Your Next Goal in 5 Minutes a Day
Author: Andreas Ohrt
Your Most Important Decision of 2005
Author: Danish Ahmed
Your Most Important Decision of 2005
Your Masterpiece
Author: Scott Fite
Coach John Wooden was one of the most successful athletic coaches the world has ever seen. As the head basketball coach at one of the United States top universities, UCLA, Wooden compiled a record of 620 wins to 147 losses. Even more incredibly, Wooden¡¯s teams won the US national championship 10 out of 12 years, including a string of 88 straight victories with no losses, and seven championships in a row.
Your Best Chance for Success
Author: John Lundholm, M.A.
Your Best Chance for Success
You Must Change the 148,000 No's In Your Subconscious to Yes
Author: David Cameron Gikandi
What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your dreams?
You cant lose weight if you listen to your family and friends
Author: Winston Ng, Phenogy Health Advisors
I bet you already know all the health benefits for keeping slim. You have probably tried every diet; the Atkins, the Southbeach, the metabolic, the fruit, the water or just plain starvation. In fact, you may even have gained extra weight. You know all the intellectual stuff about keeping healthy, exercising and eating consistently. But you are still as heavy as ever.
You Can Write The Ticket To Your Success
Author: Dave Cole
What is the greatest Job in the world?
Write It Down, Get It Done
Author: Michelle L. Casto, M. Ed.
It’s that time of year again, the time for optimistic thinking and resolution making. If you are not mindful, another year will pass you by taking with it your dreams and aspirations. Have you ever wondered why you can’t seem to make forward progress in your life? It is usually because you have not taken the time to find out what you want and commit it to paper. Someone once said, “A goal not written is but a wish.” And this is completely true. Without writing down what you want, it often becomes just “wishful thinking.” In fact, a Harvard University study proved that those people who wrote things down got five times more accomplished than those who did not.
Write Down Your Goals!
Author: Gary Ryan Blair
Like umbrellas and pens, unwritten goals almost always end in loss!
Work That Works for You
Author: Molly Gordon
About 25% of my clients are working on career change issues. Some know what they want to do, but don't know how to get there. Others are faced with the difficult realization that (at 20, 30, 40 or 50 years of age) they still don't know what they want to do when they grow up.
Winning in 2000
Author: Frank Furness
Why do a small percentage of Consultants qualify year after year as top in their Company while others sit back and wonder how they could ever achieve it.
Winds of Change
Author: Ed Hirsch
Which way is the Wind blowing? Is it to your back moving you in a desirable direction, or is it in your face, messing up your hair and your future?
Why You Should Aim For The Stars
Author: Darren Roberts
Darren Roberts
Why you don't need Motivation
Author: Marie-Pier Charron
As a life coach, I often hear people say they lack motivation – in fact, the “motivation discussion” is almost a ritual with my new clients. You really want something, in fact you almost need it, but you just don’t have the drive to get to it. As a result, you blame yourself; you get stuck in your disappointment, your guilt, or your frustration – further and further away from your goal.
Why Traditional Goal Setting Doesn't Work
Author: Arina Nikitina
If you have a 0.000.000 in the bank, drive new Lexus, look like a movie star and have a perfect health save yourself some time and do not read this article. This article is for people, who don't have all these things, but are planning on changing that slight inconvenience.
Why Personal Development Is So Important!!!
Author: Darren Roberts
Darren Roberts
Why People Don’t Do What they Want to Do and DO what they Don’t Want to Do.
Author: Jane Johnson
Why People Don’t Do What they Want to Do and DO what they Don’t Want to Do.
Why Most People Will Never Reach Their Goals!
Author: Thomas J. Stevens
It's sad but true that many people are failing in reaching their goals!
Why It Helps To Write Your Goal Down
Author: Stuart Warner
If you write your goal down you have a much better chance of achieving it.
Why be a Dreamer ?
Author: Rod Moore
There are two paths to follow in life. One is the path of the Dreamer, and the other is the path of the Dream Stealer. Which path are you following through life?
Whose Goals Are They?
Author: Dan Collins
By Dan Collins Award-Winning Author & Speaker
Where's The Map, I Think I'm Lost!!
Author: Jill Lambert
How many times have you begun the year with grand ideas of things you needed to do? The calendar changes a little bit, and we have this sense of a new beginning. You know what I'm talking about, those silly things we call "New Year's Resolutions".
When You Know What You Want, You Get What You Want
Author: Ali Sharifi
You know what you want out of life, right? You may quickly answer, “Of course!” but take a moment to really think about this. Can you write down exactly what it is you want? Most of us think we know, but when we sit down and try to write it down, we draw a blank. Others may know what they want in general terms, but have not thought through the details. For example, you may want to be happy, but what does that really mean? Do you mean you want to go about your day grinning from ear to ear? Or would a monogamous relationship make you happy? Maybe, having ,000 in your savings account will make you happy. It’s important to know exactly what you want, in every detail.
What's Behind Your Goals?
Author: Jim Allen
Let's be honest, you're serious about getting the things you want from life. You've got plans. You've got goal and you know why they are useful, how to set them, and how to go after them. But have you ever thought about where these goals come from?
What It Takes to Finally Get On With Your Dream
Author: Suzanne Falter-Barns
It seems to me there is only one real and proper way to live a joyful life, and that is to do the thing you are meant to be doing. There are people out there who make it seem like rolling out of bed, But I know from experience -- pursuing your dream 'ain't always so easy.
What If You Couldn't Fail?
Author: Robert Knowlton
Failure is defined as "falling short of hitting the target." What if you couldn’t fail? How differently might you approach
What Do You Want?
Author: Molly Gordon, CPC
I've been exercising my "wanting muscles" for the past six weeks and I am amazed at the results.
What Do You Truly Value Most?
Author: Brian Maloney
Believe it or not, values are in the core of all of us. These
What Are You Committed To?
Author: Betty Mahalik
Look at your life right now and ask yourself this question, "What am I committed to?" You won't have to go far to find answers; they'll virtually leap up at you. Perhaps it will be easier to see what you're not committed to. For example, I'm committed to having an organized working environment. But I'm not committed to making myself a basket case to satisfy some external standard for organization...i.e. "your desk must be clear at the end of the day in order to be productive."
What Are You Committed To?
Author: John R. Barker
Webster’s defines the word “commit?as: to pledge or devote oneself
Want More
Author: Sue Dickinson
Want More
Visualizing Success
Author: Jay March
Everything has it’s beginning in mind. Everything. The world and everything in it was once a thought.
Using Anger to Find Your Passion
Author: Rona Fontello
We talk so often about finding our passion, our why. I have spent months examining what I thought my passion in life was, my why - all my life I have felt so guilty for "wanting" anything - I have always put the wantsand needs of others first and when I fulfilled their wants and needs, I , in turn thought I felt fulfilled. You can see where that led! All my Passions and my whys revolved around my husband, my mother, my son, my stepchildren, my boss, my co-workers. I never allowed my passions to really revolve around my innermost desires. That was just too selfish, it just felt wrong, or so my programming went. I realized I had such a hard time finding my why, my passion, because my mother was such a martyr, and passed that along to me. I never learned how to communicate what I wanted. I was programmed to suppress those wants and needs and desires.
Urgent vs Important
Author: Chrissie Slade
Learn to distinguish "urgent" from "important".
Turning Dreams Into Goals and Goals Into Reality
Author: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
I recently appeared on the cover of the Colorado Free University (CFU)catalog and many people have asked how I managed to accomplish that. Actually, it was simple ? I followed a process that turned my dream into a goal and my goal into reality.
Turning Dreams Into Goals and Goals Into Reality
Author: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
I recently appeared on the cover of the Colorado Free University (CFU) catalog and many people have asked how I managed to accomplish that. Actually, it was simple ? I followed a process that turned my dream into a goal and my goal into reality.
Transforming Shadow Comfort
Author: Jennifer Louden
Why do we choose shadow comfort? Because the moment in which we choose to turn on the TV or devour the chocolate bar is THE creative moment. This is the moment where you can choose to create or to go numb. It is the present moment, pregnant with possibility and often rife with a great variety of fears. It is in this moment that the juice comes in, where the life unfolds, the Divine speaks to you, where you get hooked up to the universal power plant.
Transforming Scarcity into Abundance
Author: Francoise Rapp
Financial abundance is an extension of our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Are you struggling in your career or relationships? Do you complain rather than take action? Are you pessimistic and doubtful that life is full of possibilities and opportunities? If you are not fully satisfied or not enjoying prosperity right now, then you need to shift your perspective on your life.
Top Ten Ways to Achieve your Goals- You've set them, now get them!
Author: Norma Reid
(First off, whose goals are they? If there’s a “should” attached or it fills you with dread or fear or anxiety- it’s a good indicator it’s someone else’s goal and not yours. If it’s not yours, get rid of it!)
Top Ten Steps to Focus on Achieving What You Really Want
Author: Wendy Hearn
1. Write a list of everything you want in all 8 areas of your life. Physical environment, Health, Friends/Family, Work/Business, Partner/Relationship, Fun/Recreation, Personal Development, Finances. When you can clearly see everything you want, your choice of focus is more balanced.
Top Ten Motivators
Author: Ramona Creel
Setting goals is the easy part -- but sticking with them over the long run can be a major challenge! Some people think that motivation requires will-power and dedication. Actually, staying motivated is all about setting up an environment that is conducive to you accomplishing your goals. Here are ten “tricks” for giving your goals staying power past January 31st:
Top 7 SECRETS to a Great Life
Author: Kathy Gates, Personal Life Coach
A great life doesn't happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure, and start setting up your life to support success and ease. These 7 SECRETS can help you get started:
Top 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Life
Author: Jan Gordon
Goals are the plateaus we arrive at en route to our vision. Some of us have personal goals while others have business and career goals. We also have political and spiritual goals. For maximum momentum towards the realization of your goals, "try on" the following approaches for quantum leaps in 2002!
Top 10 Things Between You and a Great Life
Author: Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
1. Unfinished Business: Free yourself from the past by identifying and cleaning up your unfinished business. Call an end to whatever you started - a project, a diet, a feud, a commitment - by dumping it, delegating it, or doing it.
Top 10 Steps to Success in Network Marketing
Author: Usa Johnson
Although network marketing is one of the simplest and quickest roads to personal and financial success, only 5 percent of those who make the journey reach their goals. What sets them apart? The same thing that will set you apart if you follow these key steps:
Top 10 Procrastination Busters
Author: Louise Morganti Kaelin
1. Clouded Vision - Get a Grip Step back. It's time to look at the forest. What exactly are you trying to accomplish. Sometimes we get so caught up in the detail we forget where we're going.
To keep on earning, keep on learning
Author: Michelle L. Casto
Success in the modern world takes more than just information and knowledge. You must apply what you know to real life situations and you must be open to learning, un-learning, and re-learning. With the rapid advancement of technology, fluctuating economy and societal and corporate changes, you must adopt a learning mindset in order to succeed. Indeed, the key to lifelong earning is lifelong learning.
To be, or Not to be (Average)?
Author: Clyde Dennis
When is hate OK? When it's the feeling you have toward average.
To be, or Not to be (Average)?
Author: Clyde Dennis
When is hate OK? When it's the feeling you have toward average.
Time Management Strategy For Achieving Goals
Author: Stuart Warner
If you get your time management strategy right, you're more than half way to achieving your goals. Here I'm not talking about the detail of how you plan your schedule. This isn't about how to organize your time. It's more concerned with what you need to spend your time on.
time management
Author: s. k. khanolkar
The Basic Of Time Management
Three tips talk yourself to financial freedom
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Feeling trapped by lack of funds? We can learn from those who live comfortably and retire early. They speak a different language from those who are stuck in a scarcity process.
Three Keys
Author: Betty Mahalik
Okay, we've all read the book and magazine titles: "Five Secrets to Having Absolutely Everything You Ever Wanted Without Really Trying," or "Success in Three Easy Steps." And there is certainly value in many of those books, magazines and seminars. There are secrets that successful people use to get ahead. But there are no magic potions. As a lifelong student of self-development books, tapes, seminars, and of life coaching, I've discovered that behind every book, every self-help tape, every coaching call there are three non-mystical, non-magical keys that show up again and again. It is these three keys I want to share with you today.
