Your Ultimate Leadership Feedback Loop: Their Leadership
Author: Brent Filson
Life on our planet flourishes through feedback. If life forms don't develop feedback loops and get good information about how well they are interacting with their world, the world eventually kills them.
Your Leadership Shopping List
Author: Holly Powers
‘Tis the season to give. And finding the right gift to give the people on your team can be challenging. Oprah Winfrey once said, “It doesn’t matter what the thing is; what matters is how much of yourself goes into the giving, so that when the gift is gone, the spirit of you lingers.” This is especially true for leaders. When you give of yourself you build character and credibility both for you and your organization.
Workplace Stress - Expensive Stuff
Author: Dale Collie
Workplace stress can cut productivity and cost your company thousands of dollars annually. Harvard Business Review writer A. Perkins, advises that 60-90 percent of medical problems are associated with stress. Princeton, NJ insurance company Foster Higgins Co., reports that 45 percent of corporate after tax profits are spent on health benefits.
Author: Robin Sharma
In this age of whitewater change, too many people see work as a means to an end rather than as a means to personal greatness and self-actualization. We see work as a place we go to "put in the hours" and to generate income to pay the bills and deal with the responsibilities that life presents to us. However, there is a different way that we can see work: as a platform to discover who we truly are and to play our highest games as human beings. If we choose to keep our eyes open at work, we will notice that every day, our personal resistances come up. Every time someone asks you to deal with a new process or embrace a new change, you have a choice: you can pay attention to your resistance or you can blame and point the finger. When you make the former choice, you are using work as a chance to grow as a human being. When you study your resistance and investigate it more deeply, you gain a clearer sense of the source beliefs that are driving it, to evolve into the higher version of the person you are meant to be.
Why the Ten Don't Work
Author: Bob Scheinfeld
Why do we need another element for business success? Dozens of books have been written outlining the ten traditional elements, those very real but sometimes difficult to verbalize components the experts say are part of any successful venture. While these have nothing to do with capitalization, expenditures, cost of goods, sales, marketing or team-building, they certainly can be important.
Why Don't You Want What I Want? The Three Faces of Resistance
Author: Rick Maurer
There's a one-word reason most ideas never see the light of day: Resistance.
What Not To Do When Making a Keynote Presentation
Author: Don Wetmore
“keynote n : an address designed to present the issues of primary interest to an assembly and often to arouse unity and enthusiasm.”
Vocal Power
Author: Jean Hamilton
Value-Adding to Achieve Personal Success
Author: Dr. Daniel M. Kolapudi, Ph.D., M.B.A.
The following article is a part of SUCCESS-ME Newsletter vol.3
Turn Your Difficult Business Conversations into Productive Problem-Solving
Author: Manya Arond-Thomas MD
How many times do you walk away from a conversation wondering whether you’ve gotten your point across, been understood, resolved the issue or reached an agreement that will result in the outcomes you want and. through the conversation, enriched the relationship rather than constricted it?
Turn Tragedy into Triumph - How You Can Convert Complaints into Lifetime Customers!!
Author: Rick Beneteau
If you don't already know this, learn it now - Complaints are Opportunities! Complaints, or rather how you handle them, can build your business as quickly as any effective form of advertising.
Top Ten Ways to Visualize Yourself as a Leader
Author: Barbara Bellissimo
Women should not be afraid of or feel guilty about taking a leadership role--in their organization, in their community, in their own lives. What could you accomplish if you were leading your life instead of simply living your life?
Top 7 Leadership Mistakes
Author: Kristine Geimure
Leadership and management skills are something that rarely come naturally for most people. But if you follow some basic rules and are willing to learn how to work with people you will have things running much more smoothly in the workplace in no time.
Tired of Hearing about Southwest and Wal-Mart?
Author: Harry K. Jones
In a recent conversation with a college professor friend of mine, he mentioned a growing phenomenon that occurs in most every one of his sessions with his students. He happens to teach Leadership and Organizational Development, and his classes include students in their late teens as well as adults pursuing advanced studies. At some point, in most every one of his sessions, someone will ask a question similar to this: "Why do we always hear about the same companies on TV, in business books, featured in magazines, and in the classroom?" Some examples that are usually mentioned include: Southwest, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Dell, Krispy Kreme, Enron, K-Mart, Healthsouth, eBay, Arthur Anderson, HP, Amazon, Disney, GE, Home Depot, Starbucks, Harley-Davidson, Toyota, and Worldcom.
