Author: Kathy Gates, Personal Life Coach
OK, this is for the big bucks folks! Are you ready to be a SOUL-Survivor in your own life? Are you ready to outwit, outplay, outlast those irritations that drain your energy and frustrate your goals for an easy and enjoyable life? Are you ready to vote them off your island permanently?
For those of you who don't recognize my jest, this is a lighthearted jab at the TV show "Survivor", in which 16 people are put in a remote location, and then vote each other out one by one until only one is left the winner of a million dollar prize. While there are no million dollar prizes here, there is a priceless award of being able to live a life you love. Using this metaphor, consider your life as an island. What things could you vote off that would make it more enjoyable for you?
Make a list of 16 things that bug you about your island, big things and little things. There's no right or wrong. If it bugs YOU, put it on the list. Anything that weighs on your mind, anything that nags at you, anything that wastes your time. Here are some ideas: unfinished projects, loud dishwashers, laundry always on the kitchen table, cars that don't run right, clutter, bicycles with flat tires taking up garage space, messy closets, a loan you haven't paid back, a nagging health problem, unread magazine subscriptions, overdue bills, email junk, too high mortgage payments, old boxes of "stuff", unsupportive friends, sloppy spouse.
This is NOT about getting rid of people in your life. It is about getting rid of the things that annoy you on a daily basis, so that you can free up the wasted energy and time to put into things that are more important to you.
After you've made your list, deliberately decide why you no longer want each of the 16 items on your island. Determine how it is not serving you, and not contributing to your goals in life. Is is a car that constantly requires maintenance? Is it a do-it-yourself project that's long lost its luster? Is it something you committed to that's no longer right for you?
Now, next to each one of the 16 items, write down an action that you can take, or a request you can make, that will take care of it once and for all. Just as the outcast "survivors" on the TV show, when you vote an aggravation off your island, it is no longer welcome and is not allowed to come back. It's NOT about just folding the laundry, only to have it dumped on the table again next time. How can you handle the problem so that it is fixed permanently? For example, I had a sprayer on my kitchen sink that sprayed water all over me and most of the kitchen every time I used it. I put up with that for months! Finally I simply asked someone to help me replace it, and and 5 minutes later my aggravation was gone for good.
Take that action, cross it off your list, and go on to another one. Some items might be simple to handle, for example getting that card sent to Grandma that you've been meaning to send. Other items might take a bit more time. The key to success is to consciously take the action to fix it, change it, or eliminate it.
CONGRATULATIONS! You are well on your way to finding renewed energy and time in your life. You have begun to strengthen a new skill of not putting up with things that rob you of your time, energy, and money. This skill will get stronger and easier to use the more you recognize how much you are really putting up with.
Remember, with just a little imagination, you CAN change things that are affecting the quality of your life.
Kathy Gates is a personal life coach who believes that healthy choices are the cornerstone to an easier and more enjoyable life. If you would like more information on how to eliminate the Energy-Drainers from your life, visit the website at www.reallifecoach.com, or email Kathy@reallifecoach.com, or call 480.998.5843.