Your Smile
Author: Andrew Williams
YOUR SMILE’S the appearance of your soul, radiant of your inner beauty, to shine bright as the sun. A furnish light of glory to appear as fine gold.
YOUR SMILE’S a light of heat, illuminate energy of your tenderness to be soft, and warm of splendid powers. A brilliant sunrise of rays, your gentle words to beam from between your pinkish lip’s, to speak of Virtuous Wisdom.
You have NO CHOICE
Author: Danish Ahmed
I wasn't having a good day. Let me tell you about the straw that broke the camel's back: I was in rehearsals for the Decide Show... We were watching a videotape of a previous show. I walked between the TV and VCR and tripped over the wire, almost causing the VCR to fall to the floor. Even though experience has taught me that everyone else probably didn't make anything of it, I still felt terrible.
"Why Suffer When You Can Use The Phone To Gain Control of Your Life?"
Author: Sharyn Alden
What It's Like...
Author: Danish Ahmed
I know what it's like... I had times when I wasn't happy doing anything that I did. I did some great things, but I was never happy. All I knew is that I wanted to feel better, and whatever I did to try and feel better, didn't work. I felt horrible. Even though others thought I looked good, I felt horrible. I wanted to cry. I cried often. I cried so much that I couldn't cry anymore. I yelled out loud wanting to cry, and I couldn't even cry. And that made me feel even worse.
What Do You Have to Be Grateful For?
Author: Barbara Rose
Whether it’s a holiday season, or just another miserable day in your life, it might be really hard to find things to be grateful for, especially when times are everything other than the way you would like them to be.
we don't live under NORMAL CONDITIONS
Author: Rhonda Collins
If we lived in a world without wars, poverty, racism and sexism, dramatic disparities in material conditions, political deception and so on, would there be people who suffer from depression and other “mental disorders.” This is the question that the title of the documentary film we don't live under NORMAL CONDITIONS poses.
Vampire (My Big Mistake)
Author: Tim Leonard
Vampire (My Biggest Mistake)
Using Dreams to Heal Depression
Author: John D. Goldhammer
© 2004 by John D. Goldhammer
Using Art to Contact Your Internal Critic
Author: Martha Greenwald
Several years ago I was driving home to Minnesota through central Wisconsin after a visit to my parents, a four-hour drive. My mother had criticized me for a minor matter that morning, and I responded with wounded intensity, feeling the injustice of her criticism. Somehow, a lot of the unfinished business in our relationship bubbled to the surface, because my emotions were heated out of proportion to the actual insult. As I drove home, I replayed our hot exchange over and over in my mind, unable to let it go.
The Truth About Omega 3.
Author: Dave McEvoy
The Truth About Omega 3
The "Secret of Letting Go"
Author: Guy Finley
Question: Can you help shed some light on why we are here in this life?
The power of music to affect moods
Author: IE Hewitt
Using Popular Songs to Alleviate Depression
[Excerpt]: The Irritable Male Syndrome
Author: Jed Diamond
Why Male Depression is Hidden:
The Instinct to Heal: Curing Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy
Author: David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D.
Copyright © 2004 David Servan-Schreiber
The Great Opportunity
Author: Neil Millar
I assume you want to be happier. Searching for greater happiness is a wonderful thing whatever level of happiness you are currently at. It could be that you are already enjoying life and just searching for a new idea, or it could be that you have felt negative towards life or the experiences life has dealt you. If you feel in anyway negative about life I would like to share something with you.
Suicide Prevention
Author: Martha D. Peterson
Cure for Depression/Suicide Attempts
Strengthen your centre to avoid/handle depressions.
Author: veepandi
In ‘How to read depressions positively?’ strengthening the centre had an important role.
Slay The Toxic Dragon In Your Life
Author: sharon schurman
How To "Slay The Dragon" In Your Life In Five Simple Steps
Siren's Dance
Author: Anthony Walker, M.D.
Self-Defeating Outcomes ... it will fail, if you want it to!
Author: Edward B. Toupin
The resiliency of the human spirit is astounding. A human can face immeasurable odds, over and over again, yet still rise up, pick a direction, and continue forward. However, over time, the spirit becomes weakened by fear and darkened by doubt. As the spirit begins to weaken, eventually, forward momentum does not seem possible.
Relationship and Depression
Author: Teena Jain
Relations and the people around us tend to impact our lives in the ways, more than you can even think of. The relation we share with our nearest and dearest, can effect the way our thinking and our lives moves. A good relationship, where those involved, accept one another as they are and are supportive when required, can help prevent depression. A bad relationship, on the other hand, can cause it.