"TIISG" The Secret of Napoleon Hill, P.T. Barnum, and Me
Author: Joe Vitale
I'm riveted by the biography of Napoleon Hill, the author of the classic book "Think and Grow Rich."
Author: Bal Simon
We humans are problem-solving systems. We thrive when we can solve our own problems. We suffer when we don't solve them. A good part of problem-solving involves how you see yourself and your world. Yes, there are problems (like preventing death, paying down the national debt, etc.) that are beyond solving. But even these can be tackled by looking at and resetting expectations. Solving the more garden-variety problems (most of them) can be given a big help by understanding and applying the 10 principles below.
The Triumph of a Joy Junky
Author: Steve Davis
The Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself in Specific Situations
Author: Diana Robinson
As we encounter a situation, our mind-set greatly affects our outcome. Asking ourselves the right question can help us to look in the right direction, and so find the right answer.
The Three Factors Of Leadership Motivation
Author: Brent Filson
Leaders do nothing more important than get results. But you can't get results by yourself. You need others to help you do it. And the best way to have other people get results is not by ordering them but motivating them. Yet many leaders fail to motivate people to achieve results because those leaders misconstrue the concept and applications of motivation.
Author: by
Author: Jim Rohn
If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as an owner, as a manger, as a parent. I call leadership the great challenge of life.
The power of rituals
Author: Vered Neta
As evening falls, a child stands at her bedroom window searching the sky for the first star to wish upon. Thousands of miles away, a Shaman doctor blesses herbs thrown into the fire in a ceremony to attract spirit. What do these seemingly unconnected individuals have in common? They are both practicing magic and rituals.
The Perils of Postulating, or Why Some Things are Never Completed
Author: Sid Smith
Having an idea is a good thing. Unless, that is, the idea never leaves the safe confines of your neural pathways. Most of us are truly visionaries. We’re dreaming, fantasizing, stepping out of the shower with a monumental idea that will resolve every problem that’s ever existed. Then what? The hard reality of working out the details, then following through with those details sets in. Such a bummer, because they really are very good ideas.
The most under rated method to achieve success!
Author: graham and julie
The most under rated method to achieve success is: The power of Visualisation. The best kept secret of success on the sports field and in athletics is: The power of Visualisation. The situation where the mind is in charge of the body. Athletes and other sportspersons constantly use the power of thought to change their lives. To bring them success. When all else is equal the master card is: the power of your mind. Your mind is the most under rated method to achieve success.
The magic of transformation
Author: Vered Neta
When I was a kid, my mother took me to a beautiful Walt Disney's movie: 'The Awakening Desert'. One of the scenes showed a huge cactus suddenly transformed into a flowering phenomena. I never forgot how, within seconds, all the buds emerged and turned into colorful, open flowers.
The lighter side of New Year's resolutions
Author: Vered Neta
Here it comes again, that time of year when we plan our resolutions for the coming year, looking forward to a fresh start. Here is our chance to start again, to do it right this time, to have another shot at success... at glory...
The Golden Rule
Author: Steve Smith
In my work as a development specialist, I'm constantly surprised by the ability of individuals to surprise me. That, in itself, shouldn't surprise me! After all, I've been working with people and development for a number of years and I understand - with my head at least - that individuals are complex and fascinating and, above all, individual. But I, like everyone else, have a perfectly natural human tendency to assume that everyone is just like me!
The End Of Marketing
Author: Brent Filson
Working with top companies worldwide in all major sectors for 20 years, I've discovered that few of them come even close to achieving their potential results.
The Cracked Pot
Author: Author Unknown
A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on the end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots was perfectly made and never leaked. The other pot had a crack in it and by the time the water bearer reached his master's house it had leaked much of its water and was only half full.
