What is NLP?
Author: Roger Ellerton Phd, ISP, CMC
Roger Ellerton Phd, ISP, CMC
What is NLP ... and Is It for Me?
Author: Louise LeBrun
NLP - or Neuro Linguistic Programming - has been around for about 25 years. A body of knowledge that was originally put together by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, many have since invested years of experience and training working with people to create what has evolved into a science. And as a science, it has been recognized as one of the singularly most powerful tools that supports rapid and profound change in human behavior. Here's what a couple of journals have to say about NLP:
What Cults Can Teach Us About Persuasion
Author: David Barron
I've really been having some doubts about whether I should write this because I wanted to talk about “mind control”.
Unleash the Metaphysical Power within You
Author: George Papazoglou
George Papazoglou
The similarities between Aikido and NLP
Author: Charlie Badenhop
This article was written with my dual perspective as an Aikido instructor, and as a certified trainer in NLP.
Six facts you should know to empower your teaching.
Author: Emmanuel SEGUI
As parents and teachers, we need to enhance our abilities to create a relationship of trust with the students or the children we interact with.
Author: Jan Tincher
You can use this technique for many bad habits, but today we will concentrate on the bad habit of biting your fingernails. OK? Ready? Make a picture in your mind of YOU biting your fingernails. NO, WAIT, change that! You know why? Because I don't want you to *shatter* anyone, much less yourself, and that's what we're going to do. I want you to shatter the FEELING, not the person. So don't put the person *you* in the picture. Your hands are OK, or any part of your body that you can see without looking at your reflection, just not YOU.
NLP with a dash of shamanism for resourcefulness all the time
Author: Susanna Bellini
You’ve all learned a lot about state control and will know the first principle, ‘you go there first’ and then you take the other person with you. How exactly do you do that?
NLP Pattern - Self Esteem Quick Fix
Author: Shlomo Vaknin
If you suddenly feel a burst of self criticism and feel lousy about yourself, it is a sign of negative reinforcement that will eventually become a very low self esteem, maybe even a permanent one.
Negative Thinking. Do You Do That And You Don't Even Know It?
Author: Jan Tincher
Do you have the problem of thinking negatively, instead of positively?
Author: Neelam Singh
Life is a big distraction – Paul Coelho
Improve Your Relationships with Neuro Linguistic Programming
Author: Jan Andersen
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?
Improve Your Relationships with Neuro Linguistic Programming
Author: Jan Andersen
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?
I Have Failed Before
Author: Ke o agile Khiba
Have you failed before and wished the earth could open up and swallow you?
Hypnosis, NLP and the Management of Pain
Author: Adam Sargant
What is pain? How does pain manifest? What is the "structure" of pain? How can NLP and hypnosis assist in the management of pain?
Author: Peter Baldock
"Teaching someone how, and when, to associate or dissociate is one of the most profound and pervasive ways to change the quality of a person's experience, and the behavior that results from it. Dissociation is particularly useful for intensely unpleasant memories."
How to bypass your conscious mind and program yourself for success.
Author: Emmanuel SEGUI
Emile Coué, the French psychotherapist once said: "When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception." Then you can program yourself for success by understanding the power of imagination.
Fix Your Brain
Author: Kevin James
What others think of you.
Do You Know How To Focus?
Author: Jan Tincher
Do you know how to focus?
Change Your Writing, Change Your Life
Author: Jan Tincher
Do you want to make a change? You can, and very easily too.
Are You Programmed?
Author: Jan Tincher
Are you programmed?
A Surefire Way To Manage Your Fears While Leading A Happier, Healthier Life
Author: Colin G Smith
Imagine discovering a way to get rid of your fears in a quick and painless manner. In fact it can even become fun!
A Resourceful Change
Author: Philip Callaghan