Thoughts Are Things
Author: Jim Donovan
You've probably heard this idea at one time or another. You've probably nodded your head in agreement understanding that thoughts are in fact, things. You probably believe this and accept that your thoughts, being things, do in fact have power.
thinkarete Note on Writing Your Goals
Author: Brian Johnson
Write your goals!
There's No Negative In My Program Part2
Author: John Colanzi
Well you know about the young hero who saved his brother, but that was just the beginning of the incredible feats of these young men.
There's No Negative In My Program Part1
Author: John Colanzi
Imagine what you could achieve if:
The Void: Where the change process stops us
Author: John Robson and Patrice Steen
Change requires a letting go and trust that there is a second and third base and that I can make it there. It is about trusting myself and God and the universal laws to unfold a new reality for me. It is knowing that my vision, prayers, visualizations, affirmations and wishes will come true.
The truth about Goal Setting.
Author: Aymen Fares
Find out the secrets behind goal setting and
The Top 10 Steps Towards Finding Your Ideal Career
Author: Maria Marsala, Maria's Place for Holistic Evolution
Want a career that brings a smile to your heart? Don't know exactly what that career might be? This Top Ten contains a list of ideas that can start you on your way. Make the process fun by scheduling a visit your favorite place - beach, mountain, whatever -- where you can compile your lists and daydream too!
The Top 10 Steps Towards Finding Your Ideal Career
Author: Maria Marsala, Maria's Place for Holistic Evolution
Have you ever heard of "Dream Boards" or "Treasure Chest Boards"? They are a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life and assist you to turn those dreams into reality! Here is my take on them:
The Simplest and most Effective Goalsetting technique ever.
Author: John D. Murphy
I am fortunate to work with people from all walks of life on a regular basis and one of the most common requests I have is to help them set and achieve ‘real’ goals. One necessity in starting this process is to take time out of our day to assess our current position and determine where we are heading and why we want to get there. Most of us should know the basics of SMART goal setting: Make them Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Tangible. That’s fine but we also need a method of keeping our selves on track and on target to make sure we achieve results.
The Simple Steps To Reaching Your Goals
Author: Carol Halsey
I'm sure this is not the first time you have heard about goal setting. The reason you keep hearing about it is because it really is important to your life. A good definition of goals is that they are dreams with deadlines. Yes, you can make your dreams come true. How do you want your life to be 10 years from now? How about 5 years, next year, or even 6 months from now.
The Road Map Of Life
Author: Kathy Gates
If you were going to drive to somewhere unfamiliar – whether cross country or just across the city - what would be the first thing you would do? Map it out? And then after you mapped it out, would you never look at the map again? Not likely.
The Ripple Effect: Small Steps Lead to Big Results
Author: Kathy Paauw
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”
The real 'Sign "of your "nature"
Author: Malcolm McLeod (Australia)
Sign your way to greatness!
The Real Goal
Author: Irette Patterson, Life Coach
My dad would always talk to my sisters and me about The Goal. I thought he was crazy at the time.
Author: Craig Lock
What is success? I am not going to try to define success. I think a precise definition is impossible. Is it winning a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games or winning Wimbledon, or being awarded a Nobel prize? What else? I believe personal success could be anything at all--it does not have to involve public recognition. Who is more successful? A millionaire who is unhappy, or an unnoticed person who has led a simple, happy life? The simplest definition of success I think is 'to set out to do something and to succeed in doing it'. It really doesn't matter what, or how humble the undertaking is...
The Power of Saying, "No"
Author: Linda D Tillman, PhD
The Power of Planning Ahead
Author: Jan Jasper
copyright Jan Jasper 2000-2002
The Power Of Goal Achievement Is In The Habit
Author: Josh Hinds
You had your new year's resolution all planned out. This was your year to "insert your missed goal here" :). You knew exactly what you needed to do; maybe you even got off to a blazing start!
The Power of Anticipation
Author: John Lewis Jenkins
Permission to use this article for publication is granted provided the bio/contact information at the end of the article is included and no editing of the original is done.
The Potential of Publishing your Own Ezine
Author: Justin Blake
There seems to be a bit controversy over what really makes a marketer a living on-line.
The Only Way to Turn New Year Resolutions Into Reality!
Author: Devlyn Steele
So you ate, drank and spent too much over the Holidays. Now you are overweight, bloated, tired and broke, and you are promising yourself that you are going to change all that this year!
The Next Best Thing
Author: Jim M. Allen
I'm the first to admit that I spend a lot of time helping people focus on goals. How to define goals, set goals, and get goals.
The New You in the New Year
Author: Ali Sharifi
How many times have you told yourself that this year you’re going to finally lose that weight or quit smoking or look for a better job? How often do you carry over your New Year’s resolutions from one year to the next? If you’re like most people, you come up with a long wish list of things you want to improve and try your best to make them happen during the year. The problem is that not even a month goes by before you’ve already forgotten about most of your goals and are back to your old habits again. There are a few simple things that can be done however, to help you stick to your plan.
The Mystery of Practice
Author: Molly Gordon
A few years ago for my 40th birthday, I gave myself the gift of voice lessons. The first several weeks were a rude awakening. I, who had always loved to sing, couldn't open my mouth properly, articulate vowels correctly, or command my tongue to occupy its assigned position at the bottom of my mouth. Try as I might, I seemed unable to achieve the results I sought. I was sorely tempted to quit.
The Motivating Power of Vision
Author: John Pellowe
Some people swear by vision and mission statements and others hate them. Many companies have done quite well without them.
The most precious thing in the world
Author: Kanishka Sinha
Time is the most precious of all our resources. Every tick of a clock, each passing wave on the sands, the movement of the stars and the sun and moon across the sky all hint at it's passing. It's the most limited of resources we have on this earth. We could mine distant planets and dredge the depths of the earth but we'll never find another reservoir of time for ourselves. Every time a second passes, we have a second less to work with. A moment that can never be reclaimed. Its intangible nature sometimes makes us forget just how transient and ephemeral we are.
The Monday Morning Test: Does Your Job Pass?
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal and Business Coach
Are you like thousands of other people who are seeking more meaningful and satisfying work?
The Kaizen of Goal Setting
Author: Ke o agile
There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting!
The JUMBLE Complex
Author: Samuel A. Russell
As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came to this website for a reason and the reason is that you are looking for something; something that is to be revealed to you soon, understanding something new, in a clever and strange way, that may, delight & surprise you. Continue to read and keep in mind that you’re reading this for a reason, and that reason is you’re looking…looking for something. Well, I’ve got good news for you, I’ve got something!
Author: Stupidman
I have know R.H. Jaycox (Jay), the author of Internet Profit Pearls, for over a decade. A while back he asked me to read a pre-final draft (don't know how many pre-s I should really use) of the book. Technically I don't have a clue of what he was talking about but,having lost money through an earlier investment,I recognized the truth he was describing. In Chapters 4&11 he recommended writing articles for ezines as a way of promoting a business. I wrote one, showed it to him and he liked it. Jay suggested that I write a series from my ignorant perspective as I try to implement the suggestions in the "final?" draft of the book.
The Inspirational Power of Goal-setting
Author: Dr Janet Hall
Allow me to start with some very important questions.
The Hunter, The Forest, The Nagual and You
Author: David Cameron Gikandi
What does it mean when they say "look inside you to find the way to success?"
The Hour Of Power
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D
Archimedes said that if you gave him a lever big enough, he could move the world. The same principle of leverage applies in your life. In this case, we are talking about the use of a small amount of time each day to revolutionize the results you get from the rest of your day and your life.
The Great American Dream Challenge: Faith Restored
Author: Marcia Wieder
Years ago, people came to America in pursuit of their dreams and still do to seek a better life. Work hard, stay focused and you can achieve the American Dream. But our nation, in fact our world, changed on September 11, 2001. Our hearts and spirits were broken, fear and cynicism crept into our collective consciousness, and many are still in need of restoration.
The first step
Author: Llewellyn Fleurs
The Essence of Success!
Author: Dean F. Mapa
What do you really want? For many that's an abstract question. Very few will be able to answer it with conviction. But that question is the foundation of success. And what is its essence? Wanting it badly that you'll go through thick and thin, hail and snow, failure after failure, to get to it.
The Confidence Game
Author: Mark Silver
The Business Heart eZine™
The Concept Of Personal Development
Author: Darren Roberts
Darren Roberts
The Colonel
Author: Scott Fite
The image of Colonel Sanders is closely associated with the KFC restaurant chain he founded in the 1950s. But most people aren't aware of the incredible amount of effort and dedicated salesmanship the Colonel summonsed to build his business.
The Choice
Author: Marc J. Beauchamp
To decide, to be at the level of choice, is to take responsibility for your life and to be in control of your life.
The Black Hole Where Your Dreams Belong
Author: Molly Gordon
Do you know a lot about what you DON'T want? If so, beware. The gravitational pull of negativity is extraordinary, and you may well manifest your incredible power by attracting a nice fat black hole where your dreams belong.
Author: Professional Coach Drew Rozell, Ph.D.
Do you want to know a secret?
The Art of Time Management
Author: Molly Gordon
The A-C-T Formula for Positive Change
Author: Michael Angier
"You can't change what you don't acknowledge and it's hard to change what you don't measure." Few people would say they don't want to make changes in their life. No matter how good things might be going, we want to make them better.
The ABC's of Time Management
Author: Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale
Time Management. This seems to be the focus of the 90’s and probably the new millenium as well. We have more time saving devices available to us yet we seem to have less time. We spend millions of dollars annually on time management books and seminars but we still seem to have too much to do in too little time.
The 4 Steps to Successful Goal-Setting
Author: Dr Philip E. Humbert
Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.
The 4 Steps to Successful Goal-Setting
Author: Dr Philip E. Humbert
Successful people have always had clear, focused goals that guide them to greatness.
Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World
Author: Catherine Franz
Abundance isn't something you find from the outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoy the positive results it will attract.
Ten Tips To Achieving Your Goals.
Author: Robert Phipps
In achieving any worthy objective there must be consistency in the amount of hard work you put in, a day here and there just isn't going to do it, a week of sustained effort isn't going to do it either!
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
1. Begin focusing on what you want instead of how much you want to escape. When you find yourself sharing the latest horror story, stop in mid-sentence and say, "What I want to have is..."
Ten Keys for Reaching Your Goals
Author: David Murphy, PhD, ND, CHT
There has never been a shortage of good advice. We all know what we need to do. We have been told to lose weight, or stop smoking, or to eat more healthy foods, to exercise more, to worry less, or to relax and “chill out”, or to see the Doctor, to stop complaining and to look on the “bright side”, or just to have fun once in a while. For some reason we just never seem to get around to doing it.
Ten Great Ways to Achieve Those Goals
Author: Roy Burton
Ten Great Life Skills to Have, to Get, to Use, and to Improve!
Author: Jim M. Allen
It takes a lot of skills to negotiate through life. Many of them we pick up along the way, others we need to develop, and some we just need to polish a little bit.
Ten Excellent Ways How Failure Can Be More Beneficial To You Than Success!
Author: Darren Roberts
Ten Contributors To Dynamic Results
Author: J.J.Turner, Ph.D.
1. Develop a clear view of the results you desire to achieve. You must know where you are going before you set out on your trip to successville.
Taking Control Of Your Clutter
Author: Paula Eichermuller
We are all familiar with the old saying a Place for everything and everything in it's place.
Summer Resolutions
Author: Danish Ahmed
We’ve all heard of “New Year’s Resolutions” and probably have made quite a few in our lifetimes. And some of us have probably heard that making resolutions once a year is not enough, that we need to be more active and consistent in our goals. Yet we struggle to be as committed as those speakers who tell us to look at and evaluate our goals every week, or heaven forbid, every day!
Success Secrets of a Three-Time Olympian
Author: Ruben Gonzalez
Everyone reading this article is six inches away from experiencing huge successes and breakthroughs in their life. Six inches? Sure! That’s the distance between your ears.
Success Means Weathering The Storms
Author: Maria E. Andreu
In today's climate, many people are concerned that it's harder to succeed and move ahead. The stock market is in the tank. The job market it tough. People are holding on to their money, making retailing and any kind of selling just that much tougher.
Stop Wasting Time
Author: Dr. Donald Wetmore
Life is often what happens to you along the way when you have planned otherwise because there are time wasters out there to throw you off the track. Your performance may not always match your intentions. To help you to increase your productivity each and every day, both on and off the job, here are five easy tips to overcome the major time wasters to help you to stop wasting time.
