Zen Mind. A Personal View.
Author: Clive Taylor
Zen mind is the “Natural” state of our beings: No self, no identity, no memes, no beliefs.
Your Twenty-Minute Course in Practical Psychology
Author: Dr. Scott G. Shelp
Dr. Scott G. Shelp
Your Signature Sends A Message
Author: William Keller, PA-C, RN, B.Med.Sc., M.Ed.
When you sign your name to professional or business correspondence, you may be revealing more about yourself than you want to.
Your Dark Side
Author: Jorj Elprehzleinn
Your Dark Side
Author: Ken N McIsaac
"A god, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite and turns the hair gray." - Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
Author: Pauline Wallin, Ph.D.
“You can’t always get what you want . . .” The Rolling Stones will soon be singing this refrain at venues around the world, as they embark on a year-long concert tour in August.
When you're really, truly stuck
Author: Cathy Goodwin
When you are really, truly stuck
What You See is What You Get
Author: Glen Hopkins
H. Jackson Brown Jr. once wrote, “Your mind can only hold one thought at a time, make it a positive and constructive one.” As simple as these words may seem, they are in fact, very true. You see, if you are looking for a way to feel better at any given moment, all you have to do is change what you are focusing on. Your brain is a very powerful tool that you own and you should use to your advantage.
What Most Long Term Care Professionals Don’t Know:
Author: Dr Michael Shery
Medicare recognizes this need and, therefore reimburses your residents to receive advanced behavioral health services… making them free to your facility!
What is Love?
Author: Zerrin Hodgkins
A journey into the unknown
Using brain modules for fun and profit
Author: S. H. Evans, Ph. D.
Brain modules must be about using your whole brain.
Trauma, Loss, & Bereavement
Author: Gary W. Reece, Ph.D.
Loss, disappointment, failure, and grief are normal and natural accompaniments of the human experience. Bereavement, the response we have to grief and loss, is also familiar to most of us. Little has changed in terms of the emotional response to the pain of loss across the centuries. There are many kinds of loss, death is but an extreme example. There is still the agonizing experience of separation and the subsequent wrestling with the aftermath of unfinished business, and unanswered questions related to
Trauma, Loss, & Bereavement
Author: Gary W. Reece, Ph.D.
Loss, disappointment, failure, and grief are normal and natural accompaniments of the human experience. Bereavement, the response we have to grief and loss, is also familiar to most of us. Little has changed in terms of the emotional response to the pain of loss across the centuries. There are many kinds of loss, death is but an extreme example. There is still the agonizing experience of separation and the subsequent wrestling with the aftermath of unfinished business, and unanswered questions related to
Author: Odete Martins Bigote
Have you touched anyone today? A few weeks ago, I started to think that I'd like to write an article entitled "Touching". At that time, I had no idea how to go about it, but the title kept parading in my mind. That same week, a friend of mind called me to let me know about a great event that had just happened to her and her family.
The Psychology of Racism in America
Author: David Bush
Racism. Now there is a word that can stir up emotions quickly! So many people have such strong views on this subject that it is really hard for a lot of people to talk about it with an open mind. The fact of the matter is that very many Christians struggle with this as well.
The New Approach to Memory Improvement
Author: Douglas J. Herrmann, Ph.D.
Long before books, telling stories was the only way to pass information from one person or generation to the next. Throughout history, people have sought to improve their memory for storytelling. A variety of mental techniques have been passed down over the centuries as skills for studying. Unfortunately, the old mental techniques are just about all you get from conventional books, tapes and courses. But these don¡¯t provide the personal learning experiences that build confidence necessary for long-term success. In the last two decades, psychologists, physicians, and other specialists sought to develop a new approach to memory improvement because the ancient methods are insufficient without the aid of new modern techniques.
