Your Personal Magic Lamp
Author: Sam K Zohaib
Your Personal Magic Lamp
Working 80 Hours a Week--and Not Complaining
Author: Winston J. Brill, Ph.D.
Working Eighty Hours a Week—and Not Complaining!
What Words Will They Chisel Into Your Tombstone?
Author: Gary Simpson
One day you will inevitably die. A morbid statement, I know, but one that is true. I don’t want to upset you so let me say this - hopefully that day will be a long, long way off. However, I have a question for you now.
What Words Will They Chisel Into Your Tombstone?
Author: Gary Simpson
One day you will inevitably die. A morbid statement, I know, but one that is true. I don’t want to upset you so let me say this - hopefully that day will be a long, long way off. However, I have a question for you now.
What If You Could Buy a Stairway to Heaven for only ?
Author: Fire Foxx
It's going to be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit all week in Iraq. Just like it was last week and the week before. Almost 10 degrees cooler than last month, and not near as hot as the typical 147 degree daytime highs. And that is only part of what our US troops go through everyday.
Using your worst enemy to become your best ally
Author: Claudio Reilsono
Was there anyone in your life that you cared for, looked up to,were
Top Ten Resolutions for Living Your Joy
Author: Suzanne Falter-Barns
1. Carve out regular time for your dream, and get to work. If you’re a morning person, get up an hour earlier and create as the sun rises. If you’re a night owl. stay up late to get it done. Either way, give yourself a regular shot of at least thirty minutes per day (an hour is better) five times per week.
This is It!
Author: Audrina Jones Bunton
It was a beautiful spring Sunday morning, as my family and I journeyed to our weekly Sunday School. Five minutes into the ride, my husband brings the car to an unexpected halt. Startled, I look up from reading, and much to my surprise, I see a house sitting in the middle of the street. Yes, a house in the middle of a two-lane street, blocking traffic both ways. Apparently, this house had been taken from it's foundation and was being relocated.
The Value of Humour in Our Lives
Author: Mike Moore
The Truth About Motivation
Author: Susan Lynn Perry
Imagine this scenario.
The TOP 5 things that keep you from success.
Author: Emmanuel SEGUI
Everyone wants to be rich. A lot of people want to be successful. Yet, only a few people are willing to pay the price. There is a price to success as there is a price to failure. Here are 5 reasons that keep people from accomplishing their dreams.
The Journey of Making My CD Honoring Spirit
Author: Linda Cortese, CHE, RMT, KMT, BFRP
There is a saying “Think a Thought…Reap the Action” for me this saying has become a life experience. As a Holistic Health Practitioner, Medium, and Teacher of the Healing Arts and Sciences Meditation was always the basis to go to Spirit and receive guidance and inspiration for me each day.
The Final Chapter
Author: Audrina Jones Bunton
Several months ago, I read an article about a 22 year old, successful young lady who died a premature death in a plane crash. The more I read this article, the heavier my heart became because she died in the midst of her formative years. Equally tear-jerking was the fact that she died before completing a book that she was writing - before completing her final chapter.
Ten Humorous, Motivating Quotations To Brighten Your Day
Author: Mike Moore
George Bernard Shaw once said that if you find something funny search it for hidden truth. Here are few pearls of wisdom packaged in humour. Enjoy.
So You Want To Win the Lottery
Author: Michael Losier
If we all got everything we wanted, most of us would have won the lottery by now. So what happens when we notice that we aren't getting what we want, even when we've been using Law of Attraction to manifest a particular desire for an extended period of time?
Sit On, Don't Jump to... Conclusions
Author: Fran Briggs
We've all heard-and will continue to hear - "don't jump to conclusions," over our lifetime. However, has anyone ever taken the time to explore the incredible insight in these powerful words of advice? Let's look at an alternative approach.
Secret Habits of the Japanese
Author: Subhashis Das Gupta
Recently I read about a few interesting practices followed by the Japanese which I thought I would like to share with you :
Rubber bracelets: the ubiquitous talismans of hope
Author: Shannan Barrett
Symbols of solidarity and empathy in the face of adversity. That is what the ubiquitous yellow rubber bracelets of Lance Armstrong's Live Strong Foundation are. But when the ace cyclist who overcame cancer to win the Tour de France seven times in a row promoted his signature yellow rubber wristbands, little did he know that he was kicking off a global trend.