The Chief Cause of Business Failure & Success
Author: Sharif Khan
Business rises and falls on leadership. According to business guru, Brian Tracy, “Leadership is the most important single factor in determining business success or failure in our competitive, turbulent, fast-moving economy.” Still not convinced? Based on a study by Jessie Hagen of the US Bank, here are the main reasons why businesses fail:
The Art of Being Speechless
Author: D. B. Davies
A young reporter was interviewing an elderly Sir Winston Churchill. He complimented Sir Winston on his great oratorical skills. Sir Winston replied that it took a great deal of practice. Taken aback the young reporter qualified that he was referring more to the great statesman’s impromptu quips and remarks.
The Answer to Effective Leadership is The Question
Author: Tom Laughlin
Every leader has a story that begins with, “I told them to...” and ends with disaster. Misunderstandings, bad assumptions and general lack of communication contribute to more lost opportunities and wasted resources than any other leadership challenge. Let’s look at how provocative questions and profound listening can lead the way.
The 20/60/20 Rule Of Leadership. Don't Go Solving The Wrong Problems
Author: Brent Filson
Several decades ago, a passenger jet approached a Florida airport with the pilot and co-pilot struggling to fix what they thought was a malfunctioning landing gear. The landing-gear light was on, signaling that the gear was deployed; but both men did not hear it actually deploy.
Ten Tips to Preparing a Super Speech
Author: Jim Allen
1. Start early.
Take Action and Make a Better World
Author: Nisandeh Neta
Albert Einstein is quoted as having said, "the world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it".
Take Action and Make a Better World
Author: Nisandeh Neta
Albert Einstein is quoted as having said, "the world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it".
Sweat the Small Stuff for Great Customer Service
Author: Kathleen J. Wheelihan
Undoubtedly you’ve heard about the popular book series that started with Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, followed by Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff at Work, …in Love, …with Your Family, etc. While these books relay a message containing a great deal of wisdom—-don’t let the little things in life stress you out—-it’s important not to make the mistake of overlooking the little things that can be critical to achieve wildly successful customer service in your business.
Author: Terry L. Sumerlin
Every morning, when at the barbershop, I walk across the street to the convenience store. I come back with three items – J.B.’s coffee, my coffee and my banana.
Stumbling Block or Blessing?
Author: Ed Hirsch
I've often seen the world as black and white. Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.
Spinning Negative Into Gold
Author: Catherine Franz
Andrew Carneige once told Napoleon Hill, “I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind, and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.” Andrew never forgot what the first millionaire said to him and repeatedly told others how Napoleon's quote brought him riches as well.
Speed as a Trend
Author: Harry K. Jones
Observing and reacting to trends makes the difference between success and failure in today's marketplace. Technology is shrinking time and space, giving customers more choices and businesses more competition with less time to respond. Thus, speed is an emerging trend that impacts business in a number of ways.
Author: Ed Hirsch
Your success in any endeavor will be the direct result of the personal giving of yourself. As an example ... the word Sacrifice is defined by Webster as 1: an act of offering to deity something precious; esp : the killing of a victim on an altar 2: something offered in sacrifice and 3 a: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else b : something given up or lost the sacrifices made by parents>.
Socrates Revisited
Author: Ed Hirsch
Your life thus far, has been the *tutorial* for what is to come. In other words, all your experiences have been preparation, learning and guidance for where you are now and what you will do next.
Sell On The First Call
Author: Dave Donelson, President, Enterprise Learning Center
One of the concepts I’ve been preaching and practicing for years is also one that is very often misunderstood: I believe you should present a specific idea-based proposal to every prospect on your very first call on them.
Sell Creatively
Author: Dave Donelson, President, Enterprise Learning Center
Sadly, many sales people block their creativity. They consider themselves nothing more than harvesters of existing business. They take orders, fill out paperwork, collect their commissions and go home. Those sales people play a role in our economy. Of course, they are well along the road to extinction by electronic data processing, but that’s another story.
Author: Denis Waitley
Self-knowledge has always been the key to preparing for competition. Knowledge of your attributes, abilities, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and traits is essential to riding the front end of the wave of change into the new century. To fully assess your own talents, realize that studies confirm that what we love and do well as children continues as our latent or manifest talent as adults.
Rules Of Onfluence
Author: Ian Northcott
Hello there,
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: 25 Ways To Show It
Author: Laurie Weiss, Ph.D.
Re-Developing Your Vision
Author: Chris Widener
One of the most important things we can do for our businesses, schools, and organizations is to have vision. Vision being a clear picture of a desired end result that you are aiming for.