The Myth of Emotional Intelligence - why EI died
Author: Stephen J. Morgan
EI or EQ has become a very fashionable term, but one which has sadly failed to take off in the way that its originators or exploiters had originally imagined. “Emotional Intelligence”, was a flashy, catchy term, which surely just couldn’t fail to capture the imagination of the majority of us disturbed masses. But it never really did and it remains a sort of fringe issue, which elicits interest, but which few people take up seriously, especially in the business world.
The Four Jailers
Author: Betsy C. Terrell
There are four major entrapping forces that you, meaning any human being in western culture, encounter in your adult life.
In my years as a psychologist, I have come to believe that most people seeking psychotherapy are unhappy not only because of earlier hurts and traumas, as well as present frustrations and problems, but because they cannot access earlier happier moments often enough, resulting in not being able to experience enough positive states of well being. It is these unique states of well being that I have come to label THE ENCHANTED SELF.
The Communal Sharing of Enchantment
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Mentoring and learning from each other is much more that taking a course or explicitly giving someone advice or help. Almost every moment of every day when we are with people has the potential for becoming a mentoring or a learning situation. We talk, gesture, and involve ourselves in many ways with many people. The exchange can be uplifting, informative, reassuring, kind or it can be depressing, depleting, annoying, bothersome and more! I'm sure you can think of both some good and some bad times with other people!
Some Tips for Mental well being - Ways to Help Yourself !!
Author: Tina Jain
In this article there are 10 top tips to remind people to look after their mental wellbeing.
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Reconciling Personas or "Sub-Personalities"
Author: Robert Elias Najemy
We occasionally experience internally conflicting needs, desires or beliefs. In such inner conflicts, when our "sub-personalities" or "personas" have conflicting needs, we are not sure what to do or which decision to make. Some examples of those conflicts are listed below. As you read through them, consider whether or not you have any similar conflicts.
Reconciling Personas or "Sub-Personalities"
Author: Robert Elias Najemy
We occasionally experience internally conflicting needs, desires or beliefs. In such inner conflicts, when our "sub-personalities" or "personas" have conflicting needs, we are not sure what to do or which decision to make. Some examples of those conflicts are listed below. As you read through them, consider whether or not you have any similar conflicts.
Psychic 101
Author: Wendy D. Gillespie
It seems everyone is into psychics these days ! Late-night television has dozens of 1-900 lines waiting to take your call. The popularity of shows like "Unsolved Mysteries", "Sightings" , "Crossing Over with John Edward" and recent movies like "The Sixth Sense" and "Stir of Echoes" all reflect our renewed public interest in the subject. But how do you know if you yourself are psychic ? Nearly everyone has some latent psychic ability, but many of us brush it aside. Perhaps you¡¯ve experienced deja vu while driving somewhere you¡¯ve never been before. Or maybe you just "know" what music is playing on a station moments before you turn on the radio. Maybe you catch a whiff of your grandfather¡¯s favorite aftershave years after his passing while thumbing through a family album. The trouble is, most of us never develop our talents in this direction, or are even fearful of them. Psychics are no different from the rest of us, except that their natural gifts are greater and more developed! than ours. You, too, can bui
Author: Alan Meyers, Ph.D., C.C.Ht., Diplomate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
If relapse prevention techniques work, then why do so many addicts and alcoholics relapse?
Author: Alan Meyers, Ph.D., C.C.Ht., Diplomate in Clinical Hypnotherapy
If relapse prevention techniques work, then why do so many addicts and alcoholics relapse?
Practical Steps of Enchantment
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Let us sit back and review the Seven Gateways to Enchantment and seminal ideas that led me there. It will give us an opportunity to ponder over what The Enchanted Self is all about. This might mean returning to some material already shared with you once before, but it is still 100% pertinent. For those who are new to the Seven Gateways may please find them at http://www.enchantedself.com/eletterarchives.htm. The following article contains a short history of The Enchanted Self project alongwith some information on using our memories in healthy ways. This is critical to coming home to our Enchanted Selves. Let's remember that our Enchanted Self is that place somewhere between our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits, that always knows what feels good, what is healthy for us and what promotes joy and purpose!
