YOUnique Speaking
Author: Paul Evans
YOU are the ONE
You Can't Not Communicate
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
Most of us would like to be better communicators. As leaders, co-workers, team members and in all of the other roles we play both professionally and personally, we know that communication is a major key to success.
WIN THE “YEAH BUT” GAME in 5 Easy Steps
Author: Laurie Weiss, Ph.D.
WIN THE “YEAH BUT” GAME in 5 Easy Steps
VoIP 101: Voice over IP for Beginners
Author: Rich McIver
For those who have never heard about the potential of VoIP, be prepared to radically change the way you think about your current long-distance calling plan. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is very simply, a method for taking ordinary analog audio signals and turning them into digital signals that can be sent over the Internet.
Twelve Reasons Why You Should Never Neglect People Skills
Author: Peter Murphy
1. Exceptional people skills and the ability to start a wonderful conversation with anyone you meet are essential life skills. Your success and happiness are directly related to the development of these social skills.
Author: Sandra Zimmer
Those of you who have the most stage fright have the potential to be the most impactful speakers, because you have the feelings! Your feelings are up to the surface where they can be used to create a genuine emotional connection with the audience. You can not think away your feelings, deny them or cover them up. I am sure you have tried as I did and it just did not work. So your task is to transform your intense feelings into the energy of passion that will help you give your gift to others.
Top Ten Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
Author: Dr. Dorene Lehavi
1) Listen without judgment. The key to good communication is listening well. Save your judging for later after you have heard and understood what was said.
Tips for Effective Communication
Author: Eric Kaufmann
Many social scientists believe that humans are different from animals because we developed language and communication, and that these are the hallmark of Human development. As language and communication advanced our ancestors were able to combine their ideas and experiences with one another and this nurtured the evolution of culture, religion, and science.
Three Awesome Ways to Avoid an Argument
Author: Fran Briggs
Avoiding arguments doesn't have to be an arduous task! "Three Awesome Ways to Avoid Arguments," offers innovative and effective strategies to introduce calm to even the most argumentative discussion.
The Stone Carrier
Author: Lisa Suhay
On an island in the sea there was a small village. In this village each person had a task to perform in accordance with their gift.
The Skinny on RFID
Author: John Hanson
RFID is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is a method used to store and retrieve data using RFID transponders or tags. RFID tags have antennas that allow them to accept and respond to queries from the RFID transceiver. There are passive and active RFID tags. The difference between the two is that passive tags do not need an internal power source, but active tags do. RFID technology is already used in many technologies today. The future of RFID technology seems limitless as new ways to utilize its effectiveness are discovered frequently.
The Importance of Relaxation for Good Voice Production
Author: Maggie Hall, LLAM, MSTSD
If we are to learn to speak effectively and confidently, we need to be sure to eliminate two of the voice’s most powerful enemies. These are tension and bad posture.
The Handshake, a Mightly Communication Tool
Author: Jan Noyes
A handshake is often part of that all-important, made only once, first impression. Introductions can produce some anxiety when we aren’t sure what to do. Rules are
The Grammar of Good Communication
Author: David Yarian, Ph.D.
No, this is not a rehash of primary-school grammar; nor is it a discourse on the finer points of rhetoric!
The Awareness Continuum: A Tool to Aid Clear Communication
Author: David Yarian, Ph.D.
Good communication is of fundamental importance in intimate
The Art of Giving Advice: 3 Steps to Doing It Well
Author: Uzi Weingarten
Giving good advice is a great gift. Yet, we sometimes run into trouble because of the way we offer it. The ability to give advice in a positive, constructive way is an art. Here are three points to help us offer advice with effectiveness and compassion.
Technically Speaking
Author: Sylvia Henderson
Scenario A: You just finished an interview where you explained to the Human Resources (HR) manager your role in a recent project that brought revenue of 0,000 to your previous employer. The HR manager is the first point of contact in the interview process at the company for which you yearn to work and has just interviewed five other candidates. You used a lot of technical jargon in your explanation and your message was not clear. You never make it to the second round of the interview process.