Spiritual Paths and Roller Coaster Rides: The Healing Crisis
Author: Connie Barrett
Have you ever been in a situation in which you knew that you needed to change
Author: Kathy Gates, Personal Life Coach
OK, this is for the big bucks folks! Are you ready to be a SOUL-Survivor in your own life? Are you ready to outwit, outplay, outlast those irritations that drain your energy and frustrate your goals for an easy and enjoyable life? Are you ready to vote them off your island permanently?
Social Progress
Author: Dean Hannotte
I've always hated the term "psychotherapy" because it makes it sound as if a mind searching for wisdom is like a sore muscle needing to be rubbed. Indeed, therapists are often blamed for getting their patients to "feel better" at the expense of dulling their awareness that the world is a crazy place that needs to become more civilized -- as if our caring for other people, or for the future our children will see, were no more than a "sublimation" of more genuine, "primal" desires.
So Many Dreams Are Waiting To Be Realized
Author: Josh Hinds
So many dreams are waiting to be realized - Maybe it's a business you've wanted to start, perhaps it's something as simple as growing a home garden, even still maybe it's a trip to another country you've always dreamed of visiting. Whatever it is you owe it to yourself to do what you have to make it a reality!
Sitting on Success
Author: Michael Homas, CSL
Taking a close look at the different “success formulas? I found that each differs only slightly from the others. Each “formula?represents the method/steps these individuals used to reach they’re goals. It would be my guess, they probably didn’t even have a formula when they started on their respective journeys. These “formulas?developed over time. Just like yours and mine. However, as I studied each published “formula,?I found a fundamental component of success missing. Each formula was missing the guidance of making a Commitment.
Simplify Your Life: Say Goodbye To Shoulds
Author: Robert Allen
Do you spend your day rushing from appointment to appointment without the time to appreciate the world around you? Do you go to bed at night fretting over all the things you did not accomplish and wishing there were more hours in the day? Do you wake up tired and weary, dreading yet another non-stop hectic schedule? If so, you are not alone.
Simple Rules For Wealth On The Web
Author: Philippe Matthews
In an exclusive interview I had with Linda Proctor, she told me that over 23 years ago, her Husband, Bob Proctor stated, “Forget about thinking about earning a 0,000 dollars, or doubling your income; instead, can you see yourself doing two things differently everyday? Then, he gave me those two things and what I realized over the years is that every time you set a new goal, you are going to have to think of a couple of things that you are going to do different because you are not going to get different results doing those same things.”
Should you give up or keep going?
Author: Cathy Goodwin, PhD
Many of us are influenced by the sports ethic: Never give up! When a basketball team is down by 20 with 30 seconds on the clock, the players never stop working. The spectators might be filing out, and the winning team might bring in the bench players, but the game goes on.
Shoot For the Moon: Harnessing a Child's Enthusiasm to Achieve Your Goals
Author: Sue Dickinson
Whoooosh! As I relaxed in a lawn chair, my six-year-old sank yet another basket. Watching his skill develop, I couldn’t help but dream about him becoming an NBA star some day. I could just picture it…I, his proud mama in the stands adorned in the appropriate team sweatshirt. After the game - a big hug and kiss for his mom while fans surround him and scream “We’re Number One!” And (of course), I could clearly see the big house he’d buy me to live out my old age (come on, if a girl’s gonna dream she may as well dream)!
Share your goals and let them live!
Author: Peter Bennett
I recently met up with John, a good friend of mine that I hadn't seen for a few months.
Setting Goals: Real vs. Ideal
Author: Terry R. Hartley, PhD
Failing to attain goals is among the heaviest blows to self-concept, the totality of your thoughts and feelings about yourself. To actually attain goals depends largely on an important concept in adolescent development. It’s called delay of gratification. When you’re trying to achieve something, you’re much more likely to accomplish your goal by making a realistic plan, then following it, rather than trying to snatch up the object of your desire in one gluttonous move. Unfortunately, a great many people never come to understand this concept. They spend their entire lives seeking instant gratification.
Setting Goals – Things to Think About
Author: Gene Simmons
We hear a lot about the steps we should take to achieve our goals, however unless we take the first steps to realistically consider who and what we are right now – our capabilities and interests – and think logically about what we’d like to accomplish, our chances of achieving our “goal” are slim to none. Here are a few things to think about when you’re trying to decide what you’d like to do.
Author: Craig Lock
'...There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is- definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it.' - Napoleon Hill
Setting Goals
Author: Biana Babinsky
December is a great month for reflecting on the outgoing year and setting goals for the one ahead. What worked and what didn't? What were your biggest victories and challenges this year? Start planning now to make the new year a success. What would you like to achieve? Would you like your business to be profiled in the Wall Street Journal? How about getting the local jewelry stores to start carrying your handmade pieces? Or maybe you make the best chocolate chip cookies ever and want to finally get something tangible for your efforts (especially since the weak dollar has produced a nasty spike in the price of gourmet chocolate chips)?
Set Yourself Up For Success!
Author: Fran Briggs
Here's a great way to program, or set yourself up, for success in advance. It is one of many of what I call, New Empowering Habit Plans (TM). A New Empowering Habit Plan is a formula for achieving success in any given area of your life and requires a minimum of 21 consecutive days of implementation. Why 21 days? Because research by behavioral scientists has proven it takes at least 21 days to establish a habit.
Set Your Goals, Change Your Life & Celebrate!
Author: Zig Ziglar
Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the USA set goals, and they are among the wealthiest people in the nation! Worldwide the percentage is probably lower. Why so low? There are several reasons, but the one that concerns us the most at Ziglar Training Systems is lack of know-how. When we ask people why they don't set goals they often say, "I don't know how."
Self-development with the I Ching
Author: Hilary Barrett
What do people mean by self-development, self improvement, or personal growth? They all indicate a focus on the individual, an ideal of becoming something more than we are, or perhaps becoming more fully what we already are. Self development means exploring your potential, creating your ideal self. All manner of self-help books will tell you that the first step to real achievement is deciding what you want to achieve: to set goals. There are many ways of going about this - such as imagining what you would like people to say about you - but it can be hard to break out from your present, limited horizons to see greater possibilities. What you need is a vision of this Self that you can work with, a new way of imagining yourself.
Scientific Success (What You Say)
Author: Ed Hirsch
Scientifically, Observation has an effect on the results of an experiment.
Rut Busting! How you got into a Rut and how to Get Out!
Author: Hal Warfield
Rise from the Ashes
Author: Denni Gill
The legend of the phoenix can actually be found in several belief systems. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt when it was then known as “Bennu” or Bynw”, a symbol of the sun god Osiris. Osiris was resurrected to life from serving as ruler of the underworld.
Resolutions That Work
Author: Liz Sumner
What usually happens to your resolve in the New Year? Does it disappear before the pine needles are even vacuumed? Do you spend more energy on excuses than on execution? Can you even remember your intention by Valentine's day?
Remove The Clouds From Your clear Blue Sky!
Author: Darren Roberts
Darren Roberts
Reinventing Goals 12/2002
Author: Mickey Parsons
If setting goals and resolutions keep you focused and work for you then by all means keep using them! However, if goals seem too rigid or too restrictive and leave you feeling cold/bored/unmotivated, perhaps using vision and intention affirmations will help to inspire you. Below are some examples of how you can turn typical goal statements into a more positive, attractive intention affirmation:
Re-Decorate Your LIFE!
Author: Kathy Gates
Does your life sometimes feel like a storage room where everybody else has dumped their mess and it seems there's no room left for you? Maybe it's time to forget about the living room...and Re-Decorate Your LIFE!
Read the fine print of your dream
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
"In the factory we make lipstick; in the drugstore we sell hope." That's what Charles Revson, Revlon's founder, supposedly said.
Reach your goals automatically with positive habits
Author: Dan Robey
Did you know that habits are incredibly powerful tools for personal growth and success?
Reach Out For Your Dreams
Author: Josh Hinds
Why are we afraid to chase our dreams... Why does one person find it difficult to set out and achieve that which they desire, while others can some how set out, without so much a care in the world. What makes some people achievers, while others remain simply dreamers.
Reach For Success Instead
Author: Caterina Rando, MA, MCC
As a business success coach and speaker, I listen to audio cassettes, watch videos, read books and go to workshops all in order to learn how people can improve their possibility for achieving success. When I hear the stories of successful people, I look for the "gold nugget" that has universal application.
Quest For Greatness
Author: Dan Knapp
Stories start with a character with whom we can identify. That character gets into difficulty. The character heroically overcomes the difficulty and resolves the problem.
Putting Lipstick On A Pig
Author: Scott Fite
Technology can help tremendously with time management, and many examples of this are seen everyday: It can make changing calendar appointments effortless. Also, with the click of a button, many people can be emailed an announcement of a meeting change. Potential uses are enormous. But, time and time again, in my personal coaching practice, I frequently see folks simply using technology to automate a poor time management system. They are in effect, paving the cow path, or putting lipstick on a pig.
Put Your Hound Dog Out of His Misery
Author: Roger Reece
“You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, just a'cryin' all the time.?Who hasn't heard Elvis belt out that rock and roll classic, but did you ever consider the hidden meaning behind those words? Clearly this was a song about the long-term effects of a negative attitude, and the hidden implication is, “put your hound dog out of his misery!?
Pursuing your passion, do what you love to do
Author: Keith Abraham
Most people spend most of their lives earning a living instead of designing a life! When was the last time you sat down and thought about where you are going and how you are going to get there. A recent study done by Keith Abraham who holds regular ‘Designing Your Life’ seminars across Australia, showed that most people spend more time planning there next holiday or buying their next car, than sitting down and working out what they really want out of their life.
Prioritizing: Getting Somewhere
Author: Richard O'Connor, Ph.D.
A very helpful way to thinking about stress is that it often results from our failure to live up to our own standards and goals. Psychotherapists hear over and over again from patients that they are never satisfied with themselves. Often the patient is excessively perfectionistic; sometimes the patient's goals are so far out of reach that he feels too demoralized to even take the first step.
Prerequisite Qualities For Optimum Goal Setting
Author: Ke o agile Khiba
The minute you set a goal, you are creating a 'mini crisis' in your mind. You're tellilng your mind about a journey you are considering. In simple terms you are stating where you want to be in relation to where you are. And in between these two is a chasm, a gap.
Preparing Yourself to Win Every Time
Author: Ted Hebert
If I was to ask you what you wanted more than anything else in your life, what would be your answer?
PR/Publicity Tips
Author: Todd Brabender-Spread The News PR, Inc.
There¡¯s no denying that the Internet is allowing more and more entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and effectively market their new products. However, there seems to be an increasingly common misconception when these businesses try to generate media attention and publicity for their products. Over the past several years, I have had more than a few clients come to me seeking ¡°a PR¡± to get people interested in their products/businesses. That¡¯s right ¡°a PR¡±. Contrary to what some people think, PR is NOT an acronym for ¡°Press Release¡±. PR is much more than that and that distinction is very important to understand.
Powerful goals start with a Vision
Author: David Gray
Powerful Goals Are Magnetic
Author: Dr. Beverly Potter
Powerful Goals
Planning Principles
Author: Dr. Donald Wetmore
The old adage reminds us that “People don’t plan to fail but a lot of people do fail to plan.” During a war, we find a tank operator and a general. Which function is more important? It is probably the general, at least in this sense. One can be the best tank operator on the line, get out there everyday and shoot off more rounds of ammunition and shoot them more accurately than anyone else on the line, but if he is not shooting at a target that makes any sense, then his whole day is wasted. The general, through advanced planning, decides where the tank operator ought to go and thereby increases his “productivity”.
Personal Goal Setting
Author: James Manktelow and Kellie Fowler
You don’t have to be a professional athlete or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to set goals. Instead, what you do have to be is an individual who desires success – be it in your career, within your family, or perhaps with your personal finances.
Persevere And Fly!
Author: Mary Holzrichter
Mary Holzrichter
Overcoming Adversity in Sales
Author: Dennis Kyle
Do you wish you could close sales faster? Are there times when you dream of landing a huge multimillion-dollar account? After you lose a client do you ever think, “I wish I could keep my clients forever?” And at the beginning of every month when your commission feels like zero, do you wonder, “How in the heck will I ever prosper?"
