Where Can I Buy Endurance?
Author: Marsha Schauer
When I joined the network marketing business, I didn't realize that I had signed up to run a marathon, did you?! And now I'm realizing that this marathon will probably take a few years to finish! Huh? Say what?
I'm in a big hurry to cross that finish line and claim my prizes, aren't you? I'm ready to go out and tear up this course! I've paid my dues, received my race kit, put on the cute t-shirt, tightened my laces, tanked up on water. I'm ready!
But, after a couple of miles into this race, I realize that this is different than anything I've ever done. It's going to take awhile to get to that finish line! I'm going to be out here quite awhile longer than I thought. To survive, I realize that I am going to need more than a strong pair of legs. Brute force isn't going to work this time.
But, say, I gave up running several years ago! I haven't trained for anything, except the JOB marathon, in years and years! The only activity my jogging shoes get now is a brisk walk several times a week. I know how tough a marathon is. Am I up for this? I'm not an athlete, am I? Do I have the discipline for it? Have I over-estimated my abilities?
To finish this race, I realize that I'm going to have to be tough, firm, unshakable, steadfast, patient, and as enduring in the storms as a 100-year-old redwood. I'm going to need endurance to make it in this event.
What does that mean, to endure, and where can I buy it?! You've probably already figured out that Endurance comes by developing new talents to meet the demands of the event. Here are some key elements of my Endurance.
1. This race is going to take more time than I thought, but I want to finish this race in my lifetime! I have to be a better time manager. This doesn't mean doing more! It means doing less! I can't do everything and still have the endurance for this race.
2. I have to schedule vital activities, and then do them. I line up my schedule with my goals. What does this mean? Do you think Abe Lincoln's to-do list would have looked like this: weed the Rose Garden, milk the cow, and end the Civil War? No, no, no. He focused on only those activities critical to his goal to end the war.
3. Endurance grows from daily cross-training. In addition to reading about my products, my company, this industry, I'm also listening and talking. Every day I'm talking to somebody about this race because, guess what, this isn't a race for loners!
4. Endurance develops by hanging out with other networking marathoners because they have a lot of experience and like to share training tips.
5. Endurance comes from being active, being in motion, from being in the race and not watching from the sidelines. Oh, you haven't run a marathon before? Well, neither have most of the other people you know. Act as if you know what you are doing! Motion will create the Emotion of experience.
6. Be careful what you think, because your thoughts will get you lost on the course. Doubt, unbelief, fear, ambivalent, conflicted…back and forth, back and forth. Whew, these emotions are exhausting. You can't run this marathon if you let these feelings control your feet!
7. If you honestly think you made the right decision to enter this race, then focus on that and ignore everything else! Start believing in yourself and stop living in fear of what people will say. Feelings are the loose shoestrings on your shoes - they'll trip you up every time. Double-knot them and forget them.
8. What about fear? The most important thing you bring along with you as you run your network marketing marathon is your state of mind. Before you can become a world-class marathoner, you have to think like one. World-class athletes, or the garden-variety millionaire next door, have learned how to counter fear with courage. It's OK to be afraid. But, do it anyway! Don't let fear rule your life.
Network marketing is the gift of new life, the gift of freedom, but we need endurance to stay in the race. It's the only thing that will keep us going when we hit the wall. And, to get the gift of endurance, we have to make changes and decisions that will transform our lives.
Marsha has been in network marketing since 1999. She is exquisitely happy and blessed to live in the beautiful Northwest. "We can wish and dream and plan. We can be coached and counseled and mentored. But in the end it is deciding and then DOING that really counts. Decide today what is important to you!" Mershon Shrigley.
She can be contacted at maschauer@hotmail.com
Start your marathon at http://www.onlinemarketingteam.net/?ID=60