You Can't Divorce Your Kids
Author: Bogusia Efstratiou
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is possible. If we have children, however, their situation amongst the divorce is a different ball game altogether. We simply cannot sign divorce papers with them, shut the door and start all over again. It is because our relationship with our kids is a lifetime one; it is there simply forever.
You can't divorce your Kids
Author: Bogusia Efstratiou
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is possible. If we have children, however, their situation amongst the divorce is a different ball game altogether. We simply cannot sign divorce papers with them, shut the door and start all over again. It is because our relationship with our kids is a lifetime one; it is there simply forever.
You can't divorce your kids
Author: Bogusia Efstratiou
Have you been divorced in the past, just recently or just about to go ahead with it? Was it your own decision and choice or his/hers against your own wish? Whichever the case, it is possible to divorce your spouse. It may be hurtful, stressful, difficult or even quite relieving but it is possible. If we have children, however, their situation amongst the divorce is a different ball game altogether. We simply cannot sign divorce papers with them, shut the door and start all over again. It is because our relationship with our kids is a lifetime one; it is there simply forever.
You Are Your Child's Advocate
Author: Dr. Mark Nagler, Ph.D.
Advocacy is a vital task. Once you have mastered the strategies of advocacy, you will be able to deal with all of the problems encountered by your special child. Advocacy means representing your child with vigor and commitment, whether with medical personnel, teachers, employers, friends, or relatives. This will be your most important task as a parent, as it will have an effect on all aspects of your child’s life. Advocacy can ensure proper medical diagnosis, treatment, integration, accessibility, and independence. You must be prepared to push organizations on a regular basis to ensure a reasonable and adequate accommodation of your child’s needs.
~Working Moms~ Got Guilt?
Author: Debi Bogard
IF YOU ARE A WORKING PARENT, PARTICULARLY A WORKING MOM, IT'S LIKELY YOU ARE AMONG THE 95% WHO FEEL GUILTY WHEN THEY LEAVE THEIR KIDS AND GO TO WORK. Many moms leave their day care in tears and then spend the rest of the day aching to be with their child. Few people can afford to quit their jobs so they go on, day after day, living this vicious cycle of guilt. The truth is that until you acknowledge the true antagonist, you cannot change it!
Who's Teaching Your Child About Money?
Author: Valerie Mills
Managing money is one of the most critical skills we must master to function effectively as adults.
What Julia Roberts has to Say about Motherhood
Author: GranMamma
Julia Roberts recently gave birth to twins: Hazel and Phinnaeus. At 37, America’s Pretty Woman couldn’t be happier in her new role of motherhood.
What is Spiritual Parenting?
Author: Dalene Entenmann
Life is a sacred and spiritual journey, we are sacred and spiritual beings and we can choose to embrace the perspective of parenting from the sacred place of our spirituality - the heart.
Hypnosis for Childbirth: What Is It and Does It Work?
Author: Kerry Tuschhoff, HCHI
Hypnosis for Childbirth: What Is It and Does It Work?
Hypnosis for Childbirth: What Is It and Does It Work?
Author: Kerry Tuschhoff, HCHI
Hypnosis for Childbirth: What Is It and Does It Work?
We should celebrate the diversity of children and adults
Author: Robyn M Speed
You know what really annoys me? The insistence that a child’s academic achievement is all that is important.
Using Feng Shui for Better Behaved Children
Author: Kathryn Weber
Is your son or daughter not as respectful and courteous as you would like? Maybe you’d like to instill more discipline in your child. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could influence better behavior from your child just by making simple decorative changes in his or her room? You can with feng shui.
Author: Ranny Levy
If a stranger came to your door and said, "Hello, I'd like to come in. I promise to keep your kids entertained and while I'm doing that I'm going to show them graphic pictures of violence and murder and rape." What would you do? Would you open the door and say, "Great, come on it. Hey kids, here's Mr. Sleeze..."
Author: Ranny Levy, Coalition for Quality Children's Media
If a stranger came to your door and said, "Hello, I'd like to come in. I promise to keep your kids entertained and while I'm doing that I'm going to show them graphic pictures of violence and murder and rape." What would you do? Would you open the door and say, "Great, come on it. Hey kids, here's Mr. Sleeze..."
Toward Compassion: Understanding Today's Pressures on a Father
Author: Susie Cortright
We hear a lot about the Supermom Syndrome but rarely about our Superdads.
To Cause or Not to Cause
Author: Kerrith H. (Kerry) King
Once upon a time in the land of Be, where everything is the way it’s supposed to be, there lived a young person. We're not sure whether the person was a boy or a girl. Anyway, this person had an amazing talent. Believe it or not they could cause people to do exactly what they were doing.
"There's a Lollipop on Your Bottom" (and Other Terms of Endearment)
Author: Susie Cortright
"I took care of Callie," my three-year-old announced.
The Zoo Keeper And The Monkeys
Author: Elaine Currie, BA (Hons)
Did you ever watch the Zoo Keeper working in the monkey enclosure?
The Yell and Hit School of Parenting
Author: Richard Fentiman
In learning to take a more pro active approach to the lives of our teens. Let's start today by looking the **Yelling and hitting**school of parenting.
The Village Idiot
Author: Gene Simmons
That would be me! From what I can see, I’m just beginning the second year of a minimum four year sentence as a Village Idiot. I say minimum because the sentence may be extended at any time and without advance notice – written or verbal.
The treatment of ADHD and the MTA Trials
Author: Deane G. Baldwin, M.D., FAAP
“Stimulant” medications have been around for many years and are generally regarded as first line medical treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
The Top Ten Tips on Disciplining Your Toddler
Author: Dr. Clare Albright, Psychologist and Professional Coach
How can I support my toddler's spontanaeity while supporting his need to learn to behave in ways that will help him to get along well in relationships and at school? How can I discipline my toddler without causing him to feel shame?