Out with the Old, In with the New
Author: Beth Dargis
I love the clean slate feeling of a new year. A whole 365 days to design a life worth living. For a fresh start, here are some ways to complete 2003 and make room for 2004.
Author: Adam Khan and Klassy Evans
It's an age-old battle. Pessimists think optimists are foolish, optimists think pessimists make themselves unnecessarily miserable. A lot of research has been done on this issue in the last 30 years. Have we answered the question yet? Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
One Small Adjustment
Author: Kathy Gates
I know that a lot of advice pundits often instruct you to focus on the “big picture”. And it certainly has it place in helping you move toward a better life. But it runs the risk of letting you think that you need to totally redesign your life. And that’s just not true! Often it only takes one small adjustment to make things so much easier, better, and happier in your life. Try instead to focus on the details, and the big picture will take care of itself.
Author: Mark Thompson
What do you consider a natural yearning within you? I would
On Being Happy
Author: Karal Ayn Barnett
Take a moment and think: Are you happy?
New Year's Resolutions You'll Keep? A Simple Quiz
Author: JoAnna Carey
Copyright 2004 JoAnna Carey, Carey'D Away Enterprises, LLC.
New year's resolutions
Author: Serge Prengel
Do you know the percentage of people who break new year's resolutions? It doesn't matter what their new year resolution was -- to diet, to lose weight, to exercise, to sleep better, to work better... whatever... It happens to so many people, year after year.
New Beginnings
Author: Kim Eickhoff
The celebration of the New Year brings hope and new life to old dreams. Things that didn¡¯t seem attainable or possible suddenly seem as though they are right within our grasp as the next year arrives. Are our dreams any more attainable then they were a day, a week, a month earlier, most likely no. However, there is something in our perception of what the New Year brings that gives us new hope and new life in our dreams.
Networking: Iron Sharpens Iron
Author: James Briggs, Jr.
Networking: Iron Sharpens Iron by James Briggs, Jr.
My Insight into Numerology
Author: Joseph Ghabi
From time to time, we wonder about the mystery that exists in our day to day experiences and events that happen in our lives. Some parts of these events are beyond our control and some are not. We are all here to experiment the theory that we learnt before we decided to embark upon our journey in this lifetime. Sometimes life does not go as far as what was originally intended in the years of previous planning. Well, welcome to planet earth! It is, of course, alright to make mistakes in life as long as we deal with the experience in an appropriate way. In other words, your individual response to what happens to you in your experience or lesson is as important as the circumstance itself.
Mr. & Ms. Service
Author: Ed Hirsch
No, I don't mean tennis and I'm not thinking about food right now!
Picture this: A sales manager gathers his team around him and then says something like ‘Well, um, hello guys. I have this idea that I would, um, like to tell you about. I admit it’s not all that brilliant, but times are hard out there in the marketplace and it is the only thing I could think of, so just give it a little go and see what you can do”. How do you think a group of willing, eager salespeople would react to that flabby statement? It is an absolute certainty that any interest or commitment that team had would have flown straight out of the window. Not only did this sales manager not know what he had to do, he lacked the one thing that would have got his people fired up, ready to get out there and sell - he lacked the power of Motivation. But, before we can ever hope to ignite the enthusiasm and commitment in others we must first learn how to motivate ourselves. It is a fact that motivation, if applied skilfully, will turn a mediocre idea into something glorious, a dream or a goal worth aiming for, so
Mind Over Money: Five Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Creating Wealth
Author: Andreas Ohrt
I'm going to start by assuming that you are open to the idea that the power of your mind can change your life. Since you are visiting this website, I probably don't need to go over the countless examples of how mind power has changed millions of lives. If you still need convincing that mind power works, there are dozens of great books out there for you to read.
Mind Over Money: Five Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Creating Wealth
Author: Andreas Ohrt
I'm going to start by assuming that you are open to the idea that the power of your mind can change your life. Since you are visiting this website, I probably don't need to go over the countless examples of how mind power has changed millions of lives. If you still need convincing that mind power works, there are dozens of great books out there for you to read.
Meet the I Ching
Author: Hilary Barrett
This article is not entitled ¡®instructions in manipulating an ancient divination method¡¯, or even ¡®how to use a valuable tool for self-development¡¯. True, the I Ching is both of those things, but I know it as a gentle, wise and strong friend, and this is what ? or whom ? I would like you to meet.
Margarine Vs. Butter
Author: Andrew Weil
For many years people have debated the merits of guns vs. butter as symbols of spending on military might or domestic comfort. Since 1869 another political debate has gone on, this one concerning the merits of margarine vs. butter. In that year a French food chemist succeeded in making a cheap substitute for the real thing, which had become scarce and expensive in the wake of a European cattle plague. The word margarine came from the Greek for "pearl," because the original version was hard, white, and glossy. It also must have been less than appetizing since it was made from beef fat, milk, and chopped sheep's stomachs and cows' udders, all treated with heat, lye, and pressure.
Manifesting Your Heart's Desire
Author: Francoise Rapp
What is it we lack the most in our lives? What are the most prominent wishes that seem to manifest our thoughts? Many of my clients tell me, and I'm sure most of you will agree, there are two distinct desires that most of us strive for in our lives:
Manifesting Set Dates for Goals
Author: Susan James
======================= .
Manifesting - create your own reality
Author: Nisandeh Neta
I've experimented with conscious manifesting techniques for 13 years now.
Making Mistakes and Redefining Success
Author: Nancy W. Ryan
One of the most common reasons we don't set and achieve goals is our fear that we might make a mistake. We want to be guaranteed that we will succeed before we step out and take any risks. Yet in waiting for this elusive guarantee we overlook a basic truth: mistakes are the way we learn!
Making Goals Work: The Essential Elements of a Goals Program
Author: John Pellowe
Have you ever had a goal that just didn't seem to progress? Perhaps a weight loss goal or maybe developing a new market opportunity. "What's the problem with this goal?" you wonder. Why can't you achieve it as you have so many others?
Making a career in mid-sized organisations
Author: Subhashis Das Gupta
Mid sized companies must survive and prosper within the free market system ,not outside of it ,facing its force directly ,not protected by artificial barriers .Smaller firms must compete effectively against mammoths and gnats ,guarding and guaranteeing their own existence . Anything less is self defeating for the firm and counter-productive for society . Life dependent on largesse is life dependent on wind .
Make Up Excuses Why You Can
Author: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, MCC
We all have excuses as to why we can't do something. Ask anyone and they can give you a million excuses why it can't be done, why they haven't moved forward on their goals, and on and on. Making up excuses takes a lot of energy and time. So since, as humans, we seem to enjoy making up excuses, I have a great idea. Lets make up excuses why we can.
Author: Curtis G. Schmitt
One common technique in the field of goal-setting is creating S.M.A.R.T. goals, goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented, and Time-bound.
Make Better New Year's Resolutions - And Keep Them!
Author: Doug Luciani
Every year as Jan. 1 approaches, people begin to look back at the year that has passed and look forward to the year that is ahead. It is considered a new beginning. Today’s world will cause many people to evaluate their lives in a different light and resolve to make a plan to better themselves. It is a popular custom – New Year’s Resolutions.
Make and Keep Commitments that Matter
Author: Molly Gordon
I often explain coaching by telling people that I help clients "make and keep the commitments that matter: to themselves, their families, their work, their communities."
Losing your biggest customer
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Q: I was moving to my dream with my own business when -- wham! I lost my largest customer. I'm hurting, both emotionally and financially. What now?
Lose your career and find a new life
Author: Cathy Goodwin, PhD
I hear from many people who feel trapped in a career after fifteen or twenty happy, productive years. It's been a good ride, they say, but now it's time to jump off the train. They want to fulfill a creative dream, recover from burnout or just try something new. The old challenge is now a "been there, done that."
Looking Back Helps Us Move Forward
Author: Leslie Karen Sann
I find the end of a year to be a time of reflection. For me it is important to formally "complete" the year that is closing so that I can set my intentions for the year that is before me.
Loads Of Goals But No Place To Go
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D
All the personal growth literature tells us we should have
Living With Intention
Author: M. Tamar
There's an interesting thing that happens in our lives when we decide on goals. We feel crisper and sharper. Our sense are honed. We begin to measure the world by a different barometer.
Living what you Know: Applying Strategies to your life
Author: Coach Andy Grosman, Certified Strategist
Let's face it. We’ve all been through a powerful seminar or an enlightening personal development group of tapes and we emerge with a lightbulb above our heads and happy thoughts such as ‘what a great concept! I am going to have to use that in my life. Flash forward a couple days or weeks later and sooner or later you notice that you haven’t done what you say you were going to do and those strategies and concepts are another one of those ‘great ideas?that you’ll ‘get around to’…What happened? This article is designed to help you apply whatever you learn into your life whether it is something as simple as pay yourself first or a huge change or initiative that feels overwhelming such as quitting smoking. Take heart, this article takes about five minutes to read, but you need to apply the concepts within. As a coach, I help my clients to stay focused and create strategies for their goals and I have developed structures that work well in getting from the ‘great idea?stage to integrating it in to their lives. I wou
Living in the Question: What is the Bottom-Line and How Do You Manage It?
Author: Mark Ward
The bottom-line is not necessarily limited to finances or even business.
Live Your Dream
Author: Michael Angier
I’ve always been fascinated by dreamers. And making dreams come true for myself and others is what my life is about.
Life at the Margins
Author: Molly Gordon, CPC
As many of you know, in recent months my husband and I bought a new home, built an addition on it, and moved our household and my business. Any one of these is a significant undertaking, and in experiencing them all within a few months' time, I've learned again about the importance living with margins.
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Kicking "But"
Author: Jan Noyes
Consider the difference between these two sentences:
Keeping Your Eye on the Big Ball ....
Author: Subhashis Das Gupta
How often do we reach the point of scoring the fantastic goal , but petty issues come up in the way which diffuses our focus from the big ball and ends up in a frustrating and disappointing finish .
Journey Through The Wilderness
Author: Ed Hirsch
During the Journey between your present situation and your intended destination, you will travel through a "Wilderness." This is a time after having made the most important life- changing decision of your life, leaving your past behind, setting a new track to run on ... focused on your future.
It's Never Too Late to Make a New Year's Resolution
Author: Christine Ware
It¡¦s Never Too Late to Make a New Year¡¦s Resolution!!!
It´s not your lack of goals that causes a lack of success, It´s the relation between your values and your operations
Author: Kenth Bender
Interval, Limbo or Renewal?
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Q. "I hate my job. I'm considering starting a business…and I really want to move to a warmer climate. Arizona sounds good! But it's the holiday season. I'll start the process on New Year's Day."
Intentions as your guide to action
Author: Kathleen Richardson
Resolutions and goals intimidate many people. What immediately comes to mind are memories of past failures, the hard work involved, and the fact that there is no guarantee of success.
Infinite Patience Produces Immediate Results
Author: Peggy McColl
Practice putting yourself in a state of absolute certainty. In this state you are being certain. Being certain means that you are feeling certain, thinking certain, speaking as a certain person and taking action as someone who is certain. This means that you have evolved to a place of knowing. Knowing that you will achieve your goals. You will know that you are there because you have eliminated doubt and you know that your goal outcome will be done.
iNetProfitz Marketing Newsletter
Author: Darlene Styers
Goals . . . or Dreams? Copyright © Darlene Styers 2003
Impress to Express: The C,B,A Formula
Author: Rod Moore
The process of manifesting or creating our goals has been something that wise men have researched for thousands of years. How do you take an idea in your imagination and create it in reality? What is the process of manifesting our dreams and goals so that we can enjoy them in our lives?
I'mpossible Beliefs...A Foundation For Freedom
Author: Linda Dixon
The creating and sustaining of physical, emotional and spiritual well being with your self, your environment and your wealth-generating activities is dependent upon your ability to clearly articulate, be in passion with and live your core philosophy.
Idiot’s Guide to Goal Setting: 5 Steps to Success
Author: Dr. Robert A. Eubanks
We’ve all read about personal goal setting. We’ve all tried it. According to the stats, most of the time we all fail.
Ideal Profiles
Author: Yvonne Chiarelli
A simple, yet effective, tool to bring what you are wanting into your life is the "Ideal Profile." Ideal Profiles are an excellent tool for invoking your creative power. I often use profiles for myself, clients, and friends. Using them is nearly effortless, they support your outward actions, and they attract more energy to your desire. Best of all, you get results.