RECIPE FOR ENCHANTMENT - THE THREE R's: Remembering the Best, Restoring Yourself, Rapture
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
In today's world there are so many wonderful and inspirational books. There are books filled with stories of Divine intervention, miracles happening, special positive moments never to be forgotten and stories of incredible coincidences. They help make us feel in harmony with the universe. They help us fall asleep and have pleasant dreams. They often bring tears to our eyes, reinforcing an inner sense of wisdom that all is right with the world even when appearances say that is not so.
Prevent Suicide Now
Author: Elaine Currie, BA (Hons).
A website called Prevent Suicide Now.Com recently came to my attention by chance. I almost sent it back into cyber obscurity with a mouse click as it seemed unlikely to be of any interest or use to me in my carefree home business programme.
Overcome depression with natural therapies.
Author: Andrew Cavanagh
Moving On With Heavy Hearts
Author: Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D.
When life as we know it comes crashing down around us, our hearts ache, our minds go numb, a haze seems to surround us. We are shocked, angry, and sad beyond anything we’ve ever felt before. We are frightened and shaken. We ask, “Why? How could this happen?” And often, we ask, “Why me? Why us? Why them?” Our faith is tested…and also our resolve. We might wonder if we will find the strength to go on…or if we even want to go on. And yet, we know we must. Here are 10 steps to help you move forward.
Mindfulness and Depression: Things Are Looking Up
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
From yoga studios to cancer clinics, from preschools to college campuses, mindfulness is quite the buzz. Law schools are offering courses in mindfulness as a tool to help in mediation, and business consultants are pouncing on mindfulness as the latest surefire path to better client relationships and higher sales figures.
Major Depression and Manic-Depression - Any difference?
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
Countless number of patients and their family members have asked me about manic-depression and major depression. “Is there any difference?” “Are they one and the same?” “Is the treatment the same?” And so on. Each time I encounter a chorus of questions like these, I am enthused to provide answers.
Major Depression and Its Serious Complications
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
When suffering from clinical depression, people have different ways of confronting it. Some acknowledge it, face it just like any problem, and seek help. Some ignore it as if it doesn’t exist. And others simply accept that it’s there but they don’t do anything about it. In fact, they don’t even ask for help.
Light Up Your Life: Seasonal Affective Disorder
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
Ah yes, the you can just now begin to feel the cold bite in the air during the mornings and evenings. Soon the leaves will turn all sorts of brilliant colors. The autumn season is on it's way. I love the fall. It's my favorite season of the year.
Learning to live...
Author: Kelly Moore
Depression is ugly. It can ruin your life...if you allow it to. The first step to loving a better life is to say "I can be happy. I deserve to be happy." We all deserve to be happy. The burdens of guilt and worry are simply worthless. Saddness is usually because something did not turn out as we thought that it should have. We have given success a definition that we can not live up to. This leaves us in despair and hopeless.
Learn the 3 steps to heal your heart from grief
Author: Francoise Rapp
Francoise Rapp
Learn the 3 steps to heal your heart from grief
Author: Francoise Rapp
Francoise Rapp
Joy and Depression
Author: Lalia Robinson Wilson
Welcome! Moving to Joy and Harmony is a free e-zine that explores holistic solutions to the problems people face in their lives. It is intended to be complimentary to the services of your medical health professional. If this newsletter is informative and helpful, please forward it individually to friends who may be of like mind. Please refrain from sending to newsgroups or broadcasting this widely as that may be construed as spaming.
Jesus Says, "Weep Not"
Author: Lynn Burrow
In the 7th chapter of the book of Luke, scriptures tell us about an incident in which Jesus entered a town. There He found a widow crying over the death of her only child, her son. Moved by compassion, He touched the open coffin (an act which was not acceptable in those days because it was considered unclean to touch dead bodies). He said, Young man, I say to you, "arise". Immediately the boy came back to life.
Is Your Problem Bigger Than Your God?
Author: Rev. Kenneth Byrd Chance
Problems. We all have them, be they health, relationship, financial or career related, life is full of these seeming nemeses that cause us pain and suffering. Problems exist in many forms and degrees of difficulty. Some are minor and have solutions that are apparent, while others are complex and baffling with solutions that seem impossible. Often we find ourselves in the midst of a problem for which no solution seems feasible. Well, there is hope. For every problem there is a solution. Some solutions are simple and some are not, but there is a solution to every problem, be it physical, mental, financial, family or career related, there is always a solution. God exists in the realm of spirit. We might call it the spirit plane. In this plane there are no problems! Think about it, God has no problems!
Is Dysthymic Disorder a Second-Rate Depression?