The Top Ten Tips for Potty Training Your Child
Author: Dr. Clare Albright, Psychologist and Professional Coach
What parent feels knowledgeable and confident about potty training their child? Potty training is one of the greatest challenges that both children and their parents face in the first few years of a child's life.
The Top Ten Tips for Keeping Your Toddler Safe
Author: Dr. Clare Albright, Psychologist and Professional Coach
Parents always say, "I just looked away for a minute" when serious accidents happen to their toddlers. Safety First!
The Top Ten Tips for Communication With Children
Author: Dr. Clare Albright, Psychologist and Professional Coach
Most people have more training before they receive their driver's license than before they become a parent. Educating yourself on how to communicate effectively with your child can be the key to achieving your parenting goals. If you do not have children of your own, these 10 tips can help you whenever you are around children.
The Seven Keys to Child Obedience
Author: Anthony Kane, MD
Learning obedience is an important part of child development. This is the tool that allows you as parents to train your child. Through obedience your child will learn self-control and develop other positive character traits that he will need as an adult.
The Pressure of Their World
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
Faith Burgess is a bright and charming stay-at-home mom. She has a toddler, Joshua. Faith is an introvert and so is her three year old son. I asked Faith to try and put into words what it was like to be an introvert so I could help get the idea across to my readers. This is the story she told me.
The Nurture Assumption and Adolescent Addiction
Author: Shelly Marshall
(Judith Rich Harris is a former writer of college textbooks on child development. One day she had an epiphany and realized that what she was writing about didn't jive with her or her neighbors experiences of raising children. She stopped writing textbooks and began studying why children turn out the way they do. Her conclusions have shocked professionals and parents alike. An award winning author in psychology, Mrs. Harris’s book, The Nurture Assumption, is a must for anyone who works or lives with adolescents.)
The Nursing Mother's Diet
Author: Sylvia Brown and Mary Dowd Struck
A nursing mother produces 23 to 27 ounces of milk per day, containing 330 milligrams of calcium per quart. This requires an extra energy expenditure of at least 500 calories per day. Good nutrition is therefore just as important for you as it is for your baby.
The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns—Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time!
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine most little girls are. At six years of age I had my toys, my fire station with a real bell, my fire trucks and other cars, my paper dolls, my coloring books and large box of Crayola assorted crayons, my picture books and stuffed animals. One of my most important possessions was a 'working' toy which was my ceramic pig that served as my personal banker. This pig controlled my destiny to some extent, because when there was enough change inside of him, I got to go downtown Bridgeport with my mother and guess what? I picked out a new toy! Now I was going on seven and saving every penny toward a Toni doll. Did you know you could perm her hair? I couldn't wait!
The Challenge Of Godly Parenting
Author: Lee Wise
The ABC's of Parenting
Author: Leah Davies, M. Ed.
Leah Davies, M. Ed.
Ten ways to become best friends with your teenagers
Author: V. Michael Santoro, M. Ed.
Best friends! It may seem impossible to believe, but today’s teens do want to consider their parents as friends, even though they think we could never understand the realities of their world. They are also interested in what it was like being a teenager during the Stone Age. Life without cell phones or the Internet must have been unimaginable!
Teach your child about money
Author: Sandra Baptist
What are we teaching our children about money? Hopefully something!
Teach Children Positive Self-Image Through Fitness
Author: Lynn Bode
Raising a pre-teen or teenage daughter (or son) is not easy and can cause any parent a lot of stress. There’s so much to worry about – dating, drugs, alcohol, sex, school grades, just to name a few. But one crucial element often gets overlooked until it manifests itself in extreme ways (like through an eating disorder). I’m talking about self-image. It’s extremely important that parents ensure that their children have a positive self-image, especially in relation to their body.
Talking to Your Children About Sex
Author: Jan Andersen
“Where do babies come from mummy?” It’s that age-old question that many parents dread and which usually results in some waffled reply that they hope won’t lead to further probing questions.
Talk Your Child Clever
Author: Susan du Plessis
Most parents can hardly wait for their baby to say its first word. This usually happens between nine months and a year. From about two years, the child should be able to use simple phrases, and by three he should be able to use full sentences. By four, he should be fully able to talk, although he may still make grammatical errors. By five, he should have acquired basic language.
Stop Lying NOW
Author: Kim Olver
Do you have a consistent problem with your child lying to you, even though he or she is normally a “good” child? Sometimes the lies are even about things that don’t really matter or your child continues to lie in the face of overwhelming proof to the contrary?
Stand on Your Head and Laugh - Kids These Days
Author: Lady Camelot
Over the course of spring and summer breaks, my teenage kids find multiple ways to antagonize me. One of my daughter's favorite complaints is, "...I'm bored. There is nothing to do." Of course, my response is always, "...there's plenty of things to do," with a continuation of the myriad listing of ideas, tasks and other events in which she can partake. Ideally, she would have me take her mall shopping, cruising the beach strip, and ultimately become her sole entertainment planner and provider during her "vacation" period.
Spending Summer Like a Kid: The Benefits of R&R
Author: Sue Dickinson
My son is enjoying the sweet expectations of the summer to come. Dreams of vacation, summer camp, trips to the zoo, and time to play outdoors consume his thoughts. Much as I know he’s enjoyed the past school year, not once have I heard him say that he’ll miss the classes and the structure that has been imposed on him for the past nine months. Rather, the opportunity to relax comes as a welcome change in his life, one he is ready to embrace with both arms.
So Your Child is an Introvert
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
Let me ask you a question. Are you ashamed that your child is an introvert?
So She Wants to be a Vegetarian
Author: Dede Perkins
Your daughter approaches as you saute chicken breasts for dinner. "Mom?" she asks. You hear the edge in her voice. "I have something to tell you." You nod, eyebrows raised.
"Single Parenting: How The Challenge Of Single Parenting Affects Your Decision To Divorce."