Ideal Profiles
Author: Yvonne Chiarelli
A simple, yet effective, tool to bring what you are wanting into your life is the "Ideal Profile." Ideal Profiles are an excellent tool for invoking your creative power. I often use profiles for myself, clients, and friends. Using them is nearly effortless, they support your outward actions, and they attract more energy to your desire. Best of all, you get results.
I Can!
Author: Dusty Reed
I was taught at a young age that "there is no such word as 'can't.'" I ingested that and even friends and family commented that I was willing to "try" anything. Later in years, I learned that there is no such thing as, "try." I either "will" or I "won't!"
Hurry up and procrastinate
Author: David Leonhardt
You, too, can become a champion procrastinator
How to Win With Affiliate Programs
Author: Simon Baxter
There seems to be any number of appealing Affiliate programs available these days. Most of them on the surface look like they will put money in your pocket!
How to Triple Your Productivity in 28 days - Part II
Author: M. Anthony
If you've been diligent in doing the past 2 concentration builders you will notice you have a considerable increase in your productivity and your power to stay focused. In fact, you have probably also noticed that you are more organized, and feel more at ease. These are natural side-effects of building your concentration. Congratulations!
How to Triple Your Productivity in 28 days - Part I
Author: M. Anthony
How to Triple Your Productivity in 28 days - Part I
How To Successfully Sabotage That Great Idea Of Yours
Author: Malcolm Harvey
I'm sure that you can recall many times when you have had a brainwave, a bolt from the sky, a sudden idea or an intrusion that you never brought to fruition for any number of reasons.
How to Succeed and Stay on Task with Your Internet Marketing Promotion Strategies. A.C.T.I.O.N.
Author: Laurie Meade
How to Succeed and Stay on Task with Your Internet Marketing Promotion Strategies. One Simple Word. A.C.T.I.O.N.
How to Spend Money Confidently
Author: Barbara Voss, Success Coach
Do you hate your decisions about how much and when you spend money? Does this stuff spoil your day?
Author: Craig Lock
What is really important to you right now in your life? In other words, what do you really value? The main headings are: PEOPLE- THINGS- OTHER, e.g. career. Also finances. That word MONEY again!
Author: Craig Lock
What is really important to you right now in your life? In other words, what do you really value? The main headings are: PEOPLE- THINGS- OTHER, e.g. career. Also finances. That word MONEY again!
Author: Craig Lock
Oh no, not another article on goalsetting!
Author: Craig Lock
Oh no, not another article on goalsetting!
How to Set and Achieve Your Goals
Author: Tom Hopkins
Here are five conditions that must be worked into your goals. All are essential. Hitting four out of five is no good ?leave one condition out of a goal, and that goal won’t be reached. Put all five conditions into a goal, and you’ve got one that will become a reality in your life.
How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences
Author: Michael Lee
Watching the news can be hazardous to your health.
Author: Craig Lock
How to feel more alive and happy every day in two simple steps without following a routine?
Author: Abhishek Kumar
Can you do something for me?
How To Reach Your Goals
Author: John Colanzi
Are you ready to take your business to the next level, or looking for excuses to cash in your chips.
How To Reach Any Goal: 4 TIPS
Author: Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
T – Think It Through:
How to Quit Life and Start Living!
Author: Jim Allen
1. Recognize that LIFE is what you get when you're born...
How to Keep Your Focus on Your Home Business Goals
Author: Kevin Purfield
Copyright Kevin Purfield, Wealth System Online
Author: Talia Mana
Do you find yourself dragging your heels some days feeling you’re not good enough? Do you ever tell yourself you can’t do something – maybe a speech, a project, studies, a 10km run? If this is happening to you then the answer may be low self-esteem. You are not alone - There are very few people that can claim to have high self-esteem in all areas of your life.
How to Improve Your Life Every Day
Author: Barbara White
Would you like to become a better person?
How to find and realise your life purpose
Author: Dr. Ulla Sebastian
Do you have a life purpose? Are you aware of your goals and dreams and do you know how to achieve them?
How to Double Your Income in 35 Days
Author: John R. Barker
You want to take a big step to the next level, don’t you? You want to reach a big goal; you want to increase your income; you want a breakthrough that transforms your life –not just makes it a little better . . .
How to Develop a Personal Vision
Author: Brian Ward, CHRP
Are you a visionary? Or do you prefer to spend your time in the here and now, solving problems and getting on with things? Achieving a balance between 'dreaming' about a desired future state and living in the current state is difficult. Many of us have a strong inclination towards one or the other...very few of us are able to achieve and sustain a balance between the two.
How To Condition Your Mind For Success
Author: Al Martinovic
Your mindset is a strong factor in achieving any type of success. By creating S-M-A-R-T goals for yourself you can condition your mind to achieve whatever it is you desire.
How to choose the right goals to focus on
Author: Christos Varsamis
Sometimes setting goals alone is not the only problem that you must face. Sometimes, choosing the right goals to begin with is harder.
How Do You Measure Success?
Author: Terri Seymour
When someone asks you if you are successful, how do you answer? How does one measure success?
how Do You Go Somewhere You've Never Gone Before
Author: Mark Farmer
Ready for analogy city? The problem is, if you want to do something you've never done before, then the steps to that, the milestones, will be unfamiliar. How do you go somewhere you have never gone before? Analogies are useful for explaining something unfamiliar in familiar terms. The most important thing you must do to arrive at any destination is start the journey. Mark this sentence well: It is not important if you know how to get there or not! Just start the journey!
How Do YOU Define Success?
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal Coach
If you asked me several years ago what the word success meant, I would have answered in a predictable way: Big paychecks. Personal Achievement. Recognition. I had much of what I thought success included at that point: a high-paying job, a nice house, cool vacations. Somehow, though, I was still unfulfilled. Although I did very well at my job, I wasn't enjoying it. I also knew I wasn't living up to my full potential.
How Changing Your Focus Can Finally Get You What You Want!
Author: Laura K. Bryant
What do you choose to focus on during the day? Your future? The present? Fear and anxiety? Do you even know?
Home Business Ideas
Author: Lori White
Want to start up your own home business, but can't think of any ideas that really grab you? Well, this list is sure to inspire you. Before you read it, however, write up your own list of your talents, things that you like, and things that "energize" you. It will help you look deeper into what your interests are, and after reading this list of home business ideas, hopefully something will 'click' and you will soon be on your way to an enjoying self-made business! Also, before embarking on any new venture, decide which working environment or style suits you best for optimum fulfillment. All of these home business ideas are grouped according to personalworking-style preferences for your convenience;
Hate It? Gotta Do It? Not Good At It? Whatcha Gonna Do?
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach
The Equalizer doesn't seem to be answering the phone so it looks like its up to you. What? Oh any of those nasty chores we all hate to do. For me its keeping lists, keeping records.
Happy New year
Author: George Syrkiadis
So what have you planned for this year? Some people for some strange reason wait until a new year to give up a bad habit or to make an attempt at some self improvement. Why some people have to wait until a new year to set a goal is beyound me but all the same setting a goal is always a positive thing.
Great Goals Make You Stretch!
Author: Fran Briggs
I began enhancing my personal energy level three months shy of my 40th birthday and after 2 years of struggling with clinically-diagnosed depression. During this same period, I was challenged immensely by the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and being rendered permanently partially disabled as the result of being involved in two car accidents in six days (neither of which was I at fault). I recall an incredible sense of emptiness and a daunting feeling of being completely overwhelmed; especially when trying to figure out which pills went with what ills. Unable to return to the vocation I loved, I received disability payments and simply existed. Most of my time was spent in bed where I eventually became 48 pounds "over-fat."
2005... Got Goals?
Author: Paul Shearstone
Ask anybody on January 2nd 2005 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you like a small goat discovering a new fence for the first time.
Goals: A 10 Part Formula for Setting and Achieving Your Goals
Author: Charles M. Marcus
We all know about setting goals, and New Year is a time when many of us tend to make those new goals. Most of the time we make them with great intentions. We have high hopes for success, and we get excited. We join that health club to get in shape or to lose those extra few pounds. We make that career change, doing that one special thing we have always dreamed about. We all want to achieve our dreams, hopes and aspirations, but for one reason or the other we frequently never see those goals that are so important to us through to action.
Goals, Purpose and Meaning
Author: Dieter,
When reviewing your goals (which you should consider doing regularly), keep in mind the following thoughts: Goals are usually materialistic, that is in the ‚outside' world, and refer to things we want to get or to do at or within a certain period of time. But this is kind of superficial, one-sided. What you should also consider doing (probably even the first thing in this process) is to define your purpose, your meaning of life. Find answers to the following questions: ‚Why are you doing what you are doing, why are you living?' - in non-materialistic terms! If you can't answer these questions first, you will not have a solid base, and all goals will just be a shallow, useless escape- and compensation mechanism for the inner deficits.
Goals- The Power Line to Success and Achievement
Author: Glen Hopkins
Author: J. Slava Thaler
Because the New Year and goal-setting time is approaching, we will take this opportunity to spend some with you time thinking about what it is that you want to achieve, and set some goals around that for the new year!
Author: Hershey Wier
Journaling time today was a bit out of the ordinary. I knew something was up when I felt an urge to use write in my journal using bold red ink. I honestly had no idea why I felt an inclination to use red. I never use red. My journal is filled mostly with inks of a soft pink, violet or green.
Author: Hershey Wier
Journaling time today was a bit out of the ordinary. I knew something was up when I felt an urge to use write in my journal using bold red ink. I honestly had no idea why I felt an inclination to use red. I never use red. My journal is filled mostly with inks of a soft pink, violet or green.
Goal Setting: Pops Proves It’s Never Too Late
Author: Vic Johnson
Pops first set the goal in high school, but when he graduated he thought he wasn’t mature enough to pursue it so he enlisted in the U.S. Army.
Goal Setting for Success!
Author: Joe McHenry
What sort of people will you find goal setting? Many, many ordinary people.
Goal Setting 20 Minute Tutorial: The Blueprint
Author: Mike Jones
Why is goal setting important?
Goal setting - it's not just about being SMART
Author: Julie Plenty
How many of us make the most common new year resolutions? (lose weight, make more money, give up smoking,make a career change for eg) and never stick to them?
Goal Manifestation Development
Author: Shaun H. Ajani
Goal manifestation, by the way of goal setting, itself is very simple.
Author: Don L. Price
People who exercise self-reliance are self-starters. They begin each day with a plan of action prepared the night before. They have set their goals and objectives. Their attitudes are generated by initiative and motivated by a heat of passion to win.
Go Around the Mule
Author: Roger Reece
One of the most exciting activities you can involve yourself in is goal setting. The future is bright and filled with endless possibilities, and by carefully planning a set of actions and milestones you can achieve nearly any goal you commit yourself to.
Giving Up Too Soon
Author: Skye Thomas
So you feel beaten up and bruised and you're ready to quit. You have no support system or the one you have is pathetically inadequate for the goals you've set. You're so tired that the couch is looking more and more inviting everyday. You have bills piling up and you probably ought to get a real job anyway. The failure rate is statistically high and nobody is going to fault you if you quit. Who really cares if you give up and quit now? You do.
Getting the Most Enjoyment from the Holidays
Author: Yvonne Chiarelli, Ph.D. CHC
Our lives are busy all year long. How do we fit those things that we do once a year in an already overcrowded schedule? How do we fit in more time for shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking, planning, partying, travelling? It's no wonder the holidays bring additional stress to many.
Getting Organized With Index Cards
Author: Maria Gracia
Index cards are wonderful for helping you get organized in so many different areas of your life. And the best thing is, they're so inexpensive! Here are just a few ideas:
Getting Motivated to Get Organized
Author: Kathy Paauw
"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." --Jim Rohn
Author: Michael Angier
I've probably learned as much from my kids as I've taught them--maybe more. I learned this particular lesson from my oldest son, Mike.
Get Moving!
Author: Jeanne Johnson
Why do we put off doing things? It’s easy to make excuses. The most popular one is that we are too busy. But that is often not the case. There is an old adage “If you want something done ask a busy person”. Busy people are usually highly self motivated.
Generate Amazing Momentum - and Effortless Results
Author: John Barker
Does life ever feel like a struggle? Doesn't it seem some people seem to turn dirt into gold, while seemingly doing nothing?