Take the Personal Out of the Workplace: Leave YOur Troubles at the Door!
Author: Joanne Victoria
Bringing your emotional baggage into the work place is inappropriate for all the reasons you may imagine. Yet employees, managers and business owners do it all the time.
Author: by
Responding to Criticism Without Being Defensive
Author: Sharon Ellison
In an actual war, to be attacked means to have our survival threatened. Thus, we might chose between surrender, withdrawal, or counterattack. When we feel attacked (criticized or judged) by others in conversation, we often move into that same kind of survival mentality and automatically defend ourselves. But conversation is different than war. When we defend against criticism, we give more power to the criticism and the person dishing it out than is warranted.
Relish Your Public Speaking Opportunities
Author: Stephanie Bickel Bingham
You've been dreading this public address you are giving in just a few days. You have a million other things you should be attending to, but this tiny speech is throwing everything out of perspective. How can you ease your anxiety and actually enjoy this experience?
Rapport = Successful Communication
Author: Jan Noyes
One of the most important ingredients of successful communication is rapport. Whether your communication is with one person or several hundred, to be effective and get the outcome you want, harmonious relationship is essential.
Press Releases for Every Occasion
Author: Bill Stoller
To many marketers, the press release is something of a "one size fits all" proposition. You want to get media coverage, you knock out a press release, send it to some journalists and sit back and wait.
Author: Maida Barrientos
Union City, California (BUZZFON) July 8, 2004 - A small but emerging Filipino VoIP company, Bonusfon, answers to the clamor of the market today by launching, BuzzfonP2P, a free, compact and convenient soft phone that allow users makes clear pc to pc calls possible without the choppiness, echoes or the static noises; just crystal-clear voice even in low bandwidth environments.
Presenting Yourself
Author: Dr. Joseph Sommerville
Anytime employers are asked about the skills they value most in employees, it’s always in the top five. Senior managers and executives frequently cite it as one of the keys to their achievements. Business coaches, leadership development specialists and peak performance experts say it’s essential to success. “It” is the ability to communicate ideas clearly and persuasively. Yet, it’s often one of the most overlooked areas of personal development. Despite the fact that we spend up to 60% of our workday communicating, people rarely spend time trying to improve their communication skills. One reason for the neglect is that communication is often labelled a “soft skill.” When budgets are tight, training in a soft skill slides down the list of priorities and up the list of things to cut. Given it’s importance in the workplace however, a more accurate label would be “essential skill.”
Powerful Communication: The Key that Opens or Closes That All Important Door
Author: Connie Butler
Language: The Key that Opens or Closes that Important Door
Author: Ralph Carpio
One of the most amazing areas of self-creation comes in the form of words. The things we think and say to ourselves and to others carries a creative surge of power. This is an area of creation that is often underemphasized. It is truly incredible how we can become so unaware of the words that come out of our mouths. These words are creative energy, plain and simple. They are the energy that can either allow or deny our dreams.
Persuasive Communication
Author: Ronnie Nijmeh
What makes a great communicator so persuasive? What makes the best leader motivational? How does one become a great, inspirational leader?
Persuade Like A Pro
Author: Kirstin Carey
Why are some speeches more persuasive than others? Are the speakers simply more convincing, or do they know secrets to giving a speech that the rest of us don’t? Well, in most cases, convincing speakers use special elements within their speeches to help increase their persuasiveness. These elements are not heavily guarded secrets, though they are not commonly discussed in general conversation either.
OS 101: Suggestions for Choosing an Operating System
Author: Josef Delinga
An operating system (abbreviated OS) is essentially the path through which a computer accesses files, games, the Internet, and all vital stored information. The OS is the most important program on a computer because it runs all of the other programs. The major operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Unix. The operating system is essential to the computer, and so extreme care should be taken when choosing an operating system.