Author: Karl Augustine
Single parenting has seemingly become an acceptable norm which is unfortunate. According to the US Census Bureau, there were over 20 million single parents in the United States in the year 2000. That's a staggering statistic, certainly the worldwide number of people who are challenged with single parenting is exponentially higher.
How one woman created her own support group
Author: Jody Seidler
With divorce on the upswing and the original family foundation being divided, there is a growing population of single parents needing support and information on surviving the breakup of the classically acceptable family unit and the reincarnation into the new single parent lifestyle. With the advent of this new family structure comes confusion and a need to find others going through the same transition who can share their experiences and gain strength together as a support system.
Simplify Your Life!
Author: Chrissie Slade
The only way to truly Get Organised is by simplifying. This means focusing on the important things in life, and getting rid of anything that merely takes up time, space, money or energy.
16 Actions That Can Stop the Carnage
Author: Jody Johnston Pawel, LSW
Since the tragic school massacre in Littleton, Colorado, people have been asking the same questions, "Why did this happen?" "How could it have been prevented?" "Could this happen in our school?" "What can we do to stop the school killings that are occurring nationwide?" The answers to these questions are neither simple nor absolute. School violence affects every person and it will take everyone's involvement to solve the problem. There are specific, practical steps each of us can take TODAY to minimize the risks to our children and start resolving the problems that are the root of this phenomenon.
Rules of Thumb for Choosing a Baby Name
Author: Laura Wattenberg
From Aaliyah to Zvi, the range of name choices is dazzling. If you're a sleepless parent-to-be, it can look like a vast landscape with no roadmap. To make sure you keep your bearings, here are some basic principles for understanding names -- and finding that one perfect name that speaks to your heart.
Author: Aboodi Shaby
One of the things that strikes me about relationships is that this is an area of great challenge for very many people, and that we are currently having to look at our thinking about relationships in a way that people of our parents' generation didn't have to.
Real Company! Real Work! Great for MOMS!
Author: Stacey Cannon
I have been running a bookkeeping service out of my home for 3 years and in November of last year I had found out that one of my clients wouldn’t be needing my services anymore and that meant I was going to be losing 0 a month. I was pretty scared because, we had just purchased a new home in October and we had a new baby on the way come April. I didn’t know what I was going to do. So last November I had started searching for a way to replace that lost income and to continue to stay home with my children, by trying different online business opportunities and like most people I fell for some scams. But one day I was reading my local paper and ran across an add for a job for stay at home moms, it had an email address and so I emailed them. Right away I received a message from a REAL person, not a computer. She introduced me to The M.O.M. Team (Mothers On A Mission) and today I am so glad I took the time to find out about The M.O.M. team and I have became pretty good friends with the Mom that contacted me, who
Ready, Set, Read
Author: Dede Perkins
Want to teach your daughter to read, but not sure how? Relax. You're not alone, and it's easier than you think. Whether your daughter is 4 months or 4 years, now is the time to begin.
Protecting Your Children On-Line
Author: Richard Niolon, Ph.D.
Teaching your children to use the Web isn't easy. The Web offers your child vast amounts of information. However, it doesn't offer you a way to determine your child's readiness for that information. For adults, it redefines many issues, forcing us to change our way of thinking. However, for children, it doesn't change anything. For children, it defines and shapes the way they think from the start.
Please Put Me Back Where You Found Me
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
Parents who have introverted children wonder how to help them build a positive self image. We understand today that Introversion is a legitimate personality type. But not too long ago, introverts were labeled as “neurotic” or “loners”. Introverted children can be misunderstood at school and with relatives. It is our loving job as parents to advocate for our introverted children. But first we must understand and support their needs ourselves.
Parent's Report Card Time
Author: Lesley Spencer
A friend recently told me that he took his son out for a burger. While they were eating, his son said, "Dad, do you know why I am eating so slowly?" His dad said, "No. Why?" And his son replied, "So I can have more time with
Parents Need to Vent Anger! Try These 4 Steps to Serenity
Author: Linda Milo
Parents are losing their self-control to anger. A friend called me today and told me a very troubling story. She told me on a T.V. news program she heard of a mother who was driving with her four year old child. The mother became angry with her child and couldn’t cope anymore with her child’s misbehaving. Finally the mother abruptly braked, stopping the car on a busy highway. She pulled over to the side of the highway, opened the door and pushed her child out of the car, slammed the door and just drove away! Luckily, someone saw this poor kid on the side of the highway, stopped and spoke to the child, had the police come by and the mother was eventually found. Unbelievable … dropping your child off on a busy highway because you can’t cope with a four year old’s misbehaving or with your own anger!
Parenting Success
Author: Alvah Parker
At a Women’s Bar Association lunch one of the attorneys ordered a diet soda and then explained to the rest of us that her children were doing a “healthy living” program so she stopped buying diet soda to drink at home. She said having this diet soda was a real treat for her.
Parenting CAN be Easier and More Enjoyable – Through Realistic Expectations
Author: Erin Brown Conroy, M.A.
I want life to be easier, don’t you? Sometimes that’s not possible. But many times, easier IS possible, and we don’t know it yet. We just need more information, new thoughts, and new strategies that take us to that place.
Parenting a child with special needs
Author: jill curtis
As a parent of a child with a disability or with special needs you will be only too aware of all the challenges you encounter when you try to get the best help you can for your child.
Parenting - Baby Care
Author: Nawaz
Shaping out every novel associations and responsibility when a baby gets there can be very demanding. Nearly every new parent is astounded by what they be trained concerning themselves and their partners when a baby arrives.
Our Closet Memory
Author: Beth Rittenhouse
He was my first born. He was my baby. He was so incredibly bright, sweet and unique. He was 19 years old.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Author: Dr. Deane G. Baldwin, M.D.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a common mental disorder seen in childhood and adolescence. The incident of ODD is, on the average, about 10% but fluctuates from study to study depending on the population and the methodology used to determine the diagnosis. ODD is seen more often in males until adolescence when the male/female ratio becomes more even. ODD is also more likely to be present in families where mental disorders are present. A substantial number of children with ODD develop Conduct Disorder. The latter is a disorder that often leads to delinquency and substance abuse. Early evaluation and intervention is desirable because the treatment for associated (comorbid) conditions and relief from a stressful life situation can often improve the behavior of the child with ODD.
