A New Hope: Transformational Training:
Author: Kal Sellers
A New Hope: Transformational Training:
It is no mystery that you will get a lot more from seminar training and self-help technology than you could ever get from conventional training methods. Why?
When you come to a training seminar you have a strong desire to be there, yet it is more than that, isn¡¦t it?
Traditionally, information is presented and tested on, while requiring you as a student to do the study work yourself. This education is easy to give, and has a serious down-side in that you do not have any help for converting this information into real-life benefits.
A New Technology is Emerging
Fortunately, there is a new technology emerging. It has been in the works for many years and, now, is taking a form that is more direct. In my opinion, the development of this technology will begin to accelerate rapidly and will take over every form of education used from elementary school to self-help, success programming, mind-body medicine and diet/lifestyle natural health.
There is a new hybrid plan available called the Dynamic Transformational System.
The focus of this system is on transformation instead of information. It does include valuable information, presented in a form that creates actual, real-time transformation.
All information does transform, often very slowly. Transformational training is greatly facilitated.
There is not one source to thank for this emergence. Actually, many masters in money training, success programming, self-help, positive thinking, NLP, non-trance hypnosis technology, natural healing, holistic health, natural diets, raw food diets, mind-body medicine and philosophy, meditative arts and even conventional education technology have all contributed to a certain convergence that has been occurring for several decades. This has been occurring very rapidly for the last ten years. As all these philosophies converge, a new concept for the new millennium will emerge!
A Hybrid: Four Components
By hybridizing the transformational components of all of the above and more, we can draw at least four conclusions about transformational training.
1. Transformational training must bring about immediate change in behavior, thought and belief patterns.
2. Transformational training must include hands-on activities that create whole-brain illumination, release of non-supportive programs (beliefs, behaviors, thoughts, etc.) and downloading of supportive programs.
3. Transformational training must include daily disciplines that seed continuous transformation, understanding and convertible education. These must be ready to duplicate for any and every part of life. For example, success journaling, declarations/affirmations, supportive program journaling, positive-plus thinking/speaking, etc.
4. Transformational training must provide tools for interpreting daily life and subsequent experiences in supportive ways. These tools must be universally applicable, practical, supportive and must not become obsolete due to technology.
All four of these points have been used from time to time and yet no one has put all of them together into one system calculated specifically to create perpetual, dynamic transformation until now.
Know the Terminology
There are certain key words and definitions that are helpful for understanding transformational training.
Here are a few:
„X Dynamic: changes with the flux of the universe, nature, life and varying environments.
„X Perpetual: continues endlessly without additional energy input (in this case, we are talking about the energy required to start transformation, the individual will always put in some energy).
„X Transformational: creates change in real-time that is supportive.
„X Universal: applies to everyone, everything and every situation in time.
„X Supportive: supports the reaching of harmonious goals such as: joy, abundance, wealth, synergy, success, strength, peace, health, vibrancy, creativity, continuity, symbiosis and many other similar words.
„X Harmonious: a state in which everything is working together for common goals (at least symbiosis if not synergy and endlessly increasing abundance and creativity as a world).
„X Practical: useable right now, tomorrow and the next day in situations that will arise in the lives of anyone and everyone. Can be put right to work with immediate, as well as long-term results.
„X Generation: students of a teacher who improve and then become teachers. Maximum life span of one new idea in transformational training: 2 generations. It then becomes obsolete.
Dream of the Future
I have a dream of seeing this type of training everywhere with all the accelerated improvement of mankind that this would mean.
I cannot say where we shall go from here. I can say that this is most definitely the next step for the evolution of mankind.
In the phenomenon of transformational training the speed of evolution (I define evolution as moving to the next level) is accelerated exponentially. This is facilitated because every generation of students is actually transformed and becomes the teachers of the next generation.
In my judgment, one of the tragedies of the human story is that great minds have never seen the complete manifestation of their ideals¡Xnot even 1000 years later!
In times past, teachers were always religious leaders. This led to strong opposition whenever a new idea was postulated.
