Author: Holly Beatie
The new year can be a particularly stressful time. The lack of sunlight wears on us and the holidays might have been a little hectic and detrimental to our overall health. This is the time of year when we're encouraged to take our inner inventory and make plans and assertions for the coming year and beyond. It's a time to assess what is working in our lives and what needs to be changed. Perhaps this is a good time to add some new tools to the transformational/healing basket.
I'd like to suggest flower essences. If you haven't considered them before, maybe now is the time. We can all use a little extra love, nurturing, and support in our lives. That's what the original intent of the devic realm is all about The plants are here to provide us humans with everything we need for healing, well-being, and evolution.
Herbs in their many forms, utilizing root, leaves, seeds, and flowers give us powerful external and internal medicines and tonics for our physical well-being; Fresh, whole, organic food that has been grown with love gives us nourishment to keep our bodies strong and balanced; Then there's the vibrational aspect of plants, the essence. This is the invisible part, the pattern of energy that each plant uniquely holds (similar to our fingerprints) with a specific quality of subtle healing power. (These patterns have been captured with Kirlian photography.) The highest potency of these vibrational patterns are found in the flower blossoms when they are at their peak of perfection. When this energy interacts with ours, deep, lasting, inner healing can begin to take place.
Our spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical conditions are not separate but all tied together in a complex web of multidimentional energy. Essences and elixers are the only ingestible healing medium that is capable of interacting with all of our subtle anatomy.
How do we choose a vibrational remedy that is right for us? Our etheric senses are smart. They can identify the ones that we need to strive for balance and wholeness. To use this ability, you must check with your body to assess whether or not it wants or needs to work with the remedy you have in mind. You can employ muscle testing or work with a pendulum to get these answers. If you haven't learned any of these techniques then it's a good idea to employ someone who is adept at them (i.e. acupuncturist, chiropractor, body worker, homeopath, etc.). Though, if your intuition is strong and you trust it, go with it. Only using your mental capacities of logic, rationale, and deduction can lead you astray.
One of the things I have done with my High Octave Healing formulas is to take the guesswork out of finding a workable combination for various conditions. They are designed to be nearly 100% universal in their ability to assist anyone who is using them for their defined purpose. There is also overlap in healing qualities within the formulas. For example, I have one formula for Stress Relief and all of its related characteristics. But there are stress relieving qualities woven into the formulas for PMS, Menopause, Longevity, Massage/Relaxation, Healer's, Jet Lag/Travel, Quit Smoking, Self-Actualization, and Spiritual Awakening.
There's a formula for Nutrient Assimilation with those factors addressed in the Detox, Immune Boost, Blood Sugar Balance, Longevity, and Migraine formulas. There's an excellent formulas for Depression with depression characteristics being addressed in the formulas for PMS, Menopause, Longevity, Fatigue/Exhaustion, Jet Lag/Travel, Stress Relief, Will To Live, Self-Actualization, and Spiritual Awakening. This complex synergy is why the formulas prove to be so powerful and potent.
For those who are involved in a complex healing process, you may benefit from an essence combination designed specifically for you. Or, it may be possible to assemble a perfect combination from those already available to address your needs. Incorporating essences into our daily lives can lead to some amazing shifts in our entire world and how we perceive it. They truly can assist us with attaining a better energy balance to embrace the new year, and help us work toward reaching a higher octave of life.
Holly Beatie is a former world class Biathlete who is now focusing her passion on creating an advanced line of flower essence formulas and related products using a global pharmacopoeia. For more information about flower essences and High Octave Healing formulas contact Holly Beatie, PO Box 4275, Truckee, CA 96160. 530-550-0885. e-mail: hb@highoctavehealing.com website: www.highoctavehealing.com.