Offering Quality Support is it About Us or Them?
Author: Elizabeth Tull
The Coaching Catalyst
Move out of Your Comfort Zone to Increase Chemistry
Author: Lillian D. Bjorseth
Ever notice how comfortable you feel with certain people? You can say and do what you want, and communication flows smoothly.
Miscommunication - Root Cause of Problems?
Author: Michael Lee
People of two opposing ideas can stir up arguments and fights. It's that situation when one thinks he has the right concept while the other one also believes he has the proper notion. Both of them would try to outsmart each other until one claims victory.
Media Training 101: Mastering the TV Interview
Author: Thomas Murrell
Are you winning the media game? Is your message getting across through the media? Discover how to be better at dealing with the media, especially doing TV interviews. A good reason to do media training to master TV interviews is because it can save time, money and stress by updating your skills before the media calls.
Media Publicity, Charity Events and Community Fundraiser Promotion
Author: George McKenzie
You've heard the saying a gazillion times:
Listen Up and Improve your Writing
Author: Lisa Hood
Are you a good listener? Almost everyone will answer this question affirmatively. However, listening is not the same as hearing; it requires concentration, effort and practice. To be an effective listener, you must be an active participant of communication, not just the passive recipient.
Learn 5 Strategies to Communicate Like a Pro
Author: Donna Arnett, M.S.C., CCC
© Copyright, 2003 Donna Arnett. Permission granted to reproduce this article, providing you use the article in its entirety, including the author’s information, all links and references within.
Learn 5 Strategies to Communicate Like a Pro
Author: Donna Arnett, M.S.C., CCC
© Copyright, 2003 Donna Arnett. Permission granted to reproduce this article, providing you use the article in its entirety, including the author’s information, all links and references within.
Labeling is Disabeling
Author: Azriel Winnett
A small town, somewhere in the world, was managed by a town council of seven or eight members. The council normally met once a week. One member - let's call him Bill - would invariably stroll into the council chamber exactly ten minutes after the time scheduled for the meeting.
Know the Building Blocks of Dialogue that Lead to New Learning, Innovation and Synergy
Author: Manya Arond-Thomas
With the complexity and continuous change leaders and managers face today, continuous learning, responsiveness, adaptation and innovation are essential survival skills. Yet, one constant that human beings seem to want and need more than anything when they are in relationship to another human is to be heard. So often in conversation, we spend a lot more time advocating for our position rather than seeking to hear and understand another. Listening may be the single most powerful skill of communication for it is an act of respect and of valuing. It seems counterintuitive, yet when we listen and seek to understand first, we also create more receptivity in the other to hear us. When we create such an environment of safety, people are willing to take risks and new learning can occur. There are four building blocks of conversation that help people move out of defensive, routinized, or reactive communication patterns that inhibit movement towards clear action and successful achievement of desired goals. 1. Developing
Knock, and the door opens
Author: Ella Huang
I was not sure about this guy at work. There was something not right about him. Or perhaps, there was something not right between him and me. I’d been relocated in our Auckland Operations for seven weeks. I’d had chances to talk to just about all the thirty odd staff here, except him.
It's Hard To Find A Rich Hermit
Author: Oscar Bruce
Beyond the knowledge of business and it's complexities - way beyond the expertise of advertising gurus and marketing mavens, there is a place where the seeds of success germinate. Find this place and success and real happiness will be yours.
Author: Oscar Bruce
Innovative Business Use of RSS as a Technology
Author: S. Housley
RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a new way to broadcast corporate news and structured information. RSS offers a quick, easy corporate communication channel. The RSS contents are published as a feed and the feed's content keep customers, partners and journalists abreast of corporate news and information. The RSS feeds are read using a tool referred to as a news aggregator, or an RSS reader. The aggregator periodically checks to see if the RSS feed has been updated. As the feed is updated, new information will automatically appear in the RSS reader.