One Potato, Two Potato . . .French Fries . . . Couch Potato?
Author: Dr. Michael Popkin
Our daughter, Megan, was barely walking when my mother made the comment that she seemed a little chubby. My wife and I naturally took great offense at this slight to our first born and heretofore perfect offspring, protesting that this was only a case of baby fat. My mother quickly backed off, saying that chubby wasn't really fat, but only…well…chubby. Graciously we accepted her back-pedaling and were pretty well mollified until an hour or so later when we all settled back on the sofa after a big meal to watch TV. A few minutes into the show, a clearly obese actress appeared on the screen and my mother blurted out, "Wow, she sure is chubby."
On Lying in Adolescence
Author: Jean Walbridge, ACSW, LCSW
Several questions submitted recently to my web site,, are from parents concerned that their children have lied to them. For
Now, they're bullying my daughterin our home: Welcome to cyber-bullying
Author: Derek Randel
Last night Tom’s daughter, Sue, came out of her room to see her dad and said, “I got another one of those instant messages. It says, ‘tomorrow you had better not show up at school or else‘.” She has been getting messages like this now for weeks. The result of this is that she no longer likes to turn her computer on.
NeW Things :)
Author: Samuel A. Russell
As you sit there reading the words that are on your screen, you have thoughts and feelings in response to what it is that you are reading. And as you continue reading this you might be surprised to find that your curiousity begins to grow as you continue reading this again and again. You’ve came to this website for a reason and the reason is that you are looking for something; something that is to be revealed to you soon, understanding something new, in a clever and strange way, that may, delight & surprise you. Continue to read and keep in mind that you’re reading this for a reason, and that reason is you’re looking…looking for something. Well, I’ve got good news for you, I’ve got something! Something that may exceed your expectations while becoming excited about what’s coming up next because it may just the thing that you need. More fun, happiness and enjoyment is waiting for you further down this page, I promise. This works in strange ways that may surprise and delight you still. The more you read these wo
Natural Learning: A Homeschool Choice
Author: Michelle Cannon
My Very Own Rose
Author: Catie Gosselin
Prior to heading into the house, I noticed our roses were also out in full force, so off we headed to gather flowers for the dinner table. Now, before you become too impressed, I must confess I do not have my sister's talent for nurturing plants. I am convinced the reason for the rose's success is that they are some disease and insect resistant hybrid. In the process of creating such a hardy flower, however, the scent of this rose was lost. They are firecracker red, but the roses have no scent at all. My eldest son, however, explained that the reason I could not enjoy the scent of theses roses was that my technique was wrong. He suggested I "smell the air first, then smell the rose." . From the expression on utter joy his face, I almost believed he could find a scent.
Medications: Addressing Parental Fears and Concerns
Author: Terry Matlen, MSW, ACSW
Recently, a parent came to me, conflicted over whether to follow her pediatrician's recommendation of placing her young son on medication. His difficult behaviors had escalated in recent years and after trying behavioral strategies and food elimination diets, there simply hadn't been much progress in his maintaining himself. His behavior at school was deteriorating to the point where the teachers were concerned about his progress academically, psychologically and socially. When the medication suggestion came up, Jane (not her real name) was distraught.
Medication can be one of the most confusing aspects or considerations for someone with ADD/ADHD otherwise known as attention deficit disorder. ADD is essentially a neurobiological disorder and needs to be treated as one. I have done play therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy with children who suffer from this disorder and found it to be minimally effective in many cases. In many cases, the children I worked with were placed on medication and the difference was beyond compare. Although I am not proposing everyone with this disorder should take medication, I am proposing that it should be considered and monitored by the spparopriate professional such as a school psychologist. The goals of medication are as follows:
Maturing As a Parent
Author: Richard Hanes
I have three children, ages 19 and 16 (yes, the 16 year-olds are twins!) My older son just mailed his college deposit and will leave for school sometime in August. Thinking back over the past few years, I’ve just realized my children have been spreading their wings to fly away for sometime now.
Making Your Divorce A Little Easier
Author: Paul Brigante
Divorce is a turbulent time. As such you may find yourself thinking and doing things that you would not normally do. Often times you will hear somebody say, "I just don't know this person anymore. They are right. Most people do go through some sort of metamorphosis during their divorce. The most devoted of parents have been known to put their children in the middle. People going through a divorce tend to be much more emotional and rash in their decision making. We forget to think before we act, not realizing what the effect today's actions will have on tomorrow? The following is a list of Do's and Don'ts of things that seem simple enough.
Making My Time Away A Little Easier...For All of Us
Author: Jeremy Schneider, MFT
You know how some parents look forward to going back to work to get a break from their children and spouses? I'm not one of them. I hate going to work in the morning. Absolutely hate it. I hate leaving my family - especially on Monday after I have spent so much time with them during the weekend. To make matters worse, my twin 19-month old children hate it, too. Sometimes they will cry and scream when I lean down to say goodbye. Other times they cling to me when I give them a hug and refuse to let go - as if I really want to leave in the first place.
Make them love their homework
Author: Ninive Badilescu
We all have, at one time or another, been faced with the “homework drama”.
Make them love their homework
Author: Ninive Badilescu
We all have, at one time or another, been faced with the “homework drama”.
Life, Death and the Truth of the Matter
Author: Catie Gosselin
Now, my boys are at an age where death is a really scary concept. Of course they have been told our religious beliefs about death, but it is still very much an unknown. They have never experienced the death of a friend or family member. We can't try comfort them and by explaining that death only happens when someone is very, very old and the body is just too tired and weak to continue. The boys start eyeballing their grandparents with great concern, and we haven't been completely honest with them. On the other hand, if we tell them death happens to everyone at anytime, well they are at an age where a complete meltdown would ensue. So, for now, they live in a bit of a cocoon, and death remains a very fuzzy, abstract subject.