Recognition: A Leader's Responsibility
Author: John Baldoni
Have you hugged your employees today?
Ready? Go! Tweak.
Author: Ronnie Nijmeh
Ready? Go! Tweak.
Quick setup of your business
Author: Carl Newman
Which course must be taken to setup your own internet-business? This is an often asked question by people who want to start selling their products and services on the internet, but don't exactly know how to act efficiently.
Providing a Target Yields Better Results
Author: Kathleen J. Wheelihan
Did you ever wonder why employees don’t always get their best possible results for job performance? While there are many possible reasons, one that is simple to resolve is to start off with clear expectations for the job.
Prospect’s Questions: I have a Low Income, How Can I Start My Own E-Business?
Author: Begawan Bestari
If you meet prospects that have a problem with their monthly income, and it will take them a long time to consider joining your online business, here is the tips for you:
Predictive Miracles
Author: Ed Hirsch
Aren't there any other alternatives?
Perseverance and Excellence: The Link That Leads to Desired Results
Author: William G. Covington, Jr. PhD
©2004 William G. Covington, Jr. PhD
Perfect Delays
Author: Judy Jernudd
"Winning communicators don't strive for perfection, they strive for connection."
People Who Drive You Up The Wall
Author: Gary A. Crow, Ph.D.
Are there people who absolutely, totally, and unequivocally drive you up the wall? Do you sometimes feel like climbing the wall all by yourself as the quickest way to escape from those people? Are there those days when you struggle with the nearly irresistible impulse to turn into a ranting, raving maniac? Is there that one person who gets you so uptight that you do not know whether to turn on your heel and walk out or just sit down and cry? I'll bet you are saying Yes! Yes! Yes! If per chance you are not, you likely have either lived your life on a very lonely island or are a saint, complete with robe and halo.
Author: Bill McGrane
The only thing constant in anybody's life is change. To try to remain the same in the game of life is to slowly die. And this applies to the management of today's organizations more than it ever has in the past. Communication has accelerated, and the way we learn has been made so much easier. Competition has made the marketplace not only the maximum playing field of challenge, but also the birthplace of the new organizational imperatives. We can no longer be ignorant of the value of the Soft Assets of our companies: Our People!
People Literacy
Author: Susan Cullen
People literacy is knowing how to read and understand the behavioral style differences of others.
Penta’tude – the five ‘tudes of your success
Author: Tracy Brinkmann
In 1941 Major General Hugh ‘Pat’ Casey designed the Pentagon in only three days. Construction began thirty days later and sixteen months after that on January 15, 1943 this now world famous office building was completed. The Pentagon is the headquarters for the United States Department of Defense and the nerve center for command and control dedicated to protecting the US national interests. You have your own Pentagon of sorts within yourself. This Pentagon, or Penta’tude as I have come to call it, has direct impact on your protection, growth and success and is made up of these five ‘tudes: Multitude, Magnitude, Latitude, Attitude and Gratitude.
Author: Jerry Lopper
Peace is a state of mind.
Author: Josh Hinds
(c) 2004
New trends create an alternative to hiring employees
Author: Grainne Foley
Current trends in business are conspiring to create a revolution in the way that small and medium sized companies do business. These forces have created an environment in which growing companies can make maximum use of their labor dollars, while accessing a talent base previously unreachable due to the costs involved with hiring top talent.
New Lessions for Leaders
Author: Robert A. Isaacson, M.A., M.S.S.
The Times, They Are A Changin'
New Lessions for Leaders
Author: Robert A. Isaacson, M.A., M.S.S.
The Times, They Are A Changin'
Measure of Faith
Author: Ed Hirsch
Does the quantity of your faith (how much you have) determine the quantity of your results (success)?
Author: T. G. Desrosier
¡°What is the point of prolonging a life that apathy has turned into premature death.¡±
Manage, Lead, Coach & Mentor
Author: Danish Ahmed
Political correctness is just upgraded terminology for the sensitive person’s euphemisms. In extreme cases, affirmative action does create reverse discrimination. We lose vivid imagery when we lessen the power of our communication by softening our diction. Why not use this phenomenon to our advantage? Why not strengthen our communication by raising our standards?
