered by something specific like performance or intimacy, or it can be an unexplainably uncomfortable feeling that lasts all day. Positive thinking, task management techniques and a variety of medications have all become acceptable ways to manage anxiety. However, because they don’t address the actual causes of the anxiety, their results are often temporary.
Put Yourself in Charge of All Outer Circumstances
Author: Guy Finley
Barring those moments when we find ourselves in real physical danger, conditions of themselves have absolutely no authority over us. It's true. No event or circumstance has any power to make us feel one way or another. The only command any condition may have over us is that which we unconsciously surrender to it. And what we've given away we can take back. Insight coupled with action is all the power we need. Here's why.
Nightmares! : New Approaches to Understanding and Controlling Fear in Dreams.
Author: Richard Catlett Wilkerson
Dream: "I started to run, just like I have done before in other dreams with this thing. The dark monster loomed in front of me and chased me, it even seemed to know where I would hide. But this time I stood up to it and demanded that it back off. To my surprise, the creature stopped and sat up like a puppy, as if it were begging for a bone. I was flooded with tears as I thought how lonely this creature must be." DJ
Nightmares! : New Approaches to Understanding and Controlling Fear in Dreams.
Author: Richard Catlett Wilkerson
Dream: "I started to run, just like I have done before in other dreams with this thing. The dark monster loomed in front of me and chased me, it even seemed to know where I would hide. But this time I stood up to it and demanded that it back off. To my surprise, the creature stopped and sat up like a puppy, as if it were begging for a bone. I was flooded with tears as I thought how lonely this creature must be." DJ
Author: Stan Popovich
Everybody deals with fear and anxiety, however some people have a hard time in managing it. Here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their stress, anxieties, and fears.
Author: Stanley Popovich
There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their fearful and obsessive thoughts and anxieties.
Author: Stan Popovich
What do you do when your fears, anxieties, and depression are stronger than what you can handle? There are times that no matter what you do, your fears have the best of you. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their every day anxieties, stresses, and fears.
FEAR FACTORS: 4 Simple Steps to Feel the Fear...And Do It Anyway!
Author: Danish Ahmed
Fear Factors: 4 Simple Steps to Feel the Fear...And Do It Anyway!
End Panic and Anxiety
Author: Joseph Zeaiter Bsc. Dip Ed. (syd uni) Dip. CH
A panic attack is a state of acute anxiety. This anxiety manifests as various emotional states and bodily symptoms.
Does Social Anxiety Hold You Back?
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
In the "Anxiety Disorders" section of the manual entitled
Do ever suffer from a fearful thought you can't seem to be rid of?
Author: Joe Barry
Do ever suffer from a fearful thought you can't seem to be rid of?
Where God was
Author: Jean Barr, D.D.
Why did so many people have to die? I hear this so much and must clarify it. They did not! God does not interfere with our freewill but his angels send us impulses, feelings, urges and all kinds of notifications of impending problems but we do not heed these gentle urgings. We are too busy doing what we feel we have to do or are afraid not to do.
Author: Fernando Soave
Fernando Soave © 2003
Crazy or Adopted - Pick One!
Author: Joanne Victoria
I never fit in no matter how hard I tried. I just had to be adopted. There was no way I could be a biological part of the family I was living with. These were my innermost thoughts, maybe even my hopes, for years.
Could Shyness or Social Anxiety be affecting your Career?
Author: Andrea Scott
It is a fact that most people have felt shy at one time or another but not everyone who appears to be shy can be identified as having any social problems. For instance, some people are naturally quieter than others and prefer to get on with small groups of people. While some are only shy in certain situations they feel uncomfortable with, such as meeting people for the first time, there are others who feel shy more often. It is a sort of irrational fear that makes people want to avoid what is making them feel anxious or nervous. Although shy people know there is no logic in behaving the way they do, they can’t seem to prevent it, all the same. For shy or socially anxious people, it makes no difference, since they can’t help being nervous or behaving that way.
Author: Donna Holman, CPA
Changing Fear into Excitement
Author: Ted Schredd
Fear scares people. That’s what it’s supposed to do; it’s just a matter of how much and how often do we really need to be scared? Basically, there are two kinds of fear. Real fear allows you to save your butt in challenging situations (like being chased by a predator or facing imminent danger). Then there are imagined fears-which hold you back from experiencing life. Imagined fears may come from a previous unpleasant experience, other people’s fears or bad information. The way your brain sees it there is no difference between an imaginary fear and a real one.
Breaking the Worry Cycle
Author: Steve Jones
Suppose someone invited you to spend time today clasping the positive and negative terminals of your car battery - just for the pain of it. Just so you can feel the jolt and watch the shower of sparks. I doubt there would be many takers. The shock would ruin your day, and possibly your battery.
Beating Middle of the Night Stress
Author: Kate Hufstetler
What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep? Do you lie there tossing, stretch, panic, and feel your heart thumping? Do you notice your own shallow breathing? Do you try futilely to follow the random speeding thoughts that race through your mind?
Anxiety Disorders
Author: Dr. Johnson
Dr. Johnson
Anxiety - Understanding and Treating The Condition
Author: Michele Carelse
Understanding and Treating Anxiety
Achieve Instant Calm the Wise Woman Way
Author: Susun S Weed
In her newly updated best-selling classic, New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way, Susun Weed offers a number of approaches women can use to calm jangly nerves, achieve greater overall calm, and cope on-the-spot with stressful situations.
8 Things To Do In A Critical Moment
Author: Michele Jai Johnson
Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you try to "fix your life", i.e. organize, maintain your cool, be nicer to others, or create things to enable your life to be all-around-better, that certain obstacles will come up which question exactly what you're trying to create?
20 Ways to Shift Worry Into Attractive Energy -
Author: Catherine Franz
Worry, big or small blocks positive vibrations from entering your realm. The longer the behavior, the deeper the roots, the harder to override. Staying in its merry-go-round places the person in a form of trance. And like all trances, the person in the trance isn't aware that they are there. If told they are in a trance, they would simply deny it.
11 Easy Ways to Handle Stress
Author: Alison Blackman Dunham of THE ADVICE SISTERS®
One of the most singificant problems human beings face as a general population is how to handle stress. As a life & career expert, and an acclaimed advice columnist, I have compiled eleven of the most significant ways that you can reduce stress in your life. You may not always be able to make stress dissappear, but you can manage it with some very simple techniques.