Your Job as a Role Model
Author: Anthony Kane, MD
A certain educator was once asked at what point should a parent begin to prepare for child raising.
Your Attitude to the Addicted Person
Author: Jim Maclaine
(excertped from Chapter 8, 'When Someone You Love is Addicted to Alcohol or Drugs' )
Yearly Living Trust Check-Up
Author: Jeffrey Broobin
Some time ago, Congress made certain changes to the estate taxes. As a result of the changes, effective January, 2004, the tax free amount increased to ,500,000. (Back in 1997 it was 0,000.) This allows a married couple to leave a minimum of ,000,000 tax free.
Author: DON ORNE
Women And Calcium
Author: Brigitte Synesael
Many women increase their calcium intake, unaware that the body also requires magnesium. The body keeps the two minerals in balance, therefore increasing one without increasing the other really does not have any real benefit as the body simply disposes of the excess. Optimally one should consume 1,000 milligrams of each per day.
Women And Calcium
Author: Brigitte Synesael
Many women increase their calcium intake, unaware that the body also requires magnesium. The body keeps the two minerals in balance, therefore increasing one without increasing the other really does not have any real benefit as the body simply disposes of the excess. Optimally one should consume 1,000 milligrams of each per day.
Wisdom of a Tree Planter
Author: Kimberley Simon
Jay, my 19 year old son, is baaaaaaaaack. He spent two months up in northern Ontario, Canada, planting trees for a reforestation company ... the best and worst of times ... tears, laughter, learning to make hemp and bead jewellery, playing guitar, BIG food, and best of all, living in a tent in "tent city".
Will they or will they not cheat?
Author: Angela Renee
Have you ever told your partner or spouse how you would feel if you found out they had been cheating? Maybe your spouse or partner will never cheat on you! Are would they?
"Why So Many Bleep Words?"
Author: Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
My family watched a lot of movies over the holidays; at least we tried to. It's about impossible to find good clean entertainment anymore. We did have a TV Guardian to bleep the bad words, but the poor thing was overworked. It bleeped itself into early retirement the other night. Which got me to thinking--I'd love to see a breakdown on the birthplaces of movie producers and writers. There can't be more than a handful of true southerners in the bunch. Think about it.
When Worlds Collide
Author: Elena Fawkner
© 2002 Elena Fawkner
What To Do If Your Child Is Being Sexually Exploited On The Internet
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
Discovering that your child is being sexually exploited through the internet is a highly traumatic experience for both parent and child. Your child may be panicking, frightened that they have done wrong and will be punished, so much so that it may be hard to get any information from them. Furthermore, the person doing the exploiting is far away in cyberspace, and you may have no idea who it is. The only information you may have is an email address, or a chat room nickname. You may have discovered about the problem because your child tells you, or because you read a sexually explicit email or conversation sent to your child from an adult. Now what will you do?
What Should You Do If You Gave a Recorded or Written Statement To The Insurance Adjuster Early-on After The Accident?
Author: Jeanine Steele
What Should You Do If You Gave a Recorded or Written Statement To The Insurance Adjuster Early-on After The Accident?
What Footsie taught us !
Author: graham and julie
We have just inherited a rag, tag and bobtail of a dog called ’Footsie’. She was found three weeks ago wandering around outside a local restaurant for a couple of days looking for food. Paula, a woman who takes responsibility for stray animals in this part of the island, took her in and started to look after her. She soon found that, Footsie has such a quiet, loving nature but is definitely not a ‘looker’. She wouldn’t win any awards at Crufts. Pure white coat, almost albino type eyes but a protruding bottom set of teeth which means she always has the canine tooth on the left and several of her other teeth showing. But, as we said, a lovely temperament. Very playful, loving and peaceful.
Weaving the Web of Life
Author: Del Ashkewe and Paula Johnstone
In the beginning, in the darkness of the deep, the Creator God, perceived aloneness and understood the needing of one
Water,Water Everywhere, Now What Drop Dare I Drink?
Author: Brigitte Synesael
Water, or "aqua vitae" is literally the "Water of Life". All known life forms require water to live. Our bodies are made up of approx. 70% of water. Water is involved in every body process, including digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion. Water is the natural way we receive nutrients and minerals. The old adage of 8 glasses of water every day is an absolute minimum requirement for healthy bodies. City water, well water, spring water, rain water, bottled water? So many kinds of water, but for today we are going to address the many new brands of bottled water on the market. Is bottled water better than natural, are there labeling restrictions, why is it better than regular tap water?
