You Mean Even I Can Make Money?
Author: Ali Sharifi
I get many questions from people about how meditation can be used to attract wealth into their lives. People are often disappointed to find out that the solution involves work, and I don’t just mean going to their day jobs. In order to bring money into your life, you have to be ready to accept it. Not only do you need to change your attitude towards money, you also have to turn yourself into a money magnet. This article contains no get rich quick schemes and doesn’t promise to make you a millionaire. What it will do is show you some concrete steps you can take right now to shift your whole perspective on money.
As my close friends know, money has never been an issue for me. I spend money as if I own a grove of money trees. Yet, for every dollar that comes out of my pocket, another two mysteriously falls into it. Even when I was a poor college student and out of work, I rarely worried about money and regularly spent the little I had on friends and people in need. Am I just lucky? Some people think so, but I don’t. I’ve worked very hard for my money, spending countless sleepless nights getting myself to where I am today. The difference between you and I may be nothing more than our relationship with money. There are three things you need to do to welcome money into your life: Change how you ask for money, change how you think about money, and work to make it happen.
-- Change how you ask for money --
One of the worst things people do is to wish for money. Imagine the universe as a type of computer. This computer will give you whatever you want, as long as you understand its language. Once you’ve figured out how to communicate with it, a whole new realm of possibilities is opened up to you. People assume that if they wish for money, the universe will deliver money. The problem is, this is not the way the universe communicates. When you wish for money, the message that’s actually being sent is, “I’m wishing for money because I don’t have money.” So, what you’re really saying is, “I have no money.” The universe responds by making sure you get exactly that, “no money.” We’ll talk about what you should be saying in a little bit.
-- Change how you think about money --
When you think of money, what images are conjured up in your mind? Are you filled with positive thoughts about the great things you could do with money or negative thoughts about what would happen if you didn’t have money? Most people tend to focus on the negative aspects of money. They spend most of their time worrying about bills and feeling bad about the things they can’t afford.
So, what is money, really? I believe money is like energy. It can flow naturally or be blocked. It can come and go in high or low amounts. And, it reacts to other energies pushing or pulling on it. As you may or may not know, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change from one form to another. If we were to apply this to money, we could say that money only changes hands from one person to another, in perfect balance. Based on this knowledge, here are several things you can do to attract money:
- To get money, you must be willing to give money. Don’t be stingy. To maintain proper balance, it’s important to give unselfishly when you can. You will be repaid in kind. You should be giving because you want to though. The universe can’t be fooled. If you have false intentions, you’ll attract the false intentions of others.
- Think positively. If you have negative thoughts about money, you’ll receive negative results with money. You should look at money as a wonderful commodity that can provide food and comfort for you and your family. Don’t get caught up in fears and worry about worst-case scenarios.
- Do positive affirmations. I can’t stress this enough. The single most important thing you can do to attract wealth into your life is to do positive affirmations. I’m going to reprint my “Daily Affirmation Meditation” here so you can get started with it right away. I’ll even include a sample list of affirmations you can use with the meditation. For those of you who may not know what an affirmation is, it’s quite simple. An affirmation is a short phrase or sentence that you repeat to yourself silently or out loud, which consists of a positive quality, trait, or outcome you would like for yourself. An affirmation is always said in the present tense, as if you already have that which you seek. Additionally, an affirmation should not contain any negative words like, no, can’t, don’t, won’t, not, etc. This will make more sense when you see the affirmations I’ve included for money.
-- Daily Affirmation Meditation --
Find a comfortable spot to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and relax. In a moment, I’ll ask you to take three very deep breaths. With each breath, I’d like you to inhale through your nose, making sure that your stomach rises. As you exhale, I’d like you to breathe out through your mouth, letting your stomach come back to its natural position. Go ahead and take the three deep breaths now, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Begin to breathe normally as you allow your body and mind to completely relax.
I’d like you to count down from 10 to 1 and with each count, I’d like you to imagine yourself becoming more and more relaxed. 10…relaxing completely with each and every breath…9…feeling totally relaxed from head to toe…8…7…6…with each breath you become twice as relaxed as you were before…5…deeper and deeper into a state of total relaxation…4…3…2…1…you are now completed relaxed from head to toe.
I’d like you to repeat the following affirmations to yourself now. If you can, try to say your affirmations aloud. Repeat each one to yourself slowly and focus on it for a few seconds before moving on to the next one. Continue to go through all of the affirmations. You may go through the whole list a second time if you’d like.
I am wealthy
I attract wealth to myself
I am always in the right place at the right time to attract wealth
I follow my instincts and they always lead me to wealth and success
I am successful in life
I am happy about my life and my progress
I love myself and am confident in my ability to attract wealth
I am able to take risks if necessary to bring positive change into my life
Go ahead and end this meditation for today by taking a deep breath and opening your eyes.
These are just a few affirmations you can try to help you along the way. Feel free to come up with your own. It’s a good idea to practice this meditation once or twice a day, or more often if feasible. The more you say these affirmations, the more you will believe them. And, the more you believe them, the more firmly they will be projected into the universe and returned in kind.
-- Make it happen --
So, you’ve got a positive attitude about money now and have been doing your positive affirmations for a while. What do you do now? You make it happen! You’re now primed to start making money, but the real work is just beginning. The universe is listening now and is throwing thousands of options your way. Do you see them? In order to act on these options, you have to become aware of them. They will present themselves in the form of feelings and promptings. Basically, your instincts. How in tune are you with your instincts? The best opportunity in the world is useless unless you know about it and can act on it. You have to learn to trust your instincts. They seldom lead you astray.
Here’s a meditation to do to help you tap into your instincts. Have a question ready that you would like an answer to and then do the meditation. For our purposes, the question I’d like you to think about before starting the meditation is, “What do I need to do to attract more wealth into my life?”
-- Killer Instincts Meditation --
Find a comfortable spot to sit down. In a moment, I’ll ask you to take three very deep breaths. With each breath, I’d like you to inhale through your nose, making sure that your stomach rises as you inhale. As you exhale, I’d like you to breathe out through your mouth, letting your stomach come back to its natural position. Go ahead and take the three deep breaths now, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Continue to breathe normally.
Allow yourself to completely relax. Ask yourself the following question aloud or silently, “What do I need to do to attract more wealth into my life?” Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Ask the question again. Now, just allow your instincts to take over. You may begin to experience thoughts and feelings about your question. If a possible solution presents itself, focus on it for a few seconds. Even if the idea sounds silly or impossible, ask yourself, “What do my instincts tell me about this idea?” Don’t think with your mind. Feel with your heart. What do you feel about this option?
Now focus your attention back on the original question, “What do I need to do to attract more wealth into my life?” Again, pick one solution that comes to mind and see what your instincts tell you about it. Repeat this whole process for as long as you’re comfortable.
Go ahead and end this meditation for today by taking a deep breath and opening your eyes.
Don’t worry if you didn’t come up with any concrete solutions the first time. Practice this meditation often and you’ll find it easier and easier to tap into your instincts to evaluate all of the different possibilities and options presented to you.
By following your instincts and being willing to take risks, you open yourself up to opportunities you never could have imagined. The money is out there. You just need to go and claim you share.
Good Fortune!
Ali Sharifi has been teaching meditation and self-hypnosis since 1995 and is the President of The Sage Within, a company dedicated to helping people tap into their inner wisdom through practical exercises and useful information.
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