How Do YOU Define Success?
Author: Barbra White, MBA, Personal Coach
If you asked me several years ago what the word success meant, I would have answered in a predictable way: Big paychecks. Personal Achievement. Recognition. I had much of what I thought success included at that point: a high-paying job, a nice house, cool vacations. Somehow, though, I was still unfulfilled. Although I did very well at my job, I wasn't enjoying it. I also knew I wasn't living up to my full potential.
It was time to begin creating a new life for myself. This involved getting much clearer about who I was, what my beliefs about success and happiness were, and what I thought was important. I began to redefine some of my ideas about success, and decided that being joyful about what I do everyday is true success. But to be joyful, I had to first learn what really brought me joy -- not that rush I got when I finished a goal at work, or bought something new--but that deeper level of satisfaction that comes from expressing who I am, and following what I'm naturally drawn to. It took becoming more aware of the clues about what intrigues and attracts me?many of which were already there; I just hadn't noticed. The next step was aligning parts of my life around what I loved to do.
What I've learned from this journey, and through helping many others who felt stuck on their own paths, is that we come alive when we tap in to what brings us joy. And each one of us deserves to explore, and to know what this looks like for ourselves. My work now is incredibly fulfilling. I get tremendous satisfaction (and goosebumps!) from helping my clients achieve their goals and dreams. Now that is success to me.
If you're ready to start living the satisfying, joyful life you desire, start by asking yourself two important questions, and answer them honestly and openly. These questions seem quite simple, but if you take the time to consider your responses fully, you will free up your inner wisdom and unearth your joy. You'll begin to see that defining success on your own terms is the key to your happinessˇ¦starting today.
Sounds like a simple question, but it stumps many. Why? Because many of us find that are lives are seriously lacking in real joy. We get swept up in the hectic, stressful, sleep-deprived pace of our lives, disconnecting ourselves from any awareness of what we really feel, especially what brings us joy. Many of my clients are surprised to find out how long it's been since they've experienced the things that really ignite and inspire them. One remembered the fun she used to have with horseback riding, and is now carving out some time each month to fit this in. A great first step in rediscovering what brings her joy; now she's weaving in a second passion for poetry writing to her life.
If you're thinking that a complete life-overhaul would be necessary for you to start experiencing more joy and happiness, relax...you may just need to create more space in your life for it.
So, what brings YOU joy? When was the last time you felt it? Take 30 minutes to yourself and write down at least three things for each area of your life; family, health, work, friends. Be specific. Come back to your list after a few days, and reread it; then ask yourself... what beliefs do I have--about myself, or my life--that could be preventing me from having more joy? Am I limiting myself in any way?
Determining to love what you do and have fun at it are the keys to enjoyment. If you don't like what you are doing, get out. Look at what your special gifts are, or ask several friends what they see in you. Then go find someplace where you can be happy. Or, figure out a way to modify how you see your present situation so that it becomes more joyful and fun.
The area in my life that needed the most realignment was work. As an information management consultant, I enjoyed the challenge and autonomy in my job, but very few parts of what I actually did each day brought me joy--about 25%!
Since work takes up a big chunk of your life, it's essential to get satisfaction and joy from it; at least 75%. In fact, 75% of the activities involved in ANY area of your life ought to be aligned with what you find satisfying. Ask yourself, how much of what I do actually brings me joy? Be truthful to yourself, and determine if there are inconsistencies between what you say brings you joy, and what you actually do. If they're not in sync, decide how you can change this.
Tackle one area of your lifeˇ¦and notice how the others areas begin to follow the lead!
Barbra White,MBA
Personal and Business Success Coach
I partner with my clients to create the strategy, focus, and momentum needed to design the life they really want to be living. Together we focus on the areas that will bring them the greatest results, generate more money, and bring them the most joy.
Website: http://www.BWCoaching.com E-mail: Barbra@BWCoaching.com