Reaching for the Brass Ring
Author: Chas Brothers
So, you’ve decided to go into business for yourself to capture your part of the “American Dream”. Now that that’s all settled where the heck do we go from here?
Author: Winn Claybaugh
Sometimes you’re not nice and, for whatever reason, you can’t go back and apologize to people for having been mean, malicious, or unkind to them. The main thing to realize is that feeling guilty will only delay and obstruct the lessons and practices of becoming a nicer person. It seems and feels better to recognize that you blew it and vow to make it right for the next person you come into contact with by “paying it forward.”
"Open the Pandora's Box & Unleash your Hidden Power."
Author: George Papazoglou
"Open the Pandora's Box by Digging-Into Your Subconscious
Olympic Games parties can add fun, excitement and world-class achievement to your workday
Author: Jerry Busche
Businesses and other organizations can capitalize on the interest and excitement the 2004 summer Olympic Games will create when they’re held in Athens, Greece, August 13-29.
New Beginnings: How to Start Over in Life!
Author: Carol Morgan, Ph.D.
Are you ready for a new beginning in your life? No really, are you? I know you probably think you are, but are you really? Are you ready to take action? Are you ready to live your dreams? I certainly hope so. If you are, Attraction-U can help you.
Networking - Made Simple
Author: Aboodi Shaby
One of the things about networking is that there can be a lot of mystique attached to it. There is the idea that networking is something you do in a strict business setting where you exchange business cards, etc.
Motivation, Your Core Resource
Author: Ke o agile Khiba
Your motivation is one of the core resources you have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve.
Motivation to change, why is it so hard?
Author: Lynne Dean
We encounter constant changes throughout our life; it could be educational, health, relationships or financial, and of course with oneself. Maintaining or increasing one’s sense of self-worth and happiness are strong incentives for these changes.
Motivate yourself
Author: Roy Bartell
Copyright (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved
Midlife Career Transition: Do you jump or hold on?
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
During midlife career change, do you jump or hold on?
Making the Grade ... Learning to pass life's tests with ease
Author: Edward B. Toupin
I abhorred tests in college. I always felt unprepared when I took them. However, when I got them back from my professors, I usually made an A. It was funny that I always felt like I lacked what it took to pass the test, yet I always had it. Much like life, it's not the task itself, but how you prepare for and undertake that task.
Loving Our Soul
Author: Sorceress (Stephanie Adams) at GODDESSY
Love is the most powerful emotion in existence. With it, one can capture the world. Without it, one can conquer the world. People who made history through their evil deeds have been known to have had a lack of love in their childhood. The truth is that without knowing how to love ourselves, we can never really and truly love anyone else properly.
Living in Abundance: May the Force Be With You!
Author: Carmellita M. Brown
Perhaps, you have heard the phrase “May the force be with you” from your favorite Episode of the Star Wars movies. The Star Wars movies explore the power of our choices, the wonder of destiny, and the manifesting power that is in us and all around us. However, what if the force could truly be with in every aspect of your life?
Life 101 For the Young and Young at Heart! Book Excerpt
Author: Caren A. Adams
Lesson 1.
Learn to Do What Winners Do But Others Will Not
Author: Gary Simpson
If you want to be a winner you have to be prepared to develop a certain personal trait which others will not.
Joel Osteen's Your Best Life Now - Book Review
Author: Mike Matthews
Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen - Book Review by Mike Matthews
Intuition, the Key to Agility
Author: Winston J. Brill, Ph.D.
You are facing a tough choice about which direction to go in a workplace problem. Management wants the results immediately (meaning that your work should have been done yesterday), yet you don’t nearly have all the information you need to make a comfortable decision. You will have to take a chance and guess—to use your intuition.
I'm Not Looking for a Friend, I'm Looking for a Jedi Master
Author: Susan Dunn, M.A., The EQ Coach
Coaching's been around for about 10 years but there are still lots of people who haven't tried it yet, and don't know what it's about.
If It Feels Good, It Must Be Right
Author: Priya Shah
(Or How to Stay Motivated in Your Network
I Give Free Consultations... So, Why Don't They Hire Me?