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
Dysthymic Disorder, used to be called Dysthymia, is a low-grade and yet chronic depression characterized by feelings of sadness or depression associated with lack of interest to do things and some physical symptoms such as lack of energy, sleep, and concentration.
In the Midst of the Rain - The Sun is Shining
Author: Audrina Jones Bunton
It was a drenching rainy and gloomy Saturday in August 2003. My husband and I were traveling to Aberdeen, NC to enjoy a publicly introduced gospel play written by my sister-in-law.
If God is within me, where was He when I needed Him, or His power, to take away my suffering?
Author: Rev. Kenneth Byrd Chance
Isn't it interesting that although we believe in God's divine nature, we want Him to behave in human ways, like a super hero that fixes all ills, all problems and overcomes all difficulties. This is something we all need to contend with - the nature of God. Is God really a superhuman that sits at the ready to come and "save" us? To think this way is limited thinking. It puts God in a definable position when in fact, the essence of God is ineffable. Countless sages have spent lifetimes seeking to know God's nature, volumes have been written and yet no one can say definitively what God truly is, other than the simple verse, "God is Love."
How To Tell Sadness From Depression
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
You have and will experience sadness. It might be the loss of a job, pet or a loved one. Yes, even a loved one. The trouble is, particularly here in the United States, we have a quick-fix for everything... why not sadness too?
How to read depressions positively?
Author: veepandi
The feedback on my article on ‘ANGER- A KEY TO SUCCESS ‘ elicited positive response. Anyone who had practiced it will welcome his anger as an opportunity to get better idea of his/her sensitivity domain interests.
How to Get Over Emotional Misery
Author: Barbara Rose
Whether it’s a holiday, anniversary, birthday or a time in your life where the rug of life itself seems to have been ripped out from beneath your feet, and you feel the kind of depression where you pray to not wake up, take heart. I have been there, and have learned how to come out of it to the other side of beaming joy, and want to pass this information on to you.
Hope for the Helpless!
Author: Paul Shearstone
One might think that because I am a Chronic Fatigue Survivor, caring for others battling this insidious disease, would be easy. Sadly, that is not the case!
Hello to All That
Author: John Falk
Copyright © 2005 by John Falk
Having Fun with Essential Oils
Author: Venus D. Kilgore
An Environment of Scent
Guilt and Unworthiness - Understanding the Meaning of Your Negative Experiences and Feelings
Author: UnityLove
A chapter from "You Are the Grandest Love of All - God In Human Form" by UnityLove at Counselor of the Copyright 2004.
Guilt and Unworthiness - Understanding the Meaning of Your Negative Experiences and Feelings
Author: UnityLove
A chapter from "You Are the Grandest Love of All - God In Human Form" by UnityLove at Counselor of the Copyright 2004.
Grief Work Transformation
Author: Jan Maizler
Loss is an experience that affects us all at various times during our lives. Our society tends to deal with loss the same way it deals with death and dying - as a painful event to get over rather than as a natural process that can cause growth and transformation.
Greetings From The Bottom
Author: Kim Park
My entire life has been a cycle of wanting to live with vengeance and needing to numb the constant pain I feel. Pain that I found unbearable. Numbing entailed irresponsibility. Denial. Aloofness. Any way to keep myself from feeling fledging terror and anger has been my modus operandi. The hurt. The pain. All these things exist in depression. So, I began the arduous task of researching the label for this pain I have been feeling since I can remember:
Got the HOLIDAY BLUES? -- Learn to deal with some holiday hang-ups
Author: Danish Ahmed
Don't Get the Holiday Blues
Finding A Future In Your Past
Author: Jenny Smedley
Can you find answers to your problems by remembering a previous existence? Are past life memories real? I am the living proof that you can change your life by remembering a past one. As to whether they are real, I believe they are, but everyone is entitled to make up their own mind about that.
Faith and Depression
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
Don't worry, I'm not going to get in the pulpit but I will challenge you to take an objective look at what faith may be able to do for your depression. In doing so, we'll be looking at many people who use faith in different ways.
Facing Depression-A Natural Alternative
Author: Holly Beatie
I feel that it's safe to say that in our society today, depression is more common than many people realize. Depression can be exacerbated by other events and occurrences like abuse, heartbreak, betrayal, death of a loved one, divorce, being fired, lack of purpose, losing, failing, and so on. From listening to some of John Bradshaw's tapes, I've learned that if as children, between the ages of 3 and 5, we don't receive solid love, support, and nurturing, we don't develop certain neuro-links in our brains, resulting in a lifelong low-level depression that we are usually not aware of.
Emotional Intelligence & Feeling Good
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
Two emotions, or ways of feeling, are especially troublesome to most of us - anger management and depression. Depression appears to be epidemic now, globally, and without going into the etiology (the causes), or pinpointing definitions or degrees of severity (they vary; there are many) lets just say it’s one way of feeling really bad.
