Riding the Tide of Transition
Author: Yvonne Chiarelli, Ph.D., CHC
As we move from Summer to Autumn, I notice that it is the most difficult seasonal transition for me. It's not about Autumn itself, but about the 'letting go' of my favorite season (Summer), which I never want to do. Ironically, the gift of the 'letting go' is one of the primary hallmarks of Autumn according to Chinese five-element philosophy. I am easily reminded of it as I watch the trees loose its leaves each year. Moving through this particular transition each year with as much grace and dignity as the trees do is becoming a personal goal for me.
We undergo endless transitions as we journey through life. Many of us are resistant to change, yet the presence of change is one of the few constants. A friend of mine told me that, 'Change is not always progress, but progress is always change.' Often we want to skip the process of the transition and get to the other side quickly in order to regain a comfort level. Yet, I believe that life works its magic within the process of the transition - somewhere in the messy middle of it. Transformation emerges from within the chaos.
We experience transitions in every area of our life including career, relationships, beliefs, self awareness, skill building, emotional intelligence, and physical state, just to name a few. We can reframe our experience of transition into one that demonstrates growth, mastery, and transformation. Our evolution depends on our ability to ride the tide of transition. A few simple strategies can be employed to help keep us steady, strong, and confident throughout the process of transition.
~ Ten Tips to Navigate Transition ~
1. Acceptance. Some transitions are welcomed and some are not. Either way, recognize that you are engaged in a transition. Acceptance invokes your personal power to successfully navigate it.
2. Imagine the best. Visualize in your mind the ideal outcomes of the transition (including the harmonious good of all concerned). Continue to build your vision and add the feeling of it within the vision. Building up this feeling state is key to building a future that pulls you toward it, versus you struggling toward it.
3. Seek and accept support. Meet with a coach, friend, advisor, or therapist on a regular basis to keep you grounded. They can provide a safe space for you to vent, be fully heard, validate your experience, brainstorm ideas, maintain perspective, and simply be yourself.
4. Look for the unbidden opportunities. In the Chinese language, two characters compose the word 'crisis.' One character represents danger and the other represents opportunity. Even the unwanted transitions can work for your good by presenting opportunities for you to shine, but you've got to recognize them as they come along.
5. Watch your language. Observe your spoken language and the self talk in your head. Is it positive or negative? Does it express blame or creativity? Is it destructive or constructive? Is it rooted in fear or love? Does it look backward or forward? Positive, creative, constructive, and loving language - spoken or thought - makes all the difference for you in your experience of riding the tide of transition and the results on the other side.
6. Engage your daily habits. Select and practice daily habits that support and energize you. They serve as your pillar of stability through the changing times.
7. Evolve. You are most likely back on a learning curve. Make it OK to be a beginner again. It's how we grow and transform. You will inspire others.
8. Treat yourself right. Navigating transition requires extra energy. Ensure that you take care of your body and soul more diligently than usual. Don't forget the extra treats for yourself, you deserve them.
9. Release the past. Honor what has come before, learn from it, and let it go; acknowledge the present, and give thanks for your future.
'Three times I bow
Letting go, letting be
I honor the core and
I set myself free.'
(A poem expressing Autumn's gift according to Chinese five-element philosophy.)
10. Be patient. Transitions are the stuff of the cycles of life. We can trust that the process of life moves for our good. Ben Sweetland said, 'Success is a journey, not a destination.' Be assured that it won't be your last adventure through transition. Whenever we get 'there,' there will be someplace else to go. Anticipate an ever-changing journey to your future.
Coaching is an ideal tool to use to navigate through transitions. It's benefits include having a guide to remind us of what is so, keep us motivated, keep our eye on what's on the other side, and to remind us that we're growing through the transition. A coach celebrates your evolution.
Yvonne Chiarelli is a professional, personal, and business coach providing personal support, clarity, and strategy through collaborative relationship. For more information, visit her website at: http://www.creativepossibilities.com or subscribe to her monthly e-letter, Your Creative Power? by sending blank email to eletter@creativepossibilities.com with 'subscribe' in the subject line. ?000 Yvonne Chiarelli