Happiness = Purpose of Life
Author: Kirti Betai
Harmony between Thoughts 8 Words 8 Action = Happiness ?If there is a gap (dis-harmony) between your thoughts, your words, and your action, then you might as well forget about happiness. Action speaks louder than words. Thoughts are seeds and the source of action. No activity is possible without first being conceived as a thought form.
Every form has energy. Energy = Mass (C2) ?Energy systems are bi-polar. Every energy system has a positive and a negative pole. Positive cannot exist on this plane without negative. Harmony between positive and negative is important. Positive pole gives out energy waves. Negative pole receives energy waves. So give and take is fundamental, to all life forces.
Harmony between what we give to others and what we take from others, can alone result in happiness. Is it any surprise that all around us we see people who are mostly unhappy? Billionaires and pavement dwellers are both unhappy. In the past billions of years, the history and our experience shows that happiness is conspicuous by absence. Whereas most of our time, energy, and attention are for the pursuit of happiness, the result is mostly Frustration, Stress, Tension, and Fatigue.
The Root-Cause is almost always: dis-harmony between our Thoughts 8 Words 8 Action ?Most of the time, most people, would think something, say something else, and do something all-together different. This produces Stress, Tension, and Fatigue, within our system. Accumulated Stress, Tension, and Fatigue, over a period, diminish our Emotional, Mental, and Physical energy.
Energy depletion eventually leads to depression, or some disease, dis-order, and ailment. Like the moron who said that he had dropped his coins elsewhere, but as that place was dark, he was looking for his coins under a street lamp, most people are looking outside for happiness, whereas the Root-Cause of un-happiness and the source of happiness, both, are within.
Ignorance is the Root-Cause of all un-happiness. Can you think of taking a trip to any place without first knowing the purpose of your visit? Never. Yet most people are unaware of their purpose in life. Activity without a clear goal soon turns in to a rat race for more power, more money, and more possessions, not necessarily more happiness.
When we eat food, we experience the pleasure of taste only if the energy frequency of the food particles has harmony or affinity with the sensory currents present in our taste buds. During an illness the same tasty food does not taste good, as our sensory currents are withdrawn due to illness. Decomposed food does not taste good, as the food particles have no energy. Decomposition or decay is a symptom of death. Human body and Food begin to decay after 2 hours of death. A grain of rice will grow if planted in soil before cooking ?not thereafter.
It is therefore quite unhealthy to eat any food after 2 hours of cooking. Countries where deep frozen foods are more popular have a much higher incidence of food related diseases, dis-orders, and ailments.
Human body has 10 centers of Energy through which it interacts with the outside world. These are known as the 10 Indriyas ?or the 10 sensory organs ?5 faculties of knowledge and 5 faculties of action. Through these 10 faculties we constantly and spontaneously inter-act with our surroundings. The air we breath, the sounds we hear, the vision we see, the water we drink, the food we eat, the words we speak, and the thoughts we conceive, activity through our arms, legs, and the two lower centers viz the Organ and the Root, and our association with other people, buildings and places, influence the state of our internal harmony.
What we input is what we get in energy terms. In a brand new Mercedes Benz car if we feed contaminated fuel, the performance of the vehicle will be worse than a 50 years old badly maintained car. But strangely we are more careful about our cars than about our body - a vehicle for our mind and soul.
Negative thoughts are the most hazardous of all Inter-Actions. One hour of negative thinking burns energy equal to 10,000 candles of 500 gms. each continuously burning for one hour. Thinking about anyone or anything that is unnecessary is negative to our health.
Don’t think about something about which you can do nothing. If you need to do something, then do it. After doing your best, leave the results of your efforts to the Lord. This way you will be free to use your resources for the next event in your life. You will save a lot of energy, and time, and your efforts will be more focused. In any event you have no choice but to leave the when, how, and what will be the result of your efforts to the Lord, after your role is over.
You can either accept the result cheerfully and be prepared for the next event in your life, using all the learning from the past experiences, or brood about it, waste your energy and time, blame others, and create Stress, Tension, and Fatigue for yourself. Choose what is in your best interest and be happy. No one in this world has obtained everything that he desired in his lifetime ?nor has any one obtained what he wanted, when he wanted, or how he wanted, all the time.
Man proposes and the God disposes. If you are unhappy about this arrangement then you may communicate your suggestions and hope that in the next Creation your suggestions are accepted. Presently, it is in our own interest to know the rules of the game, and play our part intelligently, to maximize happiness and minimize unhappiness. Harmonize your thoughts, words, and action. Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you.
Meditation is the only method that can bring about harmony in our life. There are almost 100 brands of meditation, sold as a commodity. World has become competitive. We have tooth-pastes that claim to fight tooth decay round the clock, and yet we are advised to see our dentist twice a year. We are offered meditation that will improve our profits in business, or cure our disease, but we are going deeper in to newer diseases and our business produces more Stress, Tension, and Fatigue, than happiness, year after year.
Ultimate goal of Meditation is attaining unity with the God Almighty ? the Supreme Creator. Meditation can be performed only if there is harmony between our body, mind, and soul. To bring about the harmony Pranayaam was necessary. To perform Pranayaam all our Body Energy Centers had to be balanced through Yoga ?in its different forms ?step by step ? to perform Yoga properly one has to follow a very strict discipline in all aspects of life ?all our energy inputs and interactions have to be in 100% harmony ?
No one can do this while living in our villages and cities ?In fact even in the past the Yogis had to turn to the Himalayas or other similar places to perform Yoga and meditation ?If they could not do it in the middle of the so called civilized society, how can we at present even think that it is possible?
An activity will be gainful only if pursued with intelligent understanding of its objective, process, and procedure. Meditation performed at any level bellow the Third Til ?the Sixth Center in our body ?will (if performed systematically) result in energizing of the lower centers ? the centers that are the active nucleus of lower life forms i.e. plants, birds, and animals ?resulting in our spiritual downfall instead of up-liftment. ?To learn anything we need a teacher who has experienced and who practices what he teaches.
We often spend more time and energy in selecting a Television, then in selecting our spiritual master. We spend more time in learning how to make more money more quickly, then in learning about our purpose of life and how to fulfill the same. What we do and how we do it reveals our priority and value system. The value system is erroneous and based on our ignorance.
We need an enlightened soul who can remove our ignorance. Search for the enlightened soul therefore is the first step in the positive direction that will free our soul from the bondage of mind and matter (body) and bond our soul with the Supreme Creator. i.e. Reformation - the purpose of life. This will require an intelligent use of our faculties and above all a keen desire to do so i.e. a change in our value system or priorities in life.
Thought is the seed of action. Think about it.
With hearty Radhasoami and warm regards
Kirti Betai
Modern Vastu (Energy) Science
(Not-For Profit Organization)
Geo-Bio Energy - Vastu - Feng Shui - Geomancy Consultants
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Name: Kirti Betai
Age: 56 years
Education: B.Com. L.L.B.
Address: SW 33 Soami Bagh Agra 282 005 India
Phone/Fax: 91 562 57 06 83
email: mvs@nde.vsnl.net.in
web site: www.harmony000.org
Speciality: Pre-energized Pyramid Energy
Systems for Aids, Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Attention Deficiency,
Choked Arteries, Chronic Fatigue, Cancer, Depression, De-Addiction,
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Schizophrenia, etc.
Pre-energized Pyramid Energy Systems for Vastu - Feng Shui -
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