Emotional Growth
Author: Michelle Ron
We all want to be happy, and the ,000,000 question is: 'how'?
Do You Love Someone Who Suffers From Depression?
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
Relationships in which one individual is depressed are nine times more likely to divorce. Wow, the normal divorce rate is already over 60% nationally! But, it's not always a spouse who is depressed, sometimes it is a child or an extended family member.
Depression: A Personal Account About Learning to Cope
Author: David Smith
Do you have days where nothing can make you happy? You are not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to fix my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice.
Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn’t Work. What Can My Psychiatrist Do?
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
Maria has been increasingly depressed for the past few years. She has tried at least four newer antidepressants but so far, she doesn’t seem to respond. Unable to work, she’s now feeling helpless and hopeless. Likewise, her family is discouraged. Frustrated and baffled by Maria’s lack of progress, the family doctor refers her to a psychiatrist.
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
Are you suffering from depression or a medical condition? Depression can be a symptom of an undiagnosed medical condition.
Depression Lived
Author: Finley K. Torelli
Today I sit at my computer desperately fishig for input of hope and inspiration, and practical ideas to further battle this "Thorn in My Side" called depression.
Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
Have you ever overheard people talking about couples that have been married for a very long time? One of things often said is how a couple will begin to look alike over time. How and why do you think this occurs?
Depressed? Wise Woman Ways Offer a Helping Hand
Author: Susun Weed
Winter time is depression time for many women. Perhaps it is harder to look at the bright side when days are short, perhaps the holidays and family demands take their toll on us. Of course, depression can also be triggered by lack of thyroid hormone and by use of steroids, high blood pressure drugs, and ERT/HRT.
Dealing With Depression
Author: Dr. Rita Louise
Depression or “depressive reactions” is a mood response that is often brought on by the stresses and strains in our lives. For some, it can be triggered by a serious loss, a difficult relationship, financial problems or any overwhelmingly stressful situation. For others it may be set off by medical conditions, drug or alcohol abuse or hormonal changes. In recent years, it has been noted that certain forms of depression can actually run in families.
Credit Information! Stolen!
Author: Jeffrey Broobin
Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the number of identity theft incidents reached 9.9 million in 2003. These crimes are estimated to have taken the average victim 0 and 30 hours to resolve.
Communication With The Most Important Person
Author: Mark Thompson
He was a student in the 6th grade. He was great in all subjects except Math. His step-father was sent to his room to help him with his Math homework. After a few minutes of silence, a loud yell of anger reverberated throughout the house.
Chapter One: The Deadly Duo: Depression and Depression Fallout
Author: Anne Sheffield
Love and depression speak different languages. Every man and woman in a relationship touched by depression comes face to face with this unpleasant truth. Although each believes that he or she is living through a unique situation, the behavior of both parties conforms to a predictable pattern. One participant acts according to the dictates of his or her depression: Be critical, unpredictable, sullen, illogical, angry, touchy, put-upon, distant yet occasionally tender, and deny there is anything wrong with you. The other follows the rules governed by depression fallout: Be confused and bewildered, blame yourself for the relationship’s problems, become thoroughly demoralized, then get angry and resentful, and, finally, yearn to escape.
Anatomy of Anger/Anxiety/Depression
Author: Mary M Evans
Anger: A label we attach to a series of symptoms that seem to be coming from either an internal mechanism (created in the past) or as a reaction to a perceived violation (seems to be occurring in the present moment) or a projection of fear(an imagined or anticipated violation expected to occur in the near future). It shows up in our lives as precise sensory feedback that we are not in control. It can stimulate an impulse to protect ourselves from a perceived threat, by engaging behaviors that will maximise our survival or accelerate our demise. The more a person denies the initial impulses the more they seem to intensify and mutate into behaviors that mask. The masking of what is being resisted ( a false viewpoint imagined to be fixed) creates uncontrollable impulses to fixate ones attention on a compulsion or a drive towards revenge. Without an appropriate outlet for the intensity of feelings, a being continues the ride of denial to it's conclusion - quite often ! resulting in some form of violence. The
A Powerful New Therapy for Relief From Trauma and Intrusive Memories
Author: Susan Quinnm MA, MFT
EMDR, a powerful new therapy modality, is becoming more widely used by therapists, as more and more people have experienced its ability to help them change painful emotions and self-limiting beliefs. With this modality, people are finding that they don't need years of psychotherapy to get the results they want. Often only a few sessions of EMDR can give a person relief from intrusive thoughts and memories that had been effecting and limiting their lives for years.