Spirituality, the Psyche, and the Multi-Sensory Person
Author: Elizabeth Jo Bittof
Does this profile fit you? You carefully record your dreams each morning because you are confident they contain important, personally significant messages about your state of well being, pertinent suggestions for life-choices, precognitive data, and other communiqués from spirit. You lucidly participate in projections of consciousness, out-of-body experiences. It is common for you to hear small whispers of recommendation, see visions, or experience impulses towards specific courses of action that prove to be physically and spiritually rewarding. If this profile, or even a portion of it, fits you-then indeed, you are developing as a multi-sensory being.
If the profile does not fit you, you may still feel strangely drawn to the implications for a lifestyle that allows for such fullness of experience. This peculiar familiarity exists because these potentials reside within each of us, within the psyche.
What is the psyche and what, if any, part does it play in our daily lives?
The psyche is a multidimensional aspect of consciousness, most commonly thought of as being composed of the subconscious and superconscious. Thus, to humans, the psyche is considered to be those portions of the self other than the ego. However, our traditional definition of the psyche is limited by our lack of experience in utilizing the psyche as an integral, involved segment of acknowledged experience. This lack of utilization prohibits comprehension of the full range of knowledge and ability native to the psyche.
The psyche contains multitudinous levels of far-ranging dimensions of consciousness. The psyche is not bound by the laws of space-time, although it is capable of having experience within space-time dimensions. The psyche is not a singular entity, doled out one per person. At its deeper levels, such as the superconscious level, the psyche expands out into a gracious communion of cooperative venture with all consciousness. Therefore, the individual who learns the art of communicating with the psyche enhances the ability to tap into universal knowledge that is both specifically life altering and of great import universally.
The universal psyche is comprised of all of the living, self-aware forms of consciousness in existence within all realms of experience. The individual psyche is the you that you recognize at this given time as you are focused in on the singular signal or frequency that represents your current life. The ego is a portion of the psyche, its physical face, but the psyche¹s composition in its entirety encompasses literally unlimited realms of knowledge and creativity. The psyche is involved in constant interaction with its many layers of experiences.
The commonly recognized portion of the individual, the ego, must necessarily focus a good portion of its attention onto physical experience. Yet all of the alternate experiences of the psyche are occurring simultaneously. With practice, patience, and a sporting sense of fun, the ego can begin to alter its patterned state of perception and tune into many of these alternate scenarios, thereby enlarging its field of potentials for spiritual choice and growth.
To accomplish this task the ego must learn to differentiate between its habitual field of focus and alternative fields of focus. Many of the alternate fields of psychic experience (i.e. experiences of the psyche) lie just beyond the normal realm of physical perception and are accessible by simply altering the direction of the ego’s attention. These inner levels of experience are biologically natural and inescapably necessary. They reside in psychic locales that typically fall outside the range of human concentration. While it is perfectly natural to be able to experience certain of these interior senses, as a species we have trained ourselves to give credence to only such phenomena as can be validated by the outer senses. This neurological discrimination inhibits widespread recognition of a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that lies within.
Psychic abilities manifest in literally infinite varieties of experience. The human experience, the human face of the psyche, is but one aspect of the psyche. Even so, the ways in which we have historically chosen to experience this aspect is often limited to a very small portion of the potential available. The new buzzword multi-sensory, as it relates to the human experience, strongly hints at the full range of potential available within the human experience. The multi-sensory person is one who is on the path of integrating recognition of the contributions available from both physical (outer) and psychic (inner) senses and knowledge. Some might say it is the balancing of intuition and intellect, although truly it goes far deeper.
What experiences might commonly add to the databank of knowledge drawn upon by the multi-sensory person? Information about health, well being, healthy choices, precognitive events and much more are inherent within dreams. Out-of-body experiences, telepathy, visions and precognition are a normal, natural part of everyday life for the psychic seeker. Spiritually pertinent wisdom and knowledge reside within the psyche, sitting in wait for the individual to stir into action and learn the language of the psyche.
The exquisite abilities of consciousness that reside in the interior world of the psyche are apparent to some extent within the world of dreams. Even a somewhat superficial study of dreams familiarizes the ego with a minute glimpse of the capabilities and vast creativity of the psyche. To further knowledge of the contents of the psyche it is necessary that the individual forego the officially accepted version of physical experience and slightly alter conscious focus. Closely held beliefs about experience must be relinquished so that the potentials available to the self can be viewed anew, with the fresh eyes and magical anticipation of a newborn.
By altering the patterned performance of the conscious mind, the ego is gradually introduced to unfamiliar neurological messages that reside within the psyche. The stance of the individual shifts in its relationship to space and time. Perceptions heighten. Alternate flows of powerful and pertinent knowledge and creativity result. The mind elevates to a new level of intellectual/intuitive functioning.
Elizabeth Jo Bittof is the author of MINDWALK; DIALOGUE WITH THE PSYCHE and MINDSCAPE FACILITATOR. She specializes in counseling and training for development and utilization of the many varied abilities of consciousness. Since a near-death experience in 1983, Elizabeth has devoted her life to exploring the untapped potentials of consciousness biologically available to mankind. She is an ex-corporate Director and banker.
For further information visit www.mindwalkdialoguewiththepsyche.com. While there, read other guests questions and stories in Metaphysical Q&A and Visitor's Stories. Elizabeth can be contacted at gnosis.book@att.net