Author: Anna Kanary
I show my clients a way to answer the question, “So, What Do You Do?” quickly and effectively. What I sometimes hear afterwards is,
How to Market to Introverts (you know, the ones with the money)
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
Statistics indicate that introverts make up 10-30% of the general population but as IQ increases, the proportion of introverts rises dramatically. Since there is a correlation between intelligence and income, you target more introverts as buying power rises. The greater the price of the product or service you are marketing, the greater the chance you are selling to an introvert. It pays to understand your audience.
How to Get Something Done
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Emotional intelligence involves many separate competencies. One of them is compassion or empathy. You might think of it as ^soft.^ Well, actually some people think of emotional intelligence as ^soft.^
How to Discover Your Life's Purpose So You May Live the Life God Intended You to Live
Author: Dawn Fields
"Beep, beep, beep, beep…"
How Mind Implants Increase Business Success
Author: Dave Czach
If your business isn't as successful as you envision, what's holding you back? You might say it's a lack of capital, a lack of employees, a lack of *great* employees, a lack of time, a lack of inventory, a lack of ... whatever. But these and similar reasons is not what causes your lack of business success. These reasons - or excuses - are merely the results of a greater cause ... your thoughts.
How A Simple Mirror Can Make You Successful In 28 Days!
Author: Thomas J. Stevens
I know what you are thinking right now. “How should a mirror help me to become successful?” “Is that possible at all?”
Highs & Lows of Running an Internet Business
Author: Suzanne Falter-Barns
In our recent survey to readers of my ezine, The Joy Letter, I was asked to provide a timeline of the ups and downs in building my motivational website, ( Ah … where to begin? There have been definite highs and lows in my small business’s 5-year history. Here are some of them, plus lessons learned along the way.
Handle Stress Like A Monk!
Author: Lisa van den Berg
Copyright © Lisa van den Berg
Author: John Di Lemme
JOHN DI LEMME on "I Am A Habit"
Goal Setting - The Facts BehindThe Fiction
Author: Ian S.N. Randall
To have hopes and dreams for the future is a wonderful idea. If you want to call them 'goals' that's fine also but do learn to get things in perspective. They are NOT achieved in the way you have been led to believe.
Forget Positive Thinking
Author: Ke o agile Khiba
There are always explanations for why things to you or others. Even though you might not understand why. Some of the time, when things happen that you do not wish for, you may be tempted to throw your arms in the and wish ...
Emotionetics - 21st Century Personal Transformation Technology
Author: A n Dovale
Emotionetics is a 21st century human performance enhancement technology for both business and individuals. It is the awareness, understanding, management and upgrading of our undermining mental programs: beliefs, values, attitudes and perceptions, which will in turn influence reactions and finally our results. Emotionetics is about how we can remove unwanted “thought viruses?and “emotional viruses?from our consciousness, and how to install new more productive and supportive mental programmes. Emotionetics is about giving yourself the awareness, the energy and the clarity to follow your Soul’s guidance. The tool to turn your stumbling blocks into stepping-stones!
"Eliminate Procrastination Today"
Author: Jeffrey Putnam, Life Success Coach
As you read the article below you will discover the nature of procrastination and how to end it once and for all. As a personal life and success coach I have used this technique with hundreds of clients over the years to successfully end this habit in a lasting way.
Easy Way to Achieve Your Goals
Author: Cyndi Smasal
What accomplishments do you take the most pride in?
Does Your Life Suck
Author: Trevor Barre - Life Coach
Live on the Edge – Special Edition
Creating the Best Year of Your Life
Author: Sopan Greene, M.A.
Creating the Best Year of Your Life
Coaching Ourselves to Success!
Author: Christine Ware
We were so uninspired by the range of motivational greetings cards and calendars available to send to clients and friends in the UK, that we decided to coach ourselves and produce our own!!
Clutter-Clearing and Your Authentic Self
Author: Stephanie Roberts
Have you ever felt so discouraged, your life so out-of-control, the universe so unresponsive to your needs and desires, that you couldn't help it: you just had to clean up? By paying attention to these impulses we recognize the deep connection between our personal environment and our innermost selves. It's as though by shifting the arrangement of our belongings we hope to rearrange the molecules of our emotional lives as well.
