Author: Diane Varley
Without your good Health, nothing else matters. . .
Never before has scientific evidence been so clear and strong that the greatest of all doctors is Mother Nature herself, and her medicines of choice are 100% safe vitamins, minerals and supplements. This remedy coupled with moderate lifestyle changes, eating habits and exercise can reduce stress, build energy, and help you live out not only a long life, but a long life filled with good health.
Yet most of us are NOT putting these scientific findings into healthy habits. Simply put, in our busy lives we're not being smart enough or selfish enough with our time and money. We spend time on things like watching TV instead of taking 30 minutes a day to exercise, which can be accomplished by simply walking for half an hour.
We spend our cash on things like fast food and soft drinks and place little significance on our diets and daily nutritional supplementation.
According to some peoples standards, daily nutritional supplementation may seem like an extra expense, but lets look at the real picture. Everyone is aware of the high cost of medical care in this country. We spend more on health care than any other country. Yet the average citizen of many major countries lives several years longer, in good health than we choose to. Even more important, there is a major difference between health care and illness care. Our medical and pharmaceutical industries are focused on illness care. The diagnosis and treatment of existing disease rather than on health care, preventing disease in the first place.
Illness care is where most of our medical funds go. To me, the more important effort should be on prevention, or avoidance of disease. Somehow, this just seems logical. Over 50% of us will die from heart disease and 25% will get cancer. Tens of millions of us currently suffer from arthritis and osteoporosis, 70% of us are out of shape, overweight and are passively waiting for disease to strike either ourselves or the ones we love.
Our world is riddled with "degenerative diseases" and the consequences that they evoke. Degenerative diseases have no single cause nor do they have any single cure. We know them by name as: heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, breast cancer, prostate cancer, MS, obesity, Alzheimer's, diabetes, etc.
And even if we don't have a degenerative disease, most of us are simply not well.
Chronic fatigue, mild depression, borderline obesity, stress and anxiety, PMS, asthma, allergies, intestinal disorders, skin diseases, poor and frail physical conditioning abound in the lives of so many of us.
Healthy people seem to be the exception to the norm, because we live in an environment flooded with pollution, radiation from the sun, physical and emotional stress, alcohol consumption, drug addiction, and tobacco smoke; and we eat in a way that's almost guaranteed to produce and accelerate degenerative diseases, obesity, depression and fatigue.
Our bodies are bombarded by something that science calls "FREE RADICALS." Think of these Free Radicals as thieves linked to the robbery of the ageing process and 80% of all degenerative diseases. These ruthless gangsters steal vitality and good health. Free Radicals are oxidized molecules that have lost one or more electrons. The loss of one or more electrons cause molecules to become out of balance. To restore their balance such molecules try to steal electrons from other molecules.
This, in turn, produces more free radicals and sets up a destructive chain reaction. When such reactions take place within cell walls, cells can be severely injured or even killed, which leads to accelerated ageing and degenerative disease. Free Radicals numbering in the hundreds of millions roam our bodies, and without help, our body's cells become less capable of proper cell reproduction and can ultimately be wiped out by Free Radicals. We humans need help in our WAR against these `Free Radicals'
In the last few years, researchers worldwide have made countless discoveries that could change our lives forever. Scientists have discovered that super-powerful Nutraceuticals substances from nature, including antioxidants, phyto-chemicals, bioflavonoids, plant enzymes, and phyto-hormones, to name a few, can minimize or delay most of the health problems associated with the ageing process.
Natural foods, vitamins and minerals, herbs, and other nutrients, when properly formulated and balanced, can promote energy, sharpen concentration and mental clarity, lengthen life span, and allow us to do the things we did when we were much younger.
Significant health benefits can be realized by making small but positive habit forming changes in `lifestyle' simple and easy changes that will make you happier and healthier.
Research estimates that over 10,000 Free Radicals attack each cell in our bodies every day! So, enhance your health and fight the Free Radicals linked to ageing and disease, increase your vitality, beauty and well-being by staying on the cutting-edge of nutrition and personal care, and support and nurture all areas of the body make a dedication to daily nutritional supplementation a healthy habit for your lifetime.
For help & training on prevention and to learn more about how to heal yourself naturally with vitamins, minerals and supplements, call your Independant Herbalife Distributor,
Diane Varley on Tele:- +44(0)113 2609 473
or visit our web site www.dietuk.ws
We guarantee you won't regret it!
21% . . . Fight Depression
25% . . . . .Alleviate Medical Problems
27%. . . . . . . Reduce Stress
31%. . . . . . . . Increase Alertness
40%. . . . . . . . . . . Improve Fitness
54%. . . . . . . . . . . . Increase Energy
62%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prevent Disease
Vitamins are Mother Natures greatest healers and energizers. The pursuit of optimum health depends on your ability to nourish, protect and maintain your physical condition. This process is not based on any exotic miracle "cure-all"... the basic task of all nutritional support and supplementation is to bring balance and a state of well being to the body so that it can ultimately work to heal itself.
I lost 24lbs in 5 weeks 4 years ago and have kept the weight off ever since. My energy is fantastic and am now fitter today than i was in my 20s. Email me at Diet4uk@aol.com Or better still visit my web site at:- www.dietuk.ws