Manage or Lead – Why the Difference Matters and What to Do About That Difference
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
Manage or Lead – Why the Difference Matters and What to Do About That Difference
Making a difference in the workplace
Author: Vered Neta
Have you been lately into a local supermarket? Have you noticed how many brands of breakfast cereals are on the shelves? How many different brands of breakfast cereals are you actually eating? Few! If so, why do we need all this variety? The truth is - we don't! Our society is absorbed in a mad race after...MORE! More breakfast cereals, more car brands, more money, more influence, more, more, more... The reasons? Competition, power, survival and consumption.
Make The Elephant Jump -- Leading With A Kind Heart
Author: Brent Filson
Leadership is not about getting people to do what they want. If they did what they want, you wouldn't be needed as a leader. Instead, leadership is about getting people to do what they don't want to do (or don't think they can do) – and be ardently committed to doing it.
Make Decisions with Confidence
Author: Curtis G. Schmitt
Paralysis by Indecision
Machiavellian Strategy Revisited
Author: Rodney Ohebsion
"He who suits his action to fit the times will prosper, but he whose actions do not accord with the times will not be successful." Italian philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli wrote this statement nearly 500 years ago in his legendary book The Prince--which has been treasured for centuries as a practical and useful guide to general life strategy and leadership.
Life-long Learning
Author: Harry K. Jones
"Life-long learning" is a popular trend that continues to offer vast opportunities to all those who recognize its value. It also applies to more than a single segment of your business.
Lessons on Love from the Periphery
Author: Laura Young
I came from good people.
Leading High Performance Organizations
Author: Brian Ward
Organize your leadership efforts around a high performance trilogy
Leading From Within
Author: Greg Giesen
Much like the lighthouse that provides guidance and direction for sea-bearing vessels, leaders must become the beacon of light in their own lives before they can effectively lead others.
Leadership Quotations
Author: George Torok
Leadership Quotations
Leadership Mistakes to Avoid
Author: Brett M. Miles
Why are executive careers derailed*? Intelligent people with highly developed technical or managerial skills don't always have the know-how when it comes to dealing with people or teams on a personal level. To be successful it is important to know what mistakes to avoid.
Leadership Like White-Water Canoeing
Author: Brent Filson
Although world business is undergoing historic changes, the prevailing view of what constitutes business leadership is stuck in the past. Generally, business leaders view leadership as an order-giving process. The word "leadership" itself comes from old Norse root meaning "to make go." Many leaders believe that they must "make" people go by ordering them to do things.
Leadership Development And Jumping Out of Airships
Author: Brent Filson
A German silent film melodrama depicts an airship bombing London during World War I. Lit up by searchlights and strafed by fighters, the crippled airship loses altitude as the captain frantically jettisons dispensable gear to lighten weight. Eventually, the only weight left is human. So the captain orders members of the crew overboard. A grisly scene unfolds as the airmen, one by one, without parachutes, step up to the hatch, salute the captain and the first mate, then jump to their deaths. Lightened, the airship returns safely to Germany.
Leadership Development
Author: Fritz Scherz
New York State Training Council
Leadership Development
Author: Fritz Scherz
New York State Training Council
Leadership : the art of managing uncertainty
Author: Eric Kaufmann, CPCM
Uncertainty, whether brought on by war, changing economic conditions, or personal choices, often seems like an unwelcome guest or even a monster entering our office or home. We fear possible failure or loss, the humiliation it can bring, and the frustration we experience when seeming
Leaders Click It Into Gear!
Author: Richard Gorham
Ever wonder how two people can be in the same meeting, hear the same speaker communicate the same message - yet once the meeting is over, each person's perception of the event is totally different?
Author: Robert A. Isaacson, M.A., M.S.S.
Intelligence-Centered Leadership
Author: David G. Lazear
David G. Lazear
Intellectual Diseases
Author: Michael Levy
If we take a look at all the past mayhem and destruction, we will find it all emanates from the minds of human beings that used their intellectual brain to the detriment of humanity. On the 4th August two main headlines hit the news. Martha Stewart was sentenced to three extra weeks for being outside and enjoying the fresh air and going to Yoga classes. This is reminiscent of any past witch hunt by religious zealots.
INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Creating Work Environments that Work
Author: Robert Knowlton
We're now in the 21st century. Look around you. Has your work place changed much in the last two months? How about in the last two years?
Author: Jim Campbell
Employee retention and turnover are the most objective measures of employee satisfaction/dissatisfaction in organizations. Common estimates of turnover costs range from ,000 to ,000 per person, depending on the position; while retention actually increases revenues.
In Leadership, The Critical Convergence Drives Great Results
Author: Brent Filson
The Leader's Fallacy lives! We subscribe to the Fallacy when we believe our enthusiasm over a particular leadership challenge is automatically reciprocated by the people we lead.
Improvisation can improve business dealings
Author: Terrill Fischer
"Nothing is accidental ... use everything."
How to Get People to Listen
Author: Carol Welsh
Why do some people listen attentively while others tune you out?
How Much Risk Is Too Much To Take?
Author: Dave Carlson
The ladder was braced against the railings going to the basement. I started climbing up. I had to get to the ceiling and this was my Rube Goldberg way of doing it without having to put up scaffolding. I made it up two or three rungs before coming to my senses. It would be so easy for the railing to break and for me to go tumbling down the stairs.
How Leaders Solve Problems
Author: Steve Moore
Are you a leader or a follower? When faced with a difficult problem, how do you react? How you face problems is one of the critical factors that helps determine how successful you will be in life. Its also one of the key qualities of a leader! Leaders solve problems- followers go to leaders to get their problems solved.
Helping Others Develop Their Potential
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
Most of us find ourselves in a position to help others achieve more of their potential than we realize. Sure, as leaders, supervisors, and parents we can see ourselves in that position; but the fact is that all of us are uniquely qualified to help at least one other person in our lives reach their potential. I believe it is part of our purpose in life to serve others in this way – to encourage and support people we care about in becoming their best selves.
Headknocking, Brick Walls… and What’s a Manager to Do?
Author: Terri Levine
It’s great to see many companies are now acknowledging that the old, traditional methods of management are not effective and they are modernizing their strategies and taking steps to improve employee morale, and therefore productivity. CEO’s are taking an active interest because they have to and senior managements all over the world are issuing new guidelines and goals to their middle management to initiate.
HANDLING REJECTION: The Secret to Sales Success
Author: Norm Ephraim,Ed.D.
Among the many sales people I've helped as a psychologist over the years, handling rejection by customers is often a major problem. Typically, they tell me how the motivational books and tapes they've read don't seem to work. As one man said recently," they always exhort you to be positive and not take things personally. It only makes me reel dumb when I do get upset about a lost sale"
Get Out Of The Stone Age: Give Leadership Talks
Author: Brent Filson
160 years ago, the newly invented electric telegraph carried
Foundation, Freedom & Responsibilities
Author: Ed Hirsch
Many people are far removed from the original Foundations they were born into. The cornerstones which success is built upon must be secure.
Foundation, Freedom & Responsibilities
Author: Ed Hirsch
Many people are far removed from the original Foundations they were born into. The cornerstones which success is built upon must be secure.
Five Ways to Turn Small Projects into Professional Success
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
I know that there have been people with the title of Project Manager for many years, and there has been a growing body of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques in the area of project management for a long time. Yes, there have always been projects. But never before has it been so important for every person to be able to lead, manage or participate in projects of all sizes.
Five Ways to Be More Encouraging
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
We all need encouragement. Even the most callous, hard headed self made person needs encouragement to stay on track and move forward. This isn’t news – it is something we all know.
Five Steps Towards Greater Self Confidence
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
We watch the star athlete calmly make the final shot, score the winning goal, or lead his team for a touchdown in the final minute of the game. We marvel at their talent and their determination, but what we value and admire most is the supreme confidence they display – they know they will succeed.
Figuring Out Balance
Author: Ed Hirsch
What do you stand on, a solid foundation or a soft sandy, unsecured platform? Do you keep your mind actively seeking how to choose the right way to live your life?
Ethical Conflict Resolution
Author: Doug Staneart
Conflicts are inevitable, but the more we know about human nature, the more positive the outcome of a conflict might be for both parties. We know that different people have different priorities and different ways of dealing with situations that may occur, but in general, human beings have certain characteristics that are very similar – even across gender, racial, and socio-economic lines.
