Try to think of absolutely nothing, for this is the secret of success.
Author: Ron G Holland
The formula you need for all the wealth, success and achievement, and peace of mind, indeed for all the answers to all your problems, and I mean all, is S.S.S. SILENCE, STILLNESS AND SOLITUDE. This is no invention of my own, and research into psychology and studies of world leaders, scientists, musicians, physicists, industrialists, inventors and other famous people proves this great power has been used, unwittingly or intentionally, since the beginning of time. All human success and achievement stems from this one power. It was used by Mozart, Einstein, Carnegie, Shakespeare, Emerson and Edison, to mention a few. This is the power used by the fakirs and mystics of the East and the fire walkers of the Fiji Islands. It allows the fire walkers to walk barefooted across red hot coals without feeling any pain. The secret lies in meditation, in Silence, Stillness and Solitude.
It might help you to know I was a non-believer once, probably just as skeptical as you dashing here, there and everywhere at breakneck pace, one side of the country to the other, visiting my shops and my businesses everywhere, radio blaring away all the time. At that time I hadn't heard the German proverb that asks, “What is the use of running when we are not on the right road?” One of my companies collapsed. On top of that an employee embezzled a lot of money. Another company of mine was running at a loss. Thomas Fuller hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “He that is everywhere is nowhere.” I was in such a state I could not think straight. I nearly burnt myself out. I thought I was going to self-destruct. I was numbed by it all, my brain nearly became addled. I found myself playing “Beat the Bailiff” and “Bounce the check.” I didn't know which way to turn until I discovered the S.S.S. formula. I just started to sit still and empty my mind. Nothing at all happened for a number of weeks. Then things gradually started to take shape. I did not realize at the time I was unleashing a great power. Solutions to problems just came to me out of the blue. Illuminating ideas presented themselves and proved to be both practical and profitable, with unfathomable regularity. For once in my life things went right of their own accord; there was no help from me other than following through with the things my subconscious mind told me to do. I just sat still, quietly on my own, for an hour or two every day. Shakespeare wrote, “There's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness,” and Dr. Paul Brunton said, “I have found that stillness is strength.”
In the Himalayas, they say that the great secret of life is the achievement of action through non-action. Consider for a moment the sun. It is the star forming the center of our system of planets. Everything in our solar system revolves around the sun. Every living thing on out planet is dependent on this one power, for without it all life would be non-existent in a few hours. Yet the sun is still, silent and in solitude. It does not rush here, there and everywhere, yet everything revolves around it. Consider the top executive of a large corporation. Does he run hither and thither, does he have people barging in and out of his office, does the telephone continually ring, is the radio blaring away in the background? No! He just sits there in S.S.S., yet everything revolves around him. Any telephone calls are first intercepted by any number of secretaries. People do not barge in on him because his aides and functionaries are there to see that they do not. His minions do the running for him. These analogies only serve to show that it is unnecessary to rush about with noise and in haste to achieve one's aims and ambitions, or to be in a position of power. Genius never hurries, unless one is an athlete or a racing driver. And the only place that happiness, money and fame come before silence, stillness and solitude is in the dictionary.
Wealth, Success, Romance. Now!
Thousands of column inches have been written about the man and the book in literally hundreds of publications around the globe. Ron has been written up as the ‘entrepreneurs entrepreneur’ ‘Top Biz Guru,’ ‘Britain’s leading motivational speaker’ and ‘Quite possibly the greatest business and self development Guru in Britain.’ www.talkandgrowrich.com