Indian System of Education
Author: Ms. Bedashruti Mitra
The education system of India is getting more politicised day by day. It is the politicians who decide whether English will be taught in schools, whether or examinations will be held for primary students and whether tuitions by government schools teachers will be legalised or not. The story is even worse in colleges where politics has permiated even to the student level. "The whole movement of student control is a mistake. They're so busy controlling that they are not students," Stephen Leacock had once remarked. But in India, not only do students control but also have strong political affiliations. And in this process, education is the greatest casualty.
How To Take the Personal Out of The Workplace
Author: Joanne Victoria
Bringing your emotional baggage into the work place is inappropriate for all the reasons you may imagine. Yet employees, managers and business owners do it all the time.
How To Master The Art Of Verbal Communication
Author: Della Menechella
When we communicate verbally with others, either in a conversation or in a presentation, our usual goal is to have people understand what we are trying to say. In order to accomplish this, we should remember the acronym KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). When we talk to others, we assume they will understand us. We know what we are trying to say, so obviously our message will get through. Right? Not necessarily. People bring their own attitudes, opinions, emotions and experiences to an encounter and this often clouds their perception of our message.
How Invisible Communica
Author: Azriel Winnett
Many kinds of interferences or disturbances can confuse a message. Communication specialists call them ''noise.'' A noise is anything that competes against communication.
Hey, Watch Your Language!
Author: Jan Noyes
Did you know that tone of voice and non-verbal
Gossip at workplace - Bane or Boon?
Author: Madan Mohan Tripathy
GOSSIP- The movie
Gossip at workplace - Bane or Boon?
Author: Madan Mohan Tripathy
GOSSIP- The movie
Giving Is Not Giving In!
Author: Azriel Winnett
Recently, a reader of my ezine inthe UK (let's call her Sally) e-mailed me with a seemingly desperate plea for help.
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
Flirting: applied Body Language
Author: John Leslie Gartland
Flirting. What is it? Why do we do it? How do we do it? When do we do it? Who do we it with? Why should we do it? Why don’t we do it? Why is it good? Where is best to do it? Why are some people better at it?
Five Ways to Improve Your Marketing Material with Fewer Words
Author: Jeremy Cohen
You can sell more by writing less.
Five Tests Every Press Release Must Pass
Author: George McKenzie
You've heard "them" say it, haven't you?
Five Habits of Highly Effective Conflict Resolvers
Author: Dina Beach Lynch, Esq
Steven Covey had the right idea. There are discreet skills and attitudes, habits if you will, that can elevate your conflict practice to a new level. This article shares a selection of habits and attitudes that can transform a good conflict resolver into a highly effective one. By that I mean someone who facilitates productive, meaningful discussion between others that results in deeper self-awareness, mutual understanding and workable solutions.
Fighting With Style
Author: Rashun Jones, RN, MHR
Tools & Techniques for Fighting Fair
Email and Newsgroup Etiquette
Author: S. Housley
Email Etiquette
Effective Communication/Networking
Author: Janice Smallwood-McKenzie
Networking & A Personal Touch
Dynamic Disagreement
Author: Victoria Simon, Ph.D.
Who’s Right and Who’s Wrong?
Dump Your Speeches For Leadership Talks
Author: Brent Filson
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to:
Do You Make These Common Mistakes When Talking to People?
Author: Peter Murphy
Many Moons ago. Talking to people was something I avoided where possible.
Discrimination - The First Law of Success
Author: Oscar Bruce
As the author of personal development publications distributed world wide, I am frequently asked why certain people seem to succeed at practically everything they attempt. This is probably the most asked question I receive. My response is "I definitely can tell you, but you're really not going to like the answer¡¦. But here it is.
Dealing with pink elephants: Confronting another person
Author: Judy Tso, MAA
Aha Solutions Unlimited
Dealing with Conflict
Author: Jeffrey W. Drake, Ph.D.
Dealing with conflict is a frequent concern for many organizations. Managers and supervisors have to deal with conflict on a daily basis. Many times conflict happens when people see situations differently. Often the potential conflict can be defused by understanding the other person’s point of view.
