Becoming Gold-the launch of a virtual support network for survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Author: Melodie Downey
I welcome you to visit our website! When I say our website, I refer to all survivor's of childhood sexual abuse, who will hopefull use this site as a resource, a support, a creative outlet for expression of feelings, or somewhere to find information to educate themselves and others. Welcome, I hope that you decide to visit our website, or contribute to the website through your thoughts, feelings, words, or creative expression. If you prefer to simply look and not participate that's o.k. too-either way I'm glad to have a forum in which to share with others an experience that has left me and thousands of others feeling alone for a long time.
I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I am currently in the process of healing, dealing, and learning. The main reason I decided to create a website, is I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe part of the reason I am healing now, is to be able to share and help others experiencing the healing process as well. Please don't get me wrong, I am not a doctor, nor a counselor, psychiatrist, or psychologist. I am a woman learning to use my experience, my pain and turn it into something positive. I will offer no advice only opinion. If you are hurting and need help, your counselor or doctor is whom you should seek. Becoming Gold is a virtual meeting place. Somewhere you can visit and read or share your experiences, your art, or your humor. My husband explained to me the importance of balance in our lives. I agree with him, and decided to add balance to this website. I believe it is important that we educate ourselves about what we are experiencing, what we can expect, what are the pro's and con's to healing etc.This education can be painful, when we begin to feel the truth of what has happened. The anger, the grief, the realizations, the memories, and the truth. I also think that we need to be able to laugh and be creative through my healing process. To be able to see all of the wonderful blessings, and gifts that come from healing. This website is to share our blessings whether its your story you are sharing, poetry, photography, or your opinion-its all a blessing. I 'm finding it difficult at times to find my voice, that part of me that can speak honestly about the past, present, and future. Why? Because I get scared sometimes. I'm finding strength, I'm finding it in my creativity, and through reaching out to others. I think one of the hardest things for me to accept that my healing, my past experience has lead me to where I am right now, and for the first time in my life I have moments of real truth, real acceptance, deep spiritual love, and most important dignity and self respect! We all! have it within us, I wanted to create a forum to share our truths, and experiences! I wanted to create a website for those who need to find their voice.
The name of the website comes from a Marc Cohn song "Becoming Gold". The song has become a theme for my husband and I. Becoming Gold for us is growth, learning, acceptance, inner love, empowerment, meeting your dreams, and spirit. Its about coming into yourself, becoming your true self. Becoming Gold.
If you wish to visit Becoming Gold, please go to http://becominggold.inc5.com. For feedback or comments regarding this article please email invoke@ns.sympatico.ca
Warm Regards,
Melodie Downey/Editor-Founder Becoming Gold
Melodie Downey is the Editor,creator, and founder of Becoming Gold. She is currently working through her healing process from childhood sexual abuse, and feels the need to help others. She is a gradutate of an Interactive Multimedia Program, in Moncton New Brunswick Canada. Has many years of community related work, public speaking, and computer experience. To participate on the Becoming Gold website please visit http://becominggold.inc5.com, or write to her at invoke@ns.sympatico.ca