Author: Barbara Rose
1. Why is it so important to be “of service” to humanity?
2. What can I possibly do that can make a difference?
3. Where is the joy in serving?
4. What does my life purpose have to do with service to others?
5. When can I find time to serve others when I’m barely getting by?
6. How can I receive more when I give more?
1. Why is it so important to be “of service” to humanity?
Whether you are reaching out to a kitten, a baby, puppy, a flower, tending a garden, or seeking to help someone in need, you are being “of service”.
If you find joy in reaching out to other people, or have ever reached out from your heart, then you know the joy that this brings.
It is not that you “should” do anything. It must come from your heart, and be authentic, for this is genuine service, rather than lip service, or deeds that are done with a motive to get something in return.
Now, I am not saying that you are to deplete yourself, because there must be an equal exchange of energy when you are of service. So this does not mean that you just give and give and give, receiving nothing in return. What it DOES mean is that you will find the greatest joy when you are living completely from your heart. THIS is the service I am speaking of. It is all heart centered.
So you may have a job that you absolutely love, and are certainly entitled to be paid for your work.
The Joy is in expressing your highest self from your heart center. If you choose to help humanity in any area, even if you love carpentry and putting together book shelves for people in their homes and offices, this is still heart centered service.
Do not judge what you do, only live with the joy you feel as a result of what you are doing. You will find that when you live from your heart, and serve from your heart, nothing on this Earth brings greater joy that NEVER leaves you. That is “why” it is so important. For your joy, and the joy you are bringing into this world as a result of living from your heart.
2. What can I possibly do that can make a difference?
There was a story that I (vaguely) remember, however it truly serves to show you how important one act can be.
Many years ago in the USA there was a man that was stuck in the mud with his horse and buggy. Another young lad came walking down the road, and helped the man to get the carriage out of the mud. The man wanted to pay the young boy, but he refused, as he felt he was just doing a neighborly good deed. The older man asked him what his greatest wish was. The young boy stated that he had always wanted to be a doctor when he grew up, but his family was poor, so he didn’t think he would be able to ever go to medical school.
The older man had told the boy that he would pay for his education, and gave him his contact information. When the boy grew up, he contacted the man, who kept his promise, and paid for the young man to go to college and medical school. That young man became Dr. Fleming, who invented Penicillin.
I believe that the older man had a son that became President of the United States, and Penicillin had saved his life.
On top of that, I would not be writing this for you right now if it were not for Dr. Fleming, as when I was ten years old, I almost died of Scarlet Fever, and it was Penicillin that literally saved my life.
So the next time you wonder about doing one small thing, such as what the young boy did, remember that the rippling effect can ultimately save millions of lives.
3. Where is the joy in serving?
If you are viewing “serving” as somehow depleting yourself, or receiving nothing in return, than of course you will wonder where the joy is in “serving.”
However, when you are genuinely creating and sharing from your heart, this is what brings the greatest joy because there are no conditions attached to it. If your motive is pure creation, or sharing, coming from your heart, there is no way you could ever not feel joy!
In truth, when you feel a deep connection to all in the oneness of life, there will no longer be a feeling of separation, there will only be the truth of Divine oneness. So in this sense, anything that you share, give, do, or however you serve, in any manner that stems from your heart, the person that you are really serving is yourself. When you feel a great deal of joy in creating on any level, YOU are the one that is uplifted, along with anyone else that feels the effects of all you are doing.
I’m going to give you a simple analogy that might make this clearer to you. Let’s say you are a painter, or a musician, or a writer, and you absolutely are in love with the process, and you just love to create because it makes you feel that good. THAT is the joy in service that I am speaking about. If others love or really do not like what you are creating, that really has nothing to do with you, it only has to do with their own perceptions. However, you will still feel a tremendous heart-centered joy simply by doing what you love, with the pure motive of loving every minute of it. THAT is where the joy in serving wil always come to you.
4. What does my life purpose have to do with service to others?
Everything. We live in a world of form, and I would like to ask you HOW you can see the effects of your life purpose without seeing the difference it is making on any level of life. Be it plant, mineral, water, animal or people. So the “others” you may be referring to seems to be people. However, you may truly love animals or nature, and want to create and serve in this area. All is Divine service when it comes from your heart.
As we lift the veils of seeming separation among us all, we can see that there is only us. There us not just a “me” and just a “you” as everything we do, every act we send out, every thought we think has a rippling effect throughout all of life, space and so-called time. To view life in any other way is to live as if we have a blanked over our head, and are walking in darkness. However, when you view the life you have created as your choice to experience the highest and best you came into this life to be, and ultimately to release the feeling of separation you have with all levels of life, then you will know that your life purpose is to consciously become one with Divine Source, as you ARE Divine Source in physical form. So here there is only Divine creation, and that is a wonderful service that will bring you great joy in your life, as well as create a positive effect in every area you touch from the love within your heart.
5. When can I find time to serve others when I’m barely getting by?
Please immediately realize that your current condition of barely getting by is the result of all of your PAST thoughts, that created this condition in your life. With one instant, you CAN completely alter this view, and begin to create and experience everything that you love and wish to express in this life with joy and bliss.
Begin to align your deepest heart-felt passion, with your thoughts, focus and actions, and then you will see your entire life make a complete turnaround. It is not so much as how to “find time to serve others” as it IS how to find what you are passionately in love with doing with your life that will bring you so much joy, you will be “serving” by BEING.
Once you come into full alignment with the reason you chose to come into this life, and are living your mission with sheer passion, you will begin to soar. As you are soaring, you will find that you are naturally “serving” others. What you really must find the “time” to do is to discover what will bring you the greatest joy from the inside out, rather than looking on the outside for what you came into this life for.
Look deep within. Feel your essence. Ask yourself what you really love and what really matters to you. It is then that you will be so passionately absorbed in BEING all that you are, that you will be serving in a state of bliss at all times. This is the greatest joy of life!
6. How can I receive more when I give more?
When you are living as the Divine expression that you are, you will always receive, because you will be completely centered on expressing your Divine Source energy. You are here in this life to consciously become one with Divine Source. It is your Higher Self that will guide you via inspiration at every moment as to what you can do that will create so much joy within, that you begin to radiate a Light so bright, that you will naturally “receive” in proportion to what you are “giving.”
© Copyright by Barbara Rose. All Rights Reserved. Article re-printed with permission.
Barbara Rose – Born to Inspire. Internationally acclaimed public speaker & spiritual author of If God Was Like Man,” and “Individual Power: Reclaiming Your Core, Your Truth, and Your Life” brings through information to create the highest vision of your life, and our world through a Divine Spiritual gift. Her internationally praised seminars, articles, Divinely Channeled private consultations, Higher Self Certification intensives, and webcasts have changed the lives of thousands across the globe. Barbara is Founder of Institute of Higher Self Communication, and inspire! Magazine, where she brings you enlightening info, contacts, books, articles and resources to help you become your highest self – and One with Divine Source. Visit Barbara’s Websites: www.borntoinspire.com and inspire! magazine at http://magazine.borntoinspire.com