There is Not Enough Gold, or Paper Money in this world to Buy This Spiritual Truth
Author: Dr. Ina Bliss
What is the very highest, most abstract state of mind in which we can be?
Jesus The Christ's, the only being ever with an absolute untainted concept of the truth.
How could He have the truth? He is God incarnate (Isaiah 9:6). Did you know, God had promised Adam & Eve in the beginning of the world that He would return at a certain point, when the timing is right, in order to show them the exact path for the return to paradise?
He kept His promise.
He also 'died' as Testator to confirm the living Will to Abraham and make it spiritually binding.
His creation tried to kill their own Creator with the same technology they killed hundreds of thousands of criminals during those times.
The bible incited me to ask one day: "How can I have everything I desire today without my own doing?" The world was rushing around me, hardly stopping to absorb the new reflections that had come their way.
Pretty soon, I became chilled with the feeling that they were all running toward death, instead of pausing and being themselves, they were hunting after other men's legacies, or discoveries, feeling small, and never realizing they were made unique for one purpose only: To be themselves. No role-playing, no chasing his-story's dead shadow to be drawn into ones realm.
To be myself!
After I asked, I instantly received the answer: "Stand still, my child, and watch me at work. Meanwhile, while things are happening, become friends with your brother, Jesus The Christ, speak to Him in your darkest hour. I will show you the way to Him."
I sat in awe. Many nights after, a wish formed in my mind: 'I wish I could look into His eyes. I wish I would be able to talk to Him. I had before tried to imagine how it must have been to walk with Him. Nobody had ever really understood what I meant. Many People misunderstand my utmost wish to be good, and believe that I have an agenda. I hope I can meet Him someday... I now perceive how lonesome He must have felt being that all people, even those who loved Him dearly, NEVER UNDERSTOOD A WORD HE SAID.'
Introducing Jesus The Christ, the only character that can put you into Spiritual Business.
1st Lesson In Spritual Business
"Sales Copy", "Marketing", "Promotion" , "Education", even "Hypnotic Persuasion" are worthless as long as the time for the customer has not come. Any advice, product, system, technology, hint, tip, or "secret" will just end up in the unforgiving void of elaborate shelving and dust. Did the exchange of money fulfill a real purpose? Only in a one-way sense: The Seller gets "richer".
Does he really?
Actually, when the seller accepts money for something that fulfills no purpose, he puts himself in debt before God and spiritual principle. He forced something, trying to super-impose his "will" over God's and causes a first warning, may be a slight sore thoat. But because society is teaching everybody about 'making money', he disregards it, until he finally ends in the abyss.
2nd Lesson In Spiritual Business
Didn't I tell you several times before that God's wisdom is directly & radically opposite to human perception?
The wording "making money"... isn't it extremely deceptive? (Such is "losing weight")...
This terminology indicates to the One that runs all by His intelligence and His power that we are rebelling. How so? Well, can we really make anything? Can we really lose anything? Both statements are completely contrary to the truth!
3rd Lesson In Spiritual Business
The meaning beyond words, or "The Live Common Denominator That Leads To Understanding, also called The Living Word", IS EVERYTHING. Any misuse backfires.
The mind, God-owned mind, cannot comprehend humans not commanding the work of His hands, thus 'making' does not apply, same counts for 'losing'. God does not lose.
Transform your life with truth in words, by thinking about wisdom first.
Sorry, but that would include spiritualizing the entire bible, for those 66 books are all humans need to understand. We are told not to add or take away from those truths. Everything but the bible is a DETOUR. Panin proved the perfection in Hebrew and Greek. It is the ONLY legitimate Precise Scientific Instruction Manual, period.
Since Jesus referred to Himself as The Vine without whose power we are lifeless, and to us as the Branches, I suggest to begin with every word He ever said. Inspired study is necessary. Follow Him.
Say "I am open to receive everything God has in store for me". Say "I am receptive to optimum shape in my mind, body and affairs".
Usually, if we are out of shape, so are our affairs. We do not have to think about it. God simply needed to know that He has our cooperation, and we would STAND STILL and command the works of His hands (the way the first temple was built...).
4th Lesson In Spiritual Business
How did Jesus, the greatest viral entrepreneur of all time, sell Himself?
In daily relatable stories that conveyed the highest abstract principle. Just like in the water-tower principle, every individual needs something not yet defined to which to aspire. However, to synchronize this higher meaning into today, it must be told comprehensible, as well as never by looking into the "past", or to 'other humans' but "up". Even the bible in all its exclusively spiritual meaning is timeless! It also relates to one unique individual at a time, because it avoids 'CONDITIONING'. The 'AHA' moments of the bible are passive and indirect, and don't have to be instant. However, every human virtually goes through many of the stories in a different manner, thus
NEVER say "People Just like you"...
Equality in the truest sense does not exist (Octopus principle). The statement "nothing is impossible" means just that. Nothing is ever the same there is not one ant like the other.
Your message is: "You are special and unique. There is no one like you! And I want to help you to achieve success by bringing out YOUR uniqueness", not by GETTING YOU TO PAY FOR MY LUXURIOUS LIFESTYLE, while you become one of them.
5th Lesson In Spiritual Business
What you tell your 'insiders' in your seminars reflects on your character, even if you think you make a difference by talking about "YOU (the audience) & THEM (out there)". I read a lot and have been lurking on the net since 1994 waiting 'till my hour is come.
(1) Freebee- Seekers
"You don't want any of these free-bee seekers in your list". What's a free-bee seeker? Is that one of the divine beings God sends into our life, and Jesus tells us to give them anything they ask? Or is that a new human race of bums?
(2) Magic & Hypnotic Skill
"No matter how you do it, you must create an image in their mind, so THEY fall into waking trance and buy".
Comment: It is still ap-parent (apart from our Father) that 99% of all people have not grasped the concept of: "EVERYTHING I DO, THINK, SAY, GIVE, OR TAKE REMAINS IN MY OWN REALM AND DIRECTLY AFFECTS ME". So, I guess, most "Marketers" and "Teachers" trick themselves all day long by mechanical advice from the trenches. Unfortunately, the truth is much above the bottom of the 'valley of want'.
Dr Ina Bliss, Final Prophet & Interpreter of the Law Go to http://macromiracle.net/index1.htm to dispel the Mystery
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