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
Looking for some fiction to read this summer? Try a travel brochure. Those beautiful glossy pamphlets promise you the time of your life, with nonstop fun. To illustrate their promises, they show pictures of perfect people with perfect bodies and perfect teeth, frolicking and smiling. No one has sunburn, sore feet or indigestion. The children always look squeaky clean, and they never have tantrums. There are no mosquitoes, no flat tires, no thunderstorms . . . and no inner brats!
Unilateral Disarmament - The First Step to Improving Communications with Your Teenagers
Author: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed.
Many times, we are so conditioned in how we speak that we do not realize whether or not we are effectively communicating with our teens. This is especially true when they upset us.
Understanding Uncontested Divorce and Contested Divorce.
Author: James Wood
A divorce case is contested if the parties cannot agree on every one of the issues involved in their particular situation. Common areas of disagreement include, but are not limited to: grounds for divorce, custody of the children, visitation rights, division of the assets of the marriage, child support, maintenance (alimony), payment of family debts, contribution toward educational expenses (college or parochial), payment of health insurance for the dependent spouse, income tax structuring, etc
Ulcers Are No Laughing Matter
Author: Brigitte Synesael
Literally speaking, an ulcer is an open sore, often infected. Frequently this sore is in the stomach or the duodenum, the part of the intestines which connects with the stomach. These are referred to as Peptic Ulcers, and there is nothing pleasant about this experience.
Types of Parrots
Author: Nancy Richards
Interested in parrots? Welcome to the world of the flying feathers. All types of parrots are brightly colored with a few exceptions. Some types of parrots are small, cuddly and cute. Others are bigger and grander than their smaller relations. The most common types of parrots are green in color and make wonderful pets. They are usually small in size and have amazing talking abilities.
Two Letters About Aging Parents, With Answers From Experts
Author: Francine Moskowitz and Robert Moskowitz
Parenting Your Aging Parents
Top Ten Reasons to Hold Family Meetings
Author: Dan and Suzanne Bond
Top Ten Reasons to Hold Family Meetings
Top 10+ Ways to Jumpstart your New Year’s Finances!
Author: Cindy Morus
Of course, these don't have to be done in any particular order! Just pick one or two that particularly apply to your situation.
Author: Maria Mendez
Thumbs Up
Author: LeAnn R. Ralph
(721 words)
The Truth About Motherhood
Author: Marie Magdala Roker
What is the mystery of motherhood? I know that when I was pregnant, experienced mothers could not stop giving me advice on taking care of newborns, delivery expectations and child care solutions. Yet, no mother ever told me how dreadful post partum depression could be, how much my world would change, how one person can bring so much to my life. I am taking this opportunity to share with expectant and first time mothers the truth about motherhood:
The Top Ten Tips on Storytelling and Making an Impact
Author: Dr. Clare Albright, Psychologist and Professional Coach
All great communicators are great storytellers. Listeners are more open to receiving when they hear the message delivered in a story format - they can lower their walls and defenses because the message is coming to them in a safe and indirect way. Wherever you want to make an impact, tell a story!
The Myth of 100% Complete Processed Pet Food
Author: Dr. Randy Wysong
Every day, people by the millions pour food from a package into their pet’s bowl. Day in and day out, meal after meal, pets get the same fare. This strange phenomenon is not only widely practiced, but done by loving owners who believe they are doing the right thing. Why? Certainly because it is convenient, but also because the labels state that the food is “complete and balanced,” “100% complete,” or that the food has passed various analytical and feeding test criteria. Furthermore, manufacturers and even veterinarians counsel pet owners about not feeding other foods such as table scraps because of the danger of unbalancing these modern processed nutritional marvels. The power of the message is so great that pet owners en masse do every day to their pets what they would never do to themselves or their children -offer the same processed packaged food at every meal.
The First Thing On Your To Do List
Author: Tammy Gonzales
Make out your Advance Directives. It is better to plan in advance then to rely on fantasies of how we think others would react to making decisions for us. Others may make decisions that may be in their own best interest not yours. Unplanned events sometimes occur in our lives that may take away the opportunity for us to make our own decisions. Why burden others with expense and timely legal problems.
