The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
Author: Randy Gage
The universe cannot put good into your hand, until you let go of
what you are holding in it.
If you walk down the beach, you leave footprints in the sand.
But give the wind and the waves a few minutes, and those tracks
will be filled in. Just as vegetation will cover a field and an
agenda expands to the time budgeted for a meeting.
Nature abhors a vacuum. And since the inherent nature of the
universe is good, a vacuum will always be filled with good. So
one of the fastest ways to manifest prosperity in your life is to
create vacuums.
One evening at the end of my prosperity class I was teaching, one
of the students walked up to me confused. She wanted to know how
all "this prosperity stuff" could be working, since she had
recently lost her job, and her boyfriend left her.
The interesting thing was that she had been complaining about
that job for months. Her pay was miniscule, and it seemed to
offer no room for advancement. And several times we had
discussed her boyfriend, who had been both physically and
verbally abusive to her.
So actually, as I told her, she was quite likely on a very
positive path towards prosperity. Which is exactly how it turned
out for her.
As her consciousness developed, her job could no longer hold her,
and her boyfriend was no longer comfortable with her. Ultimately
she was able to get a much better job, and attract a man who
appreciated her and wouldn't abuse her.
If you are holding on to something negative, there is no room for
the positive to come into your life. So when people come to me
for advice because they are not manifesting prosperity in all
areas of their lives, the first question I ask is the one below:
What are you still holding on to-that you need to release?
This vacuum effect works in all areas of your life. When I am
feeling distracted and overwhelmed with work, one look around my
desk and office explains everything. Stuff piled around
everywhere. My environment is cluttered and disorganized, so I
feel cluttered and disorganized.
So I stop what I am doing and start sorting. I put everything in
piles on the floor, according to project. Then I put each
project into its own folder. Then I write a to-do list, with all
the important things that need to be done for each project. Then
I put the files in the cabinet or active file tray on my desk.
Even if I have 40 things on my list, I immediately relax, and
approach the tasks at hand with clarity and focus. I prioritize
the list, and take great joy for each item I cross off as I
finish. This creates a positive energy around everything I'm
doing, and before I know it, I'm done with everything I need to
In my case, I work better when I have inner peace and focus. So
I have to release all the distractions, and create a vacuum for
peace of mind. If I feel there is just too much going on in my
life, I'll clean out my junk drawer or closets. When you are
surrounded by open, organized space, you feel more expansion,
creative and in control.
This same principle applies in attracting all areas of prosperity
in your life. If you want some new shoes, give some of the ones
you have away. If you want some new clothes, clean out your
closet (create a vacuum) and donate some old clothes at the
homeless shelter.
Want some more hugs in your life? Want more love in your life?
Give some away!
Of course this same law applies to health. I had a lot of health
challenges the first 30 years of my life. Just like I had a lot
of financial challenges, and other personal issues. The bottom
line is that I was sick, broke and stupid!
And I couldn't understand why. I came to discover that in
actuality, I was manifesting all the lack in my life, because I
had a victim consciousness. I was holding on to lack, because it
allowed me to keep manifesting bad things . . . which allowed me
to feed my noble victim scenario.
I could hang around with all my loser friends each day, and we
could all commiserate about how hard it was to get ahead, how
rich people had all the opportunities, how unfair life was, and
other such nonsense.
I was holding on to being a victim . . . so there was no space in
my mind for me to become a victor.
Once I was able to let go of my victim-hood, a whole new world of
possibilities opened up for me. Health challenges that I had
carried around my whole life just cleared up, at the snap of my
Don't get me wrong. The health challenges were real, and I had
all kinds of medical records to prove it. But they were real
because I believed they were real, and because I needed them, to
hold on to being a victim. Once I no longer desired to be a
victim, they miraculously were cured.
Because I no longer needed them to define who I was, my body
simply released them. And regenerated healthy tissue.
Now it takes a certain amount of faith to practice this law. You
have to be willing to let go of things. Once you realize that
the universe is inherently good, it's easier to have faith in
just outcomes. You no longer fear releasing things, because you
know that they will be replaced with something of equal or even
greater value.
You are surrounded by good everywhere. The only lack, is the
lack in your mind. Open your mind to receive prosperity, create
a vacuum to hold it, and you will attract it.
* Chapter excerpt from "The 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity" by
Randy Gage.
For many years now, Randy Gage has been helping people transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieve their dreams. Randy Gage is a modern day explorer in the field of body-mind development and personal growth. He is the author of the best-selling albums, Dynamic Development and Prosperity and director of BreakthroughU.com. For more resources and to subscribe to Randy's free ezine newsletters visit his website www.RandyGage.com.