The JUMBLE Complex
Author: Samuel A. Russell
As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came to this website for a reason and the reason is that you are looking for something; something that is to be revealed to you soon, understanding something new, in a clever and strange way, that may, delight & surprise you. Continue to read and keep in mind that you’re reading this for a reason, and that reason is you’re looking…looking for something. Well, I’ve got good news for you, I’ve got something!
Something that may exceed your expectations while becoming excited about what’s coming up next because it may just the thing that you need. More fun, happiness and enjoyment is waiting for you further down this page, I promise. This works in strange ways that may surprise and delight you still. The more you read these words that are on the screen of your monitor, the more that you might find yourself wanting to know more about more things and more ways of doing these things than you could have considered more new things that are yet to come, more over you’ve come to the same conclusion that there is always more. More over, you’re a person that deserves more, more everything.
So, as you sit there reading this and listening to the voice in your head, you have thoughts, in your mind about what I’ve written, very powerful thoughts, thoughts about what I’m going to say next & how it could effect you, as you might find that learning this skill could enable you to easily influence the people in your life. And as you question what I’ve just said, you ask yourself what, exactly am I talking about, more happiness will bring you more results, so if you’re an unhappy person pretend to be a happy one for a moment because that’s just the state that you need to be in if you’re going to learn, really learn something new, something so new that you may become excited about something that’s coming soon. Perhaps even sooner than you’d expect to find the answers that you’re looking for. Now that you’ve had sometime to read what I’ve written here, notice how my sentences run into each other which registers as commands by the unconscious. With that in mind read on!!
Good things tend to happen when you have good intentions. Our actions try to mirror our intentions, but never quite succeed at doing so.
Our intentions are organic in the sense that they homeostatically regulate themselves and grow.
Intentions can come from the heart, the head as well as the penis. The intentions come into conflict with one another, each seeking to consume the other and completely dominate the one’s greatest intent; to love, or be.
The more different intentions confilct the more one feels torn between interests when making decisions.
The conflicting parts may actually stablize into an jumble complex, where conflicting interests stablize as a web of interconnected, interrelated, interacting parts.
One may sense he has a jumble complex if he feels as though he’s at odds with himself, or self-sabatogess on a consistent basis. The greatest sign of a jumble complex is an incongruenty of thinking, feeling and behaving.
People with jumble complexes very rarely apply 100% of theirr potentiality to a task because the jumble complex doesn’t allow them to act with congruence.
On the other hand people have a congruity of incongruity in their values, belief systems convictions and identification. A paradox in between one or more beliefs is a sure sign that a jumble complex is present, however the paradox about these paradoxes is that they may actualy nullify one another, neutralizing existing tensions. If a jumble complex is in fact identified changing it can be a real bitch, or it can occur easily and effortlessly, it all depends upon how one goes about doing it.
One could begin by writing down a decsion that he’s had a hard time dealing for whatever reason(s) (conflicting interests) and write out why he should do whatever it is and he shouldn’t. What would he gain from doing it A &/or B? What would he loose from not doing it?
When you’ve written down the answers ask yourself the question, how is this related to something even bigger? How would this then serve me? What would this then give me? Keep in mind that the purpose of this is to uncover unconscious values. Uncovering unconscious values is the same thing as covering up conscious values, which is exactly what we’re going to get to the bottom of.
Another more general way of doing this (this could has more generative change) is asking yourself the question, if I could have more of anything what would I want? And now that you have it, why did you want it? What did you think that thing would bring you? And now that you have that, would did you think that thing would bring you? Keep doing this process until you come down to love, peace, harmony, fulfillment, acceptance, (excitement, fun, stimulation, self gratifying behavior) etc. Now that you’ve identifed your core values it’s time to work with your beliefs.
Think about something that you believe with full and absolute certainty. Write down several beliefs (the more generalized the better) and then think of an exception to that belief. And example would be {killing people is wrong (but you killed someone in vietnam), but not when someone else is threatening your life} as you write out your exceptions include the core values that you elicted from the first exercise. Next, think about and pick out two contradicting beliefs {ex: people are inherently bad, but I’m a good person} and now think up another paradox pair {ex: All guys want is sex, but I want other things too} after having written out several examples reverse the order and write the exeptions out one after the other in a long continuous stream of thought. People are inherently good, all guys want is sex, I don’t want other things, I’m a bad person.
I’m a bad person, all guys want sex, I don’t want anything else, people are inherently bad.
Now if you were to examine this sentence and imagine someone else was saying it to you, how would you value his last remark that all people are inherently bad? Does it give it a funny twist? If it does you’ve succeeded at jumbling the jumble complex. Now it’s time to unify.
Think of several beliefs to replace the ones you’ve jumbled and then begin by taking a pen and paper (or keyboard) and begin writing out questions for 20 minutes straight, begin by writing out whatever comes to mind, while bearing in mind the outcome (new beliefs) you desire. All you really need to do is find a few questions that perk your interest long enough to suspend your old beliefs so that you can logically deduce new ones. Try to get a continuous stream of thought going, the more the better.
As you look at what I have written and you read each word, you have thoughts, in your mind, about what I’m saying, very powerful thoughts, thoughts about how you can begin to incorporate this material into your everyday life. And as you have the thoughts and have the feelings that you are now having, you know that right now is a good time to become really interested and because of that, you’ll can learn quickly and begin now to use it often. And as you wonder about being able to understand and learn what I’m writing here, you begin to think about where in your life you can use this process and how to achieve your outcome by being able to use this skill. And you wonder how you can set aside enough time to really learn these skills to improve your results and enjoy life more. That would be OK wouldn’t it?
I wish you the best, you deserve it. More over, God bless! ;)
"A fine young man, like his father was...except he wouldn't try to hypnotize the cat!" After hypnotizing the cat at a very young age I began working with people instead. Now I own a small business that makes custom made hypnosis tapes for people that are at the end of their rope, so when I give them their CD(s) I collect the money...and the sissors that had a mind of it's own...self-sabatoge can be a bitch, which is why I wrote this article.