Author: Michael Morfan
I never used to have much fun, I was far too busy working towards my creative success. I was busily searching for ideas (they never came easily), forcing myself to write articles (it always felt like a chore) and rushing to meet deadlines. The whole process was as far from enjoyable as it was possible to be, but hey, I told myself, I'm an artist I'm supposed to suffer! The funny thing was, as well as not enjoying myself I wasn't having much in the way of creative success either. Basically the work was hard to find, hard to do and hard to sell and there wasn't room in my life for much else. Put like that it's a wonder I put up with it, but put up with it I did. Are you doing something similar?
Author: Mary Kay Buttery
I believe innately we all do our best. We work with the tools available to us at the moment. With that in mind, a lot of us do let one person down a lot..look in the mirror. Yes that is the person. We do try. Yet often we fall short of the commitments we have promised ourselves..
From Transition to Triumph
Author: Tom Laughlin
Each day brings new challenges that force you to make adjustments to your life. You usually minimize the disruption by making changes that allow you to keep your daily routines and structures intact. I propose that some challenges can be more than just unwelcome interruptions. They can be the seeds of personal transformation.
Four Easy Ways to Get a Book Written (Especially If You Don't Like to Write)
Author: Michelle McGee-Jones
Becoming an author is probably a lot easier than you think. It’s time to get that book out of your head and onto the printed page. Ready? Boot out your excuses. Here’s how to do it.
Formula To Achieve Success.
Author: Patric Chan
Copyright by Patric Chan 2004.
Forget the New Year’s resolutions! Focus on goal setting this year.
Author: Michelle Prosser, M.A., APR
Forget the New Year’s resolutions!
Forget New Year's Resolutions - They Don't Work
Author: Vic Johnson
You can forget about making New Year's Resolutions if you're hoping for a successful outcome. Most aren't worth the paper they're written on.
Forget Dreams...Have Visions!
Author: S. Kumar
Forget Dreams...Have Visions!
Folow the Yellow Brick Road
Author: Pinkee Venus-de las Alas
Do you sometimes feel that there’s something lacking in your life? If you do, what do you do about it? Would you acknowledge this feeling and try to find out what it was that you found yourself wanting? Or would you rather brush off the feeling and try all your might to erase the idea in your head?
Following Through On Your Goals
Author: Josh Hinds
Following through on goals - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals. What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals. With that said the question is how do we effectively work our goals list...
Focus! Focus! Focus!
Author: Gary Ryan Blair
Focus is the glue that holds a goal in place?an insurance policy on your journey to success. If you've got a great goal or idea but not focus, you really don't have much!
Author: Leon Shepherd
Achieving success begins with your attitude. A superior attitude will produce superior results. Once you've taken control of your attitude, you must exercise the following steps to develop a clear sense of direction to achieve the success you desire.
Five Proven Principles for Effective Goals
Author: Stephen Kraus, Ph.D.
Self-help books and psychologists often recommend goal setting as a powerful strategy for self-improvement and personal growth. One study in particular, the “Yale Study of Goals,” is frequently cited by self-help gurus and motivational speakers to illustrate the power of goal setting. As the story goes, researchers found that 3% of the 1953 graduating class at Yale had written goals; two decades later, that 3% was worth more financially than the other 97% combined. There’s only one problem: the study was never conducted. Attempts to find the original study have been unsuccessful, and Yale University itself is convinced that the study is a myth. This is a great example of what I call a “self-help urban legend,” a false story passed from one self-help guru to the next until it is uncritically accepted as being true.
FIRE YOUR GURU: Seven simple steps to take your life to the next level
Author: Andy Grosman
Okay, I know the drill in fact I feel like invented it. You go to a great seminar or get through a set of tapes to help you improve your life--- 3 months go by and those actions you were committed to taking haven't gotten done, but you have the best and most organized desk in the whole office.
Finding the Way Home
Author: Sharon Davis
It's very frustrating to receive an email from someone that says, "I really need to work at home. Please help me."
Finding The Time
Author: Liz Sumner, Life Coach (
How often have you heard yourself say, "if only I could find the time?" Yes, our lives are full and fast-paced, but we seem to find the time for certain activities–the ones we consider important. Why is it that regular exercise and writing that book get put off endlessly while work, commuting, and other people's priorities expand to fill all the hours in a day? Are you choosing what's important or is it choosing you?
Finding a new career is like finding a soulmate
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
When you are undergoing a career transition, you step out of your comfort zone. By definition, a comfort zone is…well, comfortable. Once you felt in control of a high-powered career. Now you have neither control nor career. It's frustrating and scary.
Financial Freedom - Where are you?
Author: Lori White
So how can you make the transition period easier? There are many ways. First, find a way that's compatible for you, to increase the money coming in. You may be able to provide child care on the weekends for a neighbor or friend. Maybe you are mechanically inclined, or handy with tools, and can do some repairs or yard work to earn some extra cash. Another way to bring in more money is to sell something - property or items you no longer have use for. You may be able to borrow from a friend, family member, or obtain a small loan from a bank. It might be time to dip into some savings you had set aside, that you said you'd NEVER touch!
Author: Xeon Huang
Of course you have seen the media featuring all kinds of successful people: they don’t necessarily have to be America’s top 10 magnates. Neither do they have to be Hollywood celebrities. Whatever the case, successful and happy people have one thing in common: they have dreams, they set goals to achieve them, and they never give up despite being against all odds.
Excuses for Not Exercising
Author: Amanda Coombe
You have done it several times in your life. You have made a New Years Resolution or a promise to yourself to start a physical activity routine, join a gym or use the exercise bike that you bought two years ago rather than it ending up in your next garage sale. We have all heard this story either in spring in anticipation of the "body beautiful" for summer or after the Christmas indulgence.
Excerpt from "Creating Your Ultimate Destiny"
Author: Robert Stuberg
What is the meaning of my life? What is the purpose of my existence? For what reason was I put here on this planet? From time to time, we’ve all asked these questions of ourselves, and perhaps we’ve asked them of our friends, loved ones, or spiritual advisors. And, of course, if you discuss these questions with different people, you will certainly notice that you get different responses. For this reason, throughout history, philosophers have debated whether there actually is a purpose for living and, if so, what it is.
Evaluating your Goals
Author: Rod Moore
When you have set your goals in writing its important that you evaluate each of them to ensure they empower you for SUCCESS!
Entrepreneurophobia: Conquering The Fear
Author: Walt F.J. Goodridge
Entrepreneurophobia: Conquering The Fear
Author: Walt F.J. Goodridge
Author: Mary C. Kraemer, R.N., RMT
We are currently experiencing new paradigms in the field of healing as more and more is being written about how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have an effect on our physical bodies through wellness-illness and maintenance and well-being. More and more is being written on the fact that the mind influences matter.
Ending Poverty on a Shoestring Budget
Author: Raymond Yeh
Raymond Yeh
Embracing Change
Author: Julie Fuimano, MBA, BSN, RN
Change is often very difficult for people to accept and yet it’s happening every minute. The only thing certain is change. When you find that things are not as you want them to be in your life, it’s time to get comfortable with change.
Author: Robert Elias Najemy
Author: Robert Elias Najemy
Education Has A Price - So Does Ignorance
Author: Dr. Asoka K. Selvarajah
Education is your key to success and advancement in every area of life. However, it is NOT defined by academic qualifications. In fact, all too often, these can form an excellent contrary indicator! Whilst academic qualifications do undoubtedly smooth the way in many career areas, they are by no means a guarantee of success.
Easy Resolutions
Author: Rinatta Paries
New Year's Eve is the traditional time to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Most resolutions are about something we really, really want. Even if you are not the type who makes New Year's resolutions, notice that somewhere, quietly, in the back of your mind, you are probably making one anyway.
Driving to your Goals
Author: Lyman Dale Reed, Jr.
Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three major things that get you where you want to go when driving are a specific destination, directions for getting there, and a way to track your progress. You must also have these three things to achieve any goal.
Dream Stealers
Author: Lori Enos
Who are the dream stealers? Dream stealers are the people who make you believe that you'll never reach your dreams. They're the people that encourage you to play it safe: to get a nice safe job, to marry the first nice person you meet, to vacation in Texas instead of Africa. Does this sound a lot like your parents? That's not surprising because family members are often the worst offenders when it comes to Dream Stealing.
Double Your Living!
Author: David Wood
I want you to know the beauty of life.
Don't Quit Too Soon!
Author: Wendyl K. Leslie
Some years back, Newsweek magazine ran a full-page ad that I thought was very good. The headline of the ad read, "Before You Quit, Read This," and the body of the ad went on to report:
Don't Give Up Just Shy Of Your Dreams
Author: Josh Hinds
Don't give up short of your dreams - A necessary skill for achieving that which you desire in your life is the ability to give the task at hand that one last go around... Often it is a matter of looking near defeat in the face, and just plain moving forward in spite of all the difficulties you're faced with!
Don’t Set New Year’s Resolutions - Take Action in The New Year
Author: Wendy Hearn
It’s that time of year again when we start talking and thinking about New Year's Resolutions even though they’re old hat and we instinctively know they don’t work. Because your friends, family and colleagues may chat about what Resolutions they’re going to make, do you find yourself wondering whether to make any? We know that within a few days or weeks, the Resolutions will be forgotten, nothing will have changed and yet for some reason most people still worry about them. So why do we still bother with New Year’s Resolutions? First, they're a custom and a New Year ushers in a new start, so what better time than now? There's even a small chance that we may stick to our Resolutions this year, so we have a go. The main reason some people think about New Year’s Resolutions is because they want to change things in their life.
Does Your Brain Make You A Winner?
Author: Jan Tincher
Your brain can make you a winner or a loser. It just depends on what your mind has told it! If your brain makes you a loser, would you like to change your mind?
Do You Know What's The #1 Success Secret Is?
Author: Patric Chan
How many people do you hear complaining about their job, where they live, how little money they have, or how they can never take a vacation?
Do You Have Faith in What You Are Doing?
Author: Malcolm Harvey
Starting out on any venture whether it's a new business or a trip to the local supermarket requires faith.
Do You Apply These 8-Steps To Your Goals?
Author: Karl Webb
As we approached the end of 2004, many of us used this as an ideal time to reflect on the year past and also to look forward to the year ahead. The beginning of the new year seems an obvious time to set our goals and resolutions and to look back at our performance of the last year.
Do What You Know!
Author: Maria Marsala
The process of starting a business is very enjoyable and stressful at the same time. It's a good type of stress, but stress nonetheless. One way to keep your sanity in the midst of a start-up is to do what you know!
Discovering What You Want for Your Life
Author: Yvonne Chiarelli, Ph.D. CHC
I often recommend that life planning be based upon an individual's personal vision and purpose. If you are going to handcraft a life of choice, you'll need to know what you want so that you can make the choices that take you there. The trouble is that many (most?) of you cannot name what it is you want.
"Discover Your Creativity"
Author: Robert Leggett
Copyright 2005 - by Robert Leggett - All rights reserved
Discover Hidden Profits in "Spare Change" Time
Author: Jim Edwards
Fact: Take the spare change out of your pocket every night and put it in a child's piggy bank. At the end of a year you will have at least a hundred dollars to spend as you wish.
Author: Molly Gordon
To discern: to perceive (something obscure or concealed). The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition.
Developing Effective Life Strategies
Author: Dottie DeSelle
This article is part of a class I taught recently on developing life strategies that work . The class was put together around seven spiritualprinciples that are basic in all of our lives. We also developed specific strategies around each one of the principles involved. The following material is from part one of the class.
Destination Success
Author: Robert Knowlton
A few weeks ago I got a phone call from a fellow asking about Success Coaching. He wanted to know if coaching could really help him achieve success.
Designing Your Ultimate Game With Power, Perspective, and Precision
Author: Rick Ashby
In a moment, I’ll share with you an exciting strategy for designing your ultimate game, you know the one that makes your life truly meaningful and delicious. The one where you see yourself now creating the results that you need and want in your life—excelling in whatever you focus on both at work and at home. More importantly, as you look at that picture, not only are you excelling in what you do, you are having an absolute blast doing it.
Designing A Life - We Each Get The Chance
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
As we pass through the Seven Gateways to Enchantment again and again and become a true Enchanted Self, we see that life is all about living and then telling and retelling the stories of our lives to get the most positive juice from our stories.
