Emotionetics - 21st Century Personal Transformation Technology
Author: A n Dovale
Emotionetics is a 21st century human performance enhancement technology for both business and individuals. It is the awareness, understanding, management and upgrading of our undermining mental programs: beliefs, values, attitudes and perceptions, which will in turn influence reactions and finally our results. Emotionetics is about how we can remove unwanted “thought viruses?and “emotional viruses?from our consciousness, and how to install new more productive and supportive mental programmes. Emotionetics is about giving yourself the awareness, the energy and the clarity to follow your Soul’s guidance. The tool to turn your stumbling blocks into stepping-stones!
If you are not getting the results you require, take a good look at your mental programming, your hidden expectations, limiting beliefs, values and thoughts. For most of us, we lose full awareness of something that is constantly with us within 7-21 days. It may be your new watch or a new bracelet or necklace. These are the physical aspects. We do the same thing with every other aspect of ourselves - emotional, mental, fears, hurts, relationships, etc…After a period of time our awareness is reduced to: look but not see: listen but not hear: touch but not feel, eat or drink but not taste, encounter but not experience. However the event it still draining our mental resources.
Because all of our senses are being exposed to over a trillion bits of information every second, we filter out the “already known?and the “that’s not important to me now?information. We setup mental filters to only allow certain information into our conscious awareness ?that which we deem important to our present needs. So what we focus on we get more of! Our beliefs and expectations create our daily reality. If your filter is setup to let in negative stuff, you will live in a negative world. Conversely if your filters are setup to look for positive stuff, you will live in a more positive world. Each day we live our present “now?moment through 2 huge filter groups of beliefs, values and expectations. Those being our Beliefs and Expectations from our past. And our fears, beliefs and expectations of the future. Once we begin to unearth our negative unsupportive mental programmes and increase our awareness, we are able to re-take control of our focus and actions.
Emotionetics is the discovery of how we store “negative memories?in our energetic system, and a step-by-step procedure of releasing the disruptive energetic patterns. A short re-balancing process will enable anyone to completely release the associated emotions and negative programmes. With Emotionetics, everyone is able to dramatically and often completely reduce the impact of draining emotions, negative thoughts, disempowering beliefs or experiences from their past or their future. This can be achieved with very little disruption and total confidentiality.
Through the application of latest research and energetic transformation technologies, we can now freely discover and release what has been holding us back for so long. We no longer have to fear carrying the label of “requiring therapy? We are now able to participate in a safe, simple, easy to apply process of self-recovery, healing and empowerment.
Personal Transformation is taken back into our own hands. We can now take full charge of our own destiny. Through the application of Emotionetic principles and tools, almost anyone can unhook and release themselves from their past issues and energy leaks and future fears, and focus their increased awareness into living with the reality of what is in front of them right now. Creating greater EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and AQ (Adversity Intelligence) flexibility, greater success, greater happiness and fun.
Emotionetics gives you the tools and insight to reclaim your personal power. By making a decision today to never accept anything but the best for yourself, with Emotionetics, you are able to soar to new heights and release your fears, phobia’s, negative self-beliefs, anxiety, anger and hurts and pains today. The only thing in your way is YOURSELF! The tools are here ?Emotionetics is the way.
Emotionetics is a composite technology based on the research and technologies of Gary Craig’s EFT, Dr Callahan’s TFT, Dr Lindwalls Releasing, Dr Tad James’s Time-line therapy and Tony Dovale’s personal experience and research.
The Process
Step 1. Ask yourself how big the issue is. Rate it 0 to 10. 0 = gone and 10 = maximum.
Step 2. (Rub the soft “sore?spot and say this 3 times) Rub your sensitive spot (pectoral spot - just beneath your collar bone and at the same time say? times "even though I have this feeling/issue... ? I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I release this Emotion X…and replace with Y. (The opposite/healed state)
Step 3. Tap at least 7 times on each spot (go down ANY side of your body) Saying “I release my xyz?
Tap the start of the your eyebrow.
Tap the side of the eye/skull,
Tap the cheekbone,
Tap the moustache area
Tap the groove in your chin
Tap the mid collar bone,
Tap under the arm on the bra line
Tap between the last 2 knuckles by your little finger
Tap the karate spot. (Side of hand)
Step 4. 9 Gamut procedure
Keep tapping between your last 2 knuckles and keep saying "I Release this issue/emotion" e.g. ”I completely release this FEAR of dogs? Continue doing this whilst doing the following..
1. Close your eyes for 2 seconds, open your eyes.
2. Keep your head still and look down hard left, look down hard right.
3. Circle your eyes anti-clockwise * 2, then circle them clockwise * 2.
4. Hum Happy Birthday, (Not sing, HUM!) Count 1,2,3,4,5.
5. Hum Happy birthday again.
6 Tap your finger tips on a hand - the thumb, the index, middle, ring and little finger.
Step 5 - redo Step 3 again
Step 6 ?Recheck Recheck the status by asking .. If this xyz emotion was a ?8 just now, if you can find it what is it now?
Step 7. Go to step 1 again until the effect is 0 or 1.
If the issues is around a 1 or a 2 try this . Take a deep breath and let it all out ?keeping your head still. Facing level frontward, slowly raise your eyes from the ground up to the ceiling whilst slowly counting from 1 to 6. And release the remaining negativity.
Make sure that person has a glass of water BEFORE starting this proces. Make sure you keep focusing on a specific aspect or emotion until it is cleared down to 0 or 1.
Many times another aspect of the event/ feeling/encounter creeps up and becomes more prevalent. Just go through each aspect until it clears. Process ALL aspects!
If, for some reason, the issue does not reduce. Move some distance away from your present location and try again. Check for energetic contamination through food, chemicals, etc..
Make sure you are addressing the Core issues!
Usually after 3 rounds we are able to get down to 0 or 1 at least 90% of the time.
Test this with EVERYTHING, and give us the feedback. Thanks
Perform each of these steps whilst constantly tapping on your gamut point. These may be performed in any order as long as each action is included.
DISCLAIMER - Life Masters International is not meant as a substitute for conventional medical, psychological diagnosis or treatment. All matters regarding your health should be supervised by your doctor. LMI is not responsible for the outcome of any session conducted by any person other than approved LMI Facilitiators.
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