ESCAPE the Pitfalls and Keep Your Organization Productive During the Holiday Season
Author: Kevin Eikenberry
It’s that time of year again.
Encouraging Others at Work
Author: JIm Jenkins
One of the most frequent questions managers ask is how to motivate employees. People often think they need formal programs and structures to continue to get people to produce, and that money is typically the best answer.
Employer of Choice - Just Another Buzzword?
Author: Harry K. Jones
There's a certain point in your business life where buzzwords become a nonentity. You've heard them all a million times. They soon mean nothing and actually become an annoyance. The list is endless...quality, empowerment, walk-the-talk, open-book management, win-win, Y2K, out-of-the-box, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Doing the work that you love
Author: Vered Neta
As a child, I remember my father, sitting in his room, surrounded by his books, writing. His work was his love. Later in his life, when most people have retired, he was up early in the morning, busy with his work. It gave him, both a meaning to life and kept him young.
Create Your Entrepreneur Dream Team
Author: Helaine Iris
I hear it all the time. “What should I do about . . .?" As a business owner you're faced with the daunting task of making all the decisions that affect your business. Should I remain a sole proprietor, become an LLC or is an S Corp better? Should I start using an electronic PDA or stick with my trusty, but out-dated, Day Runner? In what direction should I take my marketing? Is the color right on this logo? PC or Mac? Paper or plastic? Aargh! Big decisions. Little decisions. It can be overwhelming, especially when you consider how each decision has a bearing on the success of your business.
Connect to Employees and Increase Employee Engagement
Author: Richard Gorham,
Compensating for Your Entrepreneurial Style-or Lack of Style
Author: Glenn Beach
I recently took an entrepreneurial quiz which evaluated my answers and informed me I would do best as a hired hand! So why am I a successful home business owner? Because I've learned to fill the holes in my entrepreneurial style, and compensate for my deficiencies.
Community - local, national and global
Author: Katherin Perrin - Freedom of Spac
I’ve known the subject of my second column for a few days now, but I am going to pretend. I am going to pretend that I wrote this column prior to 9/11/01. I am going to pretend that my subject of community is perfectly appropriate as we settle into the shorter days of fall and the transition of the seasons. I have to pretend for I find myself numb and stuck as I watch and listen to the details of yesterday – a day that has scarred us all. 9/11/01 a day that has united the entire world as one community – shocked and tormented as we mourn the devastation and loss of life – connecting us all in a way we’d never imagined possible.
Collective Intelligence and Collective Wisdom
Author: Robert E. Cannon
“Change” has been the big topic of conversation for some time now. For the most part, the change that everyone writes about and talks about is economic change. There has been much written about the change from a manufacturing economy to a service economy and there has been much written about the movement of manufacturing jobs off shore, but I want to concentrate on another kind of change. Willis Harman wrote a whole book about it in 1987 entitled, “Global Mind Change.” To paraphrase a line in this book, society’s experience shapes it’s science and science shapes the experience of it’s society.
Choose Collaboration Instead of Competition
Author: Stacey Hall
Cheers for Diversity!
Author: Beth Burns
Being one to seek insight in ordinary (and extraordinary) experiences, I have to tell you what happened the other day. I was driving in my car when I heard an advertisement for McDonald's. They were seeking new employees and at the end of the commercial, the announcer enthusiastically stated, "McDonald's is committed to building a diverse workforce!"
Brainstorming Techniques for Rapid Problem Solving
Author: Rick Sheridan
Brainstorming Techniques for Rapid Problem Solving
Author: Madan Mohan Tripathy
The Story from Panchatantra
Author: Madan Mohan Tripathy
The Story from Panchatantra
Becoming A Leader
Author: by Brett M. Miles
Leaders have one thing in common: a passion for the promises of life and the ability to express themselves fully and freely. Full, self-expression is the essence of leadership. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression." Being able to express yourself fully means that you know who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how to fully deploy your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses. You also know what you want, why you want it, and how to communicate what you want to others, in order to gain their cooperation and support. Finally, you know how to achieve your goals. The key to full self-expression is understanding one's self and the world, and the key to understanding is learning—from one's own life and experience.