Design Your Perfect Lifestyle
Author: David Wood
Following is an extract of the 'Perfect Lifestyle' Program. (Better still, you can currently download the full Program free of charge at Look for the "Design Your Life" option.)
Design Your OWN Success Formula
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal Coach
This year I encourage you to stretch out of your comfort zone and set three goals for 2001 that truly inspire you. Forget what you think you "should" do and design goals that feel great.
Design A Day in Your Ideal Day
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal Coach
One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to design their lives around their careers. It really works much better the other way around: Start by designing your ideal life, and then figure out what sort of work will support it.
Declutter Your Home in 11 Easy Steps
Author: Maria Gracia
Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of organizing your home? Start on a smaller scale instead and it will be a whole lot easier.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Author: Jeanie Marshall
In all parts of our lives, we must make decisions. Little decisions, big decisions, monumental decisions. Some "decisions" are so natural that we may not even consider them decisions. Decisions are choices. Decisions focus our attention.
Dare To Dream
Author: Chris Lloyd
The rewards of life come to those who do, not to those who merely read, talk or day dream. Action is the key.
Culture Shock
Author: Joseph Ghabi
Time and choice are set up to hold no value for us. Before we know it, our life is running ahead of us.
Creative Visualization: How to Supercharge Your Goal Setting
Author: M. Anthony
M. Anthony
Creating Your Ultimate Destiny
Author: Robert Stuberg
What is the meaning of my life? What is the purpose of my existence? For what reason was I put here on this planet? From time to time, we¹ve all asked these questions of ourselves, and perhaps we¹ve asked them of our friends, loved ones, or spiritual advisors. And, of course, if you discuss these questions with different people, you will certainly notice that you get different responses. For this reason, throughout history, philosophers have debated whether there actually is a purpose for living and, if so, what it is.
Creating Your Ideal Client Profile (ICP) Worksheet
Author: Maria Marsala
By marketing to and networking with your ideal clients, you’ll spend your time and energy directly on the individuals who will purchase your products or services! Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Creating Your Blueprint for Success
Author: Joanne Victoria
Having a strong foundation enables you to build a thriving, profitable life and business. A simple method to create this foundation is with Direction, Vision, Pathways and Benchmarking, the four cornerstones of your life as well as your business.
Creating A Gratitude Journal
Author: Doreene Clement
grate.ful adj. 1 a : appreciative of benefits received: syn. thankful
Author: Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
Since this is the time of year for Resolutions, I would like to share with you the ONE resolution that I have made for 2002. Perhaps it will impact your life, in the same way that it has already impacted mine.
Conquering Goals: The Battle Plan
Author: Anthony Mullins
“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”(Anatole France) While these three items define success, without all of them success would be unattainable. Without a dream, you will be without desire and without desire, you will be without action. If you can unlock the dream, then you can unlock success and make your dream reality.
Communally Effective
Author: Ed Hirsch
Work real hard, then play real hard with joy. Your best times in life are when you are in community with others. It is important to continually build community. The more we get to understand other people, the more we can understand ourselves and grow to become more productive adults.
Climbing The Internet Kilimanjaro
Author: Ante Mijak
If you stretch your imagination a little you might be able to picture St. Peter, sleeves rolled up, still processing the millions of poor souls that were liberated by KGB thugs. Tortured to death, multitudes revealed their innermost thoughts.
Claiming Back Your Energy, Understanding Your Resistance
Author: Hershey Wier, MBA
Claiming Back Your Energy, Understanding Your Resistance
Choose What You Wnat In Life!
Author: John Robson and Patrice Steen
Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another. Are you choosing what you want from life?
Checklist for Success
Author: Laura Silva Quesada
There are many ways to stay on track with your goals and keep moving towards creating the life of your own design. Making a list of what you value most in life, and then being true to those things you value, is one of the best ways to get you from where you are to where you want to be. This list becomes a Checklist for Success!
Checklist for Success
Author: Laura Silva Quesada
There are many ways to stay on track with your goals and keep moving towards creating the life of your own design. Making a list of what you value most in life, and then being true to those things you value, is one of the best ways to get you from where you are to where you want to be. This list becomes a Checklist for Success!
Charting Your Course For Success
Author: Julie Fuimano, MBA, BSN, RN
Having clear goals is important to ensure successful living. With a vision in mind and landmarks for achieving success, you add direction and focus to your personal and professional life. It’s like taking both hands and grabbing hold of the steering wheel of the car called life and steering into the future. But if you don’t know where you want to go, how will you know when you’ve arrived?
Characteristics Of Our Goals
Author: David Stoddard
I’ve done the goal setting things in the past. I heard of the studies where only the successful 3% have goals written down. I had ideas of what I wanted to accomplish. But for differing reasons, I didn’t always reach them as often as I would have liked. Some were just ideas which stayed ideas. Others I worked at didn’t turn out as planned. So I wondered why.
Change Ideas to Reality
Author: Jennifer Ottolino
How many times have you sat there and thought of a great idea that you became really excited about, only to let it drift away because you did not know how to turn it into a reality? Why does this happen?
Career Propects
Author: Ray Rock
Every year there are thousands of you young men and women, who are leaving school or college with the sole object of starting your working careers. One of the biggest problems you face is, there are just not enough good career opportunities available for all of you. That in itself is bad enough, but unfortunately the majority of you, are not sure in your own minds which is the right career for you to pursue. The most important point for you to remember when deciding on the career is you have forty odd years to go before you can retire. It is a fact of life that every single day of the week, thousands of people resign from their jobs, because they are dissatisfied with the conditions and the terms they are working under. Only to try and find a job somewhere else, that they will truly love, and enjoy.
Can’t See Your Way To Completing Your Goal? Then It’s Time To Check Your VISION
Author: Della Menechella
Have you been having trouble achieving a specific goal? Are you allowing other less important things to get in the way of accomplishing what you really want? Then this is the time to do a VISION check. Just as it is important to get our eyes checked regularly to assure that we will be able to see clearly, it is equally as important to do a VISION check to be certain that our goal is on track.
Burn Your Boat!
Author: John Boe
Do you allow fear, anxiety and worry to dominant your thinking? Do you find yourself frequently questioning your decision to become a salesperson? Having self doubt or a lack of commitment is emotionally draining and erodes your effectiveness. A truly committed person does not have the luxury nor the time for the self-indulgence of negative thinking. No great achievement has ever been accomplished without a plan and a commitment to see it through. There is magic in commitment!
Bubble Over from Within
Author: Ed Hirsch
How clear are you and how deep do you "bubble over" from within, the life you aspire to bring into reality? Have you memorized your mission and does the evidence of this belief exude from in-between the spaces that exist moment to moment, thought by thought, action to action?
Broken New Year's Resolutions!
Author: Sandy Pheil
So it’s been a few months since you made those New Year resolutions and how many are still a daily priority? Probably not many. Why does this happen? Well, I’m here to tell you a few of the most common mistakes made by folks. But first, let’s learn a bit about where this undelivered over promised tradition derived.
Bow to Failure (It? Not What You Think)
Author: Molly Gordon, CPC
If you're like most folks, failure comes with negative judgments, and you have a variety of ways to dodge both the judgments and the bad feelings that come with them. You hunker down, often hunching your shoulders, pulling your energy in, and perhaps adopting an apologetic posture as if to say, "Don't kick me." Perhaps you adopt a studied casualness, pretending you don? care. Neither is a very powerful position.
Blogging Your Way to Goal Success
Author: Ellesse Chow
If you have always been procrastinating on how to get started or going with your goals, try this interesting method. Write a blog.
Birthday Journals
Author: Doreene Clement
Last year, as I turned 50, (FIVE-OOOH!!!), I decided to give myself a birthday party. Part of the party was to have a birthday journal. (I used my book The 5 Year Journal for two reasons -- #1. I had a lot of copies, and #2. The 5 Year Journal is dated) I asked my friends to pick a date telling me why they chose that date, and then write whatever they felt like writing.
Beyond SMART Goals
Author: Myrtis Smith
These days, everyone seems to be talking about SMART goals. That is, goals that are:
Believe It BEFORE You See It
Author: Ed Hirsch
Have you ever noticed that the first one to be creative and risk, climbs to the top of success and achieves the greatest impact on the rest, than those who *only* follow?
Been There; Done That
Author: Jo McNamara
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.”
Becoming A Life Archeologist
Author: Scott Fite
Our lives are a montage of events. A flurry of activity. Running here and running there. Details. Details. A blur. Lots of movement, but how much accomplishment? Of all the activity we engage in, how much of our energy do we direct toward fulfilling our central mission in life? How much of our lives is fluff and noise? How do we cut through all this noise to find direction? One way is to become a life archeologist.
Become A Mental Magnet
Author: Rev. Dr. Kioni Fuller
Attract What You Need For The Physical
Be Selfish With Your Goals
Author: Jeffrey Rolo
All too often good-intentioned people set forth goals designed to satiate others rather than themselves. While the intent is honorable, the results will likely lead to failure. Why? As the somewhat provocative title of this article indicates, you need to be selfish with your goals and select ones that mean something to you.
Be Discontented With The Status Quo
Author: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD
It is natural to be satisfied with the way things are; but the moment we settle for how things are, we give up the opportunity to experience how things could be. Life is evolutionary, but only if we allow it to be. If we choose to, we can get stuck in the comfort of the status quo and miss the real opportunities that require us to step into a bigger life.
Be Decisive!
Author: Gary Ryan Blair
Success is the intentional, pre-meditated use of choice and decision. Unless you choose ?with certainty ?what it is you want, you accept table scraps by default. The world is plump with opportunity. Be decisive!
Be Aware Of Your Reasons
Author: Greg McPhail
You have decided that you want to lose weight and improve your health. What is the first step? Start by asking yourself what your reason(s)is for wanting to make this change.
Be A Champion For Success
Author: Moss Greene
Webster defines a champion as someone who enthusiastically supports another. Are you a champion? Do you stand up and cheer when someone in your family, a friend or a coworker does as well or even better than you? Are you always enthusiastic about the success of others? Probably not, right?
Balancing Your Life to Your Personality
Author: Jacqueline McLaughlin Hale
Given that I produce an ezine called "The Balanced Woman" I probably spend more time than most thinking about how to create a life of balance. I have searched and searched for that one magic formula that will work for everybody all the time. What I have found instead is that the basic core of a "balanced life" must revolve around each person's unique personality. If it does not, it is doomed to fail! What do I mean? It struck me this past week while watching my neighbor on vacation from her job.
Awakening Yourself to Abundance
Author: Francoise Rapp
The principle of abundance is revealed in many ancient teachings. Sacred writings reveal that the outer world is the reflection of the inner world -- as above so as below. We are surrounded by an abundance of love, joy, money and health. The amount of our intake, however, is equal to the limitations we place on our emotions, behaviors, thoughts and actions.
Asking Santa (or anyone else) for career guidance
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Lynn Grabhorn's book, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting, encourages readers to imagine themselves making outrageous requests of their own personal version of Santa Claus. But we've all heard the warning: "Be careful what you wish for…" Once I hired a "mentor" coach to help me generate business. I spent hours working on my website. I played with orange, green, and blue and black text in helvetica, geneva and garamond type faces. I added pictures. I took away pictures. My coach kept saying, "You're doing great!" On a slow week, she advised me to "clear clutter" and "move your body a new way."
Ask Right and You May Receive
Author: Rinatta Paries
How easily do you get what you want from others? And how easy is it for you to ask for what you want or need?
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal Coach
Many of us get caught up in wishing for things to happen in our lives. We say, "It would be nice if¡¦" or "I wish I could¡¦" A wish is passive, and it has a "maybe someday" quality about it: Someday I'll do work I love, or improve my finances, or spend a summer in Italy. There's no real commitment and no clear picture of what it would take to make it happen.
Are You Using the Right Word?
Author: Luther Powell
Papalou has received several emails with bad spelling. I have also noticed several ads in ezines with misspelled words. Being an old school teacher, (You didn't know that, did you?), my eyes have been trained to catch a misspelled word. I'm sharp as a tack! Now, there I go bragging again. Oh well, just put up with me.=:o)<
Author: Veronica Lim
There have been many things which I have achieved in the past without apparently having set any goals, and conversely, many goals that I had set, written down, thought a lot about and yet didn’t achieve. Have you found this to be true for you too?
Are YOU chasing what you REALLY want?
