The 7 Most Fatale Words
Author: Michael Claridge
I have a few questions for you. I have to be honest though - I already know the answers. The simple fact is that so do advertisers. They wouldn't be as effective as they are if they didn't know the answers to the following questions. And actually the answers are "no brainers" -you really don't have to make much of a stretch to come up with the answers. As you will find the irony is that it is because you don't use your brain properly that these answers are what they are.
1. How would you like to stop feeling like your life isn't good enough?
2. How would you like to not be so helpless?
3. How would you like to feel whole and complete?
4. How would you like to feel truly happy?
Like I said earlier advertisers would go broke if they didn't know the answers to these questions. Of course you would like to feel good enough, powerful, complete and happy. And every advertiser knows this and has just the product to make that happen for you - all you have to do is sign on the dotted line, pay the cash, or commit your life's savings and then you'll be good enough, powerful, complete and happy.
But the fact still remains that you don't feel good enough, powerful, complete and happy. Really and truly you do feel helpless and powerless and unhappy most of the time. That's why you buy the products that the advertisers are selling - you want to be good enough, powerful, complete and happy.
What if I showed you that you are creating circumstances and beliefs everyday that give you the results in your life that you aren't happy with? In other words, it is you who is causing you to feel not good enough, helpless, incomplete, and unhappy. Are you willing to change what you are doing? Are you willing to do things differently?
Remember, I said that this is a "no brainer"? Well it's actually much simpler than you think. It all begins with the words you choose to use, or the words you choose to think. By changing what you do or don't say, you'll start to create a much brighter future and more powerful present right now. I'm going to reveal to you 7 words that are causing tremendous stress and frustration in your life.
First I desire that you make a conscious effort (use your brain) to eliminate from your vocabulary these 7 words: want, need, should, could've, can't, good'nough, and whatever.
Please understand this powerful truth - if you stop using the word 'want' you will transform your life in ways you cannot possibly image. Try to not say it for just one hour. You'll be amazed at how many times an hour you (and everyone else) says "I want...."
Here is the reason why it is a word that needs to be eliminated immediately from your vocabulary: When you say "I want..." you instantly create the state of lacking the object of your want within yourself. Yeah, I know that was a mouthful. I'll break it down for you. The Dictionary definition of the word "WANT" is "LACKING". If you are "in want" of something it is because you are "lacking" something. So when you say "I want …" you instantly create the lack of something in your life.
But in reality you aren't lacking anything - you just desire to have the object of your "want." When you want something you subconsciously believe that you have a hole that can only be filled by getting what you want. And if you continually "want" your subconscious continually sends the disempowering message that you "don't have". What a depressing thought, isn't it? And as most people do they go in search with almost an obsession to fill that hole. That's how people get addictions - they try to fill the "WANT" hole with the object of their "WANT" - but later find that the hole isn't filled, so they go get some more, and more, and more, and lo they are addicted.
Eliminate the word "WANT" from your vocabulary and you will soon feel more power and less lack. Send powerful messages to your subconscious and you will feel powerful and less empty. Replace the word "WANT" with the more powerful word "DESIRE", or the most powerful word, "LOVE". Instead of saying, "I want …" say, "I desire …" or "I'd Love …" and witness how much more powerful and less empty you feel.
The next word: "NEED," is a slightly twisted version of the word "want." With obvious exceptions like food, water, shelter, clothing and love there is very little else that humans absolutely "NEED" - you'd be surprised what human beings can live through and endure without. Most everything else is icing on the cake. Let me try and put this in perspective for you: Half of the worlds' population goes to bed hungry every night, and many of them homeless too. So if you think you "NEED" that sports car or that ,000 HDTV surround sound Entertainment System, recognize that you would like it but you absolutely don't "NEED" it.
"NEED" also infers to the subconscious that you are still lacking, but places a more emphatic emphasis on it. It sends a message to your subconscious that you cannot live without the object of your desire. Be clear with yourself - and only "NEED" those things that you cannot absolutely live without. Instead of sending a message of emptiness and lack do one of the most empowering things you can and have "GRATITUDE" for what you do have. It is a very powerful state of being.
