Making Miracles - The Chewy Surprise Inside
Author: Rita Louise
In the Bible, there are many recorded instances of miracles occurring. In the Old Testament, Moses is said to have brought plagues of frogs and locusts upon the Egyptians, parted the Red Sea, and rained "manna" from the sky. Likewise, in the New Testament, Jesus said is to have turned water into wine, healed the sick and infirm, and brought Lazarus back from the dead. These stories may seem incredible, exceptional, and stupendous to us. Unfortunately, they may also appear unachievable for regular people like you and me.
The impact of these stories upon many of us is that they invalidate our own powers of creation. They infer that only a small few, "the chosen ones," have the power to create miracles. We are left with the feeling that we are powerless to create miracles, or perhaps that all the miracles of the world have been used up. It may seem to many us as if "God" has to come down and speak to us directly, saying, "Go out, create miracles. You are now my chosen one."
Hello! . . Remember! . . We are all chosen ones! Sorry for my outburst, but sometimes we forget that it is possible for all of us to bring miracles into our daily life. They may be perceived as being a little smaller than parting the Red Sea or raising Lazarus from the dead, but we can all take ownership of them, create them for ourselves, and bring them into our lives.
What are miracles? Miracles are like Tootsie-roll pops because there is always a surprise on the inside. For some, miracles need to be nurtured, suckled, licked, and sucked until they get to the chewy center. For others, it only takes them three licks (well, and maybe a bite) until they reach the Tootsie-roll surprise inside.
Miracles are something that happens to or around us, with a little help from the "Universe." For many of us, we are unaware of our role in their ideation, their creation, or their manifestation. Sometimes we choose not to validate their occurrence. There are also many people who are under the impression that all you have to do us ask the universe, pray to God, or wish for miracles to occur. Unfortunately for those individuals, they have not figured out that sitting at home, watching TV, and waiting for someone to come knocking at your door with an opportunity, does not happen very often. Miracles are the stuff of dreams and the makings for fairy tales.
We create miracles on a daily basis. On an energetic level, miracles come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes we just think of something we want, and the universe manifests it for us. Remember the time you were looking for specific information, then in a book you were reading or during a conversation with a friend, you are provided with your answer? Yes, you just experienced a miracle. At other times, miracles require a little more work, a little more forethought in order to manifest. For many of us, just getting through a major project without any hang-ups, problems, or snafoos is a miracle in and of itself. Well, own it, it was a miracle.
Creating miracles is easy. It is a process we all go through. It is similar to the process we go through when we to cook dinner. For most of us, this process is unseen. It is so much a part of who we are that we don't even realize that we are "creating." Let's take a look at the process of creation so that we, too, can create miracles in our daily life.
To start, we first need to identify what we'd like to create. We can only create miracles for ourselves. We can only create miracles for our highest good. Although we may wish, hope, and dream that our spouse obtains a new job, or that our sister or close friend gets involved in a good, stable relationship, we are unable to create that for them. We can only manifest into the physical plane for ourselves.
To take this thought one step further, let's say, for example, that you would like your sister to get into a new and healthy relationship, and you wonder why she is not or can not get into a new one. Even thought you might be there hoping and dreaming for her, she maybe content and enjoying her independence. Or maybe she has not yet released the pain from her previous relationship and is unwilling, on an energy level, to get involved again. It could also be that she doesn't feel that she deserves to get into a new relationship, so she doesn't put out the energy required to create one. I guess what I am saying is that even thought your intentions may be good, you don't know what others want in their reality.
If, for instance, you wanted to bring a new relationship into your life, you should "visualize" the new relationship. What will s/he look like? What will s/he act like? How will you feel when you are in the relationship with that new person? Feel what it is like to be in that new relationship. Make a list. Include everything that is important to you. Be specific. Be positive. The universe doesn't understand negative concept such as "I don't want to meet someone who invalidates me." The message you are ultimately sending out is, "I want to meet someone who will invalidate me". Convert those negative images into a positive one, such as, "I will meet someone who treats me with dignity and respect."
If, on the other hand, you want to buy or even rent a house, identify, visualize, or list what you want, need, or desire. Do you need more room for your children? A yard for the dog? What about peaceful surroundings? Don't forget to include things that we typically take for granted, such as the distance to the supermarket, or what the neighborhood or school district is like. Feel free to also include items such as affordability, deposits or closing costs, and especially if you're renting, allowing pets.
Please remember the universe wants to manifest for us. If, during our creation process, we visualize or "tell" the universe that we want to meet Robert Redford or Madonna, the universe may have difficulty in creating this for us. In the same vein, if we tell the universe that we want to live at 525 Pine Street, Seattle, WA, we also may not achieve our dreams. If, on the other hand, you tell the universe that you want to live in a two-story, Victorian house, with hardwood floors, a fireplace in the living room, in a good neighborhood, that is less than 0/month, and is in good condition (not needing a lot of repairs), you create many, many more opportunities for the universe to manifest for you.
The next step in creating a miracle is to own it. Hoping, wishing, and praying for a new relationship is a very conceptual thing. It may be something you think you want, or feel that you should have or be involved in, based on personal and societal programming. These thoughts, however, occur in the mind, and do not come from the heart, the will, or from personal desires.
Listen to what your higher self, your spirit guides, or even your gut feelings are trying telling you. If you are supposed to be creating a new relationship, buying a new house, or moving out of the area, you will know - they will tell you. It will be something you are compelled to do.
Once your energy of creation is established, there is, I'm sorry to say, a certain level of effort required. For instance, if you are looking for a new job, you need to start making phone calls, sending out resumes, and going on interviews. If you are trying to buy a new house, you need to look in the newspaper, talk to a Realtor, look at different homes, and be able to make an offer. You have to be willing to put yourself out there, take risks. Send your energy, your power out into the universe and let it come back ten-fold.
The final element of creation is letting go, allowing the universe to do, as it will. It is through letting go that we allow the universe to process our wishes, dreams, and desires. The more you hang, the more you try to control what is going on, the less your creative energies will be able to flow. For some, letting go is easy. For others, they may experience frustration. It is through frustration, however, that we often get to a point where we can finally let it go. We just don't care anymore. It is through this releasing, of our own energies that we can allow the magic to begin.
Rita Louise is a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute. She is a Clairvoyant, Energetic Healer, Medical Intuitive, Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Minister and Herbal Practitioner. With over 20 years of knowledge, understanding and experience, Rita has a vast array of both practical and esoteric information to draw upon and share with you. She can be reached at (972) 475-3393 or check out her web site at http://www.soulhealer.com.