Cultural Differences-Making it Work Virtually
Author: Susan M. Totman, MVA (Co-Founder of and
Working virtually adds a whole new dimension to the phrase “cultural differences”. It immediately becomes apparent how different people around the world work, live and network.
Coping With Difficult People
Author: Keith Levick, Ph.D.
We work with, play with, service‚ or are related to difficult people. Difficult people yell, explode, and try to intimidate you. If your life is free from these hostile and manipulative people, read no further. However, the probability of encountering these people is extremely likely. Although the difficult people make up 3-5% of the population, they create over 50% of the everyday problems!
Conversing for Maximum Attraction
Author: Oscar Bruce
So you spotted someone you'd really like to know.
Communication, Communication, Communication
Author: Paul & Layne Cutright
You know the old adage for success in real estate. Location, location, location. Well, a similar adage could apply to success in relationships. Only, it would be communication, communication, communication!
Communication Keys for Success
Author: Jeffrey W. Drake, Ph.D.
Improving communication is a major need for many organizations.
Author: Ted DeCorte M.A.
As a congressional staffer, I read hundreds if not thousands of letters and I answered hundreds of phone calls from constiuents. It was quite evident that people "sound off" to their elected officials. It was equally evident that every topic imaginable was fair game, whether it was related to that particular level of government or not. In an age when elected officials are deluged by mail and phone calls (and now in 1998, with e-mail), maximizing the impact of your views is paramount. Knowing the right person to address your concerns is the first key to letting your voice be heard. Quite simply, federal issues need to be addressed by U.S. senators and congressman; state matters by the governor, assemblymen or state senators; and local issues by mayors, city councils, commissioners or alderman. Yet Congressmen get calls on potholes and garbage collection, and councilmen get calls on the national economy and federal budget deficit. First and foremost, know the right elected official for the issue at hand. I
Communicating Effectively in the Workplace
Author: Azriel Winnett
Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business productivity. And yes, it can be avoided. Given the will, the bleakest of situations can be turned around for the better.
Clearing a Path for Communication
Author: Lea Brandenburg, Communication Coach
Communication fulfills a primary human need: the need to connect with other humans. In prisons, solitary confinement is used as a form of punishment because it deprives inmates of the opportunity to meet this basic need. It is considered a hardship, because by nature humans are social beings and must have a connection to other humans.
Clear the Clutter...Language Strategies for Women that Lead to Success
Author: Barbara Giamanco
Want to command greater respect at work? Crystal communication transforms business success! To get your point across, recognize that powerful language articulated in a strong, clear voice is crucial to being heard.
Clarify Misunderstandings with a "Reality "Check"
Author: Jan Pedersen
As a communicating creature, you can bet your life on the possibility that misunderstanding is the rule, not the exception.
Choose Like Einstein
Author: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
Albert Einstein gave us a truthful, if playful, formula. He said, "If A = success, the formula is A = X + Y with X being work, Y being play and Z, keeping your mouth shut.”
Can You Take A Compliment?
Author: Jan Tincher
Many people confuse being self-effacing with politeness. When complimented, instead of saying a simple thank you, they disparage the compliment. Someone says, "That's a nice dress you're wearing." And the reply often is, "Oh, this old thing? I don't know why I put it on." This is possibly because they have been taught that accepting compliments is somehow akin to having a sinful pride. I'm not saying anything is wrong with their teaching. I'm just wondering if maybe they've grown past their upbringing and are ready to rethink where their lives are headed. I mean, if it is a pretty dress, a person can enjoy and acknowledge the compliment with a simple, *Thank you. I like it too.*
Beware . . . The Butter
Author: Barry Rice
The Art Of Communicating Effectively
Be Your Material
Author: Steve Davis
Once long ago, when asked by a reporter if he had a message he wanted the world to hear, Ghandi replied, "Yes. My life is my message."