Guilt is one of the most destructive of emotions. It is irrational and unresourceful. Think of all the things that you believe you "SHOULD" do - don't most of them stem from guilt? You "SHOULD" do this, be this, act this way, not do this, not act this way, etc. all because you have a belief that you "SHOULD" - and if you don't you feel guilty that you didn't or aren't. Maybe they are imposed upon you by others - meaning that your spouse, your parents or friends think you "SHOULD" do things a certain way. But there again isn't that guilt?
Eliminate the word "SHOULD" from your vocabulary and watch the guilt vanish away. Soon you will feel truly authentic to your true desires and liberated. What a peaceful and free feeling that is.
Another form of guilt is by being held captive in the past by past failures and shortcomings. Being paralyzed with a "COULD'VE" is a very destructive emotion. Recognize that you cannot go back in time. There are no "Do-Over's". What's done is done, accept it and learn from it and move on. Be grateful for the lessons learned. Don't be held hostage by something that you can't change; that is such a helpless position. Instead look to the future with bright hope and faith and a determination to CREATE better results.
The feeling of "CAN"T" is most often generated from a limiting belief that you hold based on a past experience that caused you to believe that the certain thing "CAN'T" be done. Learn this one thing: The past doesn't determine what you can CREATE. Even if the thing couldn't be done 9,999 times - it still doesn't mean it "CAN'T" be done on the 10,000th time. Like Edison when he invented the light-bulb.
Sadly too many people limit themselves because they think they "CAN'T". Do yourself a huge favor and re-examine the things you think you "CAN'T" do. And then try a simple practice: Instead of choosing to believe you "CAN'T" - choose you "CAN." It is as easy as that.
The two most disempowering words ever put together are 'good enough.' Tell me, what exactly is good enough? From watching TV and listening to the radio it seems that nothing is. The fact is "GOOD'NOUGH" doesn't exist. It's so subjective. It is like a carrot on a stick that is practically impossible to reach. Every step toward it moves it one step further out of reach.
"GOOD'NOUGH" is more complex then you'd imagine. Once you are trapped in it you will find that it is not easy to escape. Most people feel like they're 'not good enough.' And if you were to ask them (or yourself), "What would be good enough?" they can't come up with an answer. You see, they don't have an answer. All they know is that they think they can find many other people who appear to have things they don't have. And they think that if they had all these things, maybe they would be "GOOD'NOUGH." So they set out to get those things ...until they see something else they don't have that they think they want, need, can't get or should have or could've had - always seeking never finding the life that is "GOOD'NOUGH."
One of the most arbitrary and unresourceful words that has become one of the most popular words in the English language is "WHATEVER." I hope after you have read about the first 6 words that you can begin to see that words really do hold power. Then I ask you why you would think that using such an arbitrary word like "WHATEVER" would give you the Power to CREATE any substantial and happy changes in your life?
I really can't think of a less powerful word than "WHATEVER." Without precise direction how do you hope to accomplish wholeness and completeness? Instead of "WHATEVER" choose something specific and set out with all your might to CREATE it. Now that is power! CREATE the things you desire to CREATE! Not "WHATEVER."
Ok, I invite you to choose one of these words a day for the next week. Get rid of it! Delete! Don't hold on to it any longer. Catch yourself before you let it linger in your conscious mind, and try with all your might to not let them touch your lips. If a word happens to escape simply correct yourself with a powerful positive statement.
If you're about to say, "I want something." instead say, "I would like something." or "I choose to create something." Soon you will see that you are using words that create possibility and arrive at potential. You will feel better, you will feel more Power to Create the life you truly desire to live.
Remember, it is your life. CREATE it with words that empower you - not words that destroy you. You have the Power to CREATE the life you truly desire to live - so CREATE it!
© 2004 Power2Create, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Michael Claridge is soon to become the next supercharged Self-Help Guru. His greatest passion is teaching others how they can harness the power they have to create. Michael can deliver 20-minute teasers and full-day seminars on the following:
"The Power to Create the Life You Desire"
"When you Got to Create – Create!!"
"IGot2Cre8 – Do You?”
”Remove Those Monkeys – Before They Remove You”
Michael is the Author of the 6 day I-Course “Got2Cre8 – 6 Days to CREATE the Life You Desire! And On the Seventh Day, See That It Is Good!”
For More information please visit www.got2cre8.com
Coming Soon Michael’s new book “The Power to Create – Live the Life You Desire!”