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Nightmare After The Ordeal
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
Sarah is a 28 y/o accountant who had a traumatic past that she kept to herself. At age 15, she was grabbed by a masked man while she was jogging in a park. The man threatened to kill her with a knife and brutally raped her. She screamed but nobody seemed to have heard her.
Panic Attacks: Effective Ways to Cope
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
Jill is a 21 y/o college student who used to do well until about a few months ago when she started to experience “weird” attacks almost daily. She described her experience as “horrible.” When she has the attack, she feels that she’s about to die or develop a stroke.
On Writing about Fear
Author: Thom Rutledge, author of Embracing Fear
“These are days full of loss and pain, of suffering and sorrow. But they are not days of waste.” These are the words of the Reverend Leslie D. Weatherhead (The Will of God), spoken in 1944 in the midst of World War II, but they could not be more relevant today, as we go about our daily lives in the midst of what threatens to be a third world war unlike any of us imagined.
On Being A Conscious Single
Author: Joel Rachelson, Ph.D.
Unfortunately, being single today is not easy. Understatement, I guess in light of the many single ads, books, services and options which attempt to address this life status. There are two fundamental problems here. One, it is difficult, for a number of reasons, to be at peace with being single. Two is that it is very difficult to meet other singles, in most any environment much less a healthy environment or process. This search for other singles is made more difficult when trying to find others who are conscious as well.
Neuro-Emotional Techniques(TM)
Author: Jef Gazley, M.S.
NETä or Neuro-Emotional Techniquesä is one of the newer “power therapies” that along with TFT, Thought Field Therapy, and EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing have become popular in the last ten years. These therapies seem to work quicker than traditional talk therapies.
Mythological Messages from the Body-Mind
Author: Sharon G. Mijares, Ph.D.
Narratives and Neural Winds
Mythological Messages from the Body-Mind
Author: Sharon G. Mijares, Ph.D.
Narratives and Neural Winds
Memory Techniques for Foreign Languages
Author: Richard Rubin
Memory systems work beautifully for learning foreign languages. I used them in high school and college to study 5 languages -- Latin, classical Greek, Spanish, French, and German. My peers were amazed that I aced every vocabulary test and learned new languages so quickly. What I didn’t tell them then was that I was simply utilizing my trained memory. In this article I’ll elaborate on some approaches I used for learning every foreign language I studied. More specifically, I’ll explain how to recall foreign vocabulary, leaving syntax and pronunciation for further discussion.
Magic Potions We All Need This Time of Year
Author: Dr.Barbara Becker Holstein
As winter descends we begin to feel the chill of shorter days and less sunlight. For many of us, less hours of light combined with colder temperatures results in us feel less light emotionally. For some of us, who actually have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) gloom really sets in. This gloom often has to be offset by either full spectrum lighting and/or various psychotropic medications.
Living Hell -- Are You Living It Or Giving It?
Author: Jan Tincher
Is every day a nightmare? Is the person you are living with finding fault with everything you say or do? Or are you finding fault with everything the person you are living with does? Do you wonder how it got this way?
Author: Russell Targ, Ph.D.
Why bother with ESP?
Life Lines
Author: Jack Reeves
"Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other."-Erma Bombeck
Letting Go of Grief
Author: Bobbi Gay
Grief is an emotion that can lodge in the body tissues and the spirit. Although we usually think of grief as having to do with loss of a loved one or something highly valued like a job, grief can take less recognizable forms. Some common underlying sources of grief are mourning of one's own lost childhood, mourning lost opportunity, mourning the loss of good health and mourning the loss of innocence. One thing that is worth noting is that it is possible to hold grief for something one never actually possessed, but longed for. Long after the causative event that lodged, grief still exacts a price.