The Effects of one’s Position About Spanking
Author: Kerrith H. King
There continues to be a lot of new articles about spanking children. Some write sincerely in favor of spanking and others passionately oppose it. This article questions the wisdom of any position about spanking. It's occurred to me that my position against spanking in some way empowers those who still justify it as a last resort tool for getting children to behave. Is not a self-righteous position flailed (even silently, non-verbally) against spankers itself lacking compassion and abusive? Does it not attack, invalidate, strike out at the spanker?
The Better Behavior Wheel - A New Kind of Calm in the Family
Author: Gina Ritter
There's a new kind of fun and calm out there in the name of the Better Behavior Wheel, invented by Julie Butler and her family in central British Columbia. In an interesting twist on charts and discipline, this versatile wheel can be hung on a wall or toted with you in the car and on vacations.
The Recipe For The Making Of A Self-Assured Child
Author: Dr. Charles Sophy
Each child carries a unique picture of the self, shaped in part by the influence of parents. Your child is not born with a self-image or self-assurance. Both traits are learned through experiences beginning from birth.
Ten Ways to Raise Children to Use Drugs
Author: Leah Davies, MEd
1.Obey their demands. Give in to their tantrums. Deny them nothing. If they want it, indulge them. Make sure they know you will always be there to get them out of trouble. If they break a toy or wreck a car, replace it.
Ten Tips to Help You Save Your Sanity During the Holidays
Author: Marie Roker
1. Set limits for yourself.
Teens Tweens or Children? Talking Effectively with your Kids about the Internet
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
Talking effectively about the internet with your kids, and setting rules that will stick, requires an appreciation of their age and maturity. You of course know your kids best, and may already have had effective discussions with them about family rules for using the internet, but here are some guidelines on how kids at different ages generally relate to parental authority.
Teachers, do not overlook teaching your students how to write checks.
Author: Timothy Liptrap
The stock market is in a downturn, corporations are laying off workers, public companies are collapsing and federal law makers want the next generation of students to understand how to manage their money.
Author: Kayla Fay
Summertime is supposed to be an easy time, evoking images of happy children with dirt necklaces, of lounging on the front porch with ice tea, of evenings soothed with fireflies and the lullabies of crickets and cicadas. In our society, this is about as close to reality as Brahms is to Ice T. Our summers are often wasted fiddling with video games and strumming the remote, leaving kids chorusing "I'm bored." If you're going to play the blues this summer, take a lesson from George Gershwin. He has composed the perfect summertime accompaniment for the lazy, hot days that lie ahead.
Storytelling for Fun and Profit
Author: Alvah Parker
Storytelling for Fun and Profit
Spring Cleaning: How To Do It with a Preschooler By Your Side
Author: Susan Dunn
Most children love to clean up along with you. In fact, much of the Montessori Method of early childhood education makes use of this fact. If you notice their "work", praise it, and take it seriously, you'll keep them interested and you might also instill some good future work habits. Don't tune out; keep them included in the process. Fun music helps too, like a rousing Sousa march!
Some Say "Yippee" and Others Say "Yikes!" But Either Way We're Going: Home for the Holidays!
Author: Victoria Simon, Ph.D.
A woman called our office two weeks ago. She sounded anxious and a little timid about explaining why she was seeking our help. She finally shared that she had just booked her ticket to fly home for Thanksgiving and, rather than looking forward to the trip and the time she would spend with her loved ones, she was worried about the kinds of explosive family issues that had ruined, or at least clouded, previous holiday gatherings. She described growing up in a large, loving family - but the stressors that she experienced as a child and young adult were still haunting holiday events. Last Thanksgiving, she told us, she had changed her flight to return to Los Angeles two days early, much to the anger and disappointment of her parents and siblings, "because I just couldn't take it anymore!"
Second Acts
Author: Michele Martinez
Second Acts: How My Kids Helped Me Kick
Second Acts
Author: Michele Martinez
Second Acts: How My Kids Helped Me Kick
Author: Terry L. Sumerlin
After his haircut, the young man stepped behind my chair and, without saying a word, hugged me. I must say, in all humility, it was a great haircut. It wasn’t the haircut, though, that brought about the hug. It was the result of a bond we had established during the haircut.
