Author: Chris Widener
If you ask most people whether they would like to be considered a winner or a loser in life, they would most assuredly reply that they would like to be a winner. But this begs the question, "What does it mean to win at life?" In some things it's easy to define a clear winner. In a basketball game, whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the winner. In a game of hearts, my favorite card game, whoever has the least amount of points when one of the players reaches 100 points, is the winner.
Why Training Your Employees Does Not Work!
Author: Irma Gonzalez
If you are a business leader who spent the last 10 or 20 years in your business, how many training sessions have you attended? How many training sessions have you sent your people to?
What Are RSS Feeds
Author: S. Housley
RSS Feeds
To Meet or Not to Meet…What are the Questions?
Author: Susan Friedmann
Meetings can be a total waste of time or a powerful and productive communication tool that solve problems, stimulate ideas, promote team spirit and generate action. The results lie totally in how they are run. Organized and well-managed meetings will inevitably produce effective results. Whereas, meetings that are poorly managed lack purpose and focus are a total waste of an organization’s time and money.
The Spotlight is on YOU!
Author: Ray DuGray and Maria Ngo
Preparing for a presentation with the use of visual aids can often overlook the obvious visual. You. That's right! The speaker. Other forms of visual aids are just that, aids to help interpret your presentation. It is important that you are the main visual. Image is everything!
The Seven Principles of Intentional Communication
Author: Jan Pedersen
I've been playing with two metaphors for communication.
The Power of the "Right" Question
Author: Jan Pedersen
The best way to illustrate the power of the right questions is to look at the wrong questions first.
Author: Dr. Al Infande
Training is one of the most profitable investments an organization can make. No matter what business or industry you are in the steps for an effective training process are the same and may be adapted anywhere.
The Five "Musts" of Intentional Listening
Author: Jan Pedersen
According to Webster, "to intend" means to stretch out for, to aim at. An intent is a purpose, object or aim.
Author: Dr. Al Infande
However trite, the customer is the most important person in your business! Why? It’s simple: If there were no customers, there would be no business.
That's All Folks!
Author: Maria Ngo and Ray DuGray
Your presentation is about to end. You feel highly satisfied with your performance thus far and this is it, your grand finale! This is the one moment that will be forever embedded in your listeners' minds. Yes, these last few seconds on stage can determine the audience's impression of your entire presentation. Oh no, you suddenly feel awkward because you don't know how to end the presentation! The pressure builds, you smile nervously and blurt out in porky pig style, "that's all folks" and quickly stumble off the stage.
Ten Tips for Successful Negotiating
Author: Ed Brodow
The ability to negotiate successfully is crucial for survival in today's changing business world. Negotiation is fun if you know what you're doing. So for all you busy execs, here are Ed Brodow's Ten Tips for Successful Negotiating:
Seven Red Hot Tips for Linking
Author: Gareth Davies
1. Vary the keywords in your link ‘anchor’ text
Senior Executives' Discussion: The Future of Coaching in Corporations
Author: Madelon M. Miles
In a candid panel discussion, attendees of the Professional Coaches and Mentors Association annual conference (“Conversations that Transform the Future”) heard "insiders" talk about why coaching works in their organizations, and how they use coaching.
Author: Manoj Sharma
Realize Your Potential
Random Creativity
Author: Mark L. Fox
It has been proven you have lost 95% of the creativity you once had. Want it back?
Power of Belief - Speaking on the Berlin Wall
Author: Stephen J. Morgan
The greatest speakers that I have ever seen were in East Germany just before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Thousands of people were risking their lives to march on the Stasi Secret Police headquarters around the city and were ransacking the arsenals of weapons and secret files they found inside. Every evening the demonstrators would converge in hundreds of thousand on Alexandraplatz, a huge square in the city center. Spontaneously, hundreds of small meetings would break out around the square. People would get up on boxes and trumpet their opinions to the groups of 20-30 listeners gathered around them. No sooner had one person finished, than another was pushing forward to take the tribune. People would spend hours floating from one gathering to another, listening or getting up and speaking themselves.
Author: Ron Rubin and Stuart Avery Gold
The following is an excerpt from the book Dragon Spirit: How to Self-Market Your Dream -- A Zentrepreneur's Guide
Author: Steve Davis
If you happen to be a member of any kind of group that meets regularly, I’m calling you to play your part in saving the world from millions of wasted hours in boring, poorly facilitated meetings!
Passing or Passion?
Author: Ben Cairns
Tony Robbins is one of the nation’s premier motivational speakers. On October 16th, 2000, Tony Robbins was in Atlanta speaking to a crowd of 14,000 people. I was in the front row. The rest of our staff was right behind me in the second row. Tony’s booming voice shook the floor and rattled the chairs. “I need a volunteer. Someone who has some enthusiasm and passion!! Let me see who has some passion and I’ll pick a volunteer!!”
Overcoming Objections
Author: Todd B. Natenberg
Objections: Buying signals in which emotions are triggered.