Today is Time
Today, we have a phenomenal advantage. Today, we, as a people, are prepared to be improved in context separate or parallel to our religious and spiritual convictions. Provided that the spiritual component of our holistic beings is not abandoned, this can be turned to a great advantage in that my creation of this system is not likely to get me tortured to death.
Indeed it is much more likely that in less than a generation other master trainers of today will become master transformers, having realized the validity of this approach.
We are in a time that we must be able to transform immediately upon acquiring new information. The rate of technology alone, let alone social evolution, puts any company out of business that is unwilling or unable to adapt to the technological choices of the day.
I do not know what is coming next, I only know that we shall only be ready for it when we have mastered the art of transformation over information.
A Startling Insight
One thing that has startled me is the lack of compatibility, the lack of interface between conventional education and the cutting edge of every major movement in the world today.
If you want to be on the cutting edge today, you usually will have to get seminar-type education or home-study or some unconventional education and training. Otherwise, you become a factory worker, a nine-to-fiver who is under someone else¡¦s power, so to speak.
This demonstrates a genuine need for a transformation of our education system. Transformational training is the key. Every bit of information is in context calculated to change the individual student in a supportive way.
Transformational Training Impacts Health Directly
This transformation to supportive programs is mind-body medicine in action. The simple act of getting in a state where the creativity of the universe works for you, where things work together for you and your inner dialogs are supportive, creates a great deal of health.
I haven¡¦t the space to go into the details of practical mind-body medicine here. If you will drop me an email and mention this article, I will send you an electronic copy of the report for free (usually five dollars from www.idolife.com).
The challenge of dieting is basically the same as the challenges in every other self-help field also. It is a matter of transformation verses information. There are phenomenal diets on the market today (which are also converging, incidentally, I wonder what will emerge from that convergence?) which utilize one principle of transformation that I have not opened for you.
This principle I call elevation for lack of a better word. Elevation is the least effective and most commonly used transformational tactic. It is valuable, yet alone it has no significant impact. Elevation is a transformational tactic where the nature of the education reaches a higher level of understanding, originality and ingenuity than previously known. To use the words of a dozen different self-help trainers, ¡§a mind stretched beyond its boundary can never again return to its original shape.¡¨ And to quote Marshal Sylver, ¡§you cannot think any thought and not have it affect your physical world in some way.¡¨
That is the nature of elevation. Almost all other transformational training strategies are somewhat about accelerating elevation and converting it to real-world, immediate application.
In Summary
The concept of transformational training is not new. In many ancient books, transformational training was used to varying levels. The challenge has been that the perpetrators of these forms of training were also somewhat revolutionary in religious realms. This has always invited resistance and closed-mindedness.
Today we are ready to step into the new world of transformation where a more rapid evolution, and a more pure and peaceful and helpful one, will take us to the next level in human development where the next millennium of greatness can be manifest.
Kal Sellers, MH, Master Trainer
Email: kal@iDoLife.com
To learn more about this system and to get a copy of it in action in a signature self-help/healing, program (DTS), visit www.iDoLife.com today.
Kal Sellers began his self-help study as a pre-teen when he listened to a few tapes hundreds of times. He grew up an hour away from town and his parents used some wive's tale remedies on him, some of which worked. When his own family began to be threatened by devistating health challenges, he turned to natural healing. Over the next five years he became a master of natrual healing and turned his own family around. As he practiced natural healing he became aware of a need for Holistic healing, with increasing emphasis on the unseen world within his clients. For the next two years he integrated everything from self-help, positive programming, hypnosis technology, NLP and the like, to Chi Gong and Yoga and Essene Meditations. Today, Kal integrates all of these in a system he developed, and is still developing to the cutting edge of all self-help, healing and peaceful, fulfilled living. The key for the combination of these is transformational verses just information. His system is called the Dynamic Transformational System or DTS. Kal lives in Star Valley, Wyoming with his wife and four daughters. His website, that is the hub of everything he has found consistently successful, is www.iDoLife.com and he does!