Is Psychology Helping Me? Confessions of an Emotional Graduate Student
Author: Lisa M. Lindeman
Ever since I became a psychology student, I have noticed a disconcerting gap between what one learns in the typical psychology course or textbook and what most people expect psychology to impart to the average thinking, feeling human being. To anyone who has experienced sadness, despair, anger, woe, fear, regret, frustration, or anxiety (which is everyone), psychology would seem to be the place to go for everyday answers. After all, the self-help sections of most bookstores are saturated with tomes for the layman outlining how to heal emotional pain and be happy: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, by Dale Carnegie, Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies, by Laura L. Smith and Charles H. Elliott, Being Happy, by Andrew Matthews, or How to Stop Being So Evil. (I made that last one up. No one would ever buy it, because no one really thinks they are evil. But it would make a great gift.)
Is it possible to transcend subjectivity and see things as they really are?
Author: Elia Wise
The following is an excerpt from LETTER TO EARTH (Random House/Harmony 2000) by Elia Wise.
Introduction to Trance
Author: Dennis R. Wier
Most of you have an idea as to what a trance is. But, that idea is probably different than the idea you will learn here.
Introduction to Trance
Author: Dennis R. Wier
Most of you have an idea as to what a trance is. But, that idea is probably different than the idea you will learn here.
Internalized Stressors: Who Needs Therapy
Author: Andy Bernay-Roman, LMHC, NCC, MS, RN, LMT
With the introduction of the phrase "stress reduction" in the 1970s, and with the subsequent incorporation of that expression into our language by the 1980s, it has become all too apparent that reducing external stress factors in our lives is a good idea when creating strategies for better living. We generally seek out stress-free places for vacation, and we pace ourselves in job, home, relationships, childcare, and leisure, with the intention of staying out of the dreaded burn-out stress zone.
Influence: How and Why People Agree to Things
Author: Hal Warfield
Have you ever wished you could get others to agree with you? Do you ever find yourself agreeing with someone that you wish you hadn’t? Like maybe a telemarketer or other annoying individual?
Influence: How and Why People Agree to Things
Author: Hal Warfield
Have you ever wished you could get others to agree with you? Do you ever find yourself agreeing with someone that you wish you hadn’t? Like maybe a telemarketer or other annoying individual?
in your midst (zephaniah 3:14?20; luke 3:7?18)
Author: philmore (Kevin Roberts)
do you ever notice how the last pew is the most full? it is a physical reminder of how uncomfortable we are with people looking at our backs, that is, what is behind us, our past or our history. it is more comfortable, or self-calming, to sit in judgment in the back row, knowing no one can see us, thinking we have an advantage seeing them. well, here we are in zephaniah with our recurring theme, the kingdom of god/heaven is within you, or in this case, in your midst. this is important, to be mentioned twice in the same short passage, and is being emphasized. sounds nice, to have our (inner) enemies cast out, to fear (inner) evil no more; to have disaster removed from you and have your fortune ¡°before your eyes.¡±
If It Ain't Coming, It Ain't Been Sent - Trust Me!
Author: Jan Tincher
If it ain't coming, it ain't been sent, one of the seven laws of the universe. Well, it's one of the seven laws of the universe,
Identifying Stress: Why Good Health Leaks Away
Author: Kevin Roberts RMT
Most of those who are open to the so-called alternative or complementary therapies are familiar with the many studies showing how stress is related to disease and dysfunction. Stress could be defined as a force that strains or deforms, in our case it hampers our ability to stay balanced and healthy. The causes of stress are often cited as pressure in the workplace, trouble in relationships and even rush hour traffic; all quite vague and widely ranging and, perhaps most importantly, never questioned sources of this drain on our health. Since stress is such a central theme in all illness, it is in our best interest to be exact and thorough in our investigation. While many therapies are aimed at reducing or relieving stress already accumulated, the purpose of this article is to stop stress at the source, before we are affected by it.