Oh, Migosh, I'm Going to Succeed!
Author: Jan Noyes
That realization can put fear and joyous expectation into us at the same time. What? you ask. How could anyone be afraid to succeed. Well, it¡¯s like this.
No Two People Are the Same
Author: Jan Noyes
When a facilitator leads a workshop or seminar, she doesn’t just present information to a group, she presents to a group of individuals--pairs of ears and eyes that hear and see through the veil of their own understanding, attitudes and experience.
Networking: Make it about them, They will make it about you
Author: Todd Natenberg
Networking. Everyone wants to do it. Everyone claims they do it. And most of all, everyone knows it is the single best way to earn clients.
Author: Manoj Sharma
If you ever plan on being mega successful, powerful and masterful in your finances, career, business, relationships and life in the world today, Masterful Transformational Coaching™ is something you absolutely have to pay attention to. Coaching today is not a lucrative endeavour, it is a highly lucrative endeavour on both sides of the fence, be it if you are getting coached or you are coaching.
Author: Shoshanna Katzman
Most people spend an enormous number of hours in their workplace. For this reason alone, it is essential to make it a place where people want to be, but also one that promotes physical and emotional health for its inhabitants. Business people normally operate at extreme levels of stress on a day-to-day basis. The amount and level of this stress is a crucial factor in the maintenance of a healthy work environment.
Learning New Skills in Record Time
Author: Nelson Leon
We all know that the economy is not helping companies function at full speed. We also know that job security is a thing of the past and the only thing that can make us feel secure is our ability to learn.
Learning New Skills in Record Time
Author: Nelson Leon
We all know that the economy is not helping companies function at full speed. We also know that job security is a thing of the past and the only thing that can make us feel secure is our ability to learn.
Learn to Protect Yourself From This Insidious Form of Abuse
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A.
Mobbing in the workplace has long been studied in Europe (just look it up on a search engine). Now authors Elliott, Davenport, and Schwartz discuss this disturbing phenomenon in America in "Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace." It's about collective assault in the office, on the assembly line, or in the board room.
Leaning Toward Lean: Clear Thinking For Better Health(Care)
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
Mindfulness is all about paying attention. It's amazing what can be accomplished when mindfulness is applied to systems that need all the attention they can get. If there's an industry that needs some CPR and TLC, it's healthcare.
Internal Prisons: The Thief of Productivity and Quality in our Workforce
Author: Troy D. Evans
As a professional speaker, one of my biggest challenges is to grab the attention of my audience within the first few minutes of the presentation- grab them by the throat if you will. I do this by coming out in a suite and tie, following an introduction in which I have been described as a recent college graduate who earned both of his degrees with a 4.0 GPA and placement on the Deans and Presidents List. I am portrayed as someone who was once an honors roll student, star athlete, father and family man. Upon entering the stage I ask the audience to take a close look at my face. “This is the face, as your were just told, of a recent college graduate, a recent college graduate who earned both his degrees with the highest academic honors available. This is the face of a kind man, an honest man, a trustworthy man, and a man of his word. Please take a close look at this face.” Now the hook- I then turn around, pull a pantyhose mask over my face and turn back around brandishing a toy pistol. I now ask them to take a
Inspiring Tips for Business Leaders
Author: Irma Gonzalez
Author David Dibble tells us in his latest book, The New Agreements in the Workplace, to adopt a new agreement to love, grow and serve your people. To talk about love in the workplace is in many cases extreme and most would say it is just not accepted.
How to get 50% more productivity and Results Faster
Author: Tony Dovale
If you speak to employers about their staff’s performance, you will typically hear comments about low skills, ineffective training, lack of ownership, responsibility or performance, and all the pressures around skills development legislation etc .
Higher Profits through Corporate, Executive and Life Coaching
Author: Manoj Sharma
Coaching is the greatest gift for the world of business today!
Google AdSense Fraud - How it is
Author: Aamir Aleem
It's worthwhile to examine Google's definition of Google AdSense and Click Fraud , before delving deeper into “AdSense Fraud” .
Google AdSense Fraud - How it is
Author: Aamir Aleem
It's worthwhile to examine Google's definition of Google AdSense and Click Fraud , before delving deeper into “AdSense Fraud” .
Explosive Presentations
Author: Jim Hallman
The 14 points
Everyone talks in code!
Author: graham and julie
How often have you left a meeting with a customer or your boss telling yourself he likes my ideas. Only to find later that you didn’t get the sale or your boss has told everyone that you are crazy.