Let it Begin With Us
Author: Susie Michelle Cortright
Last week, I found grace. It was right there, alongside homemade brownies and a box of Legos.
Learning the Language of Special Needs
Author: Lisa Simmons
Your child has just been diagnosed with a disabling condition. Suddenly you are surrounded by professionals. Usually they are:
Juggling a Home Office and Kids
Author: Vanessa Lee
Television gets a bad rap - and rightfully so sometimes. If parents don't monitor what their children watch, kids can be exposed to an endless stream of negative influences. However, quality programming can be entertaining and educating for a youngster - and helpful to a parent trying to make some business calls. Know what time quality shows come on at, and plan for things such as phone calls for that 1/2 hour or hour interval. It's also a good idea to buy a videotape or two if you need to get something done and nothing appropriate is on t.v.
Is Your Child Well-Mannered?
Author: Mary Jesse
Good manners offer a lifetime of benefits. The rewards are too numerous to articulate and the cost is negligible. Not many investments boast such a considerable return. Parents are responsible for their children’s behavior. Fortunately, there is much that parents can do help their children avoid the consequences of inconsiderate actions and harvest the considerable rewards for polite behavior.
Is Your Baby or Toddler Introverted?
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
Nancy R. Fenn
Introduction to the Symbolic Language of Astrology
Author: John Hayes
Astrology is a symbolic language.
In Defense of Parents
Author: Jannette Robert Murray
In my practice of Psychotherapy/(Clinical) Hypnotherapy, I may hear that the parent(s) of a client have expressed a fear (or observe their acting out of fear) in discouraging their adult child from counseling or hypnosis -- feeling they will be blamed for the way this individual turned out.
“I’M OVERWHELMED” - 5 Tips On How Parents Can Take Control Of Their Lives
Author: Linda Milo
Are you feeling overwhelmed being a parent? Do you want to feel more relaxed and empowered raising your child? Working parents, stay-at-home parents, visiting parents – it doesn’t matter which one you are because these days almost every parent feels overwhelmed by their daily day. Parents every day experience anxiety, stress and despondency because they feel as if they are losing control of their natural balance. The natural balance that once allowed them to walk, talk and chew gum slowly - all at one time! Now you are running to work, picking up children, grocery shopping, doing laundry, paying bills, taking your child to some lesson, etc. Those days when you had control over your life, can be re-lived again by knowing how to create a structured life that incorporates extra time, a swing to your step and the ability to believe that you can accomplish what needs to be done, in addition to being a fun and caring parent. Below are five tips that can start you on the path of feeling a positive glow about yoursel
Author: Barbara Freedman-DeVito
Author: Barbara Freedman-DeVito
How Well Do You Know Your Child?
Author: Marie Magdala Roker
Do you think you really know your child? I don't mean know what he/she likes and doesn't like, but to know him/her well enough to understand his/her challenges, to appreciate his/her strengths and weaknesses and to help him/her develop his talents. Knowing your child can help increase their chance for success in the future and improve your relationship.
How to test the patience of a parent - to the Limit!
Author: Julie Kyte
Copyright 2004 Julie Kyte
How to How to Avoid Home Business Scams
Author: Susie Cortright
The email inboxes of net-savvy parents are often flooded with home business scams.
How to Help Your Children Succeed in School
Author: Barbara Freedman-De Vito
How to Communicate With Your Teenager
Author: Jan Andersen
I clearly remember when my eldest son hit double figures and almost overnight metamorphosed into a sweet, polite young lad into this grumpy specimen of a "tweenager", who could only scowl at me, communicate in a series of snorts and grunts and insist that I walk at least ten yards behind him. My younger son, who is 16, is certainly a lot more vocal, with a tendency to chat back and contradict everything that I say, but hygiene has been an alien concept to both of my sons and is something that they believe is a term reserved for greeting a female friend of mine. My 18-year-old daughter, on the other hand, spends longer in the bathroom primping and preening herself on a daily basis, than most people do in a week, but she also has plenty of attitude and thinks she knows it all.
How to Communicate With Your Teenager
Author: Jan Andersen
I clearly remember when my eldest son hit double figures and almost overnight metamorphosed into a sweet, polite young lad into this grumpy specimen of a "tweenager", who could only scowl at me, communicate in a series of snorts and grunts and insist that I walk at least ten yards behind him. My younger son, who is 16, is certainly a lot more vocal, with a tendency to chat back and contradict everything that I say, but hygiene has been an alien concept to both of my sons and is something that they believe is a term reserved for greeting a female friend of mine. My 18-year-old daughter, on the other hand, spends longer in the bathroom primping and preening herself on a daily basis, than most people do in a week, but she also has plenty of attitude and thinks she knows it all.
How Our Children Really Learn And Why They Need To Play More And Memorize Less
Author: Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, PH.D., And Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, PH.D
Now that we know the scientific data about how children's brains develop, several lessons emerge. One is a cautionary note, and the others offer ways in which you can see the world differently and stimulate your child's brain growth in a more natural way.
How a Bicycle Helmet Saved Mother's Day
Author: Lucy MacDonald, M.Ed.
Apart from the fact that I am the mother of four, Mother’s Day holds an added significance for me thanks to a life-saving bicycle helmet. It was Mother's Day in 1992 and my husband was in the kitchen preparing his traditional Sunday dinner. The phone rang and a strange voice told us that our oldest son Clayton, aged 18 at the time (he's 30 now!!), was lying on someone's front lawn about five blocks from our house. We drove like crazy, as any parent would when presented with such a phone call, to get there as fast as we could.
Hints And Tips On Scrapbooking Baby’s “Firsts”
Author: Elaine Clay
It is true to say that a lot of people begin to get the scrappin’ bug after their child/children are born and usually their first attempt at scrapbooking is making a baby album.