Identifying Stress: Why Good Health Leaks Away
Author: Kevin Roberts RMT
Most of those who are open to the so-called alternative or complementary therapies are familiar with the many studies showing how stress is related to disease and dysfunction. Stress could be defined as a force that strains or deforms, in our case it hampers our ability to stay balanced and healthy. The causes of stress are often cited as pressure in the workplace, trouble in relationships and even rush hour traffic; all quite vague and widely ranging and, perhaps most importantly, never questioned sources of this drain on our health. Since stress is such a central theme in all illness, it is in our best interest to be exact and thorough in our investigation. While many therapies are aimed at reducing or relieving stress already accumulated, the purpose of this article is to stop stress at the source, before we are affected by it.
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Is A Leading Edge Career
Author: Calvin Banyan, MA, CI, CH
What is hypnotherapy? When a professional uses hypnosis to help people make healthy changes in their lives, he or she is doing hypnotherapy. The Hypnotherapist takes on a role similar to the Physical Therapist or the Occupational Therapist, often working independently or with professionals from fields such as medicine and psychology.
How To Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones: The Science of Habit Management
Author: Stephen Kraus, Ph.D.
Few things are more difficult than kicking bad habits or developing more positive ones. But it is definitely worth the effort. Bad habits like smoking, overeating or self-criticism shorten lives and lead to underachievement, and unsuccessful attempts to change them lower self-esteem. In contrast, good habits create a kind of “success auto-pilot,” leading to greater accomplishment with less thought and less effort.
How to Prevent Suicide
Author: Michael G. Rayel
A British weapon’s inspector was found dead in the woods after he slashed his wrist. For the past few weeks, he was entangled with a controversy about the war in Iraq.
How to Optimize the Awesome Power of Thoughts and Imagination
Author: Michael Lee
Have you encountered a time when you were in a traffic jam and was running late for an important meeting? Did you stay calm and focused? Or did your mind wander into the dark side of the impending consequences that may occur?
How to help a depressed friend or loved one.
Author: Kevin Grold PhD
Only one in five people suffering from mental disorders seeks help and yet broaching the subject with a loved one can be difficult for many reasons. Since May is Mental Health Month, this is a good opportunity to bring out in the open this often taboo subject. The fear of being told to "mind your own business" can be a big impediment, however, if you are truly concerned about a friend or loved one, the most compassionate action is to express that concern.
How to Find and Evaluate a Therapist
Author: Grold, Kevin and Hartline, Christine
Eating disorders are extremely complex disorders that can be life threatening. It is important to seek the help of a qualified professional to assist you in the recovery process. Having a good support system of friends and loved ones is extremely helpful, but it is vital to have a professional to help and guide you.
How to Find and Evaluate a Therapist
Author: Grold, Kevin and Hartline, Christine
Eating disorders are extremely complex disorders that can be life threatening. It is important to seek the help of a qualified professional to assist you in the recovery process. Having a good support system of friends and loved ones is extremely helpful, but it is vital to have a professional to help and guide you.
How Do You Know if You Have Manic-Depression
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
Nancy was doing very well until about two years ago when Phil, her boyfriend of 9 years, broke-up with her. It was a difficult moment for her especially after she learned that Phil eventually married her cousin. Since then, Nancy had deteriorated. One evening, she was involved in a motor vehicular accident because she was driving fast and recklessly in a quiet suburban neighborhood.
How Distressing is Social Phobia?
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
I remember a friend in college who would blush, sweat, and tremble when required by a teacher to speak in class. A few weeks before the presentation, he’d be anxious, agitated, and couldn’t sleep. Because I was still a student then, I didn’t have any clue what he was going through. But I knew that something was terribly wrong.
How A Psychotherapist Listens
Author: Joanna Poppink, M.F.T.
I'm a psychotherapist in ongoing practice since 1980, and I've incorporated chaos and complexity awareness into my theoretical and experiential grounding. I'm presenting these thoughts and experiences so that we may begin a dialogue, and because you may find something in this discussion that triggers a useful idea or perspective for your own work.
How A Psychotherapist Listens
Author: Joanna Poppink, M.F.T.
