Water,Water Everywhere, Now What Drop Dare I Drink?
Author: Brigitte Synesael
Water, or "aqua vitae" is literally the "Water of Life". All known life forms require water to live. Our bodies are made up of approx. 70% of water. Water is involved in every body process, including digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion. Water is the natural way we receive nutrients and minerals. The old adage of 8 glasses of water every day is an absolute minimum requirement for healthy bodies. City water, well water, spring water, rain water, bottled water? So many kinds of water, but for today we are going to address the many new brands of bottled water on the market. Is bottled water better than natural, are there labeling restrictions, why is it better than regular tap water?
Is bottled water better than tap water? Well in most areas this proves to be true. You can not be sure what is in your tap water unless you have it tested occasionally. Regardless of the source, lake, rain etc tap water can contain undesirable substances such as fertilizers, asbestos,cyanides, herbicides, pesticides and industrial chemicals. They can leach into the water supply from the ground or from your pipes. Even plastic pipes can produce impurities and contamination.
So, you decide the safest course is to use bottled water. I mean it comes in a bottle, it must be pure, Right? Wrong! Bottled water comes in many kinds, and must be clearly labeled. It is usually classified as to its source type, spring,spa, glacier, public water supply etc. There can be a lot of confusion and overlapping in these labels, there are no rules in place to govern appropriate labeling, so some claims may be misleading or incorrect.
Mineral water is natural spring water. The word natural on the bottle only means that the mineral content of the water has not been altered from its original state. Make sure you check that bottles labeled Natural spring water list the water source on the bottle. In addition to containing minerals, the water must flow freely from its source, it cannot be pumped or forced from the ground and must be bottled directly at the source.
You need to be aware of the minerals in the water you choose to drink. If you drink mineral water for therapeutic reasons, and the water you drink contains minerals your system doesn't require, you could be doing yourself more harm than good. Sparking Water is water that has been carbonated. Watch for additives such as fructose and other sweeteners. Some are so high in sugar content they are comparative to drinking soda pop. If the bottled water is labeled "naturally sparkling water, the source of the carbonation is from the same source as the water. If the bottled water is labeled "Carbonated natural water, the source of the carbonation is added to the water.
People with intestinal disorders or ulcers should avoid drinking carbonated water as it may irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Then we have Distilled water. This bottled water comes from the condensation of the steam after the water is boiled. This is thought to be the safest type of water to drink. Most of the bacteria, viruses, chemicals, minerals and pollutants are left behind. Distilled water can be somewhat tasteless, but you can add flavor by adding raw apple cider vinegar (from a health food store). One or two tbsp per gallon. Lemon juice is another excellent addition. You can add back the minerals lost in the distilling process by adding mineral drops. Two tbsps to every 5 imperial gallons.
So as you can see, finding safe, healthy water to drink is no longer a given. Since you must have water, and if you use tap water, have it checked regularly to ensure no contaminants are present. Try one of the new filtration/purifiers that fit on your tap, or filter in a container. Don't take it for granted that if its in a bottle the water must be good for you. Always check the labels and know the label definitions.
If you need more information I would suggest starting at http://www.water.com a website I found most informative. Many thanks to Dr. James F. Balch, MD and Phyllis A. Balch CNC, authors of Prescription for Nutritional Healing. (Second edition) which proved an excellent source of reference.
Brigitte Synesael founded Your Life-Your Choice in 1997, and is now recognized as an authority on Alternative Medicine Information. Her associations with governing agencies and certified practitioners ensure well researched, quality information. Her free newsletter, found at http://www. Life-Choices.comis an excellent resource for various types of treatments.
Her latest release "You've Got Nothing To Lose But POUNDS!" was inspired by her outrage at society taking advantage of a frustrated, overweight population. It is always assumed that overweight people eat too much, and in many cases, that is simply NOT TRUE. This well researched book gives you more than 10 factors in your life that could be responsible for your weight problem besides overeating. This book is available at http://www.diets-dont-work.com Brigitte Synesael may be contacted at yourlife@life-choices.com