Becoming a Conscious Leader: A Call for New Leadership for New Times
Author: John Renesch
For the first time in history, we humans have the opportunity to participate in our evolution. Never before has a species possessed the ability to choose whether it continues its evolution toward a higher form or becomes extinct. Those who take a stand for this new truth - before it becomes more commonly believed, before it becomes the consensus reality and the operative paradigm for humanity - will be the leaders who create the future we'd all prefer.
Awaken the Leader In You: 10 easy steps to developing your leadership skills
Author: Sharif Khan
"The miracle power that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance, under the promptings of a brave determined spirit." - Mark Twain
Army Ranger Reveals How to Control Corporate Stress
Author: Dale Collie
Title: Army Ranger Reveals How to Control
Are your Communication Skills Up Where They Should Be?
Author: Simon Baxter
Those who have mastered "communication" have mastered "recruiting"!
Are You the Next Oprah or Bill Gates?
Author: Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
A 10-Minute Self-Test
Author: Denis Tesdell
There are many names for people who criticize to excess. Some are called nags, bossy, perfectionists, picky, and other terms of a more graphic and profane nature. Some people know they are critical and others never see it. This test will give you an objective way to test yourself. It is meant to be general, due to space considerations, but the results if you answer honestly can be quite enlightening.
Are You Sabotaging Your Career?
Author: Brent Filson
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to:
Are You Sabotaging Your Career?
Author: Brent Filson
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to:
Are You In Over Your Head
Author: Dale Collie
Stress is tricky. It drives you toward success and makes you feel good about your accomplishments. Of course, you need stress to reach goals and protect yourself in times of danger, but too much stress is tough on your body.
Author: Manya Arond-Thomas
"Time does not exist except for change." Aristotle
And Solve It You Will
Author: Wendyl K. Leslie
"Whenever you have a problem, think of it as only waiting to be solved, and know that you will bet the solution. Face your problem with faith, and bend every effort to solve it, and solve it you will."
An Empowering Alternative
Author: Ed Hirsch
If there was one thing I could share with you to help you along in your success journey, it would be this ... As far as what you are doing now for your business growth; Are you doing THINGS right?, Or, Are you doing the RIGHT things?
An Assertive Person is not an Adversary
Author: Linda D Tillman, Ph.D.
An Assertive Person is not an Adversary
A Tricky Supervision Challenge
Author: Laurie Weiss, Ph.D
Many managers believe that treating their team members as responsible adults will assure excellent results. The truth is that while this usually is effective, some people need much firmer limits than others to perform their jobs.
A Rare Leadership Skill: Dealing With People Who Want Out By Offering Crowns For Convoy
Author: Brent Filson
As a leader, you'll inevitably be faced with people wanting to leave your team or organization. Dealing with the challenge is critical for your leadership success. Your response will have ramifications far beyond your immediate circumstances. One of the best ways to respond comes from Shakespeare's Henry V.
A New Age Of Small-Unit Leadership
Author: Brent Filson
Recent mergers in many industries remind me of a point that Gen. Dwight Eisenhower often made, "Generals move the pins on a map," he would say, "but the front-line troops have to get the job done."
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3 Steps You Can Use Developing Leaders In Your Industry -
Author: Stephen Fairley
With the economy bordering on a recession, every company is looking for ways to increase revenues while decreasing costs. Some companies believe one of the easiest ways to do this is to cut their employee training budget. However, businesses interested in long-term viability recognize that to be successful they must continually develop their people, especially their leaders.
11 tips to do a powerful influencial presentation
Author: Dr Ehab Elsherif
These are Powerful tips for powerful presentation techniques .It is a how to short manual. It is a neat outcome from the real success pioneers and gurus who have done and do their presentations in a unique way that would move people empower and facilitate the array of knowledge to spread, more enlightenment to extend and become popular.
Author: Robin Sharma
What would your life look like if you had absolutely no fear? What kinds of things would you do if you lived from a frame of reference that your thoughts literally could form your world? How brightly would your light shine if you stepped out of the limitations that are keeping you small and stretched yourself well past your comfort zone into the place that you know, deep within, you are meant to be? Authentic leadership is all about being the person you know in your heart you have always been destined to be. Authentic leadership does not come from your title or from the size of your paycheck. Instead, this form of leadership comes from your being and the person that you are.