Helping Your Child Cope With A Long-Term Illness
Author: Dr. Charles Sophy
All children will likely have many different health problems during infancy and childhood: the flu, chicken pox, broken bones, stitches, ear infections, to name a few. For most children, these problems are mild – they come and go without incident and with little disruption in a child’s daily life or routine. A chronic long-term medical problem is different and often doesn’t come alone, as children with serious medical illnesses are at risk of developing associated emotional problems. Learning to live with a chronic medical condition can be very challenging for a child, for parents, and for siblings and friends, and can lead to feelings of anger, fear and depression.
Helping Our Children Feel Good About Themselves
Author: Dr.Barbara Becker Holstein
We have so much influence over the next generation! Lots of times we forget how much influence, as our children or grandchildren can appear to ignore us, forget us or even worse--run from us in one way or another. Sometimes, we must just accept the fact that lots of times positive actions happen without positive recognition! Therefore, it behooves us as the 'grownups' in our personal worlds to keep looking for ways to help the young ones experience good times, feel nurtured and loved and to walk away from situations just a little more one the road to developing as a whole person with a good sense of self. I can assure you that insistence on creating a meaningful world for our children does eventually pay off!
Help! My Kids are Overweight!
Author: Diana Keuilian
Identify the Problem and Find a Solution to your Child’s Weight Gain.
HEARING IS BELIEVING: Combating Failure Phobia
Author: Elisa Medhus, M.D.
Children come into this world unperturbed by their own failures—until they realize that those blunders will be scrutinized, evaluated, and criticized by others. Why the about-face? Simple. We’re pack animals. And being pack animals, we thirst for a sense of belonging—thirst that can be quenched in two ways—earning pack acceptance by offering unique contributions or roles that benefit the pack (self-direction) and begging for that acceptance, making all choices contingent upon whatever will win the pack’s approval (external direction.) Sadly, most of humanity has chosen this second path, and for that reason, failure has become a ball and chain around our children’s legs. Over time, our children learn to fear the ridicule or reprimand that comes along with failure. From this, they begin to resort to outside evaluation as a means of self-assessment instead of using their mistakes as information that will help them shape future choices, because after all, how can they trust in an inner choice-making process that
Hallowe'en BOO BOOs for Little Introverted Kids
Author: Nancy R. Fenn
Hallowe’en is right around the corner. All the kids are really excited, right? Wrong.
Great Escape: Creating Comfort with Parent Getaways
Author: Carol Ummel Lindquist, Ph.D. author of Happily Married with Kids: It's Not Just a Fairy Tale
When I told my husband in a burst of excitement that I had found a whole series of books on romantic weekends in Southern California, Northern California, New England and points in between he said, "Does it come with a baby sitter?"
Great Escape: Creating Comfort with Parent Getaways
Author: Carol Ummel Lindquist, Ph.D. author of Happily Married with Kids: It's Not Just a Fairy Tale
When I told my husband in a burst of excitement that I had found a whole series of books on romantic weekends in Southern California, Northern California, New England and points in between he said, "Does it come with a baby sitter?"
Gifts That Last A Lifetime
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
Getting Adolescents To Comply
Author: J. Bailey Molineux, Ph.D.
My wife is a smart person. When she took a full time job several years ago, she wanted us to split the household chores and insisted we write down who agreed to do what.
For the Love of Mommy
Author: Jennifer Ottolino
For most of you being a mother is one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences that you will have in your life. It can also be a time when you feel lost and out of touch with who you are outside of being a “mommy”. Maintaining an identity outside of your children is vitally important, not just for you, but for your family as well. So here are ten strategies that not only keep you connected with you, but also have the added bonus of being an important life skill to teach your children.
Five Tips To get kids to eat healthier
Author: Mubarakah Ibrahim
Dealing with an overweight child can be a very delicate situation. We do not want to damage their self esteem by telling them they are fat or lazy, yet at the same time they must be conscious that they have to be more aware of their weight and eating habits for them to be healthy. Parents have a significant influence over the situation. Consequently most of the effort will have to come from the parents. Try these tips for getting kids to eat healthier.
Five Keys to Raising Nonviolent Children
Author: Tammy Cox, LMSW
Parents are very concerned about violence these days and with good reason. While the evidence shows that our schools are still some of the safest places for our children, any incidence of school violence is very disturbing. When we send our children off to school each day we have every right to expect that they will return to us safe and sound. And, of course violence isn't just at school. Many parents are concerned about the violence within their own families. There is probably nothing quite as upsetting to parents as the children they love beating up on each other.
Facts about infant crying – the “healthy reasons”
Author: Fred Peter Larson
Infant crying can be frustrating and frighteningly for parents. When you are unable to calm your baby, you forget that all babies cries, crying is the way babies communicate. An average infant cries an average 2-3 hours per day. As we all (hopefully) know, there are no such things as an average infant and parents have enough to cope with to use a stopwatch on their baby and calculate crying averages.
Explaining Suicide to Children
Author: Tracy Pierson
"What should I tell the children?" A question often asked after the suicide of a loved one. The answer - the truth.
Excerpt: Ready to Learn
Author: Stan Goldberg, Ph.D.
Finding Happiness in Your Child
Excerpt: Listening to Fear: Helping Kids Cope, from Nightmares to the Nightly News
Author: Steven Marans, Ph.D.
When Things Go Wrong: Trauma and Our Youngest Children
Excerpt: Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret World of America's Middle Schoolers
Author: Sylvia Rimm, PhD
Magazine Messages
Excerpt: 100 Promises to My Baby
Author: Mallika Chopra
Ending The Morning Madness
Author: Ramona Creel
Back-to-school time – what does that mean to you? For some people, it’s shopping for school supplies, gearing up for PTA meetings, and artwork taped to the refrigerator. For others, it’s the beginning of a constant struggle to get everyone up, ready, and out of the house on time. Morning should be an enjoyable time for you and your kids – not a battle of the wills or a race against the clock. But you can make the “morning mambo” go a lot smoother, with a little advance preparation and some good organizing techniques!