Protecting unmarried couples relationships
Author: James Woods
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to dictate who you would like to make decisions on your behalf. While there are many useful purposes for a power of attorney, they are especially important to unmarried couples, which live together, when a partner becomes incapacitated and unable to make decisions. In such situations, the law usually designates the incapacitated person's next of kin as the decision maker. With a power of attorney, unmarried couples can give their partners the power to make such decisions.
Play the Ball - Not the Man!
Author: Azriel Winnett
What's the point of any of this? Where is the meaning in my day-to-day life?
Parent-Child Internet Agreement
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
The Kid's Agreement
New Years Celebrations Around the World
Author: Rachel Webb
All around the world people celebrate the coming of a new year and time with traditions from their country. Although the celebrations are not always held on the same day, they often include traditions of religious celebrations, special prayers and blessings, beautiful costume parties and parades of celebration. Not just a holiday of merryment many countries have customs of forgiveness, and practices said to bring good luck and fortune in the new year. Learning about the traditions practiced in other cultures is a fun way to gain respect and acceptance for others sometimes appear different then we are. It is also a positive step to teaching children to be non-prejudice in a fun way as well.
Never late to Minimize your Risk for Identity Theft.
Author: Jeffrey Broobin
Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. According to the Federal Trade Commission, the number of identity theft incidents reached 9.9 million in 2003. These crimes are estimated to have taken the average victim 0 and 30 hours to resolve.
National Stepfamily Day - A Recognition of Family
Author: Clergy Services, Inc./Amy Knowlden
According to the Stepfamily Association of America, 1 out of 3 Americans is a stepparent, stepchild, or other member of a stepfamily.
Motivation... The Key to Your Child's Educational Success
Author: GranMamma
For the first year or two of life outside the womb, our brains are in the most impressionable state they will ever be in. A baby’s brain is immediately shaped by interacting with their environment. As a parent, one can have a large influence on their newborns first encounters with learning.
More Effective Communication with Children - Part 1
Author: Robert Elias Najemy
Today we are experiencing an ever-growing communication gap between parents, teachers and the children whom they are responsible for. Only through honest and sincere communication can we help our children to become honest, healthy and happy individuals. Some of the basic concepts of communication expressed in earlier chapters are repeated here with emphasis on communication with children.
Moms Are Women First
Author: Renee Michaels
Renee Michaels
Minimize The Waves Of Divorce
Author: Liz Wertman
Divorce drops into our private pond and creates waves that last beyond our lifetime.
Memories, Meanings, and Lessons for Life
Author: Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE
Some places just feel like home even if you've never lived there. I can feel calm settle over me as I turn from the highway and see St. Joseph Convent perched in its solid position above the Pennsylvania Dutch countryside. Its three-story arms spread across the hill as if embracing the furrowed farmland below. The manure-covered fields puff pungent perfume into the April morning air. The dense pine trees planted by my grandfather are almost as tall as the bell tower. I don't remember the pink and white dogwoods that blush next to the retreat center but then again, I have never been here in spring. An emergency calls me here now.
Marriage - Why This Time It Can Work
Author: Derek Randel and Gail Randel M.D.
Till death do us part, or unless we decide to call it quits! Welcome to the new disposable marriages. Today we can expect to have more marriages than children; isnÕt it unbelievable?
Managing the Emotional Leftovers of Work
Author: Michele Dortch
Many working mothers accept the idea that career success comes at a cost, and that cost is the deterioration of her private life. In order to thrive in the corporate setting, she is forced to make choices that sacrifice her personal needs and that of her family. Yet, this is not always an accurate reflection of reality.
Make every day a mother's day!
Author: Angela Renee
The word mother and mothers day are simple, yet powerful little words that you hear all the time especially so around the time of mothers day when everyone seem to be scrambling for ideas to say thank you, you are surely loved and you are appreciated all over again.
Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. What is the difference?
Author: James Wood
A Living Will is a legal document addressing only deathbed considerations; a client unilaterally declares his/her desire that life-prolonging measures be discontinued when there is no hope of ultimate recovery.
