The Path To Objective Happiness
Author: John Roberts
Who is a net value producer and who is a net value destroyer?
The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness. The love of earned value is the root of all Producers who create more value than they consume. The love of unearned value is the root of all Destroyers who consume more value than they create. Destroyers envy all Producers.
What is needed to obtain values?
Honesty, independence, courage, effort, dynamic persistence, guidance through objective reality, hard integrated thinking and analyzed emotions are the primary tools of Producers. Dishonesty, dependence, cowardice, laziness, stagnation, guidance through subjective reality, easy wishful thinking and unanalyzed emotions are the primary tools of Destroyers. Producers use their tools competitively to create and freely exchange values that solve problems where they exist. Destroyers use their tools deceptively and or forcefully to take and use values that create problems where none need exist.
Why use deception or force?
The only moral use of deception and force is used to defend against a harmful and unjust attack or threat to one's self or property.
What is honest, rational, valid and just?
All known relevant facts that are purposely taken out of their full context is information or knowledge that is dishonest, irrational, invalid and unjust. Only one's actions can be judged as moral or immoral. Actions produce emotions that are valid parts of an individual, which are personal, private and should be felt and analyzed honestly to judge one's previous actions to objectively think upon and plan one's future actions. The best irrational thought is one that is not acted upon. All known relevant facts that are purposely put into their full context is information or knowledge that is honest, rational, valid and just.
What is the nature of knowledge and reality?
New and complex knowledge is integrated, built and expanded through old and simple knowledge. Knowledge is contextual while reality is relational. One's perception of reality changes with one's new knowledge or experience of a situation. Reality is all of existence that exists and is changed only by our relation to it in the measurement of time. Everything that exists, is composed of matter, energy or possibly other unknown forms, has been and always will exist in one form or another. Reality cannot be created or changed by one's mind, but can be known and enhanced by the knowledge and achievement of ones needs and desires.
What is the cause of action?
Different people may experience events, circumstances or situations that happen in life differently. One's automatic emotional response is determined by one's previously set values which determine what one thinks. Taking advise from others without independent thought will create an automaton. In order to become what you desire, you must respond wisely to what is happening, which requires rational, independent thought. Since we cannot control all events, circumstances, situations or what our or other's emotions will be, we can learn to experience them in ways that promote better analysis of thought and well directed actions. One's actions will change after one's thoughts have changed, then one's emotions will change. Whatever one thinks about, one eventually acts upon. You will become what you think about.
PERCEIVE and trust all your fives senses of taste, touch, smell, sight, sound. While at the same time accepting your emotions as what they are. This will be the beginning of your knowledge of the difference between your needs for survival and your desires for the enjoyment and enhancement of life.
UNDERSTAND your sensory perceptions, life experiences, concepts, principles and values in order to put them into context in relation to you through a non-contradictory manner. Since reality cannot contradict itself, any perceived data cannot contradict one another in reality. If a contradiction is detected, one or more of the data may be misunderstood, lacking or false. So, find out why and understand by using honesty, logic and reason.
THINK and FEEL what that perceived data is telling you within your context and relationship to it. In that, you will either have a need or desire that is being unfulfilled or will be reflecting on the achievement of your needs or desires. If a need or desire is being unfulfilled, determine whether it is good for you or bad for you. Watch it with curiosity. Swallow it. Meditate on it. Feel deeply in order to think clearly and know that need or desire.
PLAN steps of action to create the map to achieve your desire or goal. Start with the desired goal and logically work backwards to where you are now to see what needs to be done, step-by-step. Without a consciously planned map, you will be at the total mercy of events and circumstances out of your control. Within your total control is your plan. Even though you did not cause events and circumstances out of your control, you will have to deal with them rationally and act towards your goal.
ACT on your plan while always being aware of your understanding of context and relationship of your data with your thoughts and emotions to determine if a change of plan is necessary. Perhaps you may find you have a different need or desire to achieve, and then you may begin to plan again.
What is the path to objective happiness?
Being on the path to beneficial and long-lasting happiness doesn't mean you cannot be happy here and now while on the journey towards more happiness. Happiness is living in a state of freely choosing to create and exchange rational values needed for self, others and society. Objective happiness is not and can never be a final destination that ends, but is found as a never-ending experience while traveling the road of right living. The awareness and reminder of your love of life will help to keep you on your path. When one finds them self off the path, simply get back on or find another way to your destination. Never give up. You will need the tools to blaze a trail and create your own map. Your own definition of happiness will lead you towards the best road. Whatever your definition of happiness, the only effective method for one to have objective happiness is by competitively creating and freely exchanging beneficial values to reflect upon by knowing and integrating relevant facts of reality using honesty, effort, rational and objective thought, analyzed emotions, self-discipline and control.
May you fulfill and live your passion!
This is the last chapter of my philosophy. Also included on this website are the Tools of Objective Happiness, over 360 shopping and information sites related to merchandise and gifts of all kinds; Home & Auto, Apparel, Relationships & Dating, Arts & Entertainment, Finance & Investment, Health & Fitness, Business & Marketing and links to many other philosophical, psychological and liberty related sites.
email: objective.happiness@gte.net url: http://www.objectivehappiness.com