Eating for Energy: How to Manage Your Mood with Food
Author: Susie Michelle Cortright
The connection between the food you eat and the energy you radiate is common sense. You have felt, I'm sure, the lethargy after a holiday meal and the spring in your step after a wholesome breakfast. But is there a way to tailor your eating routine to maximize your energy levels all the time?
Drifting, Slipping, Rushing Time: An essay for parents
Author: Susie Cortright
“When are we going to go again?” my oldest daughter always wants to know, “just
Don’t Let Fear of Terrorism Shut Down Your Child’s Emotions
Author: Caron B. Goode, Ed.D.
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks last fall, talk of terrorism is still perpetual in the media and possibly in your children’s minds. If they show signs of shutting down emotionally because it, they need your help before sad or depressed behavior becomes a way of life.
Does your young baby have a learning disability?
Author: Michael G Ahrens
When parents are advised or when they discover through observation that their child does not seem to develop as expected and have their anxiety confirmed through diagnosis, the news may be traumatic and seem at first to threaten to engulf the family with insurmountable future obstacles. Fortunately much has changed in the last thirty years. Discrimination against and subsequent institutionalization of children has become an unacceptable option.
Discipline for Young Children
Author: Leah Davies M.Ed
What is discipline?
Dads Are Heroes
Author: Alvah Parker
My friend, Dovid Grossman, who is the father of nine children, told me he intended to have a website and teleclass series dedicated to the Hero’s Journey for Dads. He wanted to use the framework of a Hero’s Journey to engage in a discussion with fathers on parenting.
Crush Sites - Something else to prepare your teens for
Author: Colin Gabriel Hatcher
"Someone has a crush on you"
Cross-Cultural Adoption: The Do’s and Don’ts for Grown-Ups
Author: Amy Coughlin and Caryn Abramowitz
Conduct Disorder
Author: Deane G. Baldwin, M.D.
Conduct Disorder (CD) is largely associated with delinquent or criminal activity. The economic and social impact of CD makes it a high priority mental health problem because lives and property are often damaged or destroyed by those with the disorder. Individuals with CD are often incarcerated for their criminal activity and many pursue a chronic criminal life style. The loss of property and the expense of incarceration as well as the loss of personal income place the cost of the disorder at a staggering figure. The grief and unhappiness imposed on others because of this condition cannot be measured.
Clammy Hands and Racing Heart
Author: Dede Perkins
Blushing furiously, my daughter's friend raised her hand. When the teacher called her name, her soft-spoken reply was barely audible. As she realized her answer was in correct, my daughter's friend's eyes filled with tears. For shy kids, simple social interaction, like answering a teacher's question, is torture.
Children and the Aftermath of Katrina: From fear to hope
Author: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW
Children and the Aftermath of Katrina:
Childhood Mental Disorders: Repetitive Behaviors That Usually Involve Movement
Author: Deane G. Baldwin, M.D.
The group of mental disorders discussed here have behavioral characteristics that were once thought to be very different from one another but are now considered similar because of their repetitious nature that usually involves movement.
Check Ingredients Before Blending
Author: Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW
Check Ingredients Before Blending
Ch-Ch-Chain of Hearts: Cranking Up Compassion
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
Can you hear your compassion? It's time to crank it up.
Caretaking Parents, Entitled Kids
Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Demanding children – children who have entitlement issues – seem to be common these days. Like the obnoxious child, Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, who was constantly demanding that her father get her whatever she wanted (“I want an Umpa Lumpa! Get it for me NOW!”), we hear many children today uttering the fairly constant refrain, “I want ….! Give it to me! Get it for me, now!” They seem to be masters at instilling guilt in their parents through phrases such as “It’s not fair!” or “You don’t love me!” or “What about what I want?”, or by getting angry, shutting down or crying piteously.
Busy Moms, Don't forget to take time out for you!
Author: Aurelia Williams
As mothers, we play so many different roles and most of us do not take the time off that we deserve. Just think about it, we play doctor, cook, chauffeur, teacher, lawyer, and the occasional referee as well.
Boundaries, why are they needed?
Author: Derek Randel and Gail Randel M.D.
Imagine a child who lacks ownership of his own life, has no self-control, and lacks respect for others. If these were the qualities of your son, how would you feel for his future wives?
Boundaries- Why Are They Needed?
Author: Derek Randel & Gail Randel M.D.
Imagine a child who lacks ownership of his own life, has no self-control, and lacks respect for others. If these were the qualities of your son, how would you feel for his future wives?
Born Aliens
Author: Sam Vaknin
Neonates have no psychology. If operated upon, for instance, they are not supposed to show signs of trauma later on in life. Birth, according to this school of thought is of no psychological consequence to the newborn baby. It is immeasurably more important to his "primary caregiver" (mother) and to her supporters (read: father and other members of the family). It is through them that the baby is, supposedly, effected. This effect is evident in his (I will use the male form only for convenience's sake) ability to bond. The late Karl Sagan professed to possess the diametrically opposed view when he compared the process of death to that of being born. He was commenting upon the numerous testimonies of people brought back to life following their confirmed, clinical death. Most of them shared an experience of traversing a dark tunnel. A combination of soft light and soothing voices and the figures of their deceased nearest and dearest awaited them at the end of this tunnel. All those who experienced it described
Born Aliens
Author: Sam Vaknin
Neonates have no psychology. If operated upon, for instance, they are not supposed to show signs of trauma later on in life. Birth, according to this school of thought is of no psychological consequence to the newborn baby. It is immeasurably more important to his "primary caregiver" (mother) and to her supporters (read: father and other members of the family). It is through them that the baby is, supposedly, effected. This effect is evident in his (I will use the male form only for convenience's sake) ability to bond. The late Karl Sagan professed to possess the diametrically opposed view when he compared the process of death to that of being born. He was commenting upon the numerous testimonies of people brought back to life following their confirmed, clinical death. Most of them shared an experience of traversing a dark tunnel. A combination of soft light and soothing voices and the figures of their deceased nearest and dearest awaited them at the end of this tunnel. All those who experienced it described
Book Excerpt: The Post-Adoption Blues: Overcoming the Unforeseen Challenges of Adoption
Author: Karen J. Foli, Ph.D., and John R. Thompson, M.D.