I'm a psychotherapist in ongoing practice since 1980, and I've incorporated chaos and complexity awareness into my theoretical and experiential grounding. I'm presenting these thoughts and experiences so that we may begin a dialogue, and because you may find something in this discussion that triggers a useful idea or perspective for your own work.
Harry Potter Has Nothing On Us ©
Author: Deborah Sandella Ph.D., R.N.
Have you noticed how hard we strive to look better, to make more money, and to get ahead? Who decided we had fallen behind? No wonder millions of people are on Prozac, 50% of our marriages fail, and road rage has become a common phenomenon. We push so hard to “be somebody,” we forget the magic of being ourselves.
Guilt Feelings
Author: Nili Raam, communication consultat
I guess there isn't one person who hasn't experienced feelings of guilt and some people carry a constant, deep engraved guilt feelings regarding this aspect of their life or another. Guilt feelings are often related to as a negative emotion - but what are they, why do we breed them in ourselves and whay do we generate them in others?
Emotional Intelligence: The Basics
Author: Michael G. Rayel, MD
There’s so much talk about emotional intelligence and how it can promote personal and business success. What is it really? What are its basic tenets?
Dying to Fit In - Literally!
Author: Christine Hartline, MA
Today in America you can be whatever you want to be - any dream can be accomplished as long as you pursue it. We have economic security and we live in a peaceful and prosperous nation! We live in the land of opportunity, rich with culture and diversity, the land of the free! The question I pose is - "is America the land of the free, especially for women?" With all the freedom and prosperity we enjoy women still remain prisoners. "Prisoners", you ask, what do you mean? Women are enslaved to a beauty myth, chained to the false belief that our value is based on our appearance alone.
Defenses Protect Us from Uncomfortable Self-Awareness
Author: Richard O'Connor
"Defenses operate to protect us from uncomfortable or unacceptable self-awareness."
Dealing With Depression
Author: John Boe
Andrea Yates shocked the nation when she admitted to systematically drowning her five children in their Texas home. This 36-year-old mother had previously been diagnosed with depression and consequently was prescribed antidepressants. Depression is an ancient and prevalent mental condition that has been referenced throughout history in song, poetry and literature. In a depressed state one feels hopeless and experiences an overwhelming sense of despair. Depression immobilizes a person; they lack both the desire and the energy to carry on their usual activities. It afflicts men and women, rich and poor, young and old alike.
"Cultural Sensitivity and the War in Iraq"
Author: Paul B. Schlosberg
I was sitting in Starbucks recently and could not help
Build Rapport Through Buzzwords
Author: Ronnie Nijmeh
What if I told you that you could be more influential and
Author: Patricia A. Mondore
Have you put God in a box? You would probably be surprised to know that many people, quite unknowing, do. The results not only affect the individual's walk with God but can have a devastating affect on how they relate with other believers as well. My husband and I worked at a Christian Bookstore for several years. During that time we met people from nearly every imaginable (and unimaginable) denomination, sect and variety of Christianity as they came to buy religious books and supplies. We were amazed at the vast differences there are among people whose common denominator is their faith in Christ. We were, perhaps, even more amazed to see how those differences could cause insurmountable barriers between many of these same people.
Bluebeard: A Case Study of the Fairy Tale and How it Impacts Certain Women's Dating Choices
Author: Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin
Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin
Attention Deficit Disorder
Author: Jef Gazley, M.S.
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) occur as a result of neurological dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is the newest part of our tri-brain system in evolutionary terms. It is the part of our brain that has executive functions. The functions of this brain deal with 1) attention span, 2) perseverance, 3) judgment, 4) organization, 5) impulse control, 6) self-monitoring and supervision, 7) problem solving, 8) critical thinking, 9) forward thinking, 10) learning from experience, 11) ability to feel and express emotions, 12) interaction with the limbic system, and 13) empathy.
Acne Dysmorphia - On The Edge Of Obsession
Author: Greg Podsakoff
Billions of people around the world experience acne over their lifetimes. In fact, acne is the single most common skin disorder, and more common than all other skin disorders combined.