Author: David Wood
When I speak to an audience on the topic of "Create A Life You Love", we look at the things people spend most of their time on, and then compare these to the things they really want. Do you think the two are aligned? NO WAY!
Are You an Achiever or an Excusiologist?
Author: Gary R. Simpson
It would be a fairly safe bet that if you are reading this article then you are on the lookout for something more in your life than what you already have.
Anything Worth Doing is Worth Doing Badly
Author: Mike Moore
Our culture seems to have elevated the quest for perfection to the status of virtue. When someone is described as a perfectionist they are frequently admired and envied. A perfectionist, in my opinion is someone living in a constant state of dissatisfaction and that isn't healthy. To perfectionists, no one, including their spouse, children, family, friends and themselves ever measures up to their impossible standards. Perfectionists spend their lives never being happy with what they have accomplished always wanting things to be perfect. I could have or should have done better becomes the motto by which they live.
Annual Goal-Setting as a Means of Getting Positive Results
Author: William G. Covington, Jr. PhD
copyright William G. Covington, Jr. PhD
An Introduction to Personal Planning
Author: Donna Birk
Most of us know a little bit about planning, because whether we realize it or not, all of us plan at some level and in some ways. Do you fill your gas tank before going on a long trip? Do you invite guests over for a visit? Do you get food on the table for a meal? Whether you think about taking an action a month, a week, or just seconds ahead of time, when you decide you need to do something before you actually do it, that is planning. Many of us, however, may not plan as effectively as we would like. If you're on the end of the continuum closer to "flying by the seat of my pants" but would like to move at least a little closer to "I know exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow, next week, and next year," then you will benefit from learning and applying personal planning strategies.
Alive&Well - a Compuer program in the service of emotional well-being
Author: Dr. Rami Gardosh, Ilana Sobol
Alive&Well is a computer program designed to help its' users to better deal with their life issues. The user enters the issue in question into the program that utilizes proven cognitive therapy principles and the power of computer processing to help the user gain new perspectives on their issues.
Aligning Goals With Your Values
Author: Carol Halsey
I read an article recently about why it is important to align goals with our values. It seems this salesman set his goals for the coming year. He had a target for volume of sales and acquired new business. He then planned his work schedule to accomplish these goals. It would involve a great deal of traveling, with frequent weekends away from home.
Aligning Goals With Your Values
Author: Carol Halsey
It is that time of year again when we have thoughts of identifying and writing down our goals for the year.
Adventures in the Leaves
Author: Michael Angier
The other day, my wife Dawn and I did what many fall tourists in New England do. We took a leisurely drive around Vermont and watched the chlorophyll drain out of the leaves. The reds, yellows and oranges in early October are truly something to behold, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely: talking, laughing and oohing and aahing our way around a good section of what we call the "Northeast Kingdom."
Acknowledge Your Achievements!
Author: Bob Doyle
We sometimes don't notice when change happens gradually. As a result, we sometimes don't recognize the progress we have made in our lives. It's quite probable that wherever you are in your life right now, there is another place that you are aspiring to be. This may result in a sort of dissatisfaction with your current situation.
Achiving Your Definite Major Purpose
Author: Rick Gettle
Achieving your life potential
Author: Donna Karlin
We are redefining the way we work and relate to one another.
Achieve Your Goals
Author: Sheila Cohill
Achieve More in 2004
Author: Kelley Robertson
Another year is upon us and if you are like most people you have hit the floor running without planning a clear objective for the upcoming year. However, top performing sales people make the time to establish clear targets. Setting goals is not a complicated process nor does it take a lot of time. Use the techniques listed below to help you achieve your targets.
About Changing Habits
Author: Maria Marsala, Life & Business Evolution Coach/Consultant/Speaker
Some important things to consider about the habits we want to change:
A Writing Space of Your Own
Author: Beth Mende Conny
When we talk about creating a writing space, we're really talking about two kinds-a physical space and a mental space. You need both in which to work.
Author: Todd Puntolillo
A Winning Formula
A Star Toward Which to Press
Author: Wendyl K. Leslie
I've subscribed to "Forbes" magazine for many years. In the back of the magazine, as you may know, there's a page titled "Thoughts on the Business of Life." I always read it for the excellent quotations it carries--like this one by B. C. Forbes: "It is when things go hardest, when life becomes most trying, that there is greatest need for having a fixed goal, for having an air castle that the outside world cannot wreck. When few comforts come from without, it is all the more necessary to have a fount to draw from within. And the man or woman who has a star toward which to press cannot be thrown off the course, no matter how the world may try, no matter how far things may seem to be wrong."
A Spiritual Approach to New Year's Resolutions
Author: Gala Gorman
Around the end of the year, most of us spend a little time soul searching. “What did I accomplish in the past year? Thus far in my life? Are my actions consistent with where I say I want to go and who I want to be?”
A resolution method that works
Author: Nisandeh Neta
At the end of each year, it is traditional to make a New Year's Resolution. With such "agreements", we commit ourselves to resolving personal issues, yet more often than not, fail to keep these commitments. The concept in itself is a good one: to make an assessment of our lives, to contemplate what we wish to modify during the following twelve months, and then making a commitment to that change.
A prison cell?
Author: graham and julie
Do you have a goal? A focus in life? Have you invested a great deal of time, effort, money to achieve and yet feel you haven’t made it yet? For all your effort do you still feel that there is something missing in your life? It is obviously very important to set goals in your life. It gives you a focus a way forward a mechanism for making decisions when faced with a number of options. However, it can also be a prison cell.
A New Conversation About Dreams - The Power of Intention
Author: Marcia Wieder
It’s time to change the way we think and speak about our dreams. Transforming a conversation, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. Your intentions will assist you in taking greater control of your life.
A New Conversation About Dreams - Integrity: The Key to Getting What You Want
Author: Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach®
The most critical attribute for realizing our dreams is integrity. In a conversation about dreams, integrity is essential and can be summarized this way: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Honor your word and agreements and you will be living with integrity, where dreams really do come true.
A New Approach to New Year's Resolutions
Author: Stephanie Roberts
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming year. I'm a huge fan of goal setting, but I'm no longer convinced it's the best way to approach this whole resolution thing.
A New Approach to New Year's Resolutions
Author: Stephanie Roberts
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming year. I'm a huge fan of goal setting, but I'm no longer convinced it's the best way to approach this whole resolution thing.
A New Approach to New Year's Resolutions
Author: Stephanie Roberts
The New Year is traditionally a time to reflect on where we are in our lives and to think about improvements that we'd like to make. It seems obvious that the first step in choosing appropriate New Year's Resolutions should be to define specific goals for what we want to achieve in the coming year. I'm a huge fan of goal setting, but I'm no longer convinced it's the best way to approach this whole resolution thing.
A Life of Balance
Author: Russell J. Blake
I believe in the balanced lifestyle. I believe it is important to follow the middle way. This is also known as the straight way or a philosophy of not too much and not too little. In balanced living we act in activities that bring us fully aware of our highest calling or purpose. Our highest purpose is ultimately to love others. You are probably like me and want to better yourself and improve every aspect of yourself and your lifestyle. This lifelong process of continued growth pushes us to reach our full potential. It feels good to create and reach goals. It feels good to get and stay in shape and eat right. It feels good to create abundance and prosperity. It feels good to know in our heart of hearts that we are really doing our best in every area of our life.
9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Don't Feel Like It
Author: Skye Thomas
9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Don't Feel Like It
9 Ways to Getting the Most out of Living on Purpose
Author: W. Bradford Swift
Finally you've clarified what your life is about. You know who you are and what your life purpose is. You have even created a life purpose statement. Now what? How do you get the most out of the work you've done. How do you have your life purpose shape your life? This list will help guide you to along the way to living a life on purpose.
8 Categories to Instantly Organize Your Success Strateby
Author: Frank F. Lunn
You’re enjoying a perfectly shallow conversation with a good friend over coffee, discussing your oldest child’s latest broken bone fiasco and how long it takes you to drive across town with the traffic these days, when out of nowhere he asks, “Do you ever wonder where all this day to day will lead? What are your goals in life?”
7 Simple Steps To Achieving Your Goals
Author: M Sairam
A few years ago, as I was at a crossroads in my life, I decided that I was going to become massively successful and not live a mediocre life. I was working as a training executive for a private computer training company in India. I made up my mind, determined to be the best computer programmer, and decided that I wanted to work for a foreign company in a foreign country. None of my family members was in a foreign country. Most of my associates were not massively successful. Yet I determined with all my heart and soul that I would become one. That was the BEST decision I made regarding my career. The following are the steps I took to fulfill my desire. You can take these same steps to accomplish anything you have a heart-felt deep burning desire. Imagine, when you are pushed into a lake and you don’t know swimming and how you would struggle to get out of water to breathe and be alive. That kind of desire you should have. Then, when you follow these steps, you are bound to succeed, no matter what.
7 Secrets to Show Me The Money!
Author: Kathy Gates, Personal Life Coach
The bottom line is simple. No matter what amount of income you earn or don't earn, you CAN be in control of your finances. But you must first be in control of your choices.
7 Secrets to Show Me The Money!
Author: Kathy Gates, Personal Life Coach
The bottom line is simple. No matter what amount of income you earn or don't earn, you CAN be in control of your finances. But you must first be in control of your choices.
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4 Ways In Which You Can Do Wonders With Your Life -
Author: Destin and Trei
Destin and Trei
4 Steps to Inspired Goal Setting -
Author: Julie Plenty
At the beginning of the year, there*s often an orgy of goal
4 Simple Steps for Reaching Your Goals -
Author: Fabio “fabman” Marciano
Why is it that most people never reach their goals? Why is it that those things you hold near and dear to your heart, the things that give you inspiration and hope, never come true?
3 Steps to Reaching Every Goal -
Author: Jason Gracia
Having goals in our lives is important. For some, merely creating goals brings about a positive change. When you make a goal, you are creating an exciting challenge for yourself. To make sure you meet that challenge with the right tools, you will need to do three things.
12 Commandments of Goal Setting
Author: Della Menechella
Many professionals have a basic idea of what they want to achieve in their careers. They may want to close more sales, earn a higher income, or move into a different job. However, somehow they do not achieve the success they desire. Why? Why is it that intelligent, motivated, hard-working individuals are not achieving the success they deserve? It is because they haven’t set clear goals.
11 Ways to Make This Your Best Year Ever
Author: Charles M. Marcus
The start of a fresh new year. This is a wonderful time to take stock and reflect on the year gone by, the triumphs you achieved, the time you shared with family and friends, the good choices you made in business. But in order to grow and develop both personally and professionally, you also have to look back at and acknowledge the things that challenged you, the things that did not go so well.
10-Hours (or 10-Days) To A Spotless and Organized Kitchen
Author: Maria Marsala
Sometimes it helps to organize a room all at once. However, for home-business owners, spending another entire day in the house isn't always a desirable thing. What may be more desirable is to spend 60-minutes each day working on a project. The steps below will assist you (as they have me) to reorganize your kitchen.
10 Winning Strategies for Life!
Author: Larry W. Robinson
1. Get an early start.
"10 Top Tips For Successful Goal Setting"
Author: Jackie Fletcher
(c) Jackie Fletcher. All Rights Reserved.
10 Tips to Getting Out of Your Own Way
Author: Jim Allen
1. Face Facts: YOU may just be the bump in the road that's slowing you down.
10 Passion Principles to Creating the Rest of Your Life
Author: Julie Jordan Scott
1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.
10 Best Tips to Survive Your Breakdown
Author: Peter IBBETT
I had been 26 years in the front line, half of them in the vital interface of Head of Department in a secondary school. I was one of those cheerful ever present cogs in the system doing his bit to keep the machinery in motion when I suffered a catastrophic breakdown. It was over a week before my family reclaimed me from the NHS. Two months on and I am still off work awaiting an Occupational Health report on my future.
1 Step To Achieving Your Goals
Author: Wayne Perkins
In Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen's original "Chicken Soup for the Soul," I am reminded of the short story titled "Another Check Mark On the List." This is a story about a 15-year-old boy named John who, on one rainy day, when it was too wet outside to play, he decided to write a list of goals. John continued writing until he had 127 goals. These goals included exploring the Nile River, climbing high mountain peaks around the world and learning 3 foreign languages. He also wanted to be featured in a Rose Bowl Parade and play several musical instruments.