Little Things Mean A Lot
Author: Dr Tim Ong
Little Things Mean A Lot
Author: Dr Tim Ong
Linen Tablecloths – your secret servant to restaurant revenues
Author: Linen Tablecloths – your secret servant to restaurant revenues
Let's first open with the fact that a survey carried out in the USA found that in 2005, people attending restaurants with white tablecloths has increased by over 40% compared to last year. AND! To drive the point home, these same diners are spending more on their meals when dining out than they did a year ago. Thus it's pretty clear that in the restaurant industry, good quality tablecloths make a difference in the customers' eyes (new and existing) which helps take care of the restaurant business and ultimately the bottom line.
Life insurance, the universe and everything
Author: Rachel Lane
You may have noticed that life insurance is coming back into fashion. It’s true that it may not be the financial term on everybody’s lips, but sales of life insurance have been going up, according to the Association of British Insurers. Whilst we may not be saving the volume of funds that the financial institutes would like, we are at least flirting with the idea of becoming a little more protective with our finances.
Let’s Get Serious About the Nursing Home Tour
Author: Tammy Gonzales
Before you tour your facility choices be sure you have done your homework. Go online and visit They have wonderful resources available to you for free. They are user friendly. Please see the end of this article for details.
Leaving the Hospital, Going To The Nursing Home
Author: Tammy Gonzales
Admitting yourself or someone you love to a nursing home for rehabilitation is something that we have to do and not what we want to do. As we age the risk increases for a health accident even if we are healthy. Unfortunately, nat all of the care we will ned can be provided in a hospital or at a rehabilitation specialty center. Some of us will need to go to a skilled unit at a nursing home.
Author: Linda J Alexander, ESQ - President of WhoisHe.Com, Inc
SAN DIEGO, CA ?At a time when violent crime nationwide is on the decline --murders down 13 percent from 1999 --one crime statistic is haunting the criminal justice system. The killing or injury of children by their parents or stepparents shows an alarming rise. Between 1976 and 1997, approximately11,000 children were murdered by those who gave them life or were supposed to give them care. Thousands more were the victims of life-threatening injuries.
KIDS IN CYBERSPACE A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
KIDS IN CYBERSPACE A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
Keep the Fires Burning
Author: Lisa Martin, PCC
The toys are put away, homework's done and the kids are in bed. The lunches are made and the dishwasher is on. You wash your face, brush your teeth, choose clothes for tomorrow and then collapse into bed beside your spouse. You lean over give your mate a perfunctory kiss and casually comment that your sex life "sure isn't what it used to be before kids"—and instantly fall asleep.
It's Official!- Internet Addiction is Real
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
Recently psychologists in America concluded that it is indeed possible for your child to become psychologically addicted to the Internet. The addiction has been named Internet Addiction Disorder, or IAD. To be diagnosed as a "Dependent Internet User" with IAD, a child must meet at least four or more of the criteria set by the American Psychological Association. These criteria include such signs and symptoms as: your child can't stop thinking about the internet when they are offline; your child can't control the length of time they spend online and stays on longer and longer; your child gets angry or restless when not online; your child begins lying to family members about the extent of their internet involvement; your child's school grades start to suffer because of excessive internet use; and your child becomes socially isolated from school friends and school activities, preferring immersion in the virtual world of cyberspace.
Is Your Child Safe From Sexual Abuse
Author: Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, MSW, CSW, CRT, CCH, Ph.D. (cand)
For many decades we have screamed, ranted, condemned, demanded and enacted legislation to punish perpetrators for sexual abuse of children to little avail. The news media and magazines have joined in the campaign to illuminate the problem after the damage is done. As a result of the media’s coverage of ‘strangers’ sexually abusing children we have come to believe if we teach our children about ‘stranger danger,’ we have thoroughly protected our children from this horrific crime.
Is Your Child Playing with Fire?
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Emotional Intelligence coach
I grew up with the Edwards boys, Eddie, Freddie and Paulie, I’ll call them. Paulie was the youngest and his face and hands were terribly scarred. Eddie and Freddie had found some matches and gone out back and set a fire, bringing Paulie along to watch. Somehow Paulie was the one who ended up disfigured in this misadventure which turned into a family tragedy.
Is your child developing the same way as his or her peers?