Claiming YOUR More than 15 Minutes of Fame!
Author: Sue Hecht
You are a small business owner, alternative health care professional/doctor, and/or selling health-care related products. GETTING AND KEEPING THE WORD OUT that you exist IS and should be your Number One Top Priority. As part of your total marketing plan, you probably advertise in various places, send out sales letters enticing new clients/customers with coupons or half off specials to come into your store or try your services and of course you attend business meetings, trade fairs and conferences in order to network, meet new potential clients as well as to receive and pass out business cards. What else can you do to be competitive and share your alternative to the mainstream message to capture new business?
Change Your Life With a Simple Habit
Author: David Wood
Change Your Life With a Simple Habit
Balancing Act ... That's all life is!
Author: Edward B. Toupin
One of the most knowledgeable and intuitive ladies I know imparted upon me the ultimate knowledge of living a fulfilling life. As I awaited a long, heartfelt soliloquy, she took a small breath, pointed her finger and said, "balance." That was it. My only question was, "what?" She simply chuckled and walked away.
Balancing Act ... That's all life is!
Author: Edward B. Toupin
One of the most knowledgeable and intuitive ladies I know imparted upon me the ultimate knowledge of living a fulfilling life. As I awaited a long, heartfelt soliloquy, she took a small breath, pointed her finger and said, "balance." That was it. My only question was, "what?" She simply chuckled and walked away.
Art of Motivation
Author: Jane Miller
Just yesterday a small business owner called my office, his voice rather hopeful when he asked, ¡°Jane, do you have some sort of video I can show to my employees to get them motivated?¡± A couple of key things about motivation that this and every manager should know are: you really can¡¯t motivate anybody to do anything, but you can create the right conditions for motivation to occur intrinsically (within one¡¯s self).
Are you ready to go solo?
Author: Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Are you ready to start your own e-business?
Are you prepared for your big break?
Author: Caroline Jalango
"What I do is prepare myself until I know I can do what I have to do."
Are You Going to the Ocean with a Teaspoon, Bucket or a Tractor Trailer?
Author: Laurie Meade
Are You Going to the Ocean with a Teaspoon, Bucket or a Tractor Trailer?
Aim for the Future ... but don't get ulcers waiting for it to happen!
Author: Edward B. Toupin
It is always good to aim for a vision, to pursue a goal, and make your dreams come true. However, there's a difference between chasing your dreams and anticipating the outcome of the dreams. The main idea behind dreaming and pursuing your goals is to provide a sense of direction with positive action. One mistake many people make is that, once they define a vision and set goals, they just sit there and wait for something to happen. They wait for what "will" happen instead of enjoying and participating in what "is" happening. To make fulfilling, don't anticipate the future ... live in the present and work to attain your dreams of the future.
After the Storm....
Author: Nicholas Dixon
Have you ever wondered why is it that after we go through a bad phase in life we seem to come out better for it? It use to puzzle me too until recently after I stared down a gunman’s nozzle I realized why.
Achieve More Doing Less
Author: Cyndi Smasal
Achieve More Doing Less
9:12 p.m.
Author: John Di Lemme
JOHN DI LEMME ON "5 + 5 = Your Dream"
7 ways to boost your self-esteem!
Author: Caroline Jalango
1. Get a life purpose statement.
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4 Simple Steps To Success -
Author: Cyndi Smasal
What if success had very little to do with what you DO?
30 Minutes That Can Save Your dream -
Author: Suzanne Falter-Barns
If you’ve got a dream you’re intent on pursuing, chances are you’re going to bog down at some point. That’s just the way dreams are. In fact, there’s a little known rule about this called the Second Rule of Thermodynamics, which states that sooner or later everything returns to chaos.
10 Ways to Kick the Procrastination habit!
Author: Julie Plenty
I recently read about a survey (by the University of Chicago) which suggested that those who relish challenge are more likely to live up to 10 years longer than those who spend their lives inhibited by timidity.
10 Emotionally Intelligent Ways to Use Drive Time
Author: Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach
Safety first whenever you're in the car, but for most of us, it's a pocket of time, and time is what we have the least of. Know yourself. If you're the kind who can't do two things at once, don't.