Be Careful What You Put on Your Plate
Author: Russell J. Blake
Recently, my wife and I went to Ryan’s for dinner. I am always amazed at the abundance of food. Yes I guess we are pretty blessed here in America. It’s the richest country in the world. I’m still on a New Year’s resolution kick. I watch what I eat. I was very careful to watch what I put on my plate. I ate only the low fat foods. I had a salad, baked potato and than some fruit for desert. This event illustrated to me the importance not only in placing high quality energizing foods on our plates, but also positive attitudes in life. Every day is an opportunity to place positive events or negative events into our lives. It is usually how we respond to our daily challenges that determine the outcome of all events.
Be a Wizard on the Telephone!
Author: Ray Jacobs
Are you one of the hundreds of thousands employed to sell ideas/products/services over the phone?
Ask for that Raise
Author: Kimberly J. Schenk
Ask for that Raise!
Art of Listening
Author: Ariel & Shya Kane
True listening is not something that we have been taught growing up in our families, amongst our friends or in school. True listening requires being in the moment. It also requires the letting go of your point of view, your thoughts and your agendas. True listening is an art.
And Your Point Is?
Author: Meryl Runion
Janet found that her boss, clients and vendors all interrupted her continually. She thought they were rude until she realized she was using too many words. When she told her boss that she was putting the holiday candles on her office budget instead of the holiday budget, she began by explaining all the reasons she had considered in making her decision. She followed by giving counter arguments to the arguments that she had just made.
An Over-Looked Life Saver for Pro and Beginning Webmaster
Author: John DiPrete
It's free. It's interactive. It's tailored, specifically, for what YOU may need. And it's only a click away.
Aikido Humor
Author: Terrill Fischer
Do you encounter challenges in your communication with others that you wish you could turn into an opportunity?
Accurate Communication: Communication takes a Life of its own.
Author: Robert V. Gerard, Ph.D.
We know that interpersonal communication involves interaction between at least two people. But do we know that a higher and more sophisticated level of communications exists? I term this “Accurate Communication.” The benefits of Accurate Communication are many. When used by sales people, it shines forth the authenticity which is the backbone of building relationships with customers. When used in therapy, the subtle energies expressed reveal whether or not clients are speaking their truth. And in every interaction, what is said earns respect and radiates confidence. Accurate Communication connotes that your total-self is participating when you are speaking, that is, your mind, body, spirit or soul. By “total-self,”
A Lasting Leadership Lesson: How One Leadership Talk By George Washington Saved The Revolution (And Our Fledgling Nation) From Catastrophe.
Author: Brent Filson
Leadership lessons come in many guises. One unforgettable lesson comes from George Washington and his contribution to the most important victory of the Revolutionary War.
A Business In One Sentence
Author: Catherine Franz
Marketing expert and author, Geoffrey Moore, has a useful fill-in-the-blank method for creating a theme and positioning statement for your business. I prefer to use his same system for creating clarity for myself in what I'm selling, creating an elevator or introduction speech, and also material for my website, brochures and business card.
A Blueprint for Effective Presentations
Author: Wayne C. Parker
Presentations skills are the lifeblood of a successful executive. No matter how good a business person is technically, if he cannot communicate his qualifications to be hired or his findings once retained, his success will be limited.
7 Ways to Be a Great Speaker
Author: Jim Allen
1. Be Yourself
35 Surefire Ways to Kill a Meeting -
Author: John Gravitt, MBA, PMP
35 Surefire Ways to Kill a Meeting
15 Practical Tips For Listening -
Author: Michael Oksa
The arts of being silent and listening are interconnected. They are also vital to having a happy and successful life. Here are 15 tips to help you get started.
As Ranked
Author: Google and Yahoo! - Oct 22, 2005
10 Great Ways To Command Your Listener to Pay Attention
Author: Peter Murphy
These tips are a great starting point to help you to get someone to listen carefully when that other person is not paying any heed to what you are saying.