Author: Michael G Ahrens
A good friend of mine, a first time mom, raised an interesting point. Parents, when comparing children, often see one child being able to do something that their own child (of a similar age) cannot do. This natural method of comparison sometimes gives rise to anxiety. Parents often wonder in such situations ¡° my child cannot do this yet, should my child be able to do this now? Is my child developing properly?¡± They may even look up child development books to check up information on child developmental schedules or scales. They will look for reassurance, to make sure when a child should learn a specific skill. It is natural to be ¡°anxious¡± about the development of one¡¯s child. But another question may arise, are any such ¡°child to child¡± comparisons valid, and are they worth the potential anxiety. My friend asked ¡°should we not just let our children be and let them grow up all by themselves, in their own good time?¡±
How Two Quarrelling Kids Helped Invent the Better Behavior Wheel
Author: Julie Butler
When David was nine and Laura was twelve, the battles started.
How to Plan a *Super* Family Reunion
Author: Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach
My years in public relations taught me a lot about setting
How to Deal with Your Mother-In-Law
Author: Debbie Mandel
Just the word, mother-in-law, fills the heart with trepidation and self-doubt. This woman has assumed mythic proportions wielding criticism, guilt and coldness. When she visits, you feel like the inspector general has marched into your home. When she interacts with the children, she is evaluating their manners, academic performance and fitness – tracing it all back to you!
How to Choose The Right Sports Camp
Author: Jami Dansingburg
Recreational - Beginner
How to Build Memories
Author: Eileen Jones
How to Build Memories
How Do You Keep a Family Strong?
Author: Jill Curtis
Pick up any newspaper and read about the changing partners of the famous and not-so-famous. It’s a sad fact that the couples who remain happily together for almost a lifetime do not make the headlines. They are not ‘news.’ So whilst we can read interviews from the many who will kiss and tell about the breakup of their relationships, we know very little about what makes a marriage last, and so what keeps a family strong.
Housework Cleaning Checklist - Part One : How to Clean Your House While Becoming Physically Fit
Author: Vincent Platania
Holiday Relationships: Strategies for Surviving Holiday Dinners, Family Events and Other War Zones
Author: Kevin B. Burk
Kevin B. Burk
Helping Your Kids Handle Divorce
Author: Dr. Charles Sophy
Every year over one million parents have to talk to their kids about divorce. For each parent, the discussions differ, but the goals of the discussions are universal: to openly and honestly reassure your child of your love.
Help Your Older Parents Avoid Falls in Their Home
Author: The Aging Coach, Jane R. Yousey, OTR/L
A person’s home is their castle, whether it is an apartment, house or assisted living residence. It should be a place of rest, comfort and safety. Seventy-five percent of falls occur at home. Of these, 50% are caused by environmental factors.
Happy Mother's Day
Author: KnightFlight Productions
Moms, we want to acknowledge you.
Halloween Safety Tips
Author: Susan Dunn, MA, Coach
Halloween is an exciting night for children and a busy time for their parents. With such excitement, it’s easy for children to forget basic safety rules.
Grandparents! Help Your Grandkids Do Math!
Author: Kenneth Williams
This may come as a surprise.
"Good & Not So Good Advice From Our Moms (UK)"
Author: Debbie Jenkins
(c) Debbie Jenkins. All Rights Reserved.
Give a Little Good Health Away!
Author: Shubhra Krishan
This holiday season, choose the present perfect! Something that will not only warm the hearts of your loved ones, but also add life to their years and years to their life.
Free Tips For Your Child's Success
Author: Mr. Frank W. Thatcher Jr.
Getting free tips for a child's success is something most parents/guardians are interested in. Most want their child's academic growth to improve every school year. Most sincerely care. Unfortunately some don't, but that's a completely different article. For now, I want to focus on improving the reading abilities of our children immediately.
Four Steps to Protecting Your Family Online
Author: Legrand Bagley
Pornography marketers will make at least two new Websites while you read this message. That’s thousands every day. The more sites they can make, the more traffic they get, and the more money they make. It doesn’t matter if you, your spouse, or kids are looking for them or not. They’re looking for you- and everyone they can get.
Author: Brigitte Synesael
Fiber accomplishes many beneficial tasks not the least of which includes supporting the digestive system. As research and studies continue it is clear that you can only benefit your health by consuming a high fiber diet. Fiber has been shown in studies to help reduce the rates of some forms of cancer, namely colon and breast cancer. Certain kinds of fiber have been found to lower levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Feul Efficient Vehicles
Author: Kyle Busch
© 2004 by Kyle Busch, author of: "Drive the Best for the Price ..."