"Even Tiger Woods has a coach"
Author: Ron Gordon
What do Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan and several Fortune 500 executives have in common. THEY ALL HAVE A COACH. Coaching has come a long way since the late 1980¡¯s. It is not just Tony Robins and high priced seminars anymore. ¡°It seems that every fifth person you meet these days is calling themselves a coach,¡± Says Rob Arthurs of Consultant-Coach.Com, an award winning entrepreneur and coach for 17 years. There are executive coaches, career coaches, adult attention deficit coaches, sales coaches, relationship coaches, public speaking coaches, small business coaches. There are coaches that specialize in a certain aspect of business like venture development, start up, or marketing. There are coaches with life skills counseling background, coaches for therapists and of coarse coaches for coaches. These days¡¯ people spend more time and money with coaches trying to shave a few strokes off their golf game than they do planning their life. Could a coach help you get to you! r idea of a better life? Sk
Ethical SEO and Link Building
Author: Peter Faber
Ethical SEO and Link Building
e-Recruitment: A New Paradigm
Author: Whizlabs Software
Human resource is no longer considered a business requirement; rather it has distinguished itself as one of the core assets of any organization. The statement by Mr. Narayan Murthy, “My Company’s assets walk out of the door every evening,” truly captures the dynamics of new economy. With such a great emphasis on human capital, it is critical for every organization to resort to means that offer quality recruitment solutions at competitive costs. This is where the realm of e-Recruitment starts. The Internet is no longer just a rage; it has now become a very powerful and effective tool at everybody’s disposal. e-Recruitment is simply using this tool To Hire Whom You Desire.
Creating A Corporate Image From Your Spare Bedroom
Author: Elena Fawkner
Like it or not, there is still a segment of the population who will erroneously conclude that you and your business are less than professional and competent just because you run your business out of your home.
Corporate Travel Policy
Author: Dan Noyes
Every company has a strict corporate travel policy and at The Travel Team Inc. we excel in finding the best possible deals within the parameters governing business travel for your executives and employees. Our comprehensive corporate travel services are what first earned us a solid reputation and their quality has only improved with time. The Travel Team’s mission is enabling corporate travel at the lowest possible cost, yet with maximum efficiency and comfort.
Common Exhibit Marketing Mistakes: Ten Tips on How to Avoid Them
Author: Susan Friedmann
The key to great exhibiting is marketing. But marketing is a very inexact science that leaves room for a multitude of errors to occur. The following are 10 of the most common marketing mistakes that exhibitors often make. Learn to avoid them and you will increase your chances for a successful tradeshow.
Checklist For High Performing Teams
Author: Susan Cullen
Why do some teams perform well while others struggle? How can you assess how effectively your team is working now, and identify methods for improvement?
Book Summary: First, Break All The Rules
Author: Regine Azurin
Based on a mammoth research study conducted by the Gallup
Book Summary: Effective Networking For Professional Success
Author: Regine Azurin
Explore what goes into a company's transformation from
Becoming Excellent: Outsmarting Racism
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
Thinkers know better than to be racist. It's generally understood that racists are, well, not thinkers. It's not that racists are necessarily stupid--it's that they are ignorant.
Attack of the Killer Butterflies
Author: Jan Noyes
You’re the epitome of confidence in front of the bathroom mirror. You invite a friend to view your presentation and dazzle her with your poise. She loyally claps and smiles and offers words of encouragement.
Answers to Your Questions About Executive Coaching
Author: Susan , M.A., The EQ Coach
What is executive coaching? Coaches help executives increase their productivity, work relationships and work satisfaction, and the quality of their lives and that of the organization by increasing their emotional intelligence. They also help the executive define authenticity and values. Skills, training, education and experience will get you in the game, but the higher up you go, the more your emotional intelligence makes the difference.
Analze and Drive Your Organizational Enterprise
Author: Charlie Van Hecke, MS HRD
What is a "Revenue Critical" Employee?
All Communication is Creative: The Second Principle of Intentional Communication
Author: Jan Pedersen
In my seminars, I often get questions that start with "(Fill in the Blank) is really driving me crazy..." It's hard for me to respond with a straight face anymore, when what I really want to say is, "Hey, from your mouth to God's ear..." But, being a normal human being, interested in the well being of my fellow creatures, I restrain myself.
A view on Google’s Patent: Information Retrieval Based on Historical Data
Author: Peter Faber
Google doesn’t stop innovating their search engine, and there where others try to follow, Google is not just 1 step ahead, but 10 steps ahead. Their latest innovation, which actually may already be in place for a year or longer, can be found in the patent: “Information Retrieval Based on Historical Data.”
8 ways to build a really bad web site for Search Engines
Author: Gareth Davies
Some web sites receive hundreds or thousands of unique visitors a day, whilst others only get a handful or none. The reason is often because the web designers or Webmaster has built the site in one ‘really bad way’ or other. This can end up hindering the potential success of the web site. If you want to make sure your site is not a ‘traffic flop’ then here are some simple rules to follow.
3 Essential Tools for Email Marketers -
Author: Jinger Jarrett
Marketing your business with email is an art.
10 Tips For Bringing Your Event To Life
Author: Susan Friedmann, CSP
Your job as an event planner doesn’t stop with the meeting in the company boardroom. You may be call upon to organize an employee appreciation event, an awards dinner, a product launch, the celebration of a company milestone, a gala recognizing a longtime employee’s retirement, an incentive event for the company’s sales force, a fundraising event, a holiday celebration…the list goes on and on.