Your Expectations About the Emotional Needs of Your Child
Book Excerpt: The City Parent Handbook
Author: Kathy Bishop and Julia Whitehead
The City Parent Rules
Behavior Problems: Helping The Whole Family
Author: J. Bailey Molineux
J. Bailey Molineux
Banishing Bedtime Blues
Author: Chick Moorman and Thomas Haller
“My son won't go to bed at night without a struggle. He keeps getting up with all kinds of excuses. It doesn't seem to matter what we tell him. Nothing works. What do you recommend?"
Back-to-School success: Support your Child with Feng Shui
Author: Vicky White
Fall is almost here in the Northern Hemisphere, and back-to-school energy is everywhere. The malls are full of harried parents and children in tow, in search of the perfect new outfit for the school year.
Baby Room Themes: Fun Ideas Your Baby Will Love
Author: Alli Ross
Decorating a nursery for your new baby can be a fun and exciting experience. It will be the first place for your baby to dream, to experience, and to grow. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Baby Name Trends: From Classic to Hip
Author: Alli Ross
Goodbye Bertha, Hello Kaitlyn! The top baby names of today break with tradition and follow-up on new trends. Because choosing the perfect name can be a daunting task, many informative web sites have been launched with parents in mind.
Baby Emotions
Author: Jill D. Chasse
Look at a baby for several moments. In that time, that baby may smile, wrinkle her nose, cry, yawn, twist up his face or share a new expression. These expressions in visible or psychological changes are in a response to the world around the baby. The reactions expressed are called emotions. Emotions that are visible can teach parents and practitioners a lot about an infant before speech is mastered.
Babies: How to Get Your Children Excited About the New Arrival
Author: Barbara Freedman-De Vito
The sudden appearance of a new baby can be rough on the other children in the family. Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family.
Avoiding Sour Eating Habits
Author: Linda Milo
Aromatherapy for the Parents of Teenagers
Author: Francoise Rapp
If you are the parent of a teen, you are certainly aware of how much your family dynamics have changed in recent years. It doesn't seem all that long ago that you were the center of your children's universe. Remember when you were the one they came to when they had bruised shins and broken hearts? Well your once-little baby is now approaching adulthood, testing his or her independence, and at times your patience.
Are You Multi-Tasking Yourself Into More Stress?
Author: Susie Cortright
When was the last time you were "in the zone"?
Am I Really A Stroller-Monger?
Author: David Leonhardt
I was reading "A Modern Infant Armada", a humor column in Maclean's Magazine written by a fellow humor columnist. Writing about it now is a bit like a painter painting another painter or a singer singing about another singer (but it not like a cook cooking another cook.).
Adopt a newborn a baby on your own and save -10K or more
Author: Louis and Louis Jr.
Adopt Now On Your Own………Anything but Conventional. How can you minimize the long days and never-ending months waiting to have a child when adopting through agencies and attorneys? It’s simple; just get rid of them. Something new and unconventional is now available to anyone who is interested in achieving success quickly while saving ,000’s in the process. I was just like everyone else, lost and helpless after being probed and studied with several Fertility Specialists, resulting in less than zero after a few years. Arriving at my next stop of frustration with several attorneys and agencies, I was tired of being controlled and restricted, much of the same as other want-to-be-parents I had met along the way. Being an impatient tenacious individual, it was time to do it myself. My success was accomplished after a 4 month period, a 5 lb. 4oz baby boy! Now you can have the same opportunity, offers the unconventional process in a self-help program. This simple, basic instruction will reduc
Author: J. Bailey Molineux, Ph.D.
Fourteen year old Johnny is driving his parents up a wall. A few years ago he was a pleasant, cooperative child but now he's restless, obstinate, defiant and more interested in spending time with his buddies than his family.
Adjustment Disorder
Author: Deane G. Baldwin, MD
Frequently overlooked in evaluating children for a behavior problem is a common condition termed Adjustment Disorder. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). The essential feature is the development of clinically significant emotional or behavioral symptoms by an individual in response to an identifiable psychosocial stressor. The manual published by the American Psychiatric Association states that symptoms must develop within three months of the onset of the stressor causing the symptoms and must resolve within six months after the termination of the stressor. The manual also instructs that some symptoms may be prolonged if the stressor is chronic or has protracted consequences. For example, chronic school failure associated with unsympathetic or inadequate authority figures (parent and/or teachers).
Accepting Your Child's Mistakes
Author: Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC
One of the most difficult parts of being a father is learning to accept your children's mistakes. It's certainly easy to be loving, supportive, and helpful when your children are mistake-free, but most fathers who are paying attention don't find too many mistake-free periods of their children's lives.
A Parents Guide: Coping With The Challenges Of Colic
Author: Dr. Rita Louise
Colic is a common problem in infants and an even more frustrating condition for parents to deal with. Approximately 10 to 30% of all infants born have colic. If an infant is going to experience colic in its life, it will typically appear within the first few weeks of life and will subside by the time the infant is four month old. Babies with colic grow and develop normally and it is rarely a factor in later physical or behavioral problems.
8 Feng Shui Tips for Better Behaved Children
Author: Kathryn Weber
Is your son or daughter not as respectful and courteous as you would like? Maybe you’d like to instill more discipline in your child. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could influence better behavior from your child just by making simple decorative changes? You can with feng shui.
7 Things To Teach Your Kids About Money
Author: Paul Davis
Did you know that many people retire broke?
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10 Tips to Happier Parenting
Author: Tracy Hill
10 Tips to Happier Parenting