Family Vacation
Author: Ray Willows
Children Entertainment and an ideal vacation for entire family
Fake Grass
Author: Brad Slade
The history of artificial or fake grass is to say the least an interesting one and arose out of the social desire to in-effect ward off what could be seen, as far back as the 1950s, as an increasingly unhealthy tendency by youngsters not to exercise.
Author: Staci Stallings
In the abyss between life and death resides only faith. Experts call this abyss “Motherhood.”
Eating Disorder Early Recovery: "How Do I Begin?" The 84,000 Ways
Author: Joanna Poppink, M.F.T.
How a person begins to get help in recovering from an eating disorder depends on:
"Do You Like Her?"
Author: Terry L. Sumerlin
One Saturday, I left the shop a little early so that I could change clothes and make it across town in time to officiate a wedding. It was for a very sweet, young couple we know.
Do You Know What To Do If Someone You Loved One Is In the Hospital?
Author: Tammy Gonzales
If someone you know and love is in the hospital there are a few things you need to know especially if you are the Heath Care Agent or the surrogate that will be acting and making decisions for the patient.
Defending the Relationship of Unmarried Couples
Author: Jeffrey Broobin
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to dictate who you would like to make decisions on your behalf.
Daddies and Slippery Socks
Author: Susie Cortright
There's just something about a daddy.
Creative Story Book Reading
Author: Rachel Webb
A child development specialist once told me that if you can read a book to your child in less than 3 minutes you wasted your time. What? You mean I can't race through it and get the story over with!
Creative Soap Crafts
Author: Alli Ross
Soap is a craft that is fun and easy to make. It's a great project to do with your kids.Simply follow the instructions below and you'll be on your way to one of your first bars of soap..... where you choose all the soap colors and shapes.
Create a holiday feast for the senses
Author: Lorraine Aho
This is my daughter’s first Christmas. Naomi will be nearly nine months old and eager to explore all that the holidays have to offer. Within a few weeks after conception, babies develop the sense of touch, with taste, smell, hearing and sight following in that order. At birth, babies possess all the senses they will have through their lives, just waiting for sensory experiences to learn about the world. The senses quickly become more acute, until adulthood when they are taken for granted. Each sense has its own role in helping create a magical memory, whether you are celebrating Solstice, Diwali, St. Lucia Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, First Night, or Festivus. This year, experience the holidays as a child again. Even if this isn’t your first Christmas, you can make it joyful and loving by using all your senses.
Coping When Someone You Love is Deployed
Author: Susan Dunn
Having someone you love deployed, whether child, partner, relative or close friend, is extremely stressful. As on military spouse told me, “Why am I acting like this?
Consider Yourself Challenged
Author: Liz Wertman
In your lifetime you will reach many “forks in the road.” There are times when you must choose which path to take but other times your path is chosen for you. In times like these you might be afraid, scared what your future holds. It’s the old saying “the devil you know versus the devil you don’t know”. As unhappy as you might be, you want to stay on the path you are on. You want to resist the change, knowing as soon as you take one step onto that path your life will change forever. Divorce is such a path.
Cockatiel Illnesses
Author: Medha Roy
Cockatiel Illnesses
Closing the Feedback Loop
Author: Azriel Winnett
In previous articles, I spoke a little about the supreme importance of becoming a good listener. I went as far as to suggest that listening was the most important communication skill of them all.
Christmas Has A Knob. Use It!
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Christmas has a knob. Use It!
Choosing between Power of Attorney for Health Care and Living Will
Author: Jeffrey Broobin
A Living Will is a legal document addressing only deathbed considerations; a client unilaterally declares his/her desire that life-prolonging measures be discontinued when there is no hope of ultimate recovery.
Cars - It is the Season to Save Money
Author: Kyle Busch
Cars - It is the Season to Save Money
Bulimia/Anorexia and Compulsive Overeating:When Family and Friends Don't Get It
Author: Joanna Poppink, M.F.T.
Often a person with an eating disorder covers her pain so well that even when she tells the truth about her suffering, people don't believe her. They think she is exaggerating, overreacting, in a mood that will pass.
Botswana Emerges as an Up Market Safari Destination
Author: Andrew Muigai
Botswana is a country of seemingly endless open spaces. Though it occupies an area the size of France, the human population is only 1.6 million. This is one country where wildlife does not face stiff competition for land resources from man. As a result the animals have multiplied with a flourish. Botswana can justifiably claim to host some of the finest game sanctuaries in Africa. The worlds’ largest exporter of diamonds by value, the country is not under pressure to get in more tourists. And the government has adopted a deliberate policy of keeping visitor numbers low. The hidden hand of the market has responded by adjusting the price to reflect this reality. Botswana has therefore emerged as an exclusive up market safari destination.
Big Pain for Tiny Ears
Author: Brigitte Synesael
This is the time of year where colds, viruses, and dampness cause our little ones so much pain. In particular during the winter months ear infections run rampant. Ear infections are a result of either bacteria or viruses that invade the middle ear. This is the area located just behind the eardrum.
Baby Gift Basket
Author: anthony
Baby Gift Basket
Awesome Dad's Top Ten Ways To Be The Foundation of Your Family
Author: Dovid Grossman and Ken Mossman
Awesome Dad's Top Ten Ways To Be The Foundation of Your Family
Awesome Dad's Top Ten Communication Intentions
Author: Dovid Grossman and Ken Mossman
Awesome Dad's Top Ten Communication Intentions
A Year's Worth of Character Training to Last a Lifetime
Author: Kate Hufstetler
Ever wonder why some kids are the way they are? Ever wonder why some kids seem to lack the basics in true inner character? Well, just exactly how did we think children would ever get character – without being taught character. Long gone are the days when whole communities worship weekly. Long gone are the days when everyone in our small societal circles subscribe to the same exacting morals and principles to guide life and living.
A Practical Guide to a Better Marriage
Author: Terry L. Sumerlin
A customer recently told me of a fellow whose wife told him she was leaving him for another man. The fellow’s response was, “Is there anything I can do?” The wife replied, “Sure, you can give me a couple of weeks to find the right guy?”
A New National Holiday: Stepparents Day
Author: Beth Bruno
A New National Holiday: Stepparents Day
A Fresh Start for Family Finances in 2005
Author: Rob Sallay
While 40% to 50% of us make New Year’s resolutions on January 1—a ritual that has existed since ancient times—approximately 60% to 80% of us have already broken them by the end of February, according to researchers.
A Foolproof and Painless Way to Get Yourself Out of Bed the First Time the Alarm Rings
Author: Fire Foxx
You know the drill. The blare of a screeching alarm startles you out of your cozy slumber reminding you that it's time to vacate the warmth and snugness of your personal cocoon and jump into the torture chamber, popularly referred to as THE BATHROOM. The first frigid blast of cold air violates your senses like an arctic assault. Now you must work up the courage to disrobe, further exposing your tender skin and most sensitive parts to a frozen invasion and risking a minor heart attack from the sheer shock of it all at such a vulnerable point in your bio-rhythm. The chill runs up your spine like fingernails across a chalkboard as you reach for the damp and musty smelling towel from yesterday's torment and wring out the frosty cold and wet washcloth.
3 Easy Ways to Get Your Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash - Fast -
Author: Malacka
Dear Dog-Owner,
15-Minute De-Frazzlers -
Author: Susie Michelle Cortright
We strive to create balance and peace in our families. We strive
13 Steps to Preserve Your Family History -
Author: LeAnn R. Ralph
From the e-book: Preserve Your Family History (A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing Oral Histories) (66 pages; April 2004; .95) available at —
10 Secrets of Creating Veggie-Loving Children
Author: Lisa Hogan
Baltimore, MD - November 18, 2003 - Get a group of parents together and start talking about nutrition, inevitably the same question comes up over and over again, “How can I get my children to eat vegetables?” With over 93% of American children NOT eating the required 5 fruits and vegetables daily, it’s not surprising to hear their parents’ cries.
10 Home Decorating Ideas To Quickly Update Any Room
Author: Michael Holland
Not all home decorating ideas require a heavy investment of time and money. If you're looking for a few affordable home interior decorating ideas to freshen up a room over a weekend, try these ten: