Your Self Esteem is Up to YOU
Author: Molly Misetich & Alexandra Delis-Abrams, Ph.D.
Self-esteem is a condition, a state of being. Unfortunately, it is not something we can put in a box with a fancy ribbon and hand out on occasion. It is observable in behaviors, but other than that, it's an inside job. According to the National Association of Self Esteem (NASE), self esteem is, "The experience of being capable of meeting life's challenges and being worthy of happiness."
Your Body Is Not A Work Of Art
Author: Alison Finch
"Your body is not a work of art" is a true statement. So why do so many people, and women in particular, spend countless hours wishing that theirs was one and even more hours feeling angry, embarrassed and even ashamed of their bodies because they fail to live up to the images in their minds?
Your Agreements Show Your Integrity
Author: Michael Angier
Except for disease and climatic disasters, I believe that over 90 percent of the world’s problems result from people not keeping their agreements.
Words That Cut
Author: Gary Barnes
At times, when we get angry and lose our temper we lash out at those we love the most. If we love them, why do we take our anger out on them? Words that cut, do they ever heal? The pain may soon go away, but the scar never disappears. Why can't we bite our tongue or just walk away? When we fight with our loved ones, nobody wins. Even if you come out the victor in the fight ask yourself this, Are You Going To Sleep Tonight? Remember, Love should be unconditional; let your loved ones walk down their own path. If you don't agree with their choices, Know It's Their Path. We may think we are all wise and know what's best for others, but you only know what's best for yourself.
Women - Speak Out and Increase Your Self-worth!
Author: Alison Finch
Have you ever wished that you had the CONFIDENCE TO SPEAK OUT about something you disapprove of or disagree with? Maybe you'd like to tell your boss that there's a better way to do something, or that you don't like being treated in a certain way. Maybe you're sick of people taking you for granted, or hurting your feelings without even caring to assess the damage they're doing to your self-esteem.
"Within You"
Author: Wendy Hill, MFT
You are a miracle. You have within you incredible power and beauty. Your inner power and beauty give you the freedom to find success, peace, love, self-confidence, and the joy of aliveness. The moment that you awaken to this fact is the moment that you begin to experience the miracle. It does not matter who you are or what you do. It does not matter your age, what you have done in the past, or your education. It is your birth right to experience life and its deepest satisfactions.
Who's the You Running Your Life?
Author: Sulana Stone
You finally make a friend or get a hot date with someone you’re attracted to—then blow it by acting aloof or not being yourself.
Who Is The Inner Critic?
Author: Skye Thomas
The inner critic is that voice inside your head that tells you that you aren't good enough, smart enough, talented enough, pretty enough, or strong enough. It nags and natters at you to the point that your self confidence and sense of bravery is destroyed. You are convinced that the voice is correct and that you really don't have what it takes to live out your wildest dreams. As time goes on, you quit setting meaningful goals. You become resigned to a life of mediocrity and dullness.
WHO are YOU, really?
Author: Danish Ahmed
What makes you, you? Think about that for a moment... There's probably a bunch of characteristics that come to your mind. Sometimes, the most basic of traits we overlook. For example, did you think about your gender, your ethnicity, or your age? We tend not to describe ourselves with these attributes because we don't want other people to judge our character or our personality based on these attributes. And, these are attributes that we may not have any control over -- we cannot change them, so we overlook them.
What Makes a Leader?
Author: Sam Vaknin
How come a leader becomes a leader? In this article, we are not interested in the historical process but in the answer to the twin questions: what qualifies one to be a leader and why do people elect someone specific to be a leader. The immediately evident response would be that the leader addresses or is judged by his voters to be capable of addressing their needs. These could be economic needs, psychological needs, or moral needs. In all these cases, the needs are judged to be serious enough as to threaten acceptable existence (emphasis on the word “acceptable”). Mere survival is rarely at risk (famine, war, plague). On the contrary, people are mostly willing to sacrifice their genetic and biological survival on the altar of acceptable existence. To be acceptable, life must be honourable. To be honourable, certain conditions (commonly known as “rights”) must be fulfilled and upheld. No life can be honourable without food and shelter (property rights), personal autonomy (as safeguarded by freedoms), security
What Makes a Leader?
Author: Sam Vaknin
How come a leader becomes a leader? In this article, we are not interested in the historical process but in the answer to the twin questions: what qualifies one to be a leader and why do people elect someone specific to be a leader. The immediately evident response would be that the leader addresses or is judged by his voters to be capable of addressing their needs. These could be economic needs, psychological needs, or moral needs. In all these cases, the needs are judged to be serious enough as to threaten acceptable existence (emphasis on the word “acceptable”). Mere survival is rarely at risk (famine, war, plague). On the contrary, people are mostly willing to sacrifice their genetic and biological survival on the altar of acceptable existence. To be acceptable, life must be honourable. To be honourable, certain conditions (commonly known as “rights”) must be fulfilled and upheld. No life can be honourable without food and shelter (property rights), personal autonomy (as safeguarded by freedoms), security
What is your process of Discovery?
Author: graham and julie
When Julie looks through the lens of her camera she is interested in what is in focus and what is out of focus. Sometimes what is in focus is so boring, it’s the out of focus which interests her. The question that occupies her mind is: how do I bring that which is out of focus in focus?
What is Genuine Control?
Author: Deanne Repich
-- Genuine control is not something lost or gained according to what someone else says, does or thinks. It is within me in abundance at all times.
What Has Passed, Is Gone!
Author: Robert Taylor
How many of us are guilty of living in the past? Some spend their whole lives trying to live in the past and others only brief moments. Our lives are right now, right this moment.
Unleash the Diva Within!
Author: Rondell Demmings
I am a diva! I tell my children, family and friends all the time that I am a diva. My son doesn’t know exactly what a diva is and instead of asking me what is a diva, he asks me questions like what makes you a diva? My response to him is that I was born a diva! The next question he ask is what makes you a diva? My answer is being me.
Turning the Big Six-Oh
Author: Maureen Killoran, MA, DMin
August is my birthday month (yes, I'm a Virgo through and through) . . . and this year I'm turning the Big Six- Oh. When I was younger, 60 was beyond the pale. I gave my 7th decade little thought because on one hand I believed I was immortal, and on the other, I expected that, long before I reached 60, I would die.
Transformation - it is all about questions
Author: Nisandeh Neta
Have you ever noticed that the older you get, the fewer friends you have, the fewer new things you experience, and the fewer risks you take? The result? Less ecstasy! In actuality, it doesn't make sense. Instead of expanding as you grow, you shrink. When you can relate to this scenario, it is high time for personal transformation. Unless, of course you like the way it is!
Transform Your Self-talk from Negative to Positive!
Author: Dr. Joe Rubino
From his new book,
Top 7 Steps For Creating Unlimited Success This New Year
Author: John Robson & Patrice Steen
New Year's is traditionally a time for resolutions--when we vow to live our lives better than we have in the past. Unfortunately, we treat our resolutions as wishes made on stars. We declare them and then simply hope they'll come true. Well, it takes more than wishful thinking to change our behavior. If you want to succeed with your resolutions, you need to attend to 7 basic steps. Follow these guidelines, and you will achieve your dreams.
Top 10 Steps to a Healthier Body Image
Author: Anne-Marie Rennick
1. Stop Weighing yourself
Tips on boosting your self-confidence
Author: Aurelia Williams
How you feel about yourself truly does affect your interaction with others.
Tips for Stopping Body Hatred
Author: Marion Bilich, Ph.D.
Imagine a statistic, “Seventy-five percent of all American women feel short.” That would sound ludicrous. We all know that people come in all different heights—some of us are short, some of us tall, and most of us are in the average range. We might wonder, “what made these women decide that they were too short?” “What were they thinking?”
Author: JENKA
“There is no honor in hard work?was a statement hurled at me many years ago by a hippie-type. I, of course, dismissed it, considering the source, despite the fact that the young man who favored me with that piece of his mind traveled world-wide, and did pretty much as he pleased, while I struggled to make ends meet on minimum wage and dragged myself home every night on sore feet, compliments of spending hours on a cement floor in high heels.
The Universe Is On Your Side
Author: Linda-Ann Stewart
"Nothing ever works for me," "Everything I try fails," "Whenever something good happens, something bad happens." Have you ever felt this way? I have had clients who have had these ideas as core concepts. Because this is what they believe, this is exactly what they manifest. They experience Life fighting against them for every improvement they try to make. They might begin to prosper, suddenly be out of a job, and descend into a depression rather than follow up on opportunities for a better position. Or they change to a healthier lifestyle, but when their life begins to improve, they abandon the new lifestyle that has set them on that healthier path. In all cases, the belief of Life being against them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Life didn't abandon them. They abandoned Life.
The Truth About Self-Esteem
Author: Jim Leonard
copyright 2003 BY JIM LEONARD
The Top Ten Steps for Tapping into Courage
Author: Robert Knowlton
Aristotle believed that courage is the first of human virtues
The Spectacular You
Author: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD
I recently received a letter addressed to Spectacular Rachelle Lee. At first I thought it was a joke. Who would write such a thing? I then thought maybe it was a mistake. Whatever it was, I knew it did not feel comfortable. It turned out to be an advertisement, for what I am not even sure. What I am sure of is that the way it was addressed caught my attention, and I realized how difficult it can be to own just how spectacular I am.
The Secret to Self Care
Author: Adela M Rubio
Wherever you go, there you are. There’s no escaping it - your world is a reflection of you and if the view in your mirror doesn’t elicit a certain spark perhaps it’s time to question the underlying assumptions.
The Purpose of Living...
Author: Vanita Leona Amritraj
Very often we find ourselves searching for answers as to why we need to be alive and so on and so forth. This question keeps arising as long as we feel a vacuum or a void in our lives which we try and fill constantly but to no effect! That one void which the creation feels can only be filled once the Creator is asked within - the Creator Jesus Christ. People try feeding that void with many habits that are harmful at times like drugs, smoking, alcohol and many such things but only in vain. What is vital is the realisation by the creation to fulfill the purpose of being alive which is fellowship with the Creator Himself. That's why in John 3:16, the Father sent His Son to restore that lost relationship that people might find purpose and meaning in their lives - His love is incomparable and His purposes divine and matchless. All it needs is a humble surrender to the divine will and an acknowledging of our need for this Saviour. No other purpose more beautiful and splendid can there be than to commune with the Om
The Problem & The Solution Lie Within YOU
Author: Asoka Selvarajah, Ph.D
Whatever your lot in life, you doubtless consider it to be a combination of external factors: some positive and others negative. Doubtless, this is partly true. However, it may surprise you to know that at any point, barring acts of God, your future is almost entirely in your own hands.
The Power Of Thought
Author: Robert Taylor
Ancient manuscripts and various religious writings have long propounded the power of thought.
The Power of Stories
Author: Molly Gordon
2. WORKING THOUGHTS: Powerful Stories
The Power
Author: Clyde Dennis
I had a friend ask me a question not to long ago that really led me to do some thinking. "How do you manage to stay so positive all the time?" You never seem to have "bad" days she said.
The Official Heart Diet
Author: Sandy Roman
The Official Heart Diet
THE NEW HERMITS: Into Deserts of Their Own Making
Author: Lionel L. Fisher
In the spring of 1996, Sarah Holbrook moved to a place as basic as the life she wants to live.
The Misused Name of God
Author: Maria Ferrara
Various religions have a strong intolerance for each other, which only seems to perpetuate acts of discrimination and injustice against each other. Thanks to the actions of terrorists, the mask has finally been removed,revealing what many have suspected about religions. It is my belief that organized religions are essentially searching for political power in an effort to control the world through their preaching of love, forgiveness and eternal life.
The Lost Treasure Returns
Author: Mike Moore
About fifteen years ago I had the pleasure of teaching a young woman who was one of the most gifted high school seniors I have ever met. Not only was she brilliant in Math and Science, but she was also extremely talented in the visual arts. She could draw and paint beautifully. When Audrey graduated from university she did so with two degrees, one in fine arts and one in biochemistry. Not too many people shine brilliantly in two such different areas of study. She was gifted.
the Key to super success in life!
Author: A. R. Buzzeo - University Physics Demonstrator
Like most discoveries of this type, its origin was rooted with a need to find a solution to a real life problem. As a father of young children that showed no interest or aptitude in science or to follow my profession (I was a University physics demonstrator). I began a quest to discover what my children's natural talents were so that I could help them, like most parents, to pursue careers that would make them a success in life. Like 98% of parents, as my research was to discover, I made the fundamental mistake of looking for only for obvious highly desirable very special talents in my children. Talents that would directly lead them to fame and fortune.
The Car Analogy - Or What You See Is Not What You Get!
Author: Ian Stewart
Cars are very predictable really. They all operate in pretty much the same way, from a Rolls Royce to a Mini, or a Cadillac to a compact.
The Business of Speaking for Profit and Pleasure
Author: Mike Moore
I believe that public speaking can be rewarding in many ways. First of all it can provide you with an opportunity to earn a fantastic full time or part time income working from home. Groups, organizations and businesses are always looking for informative, entertaining speakers to address their members at banquets, annual meetings, conferences etc. As you become well known as a speaker the invitations increase. Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising. As your reputation spreads you will find people from outside your local area approaching you to present to their group. Since I began my speaking career I have spoken to numerous groups throughout Canada and the United States. Not only are the financial rewards terrific, but I get to travel, all expenses paid, meet new people and see new country. What a great life and what great rewards for doing what I love to do.
The Art of Illusion: How To Cheat Nature Just By Changing Your Clothes
Author: Sue Donnelly
(c) Sue Donnelly. All Rights Reserved.
The Art of Confident Conversation
Author: Mike Moore
Did you know that the second greatest social fear people have is the fear of starting and carrying on a conversation with someone they don't know. The greatest social fear is speaking in public. Why are we afraid to speak with people we don't know? Perhaps it stems from being told as children never to speak with strangers. Or that silence is golden or that children are to be seen and not heard. Whatever the reason it remains a significant social fear for many of us. And one that we find difficult to overcome.
The Art of Communicating
Author: Hal Warfield
The word communicate comes from the latin communis or common. We speak of a common room that everyone shares or a university commons where everyone shares the space. It indicates that two people or two groups have something shared in common but many problems and disputes can be traced to a lack of understanding.
The 5 Hindrances of the Mind: Are They Blocking Your Self-Esteem?
Author: Deborah L. Shipley, RYT
The issue of self-esteem is perhaps one of the greatest determinates in creating a life of freedom and abundance, or feeling inhibited and “just getting by“. Self-esteem is defined as “a feeling of pride in oneself“. It is how you feel in relation to yourself rather than how others see you. It’s between you and, well… you. Therefore, it’s not necessary to be so concerned about what others think to determine your level of self -esteem, as the definition does not include any “others“, just you. So where can you help yourself to better understand you? There are so many aspects of you but one that is of great importance is that of your mind.
The 5 Components of Self Confidence
Author: Jim Sullivan
Self confidence is often regarded as something innate, a quality which some lucky individuals are born with. Whilst there may be some truth in this, it is also certainly true that self confidence can be trained and nurtured, at any stage in life.
Temperament and Personality
Author: Hal Warfield
Who you are, how you got that way, and how to live with others who aren't like you.
Temperament and Personality
Author: Hal Warfield
Who you are, how you got that way, and how to live with others who aren't like you.
Taming the Beast - Improving the Narcissist's Quality of Life (Part 2)
Author: Sam Vaknin
In the previous part we discussed the healing prospects of a Narcissist. yet, how can a False Self be anything but false? How can anyone on a permanent diet of reflections ever see true objects? How can the Narcissist - whose essence is the devouring of meaningful others and their transformation into meaningless and other - ever love?
Taming the Beast - Improving the Narcissist's Quality of Life (Part 1)
Author: Sam Vaknin
Many textbooks (and many patients ...) claim that the psychodynamic therapies when applied to personality disorders are ineffective. Functional (cognitive, behavioral) treatments should be preferred in certain cases and regarding certain aspects of the disorder.
Take Control
Author: Michael A. Janke
Take Control
Author: Michael A. Janke
Surviving Life With An Understanding Heart
Author: Emil-Paul Dopson
Now is the worst of times and the best of times. As we optimistically contemplate a new millennium we are also filled with trepidation for the unknown.
Recovered or Recovering?
Author: Anne Wayman
No matter what 12 Step Program you're in, you've probably heard that you're always recovering, never recovered. It's one of those ideas that is repeated over and over again.
Stratagies for boosting your child's self esteem
Author: Aurelia Williams
Self esteem in an important quality for all children to have. As parents, you can help to boost your child's self esteem by following the steps below:
STOP! Reading the Headlines and Live YOur Own Life
Author: Joanne Victoria
© 2002 Joanne Victoria,
Stop the Negative Self-Talk
Author: Anne Wayman
Have you ever listened to what you're telling yourself? You know, those almost unconscious mental messages you give yourself all the time as you move through your daily life.
Sorry Dr Maslow, I think you got it wrong
Author: Graham Hunt
Sorry Dr Maslow, I think you got it wrong....
Simple Steps to Self-Confidence and Achievement
Author: Steve Clute
Confidence is a requirement for success and happiness. There are amazing differences in performance, achievement and self-satisfaction when you compare the performance of confident and scared individuals under the same conditions. Never feel that it is impossible to gain confidence if it is not an easy place for you to be. There are simple steps you can take to achieve higher levels of self-confidence and here are some of them.
Simple Steps to Better Self-Esteem
Author: Dr. Scott G. Shelp
Low self-esteem is all too common a problem. The reality is, each of us is unique, special, beautiful and amazingly talented, but it seems that no one ever tells us this! As a result, we forget it, too. It’s sometimes easy to concentrate only on our mistakes, failures and weaknesses.
Shining Light
Author: Phil Walmsley
Let your light shine!
Seven Strategies You Need to Know About Strengthening Your Self-Esteem
Author: Carol Dickson-Carr
Did you know that your life’s success in all areas is directly related to having a healthy self-esteem? You’ve heard the cliché “You are what you eat.” Many would also argue that “You are what you think.”
Sense and Sensitivity -- in an insensitive world
Author: Thomas Eldridge
All your life you thought something was wrong with you. You were uncomfortable around noise. No one understood your
Self-Love: A Definition
Author: Connie Barrett
Self-Love: A Definition
Self-Esteem: In A Culture Where Winning Is Everything and Losing Is Shameful
Author: Richard O'Connor
"True self-esteem requires an accurate appraisal of one's own abilities in comparison to those of others...a phony self-esteem is vulnerable to puncture by life's experience."
Self-Esteem in the Performance Arts
Author: Dr. Patrick J. Cohn
Many athletes and performers I work with often wrongly determine their self-worth by how successful they feel about their career. When an athlete performs well or feels successful, he or she can feel good about him or herself. But the opposite is also true: despair and low self-esteem results when this person does not perform well or view him or herself as a failure. Self-esteem is a core issue in my work because it affects every aspect of your life, not just dancing.
Author: Sherri Schaefer
Self-Esteem is defined as confidence in yourself as an individual. To esteem anything is to consider it positively and hold it in high regard.
Self-contentment Leads to Confidence
Author: Lisa Martin, PCC
Being self-content means accepting and acknowledging who you are at your core and becoming satisfied -- maybe not perfect, but satisfied -- in all areas of your life. When you learn to better understand, better appreciate and eventually love yourself, you exude a quiet confidence that will open doors to what you want in life.
Self-Confidence Secrets: Measure Your Success
Author: Dr. Annette Colby, RD
Would you like to be confident in the things you do? Most people would. The problem is that many people aren't sure how. They think it is some mystical trait that some people seem to have and others don't. Actually, being confident in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals is a skill that can be learned.
Connect with Your Inner Artist
Author: Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach
In the "Roadblocks to Creativity" e-course, we look at the 7 most common things that block our creative expression. So, if we're "blocked" when we're facing those things, what are we like when we're free of them?
Self Growth By "Embracing What You Least Want"
Author: Richard Ross
In various writings about emotional issues in people’s lives, you have probably seen reference to the term polarity, as well as the term shadow. One way to notice when we have a polarity within our own life situation is when we have a fixed negative viewpoint about our situation. When we do, it is often this negative viewpoint that keeps us stuck where we are.
Self Esteem: Something I have or something I do?
Author: Robert Scanlon
Robert Scanlon
Seeing Purple: On Pens and Paying Attention
Author: Maya Talisman Frost
It's back-to-school time once again, and purple is IN.
Searching For The Feminine Divine
Author: Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway
I always had a sense that if there was a God, there had to be a Goddess. Host-Hostess. Steward-Stewardess. Actor-Actress. In my heart I knew there had to be a yin to the yang I grew up knowing as the Divine source of all that is. I just did not have clue how to find Her.
Searching For The Feminine Divine
Author: Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway
I always had a sense that if there was a God, there had to be a Goddess. Host-Hostess. Steward-Stewardess. Actor-Actress. In my heart I knew there had to be a yin to the yang I grew up knowing as the Divine source of all that is. I just did not have clue how to find Her.
Redefining Beauty
Author: Karinna Kittles
Social Consciousness
Put A Smile Inside
Author: Bill McGrane
I want you to think about something. Smiling! What is it? What does it do? Do you really know about the power of a smile? You are walking down the street on a balmy afternoon, and a complete stranger smiles at you ... how do you feel? Someone you haven't seen in years walks up to you, smiles, and grabs your hand. How do you feel? You look in the mirror and frown at yourself and say what a lousy day it is going to be! How do you feel?
Psychoanalytic Psychotherpay - Optimal Healing and Recovery
Author: Daniel Shaw, CSW
Therapies abound today, many laying claim to fast, easy, and amazing results. My own experience, in my private psychoanalytic practice, in working with people from every walk of life, is that real healing and recovery from lifelong issues of depression, anxiety, inhibition, and repetitive negative patterns in relationships, requires sufficient time and hard work for real change to take root. Personalities are not built in a day, and the mind does not operate like a machine with an on/off switch. We all have complex internal worlds, and many of the internal conflicts, fears and hopes, needs and wants, that run our lives, do so without our full awareness or cooperation.
Power Struggle!
Author: Joseph Ghabi
The greatest asset we have in human existence is our soul growth, but somehow we have that confused with becoming powerful. Power does not bring growth unless we understand the essence of sharing that power.
Popular Cosmetic Surgery Improves Self Esteem
Author: Melissa Strauss
Cosmetic surgery used to have a stigma attached to it, but not any more. Everyone from teenagers, to middle age men to elderly women are having various surgeries done. The most common reason for having it done is to improve self esteem. These are the most popular surgeries:
Perfectionism and Its Destructive Path
Author: Charles C. Ziccardi
Many articles state there is an association between perfectionism and suicide. The most interesting ones have to deal with very famous and successfull people. These include people like Vincent Foster, Alasdair Clayre, and Denny Hansen, whom all have committed suicide due to pressure of perfectionism. Perfectionism is a concept that plagues our society in many ways. It is often linked to depression, anorexia, bulimia, stress, and suicide. It is also thought to have numerous influences that effect its onset and development.
People Are Not Pegs
Author: Robert Knowlton
"...start thinking of yourself as an artist and your life as a
Parenting - The Irrational Vocation
Author: Sam Vaknin
There are some grounds to assume that a cognitive dissonance is involved in feeling that children are more a satisfaction than a nuisance. Why do people bother with parenting? It is time consuming, exhausting, strains otherwise pleasurable and tranquil relationships to their limits. Still, humanity keeps at it: breeding.
Parenting - The Irrational Vocation
Author: Sam Vaknin
There are some grounds to assume that a cognitive dissonance is involved in feeling that children are more a satisfaction than a nuisance. Why do people bother with parenting? It is time consuming, exhausting, strains otherwise pleasurable and tranquil relationships to their limits. Still, humanity keeps at it: breeding.
Our Self Image and Our Self
Author: Beverly Stewart
So we've identified what we want in our lives. We've set our goals and made a plan. All of which is great and vital in achieving what we want. But in itself it’s not enough. It’s only part of the picture, the other part is contained in the behind the scenes activity of our minds.
Author: Susyn Grace Reeve
How do you change a thought, how do you live into a new thought, how do you embody a new thought? The starting point is waking up to the current thoughts; then consciously making choices about the thoughts we have and creating a new thought pattern, a new habit of thinking. Here's one story:
Nurturing Self in the New Age
Author: Robert Burney M.A.
“By the way, the hardest part of unconditional Love is accepting wherever we are at in the moment no matter how uncomfortable. The hardest part of acceptance is not the difficulty of allowing others their process (although Lord knows that can be very hard); it is allowing ourselves our own process without shame and judgment.I can do that now most of the time. I know now that when it feels like crap it is not punishment, it is not because I am bad or wrong or defective. . . What I know now is that when it feels like shit that means that I am being fertilized to help me grow.”
Negativity: The Silent Killer
Author: Ali Sharifi
This sucks! I hate reading. Why do I have to go to work? What’s the point? We talk to ourselves constantly throughout the day and that never-ending dialogue has a dramatic affect on our lives. You may not notice how often you put yourself down or think negatively during the span of just a few minutes. Whether it’s thinking you’re not good enough to do a certain thing, or feeling down about messing something up, you create your reality with each thought.
My First Date
Author: Art Nefsky
Theresa was a cheerleader and the school Social convenor.
Mining Your Diamonds
Author: Adele Alfano, Canada's Diamond Coach
I consider Sept 21, 1991 as the day that God gave me a second lease on life. I call this portion: Adele, The Sequel. In this journey of self discovery and exploration,(let me add that it is not over yet!), I have learned that deep within me, and deep within all of us, we have these buried gems, hidden treasures and unexplored diamonds!! Ahh, a diamond. It is the most dazzling accessory that we own. It is the epitome of glamour. Just ask Elizabeth Taylor!. A diamond is also a treasured heirloom, passed on from generation to generation.
Meeting The Unprepared Generation
Author: Sylvia Roff-Marsh
I treated myself to a coffee from the kiosk and sought a seat beside a willow with weeping branches already green-tipped. I drew a deep breath of the clear air and rejoiced with Pippa at the break to freedom we had both made.
Meeting the Enemy--and It's You!
Author: Molly Gordon
How often have you started a fitness program, decided to learn a new skill, promised yourself to paint your living room or finish a landscaping project, only to encounter seemingly endless resistance? Sometimes the resistance is generated internally; sometimes it comes from external sources such as family, friends or coworkers.
Manifesting - create your own reality
Author: Vered Neta
I've experimented with conscious manifesting techniques for 13 years now. For 5 years I have taught others the tools that I myself have learned in a course called 'Manifesting Results'. Some people come to the course with a preconception that I'm going to teach them how to manifest. The bad news is that I'm not going to do that. The good news is that you already DO manifest everything in your life. You always have.
Making a difference - it is up to you!
Author: Nisandeh Neta
"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Those powerful words are part of a speech given by Martin Luther King in August 1963. Those are the words of a man who was persecuted and then murdered for preaching non-violent civil disobedience whilst fighting for black peoples civil rights in the United States during the turbulent early sixties.
Making a Difference
Author: John McIntosh
Making a difference in our life and the lives of others does not require special skills, experience, education, social status, age or sex requirements or any other society-labeled qualification. It calls only for a sincere desire to do so.
Lucky's Gate
Author: Larry Hochman, C.A.G.S.
"Dad, do you know the story about Lucky the Dog?"
Loving the work that you do
Author: Nisandeh Neta
A while ago I chose to add this monthly writing task to my job description. At that time, it was exciting, challenging and fun. Yet, all of a sudden it became stressful, demanding and burdensome.
Love Enough To Let Others Heal
Author: Linda-Ann Stewart
Over the last few years, as I've grown spiritually, I've discovered that letting others hurt me, and excusing them, hurt them as well. My intentions were to make them feel better about themselves. I was trying to reflect the Divinity within me by loving unconditionally. When my friends would snap at me, I'd tell myself they didn't mean it, that they were simply unhappy. Returning anger and hatred with love and compassion, I let my friends treat me like dirt because I knew they were wounded. I wanted them to heal, and thought my loving them unconditionally would initiate the healing. It never did. It just encouraged them to remain wounded and lashing out at me.
Looking For A Better Way? Own Your Own Business!!
Author: Hulon Binkley
Life Lines
Author: Jack Reeves
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."--Winston Churchill
Letting Go
Author: Phil Walmsley
While sitting with a close friend the other day I heard him say repeatedly. "Well, whatever happens, happens. If it's meant to be it will be. I'm letting the Universe lead the way." In Christianity, a similar phrase is said "Not they will but thine O
Let Your Life Shine
Author: Yvonne Chiarelli, PhD CHC
We journey together in discovering ourselves. You are on this human journey to express life in a way that only you can express it. How can you filter out the myriad of distractions and focus on allowing your inner light to shine? In our culture, it is easy to get caught up in the stream of busy, keeping up with the pace, doing what we must, not always what we want.
Let stress work for you - Learn to worry well and benefit from stress
Author: Roger Elliott
Stress is a health risk. It can raise your blood pressure, cause you to suffer sleepless nights and affect your digestion, your immunity ?even your sex life. But stress isn’t all bad –the ability to stress, to worry about possible dangers and prepare for them, has been a crucial factor in the development and survival of Mankind. Here’s how to tap into your evolutionary birthright and make stress work for you!
Learning To Love Your Whole Body
Author: Gregory Newman, M.S.
Learning To Love Your Whole Body
Learning To Love Your Whole Body
Author: Gregory Newman, M.S.
Learning To Love Your Whole Body
Laughing in Osama's Face
Author: Howard Bloom
New Yorkers have come together in welcome ways in the weeks since 9/11. We stop and talk to strangers on the street. We try to help each other well before we formally meet. Or we join in funerals for firemen we never knew, raising money for their families, while recognizing each other from September's recovery teams. These are lessons in community we've needed for a long time. But the bonds that tie us when commemorating loss are missing something vital. There is something critical that we must capture, hold up before our eyes, and focus on before it is too late, before our scars congeal in the backward-facing form of in memoriams.
Knowing Myself Through Collage
Author: Beth Rittenhouse
These collages are not about art. They are not meant to be framed for a gallery. They are about me - my likes, my fears, my regrets, and my dreams. I spent my life focusing on others ?trying to please them. I was interested in their opinions, likes, dislikes and desires. I never spent any time on looking at me. When I realized I didn’t know myself, I found it very difficult to see inside myself with the accuracy I could see in others. I found myself leery of looking inside. I was afraid of what I might find, and even more scared that I’d find nothing there. The practice of collage has given me a means to bypass the conscience and tap deeper in. Tap into that place where the real me lives.
Know Yourself
Author: S.R. Mohan
When you are looking into your future, it's important to know which questions to ask. You don't need to ask, "Do I have what it takes to be successful?" The answer to that is a resounding "YES!" The key question is, "Am I willing to pay the price for the success I desire?”
Kick the Approval Habit
Author: Thelma Mariano
Years ago I based my feelings of self-worth on performance and how much I could achieve in school or in business. When I turned to professional writing, my internal rating system focused on the number of sales. But guess what? My need for external approval was a bottomless pit. I could never get enough.
Just what is middle age and what can we do about it?
Author: Bob Adams
If I had to pick numbers, then I'd probably choose the range from 25 to 75. Why? Thinking in terms of myself and others I've know, I'd say most of us are truly independent of our families and on our own at least by 25 and most of us are dealing with the infirmities of old age by 75. Everything in-between would be middle age.
Judgment Day
Author: Connie Barrett
One spiritual truth in which I deeply believe is that ultimately we are all part of the One. I also believe that it is possible to view all life forms, appreciate that each has its distinctive characteristics and at the same time experience the common element of soul which unites them.
It Takes Courage
Author: Robert Knowlton
"Listening to your heart is not simple. Finding out
Is it Self-Esteem or Self-Confidence or what lies in between?
Author: Joseph Ghabi
I was driven towards looking to the self-confidence and self-esteem in ourselves on a deeper level. How do we evaluate the two?
Indulge Your Skin with Three Home-Made Facial Masks
Author: Francoise Rapp
Facial masks are a wonderful way to make your skin glow, even out its tone, and help it appear more youthful. And you can make healthy, all-natural facial masks right at home. I've created three simple recipes to share with you to bring out the natural beauty of your skin. I suggest you use these skin treatments at least every other week to maximize their benefits.
Author: Dr Harry Henshaw
Positive self-esteem is very important if not crucial to our happiness and well being as a human being. Having positive self-esteem can make the difference in that which we take on in life, in that which we go about achieving and creating. Having positive self- esteem also allows us to have healthy and joyous relationships with others, to experience true intimacy. One could also assert that having positive self-esteem gives us access to genuine spirituality. Poor self-esteem, on the other hand, creates the space for us to experience a great deal of negativity in life including depression, anxiety, fear, stress and loneliness. Negative or poor self-esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency. Some even believe that a negative or poor self-image is the source of such addictions.
Improving Your Self Esteem
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Often in our society, we are bombarded with the lives of celebrities. We can end up feeling that if we are not part of the rich and famous, our lives are insignificant. Our society also sends a message of competition and achievement. We watch sports, we always hear about profit and the bottom line being the dollar, we see large companies competing and constantly buying each other out.
Author: Dr Harry Henshaw
Positive self-esteem is very important for our general health and wellness as human beings. Having positive self-esteem is also important for promoting any type of healing, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Poor or low self-esteem on the other hand can be quite detrimental to our well-being and even our very existence. Negative self-esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression, problems with relationships, seriously impair academic and job performance and also can generate an increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse and dependency. On the other hand, a person with positive self-esteem tends to be more motivated in taking on and creating a life that he loves, living it powerfully and in this process be authentically related to others in his community. Having positive self-esteem appears to be necessary for having a happy and healthy existence regardless of who we are or what profession we are taking on in life.
Author: Dr Harry Henshaw
Positive self-esteem is very important for our general health and wellness as human beings. Having positive self-esteem is also important for promoting any type of healing, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Poor or low self-esteem on the other hand can be quite detrimental to our well-being and even our very existence. Negative self-esteem can create anxiety, stress, loneliness, depression, problems with relationships, seriously impair academic and job performance and also can generate an increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse and dependency. On the other hand, a person with positive self-esteem tends to be more motivated in taking on and creating a life that he loves, living it powerfully and in this process be authentically related to others in his community. Having positive self-esteem appears to be necessary for having a happy and healthy existence regardless of who we are or what profession we are taking on in life.
Improve Your Self Esteem
Author: John Baker
Most people hate getting complaints. If people put them down their self esteem takes a hit and they get defensive – denying that they’re doing anything wrong. They take criticism as a personal insult. Even though sometimes complaints are made to deliberately put you down, reacting this way won’t help. You need to learn to take criticism. In fact, you should learn to prefer it to compliments.
Improve Your Self Esteem
Author: John Baker
Most people hate getting complaints. If people put them down their self esteem takes a hit and they get defensive – denying that they’re doing anything wrong. They take criticism as a personal insult. Even though sometimes complaints are made to deliberately put you down, reacting this way won’t help. You need to learn to take criticism. In fact, you should learn to prefer it to compliments.
"If I'm not accepted, I'm not okay"
Author: David Longo
Give yourself the most powerful coffee break you ever had. Find the GOLD within this message...
I Don't Like To Think About Depression. It's So . . . So . . .
Author: Jan Tincher
Thinking about depression is . . . Well, it's . . . It's depressing.
I am unique
Author: graham and julie
We have given a lot of thought, paid an indecent amount of money and taken much action over the years to change the way we are. To become ‘better’ human beings. To make the most of this life we have. To get rid of the behaviours that are counterproductive. The behaviours that cause harm to us and others.
How to Stop Being Resigned to an Uninspired Life
Author: Sopan Greene
As you look back on your life today what would you change? Anything? Everything? Have you lived a passionate adventure or have you been stuck on the birth-school-work-death treadmill?
How to Silence Your Child's Inner Critic
Author: Marie Magdala Roker
Children do what feels good to them and follow their natural instincts. Well meaning parents teach children that it is not socially acceptable to behave in certain ways, thus going against a child's natural inclinations. Children internalize the voices from their parents, teachers and other adults in their lives and start to criticize themselves. Although parents are being helpful, this often contributes to the birth of the inner critic.
How To Overcome Low Self Esteem
Author: Debbie Reyes
Look in the mirror, what do you see? Most people see someone who is tired, someone who is barely making ends meet living paycheck to paycheck, someone who prays for a better tomorrow.
How To Get What You Want Out of Life
Author: Sandra Jordan
We all have adversity at times in our lives. The thing is to face it, deal with it, then let it go.
How to Develop Self-Esteem in Children
Author: J. Bailey Molineux, Ph.D.
There are two goals that all parents should have for their children. The first is self-esteem, the sense that one is a lovable, worthwhile individual. Without it, a person cannot find satisfaction in life or relationships, especially marriages.
How to Create Positive Mind Whispers
Author: Pauline Salvucci. M.A.
It's difficult to heal when negative thoughts control you. Here's what you can do to turn them around.
How to create confident and strong inner beliefs
Author: Sean McPheat
Simple questions you can ask yourself to begin to clarify and develop your strong inner belief system, so that you can make decisions that are right for you.
How to build self-confidence by doing really easy things
Author: S. H. Evans, Ph. D.
This heading calls up the skeptic in you.
How To Be Free Of Guilt
Author: Bill Ferguson
The key to releasing guilt is to recognize that we all go through life doing the very best we can with the very limited skills and awareness that we have at the time.
How to Avoid Vindictive People
Author: Sam Vaknin
Narcissists are often vindictive and they often stalk and harass.
How Do You See Things?
Author: Robert Taylor
Most of us see circumstances through our own biased perceptions. We see them based on our beliefs and experiences. No two people will see the same event in the same manner.
How Credit and Faith Lead to Success
Author: je Dunn
How Credit and Faith Lead to Success
Hocus Pocus - magic does exist!
Author: Nisandeh Neta
Lately, our little daughter has been afraid of dragons. Some witches and the neighbor's black dog have also been causing her concern. We taught her the magic spell: 'Jimalaya...Jim!' and since she's been using it, the dragons, witches and even the big black dog, aren't bothering her anymore. How come? It's magic!
Healing Yourself Through Forgiveness
Author: J. Bailey Molineux
A woman who as a child was emotionally abused by her father is filled with hatred for him and herself. Several years after it occurred, a man is still depressed and angry because his ex-wife left him for another man. The parents of a young boy killed by a drunk driver are unable to get over their grief and bitterness.
God Gave You A Dream
Author: Helen Gordon
You have a dream, an urging to express yourself. Hold on to it for the dream is God's idea eager to be expressed through you. It is God's choice through you the idea should be fulfilled. God gave you the idea with a restlessness to live it and with the tools, passion and joy to see it through full manifestation. Through this idea, the grace of God is experienced within all who come in contact with it.
Freedom from Bondage
Author: Jeanie Marshall
"I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind."
Five Ways to Make Your Body Speak
Author: Lenny Laskowski
?1999 LJL Seminars
Five Ways to Make Your Body Speak
Author: Lenny Laskowski
?1999 LJL Seminars
Five Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone
Author: Skye Thomas
Expanding your comfort zone isn't quite the same as building self-confidence. However, the two do fit together rather nicely. The one begets the other. So many people feel stuck in a rut... bored from a routine that is safe and comfortable but not very exciting. Fear of falling flat on your face or of looking foolish stops you from reaching out beyond that cozy little life you've created for yourself. If your goal is to expand your comfort zone, then you must think positive while doing these. Remember that nothing really bad can happen to you if you are smart in how you go about trying new things. It's all just new adventures. Become like a curious child and have some fun.
Find And Heal The Inner Issues That Run Your Life
Author: Bill Ferguson
When you were a young child, you were pure love. You were happy, alive and free.
Fats For Health
Author: Dr. Tom Lee
In this day and age of fat phobia and the resultant barrage of low fat and non-fat food products lining the grocery store aisles, a recommendation to supplement your daily diet with one to two tablespoons of essential fatty acid rich oil would appear to go against the grain. To the contrary, this is exactly what health conscious consumers are doing across the country, not only to attain and maintain optimal health, but in many instances, as a treatment for the over 60 health ailments the essential fatty acids have been scientifically validated to benefit.
FAQs on Self Image/Self Concept
Author: Hal Warfield
Just what is my self-image? Is it different than my self-concept?
FAQs on Non-Verbal Communication/Body Language
Author: Hal Warfield
I don't understand this stuff about non-verbal language. I say what I mean - how does the way I say it make a difference?
Falling in Love....With You!
Author: Fiona Harrold
Fiona Harrold
Facing Your Problems
Author: Dr. Wm. G. Seavey
Have you ever noticed a flock of birds perched on a power line? If it is a calm day about half of them will be facing one direction while the other half face the opposite direction. However, if the wind begins to blow they will eventually turn and all face the same direction, which is, into the wind. Have you ever wondered why? On a calm day the birds can take off and land in almost any direction. But as the winds begin to pick up they will all take off and land into the wind. Why? Because that is how they get the most lift. Their bodies are designed that way. Birds facing the winds don’t get their feathers ruffled. The winds simply flow over the contour of their bodies. But if a bird is turned the opposite direction with its tail facing the wind, it ruffles their feathers and they are off balance. It’s sort of like rubbing a cats fur the wrong direction. They do not like it. Of course all you have to do to solve that problem is to turn the cat around.
Everyday Spirituality
Author: Ariel & Shya Kane
In this world where technology has eclipsed our humanity, many of us are looking for a way to operate in our lives that fulfills our spiritual nature. People have tried different religions or disciplines with varying degrees of success or failure. They have taken motivational workshops to try to discover some meaning to apply to their lives and many have come away wondering, "Is this all there is?" This vague sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction, can permeate our lives, even when we accomplish the goals we set for ourselves.
Empowering Kids to Deal with Bullies and Low Self-esteem
Author: Kathy Noll
Did you know that 23% of 9th graders have carried a weapon to school recently? According to the US Justice Department, one out of three kids will be offered or sold drugs at school while one out of four kids is bullied either mentally or physically every day. Do we really know what happens to our kids when they leave the safety of our homes to go to school?
Empathy in Communication
Author: Azriel Winnett
Empathy is vitally important in good communication. Many people confuse empathy with sympathy, but empathy is much more.
EMDR: A Powerful New Therapy for Healing Emotional Pain
Author: Susan Quinn, M.A., MFT
EMDR was developed 13 years ago to deal with the after effects of trauma. It was used and tested mostly on Vietnam Veterans who were suffering from intrusive memories from the War. Since then, it has become increasingly popular due to its ability to move the process of psychotherapy along at a swift pace. Not only does EMDR take the emotional charge off a traumatic event from the past; also, the meaning of that earlier event changes, leading to new self concepts and behaviors.
Ego, Arrogance, and Self-Esteem
Author: Edward B. Toupin
The pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain are not our only motivators. Whether you realize it or not, our underlying purpose in life is to define and pursue our true purpose in life. Regardless of what we feel or do, we are all simply searching for some type of meaning within our own individual existence that can somehow take us further. However, many problems we face in our lives arise from the lack of true life meaning.
Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders (Part 2)
Author: Sam Vaknin
To the patient suffering from both a personality disorder and an eating disorder BY FAR the most important element in his mental abnormalcy is his eating disorders. He is usually right in emphasizing their importance to him over the problems stemming from his personality disorders. They indicate the strong combined activity of an underlying sense of lack of personal autonomy and an underlying sense of lack of self control. The patient feels inordinately, paralyzingly helpless and ineffective. His eating disorders are an effort to exert and reassert mastery over his own life. At this stage, he is unable to differentiate his own feelings and needs from those of others. His cognitive and perceptual distortions (for instance, regarding his body image) only increase his feeling of personal ineffectiveness and his need to exercise even more self control (of his diet, the only thing left to him sice he belives that he lost control over everything else in his life).
Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders (Part 1)
Author: Sam Vaknin
Patients suffering from eating disorders either refrain from food intake or binge on food. Some of them are both Anorectic and Bulimic. Food binging is an impulsive behaviour. Impulsive behaviors - which cannot be controlled or restrained by the individual - also serve a DSM criterion in the case of certain personality disorders (like the Borderline PD). To a lesser extent they seem to characterize all the Cluster B personality disorders (a diagnostic cluster which includes the narcissistic, borderline, antisocial and hystrionic personality disorders).
Dream BIG
Author: Jule Gaige
Do you take the time to recognize your true potential? Or, are you so busy occupying your time and energy with all you have on your plate that you have forgotten the vital self? Does your potential remain an unrealized glimmer of hope, as you continue to search? Or, do you dream in the color of limitations because what you have come to express holds you from being all you are?
Don't Take it Personally
Author: Jean Charles
The best-selling book, The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz is an insightful little book with a message that is simple and yet profound. The author invites the reader to adopt a code of conduct that includes four agreements - "Be impeccable With Your Word, "Don't Take Anything Personally, Never Assume Anything, and Always Do Your Best"
Domestic Violence - Are You a Victim?
Author: Jill Curtis
Violence in the home is a crime we are all becoming more aware of each year. In the UK a quarter of all reported violent crimes are domestic. In the US the estimate of the number ranges from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former partner to four million each year. But domestic violence is also a world-wide problem.
Doing What You Love - 8 Questions To Find Out Where Your Heart Lies
Author: Beverly Stewart
What's really neat about doing what you love is that it releases a huge amount of energy, enthusiasm and zest for living. It frees up your creativity and adds a vibrancy to your being that you take with you wherever you go and into whatever you are doing.
Do You Get Nervous?
Author: Jan Tincher
Do you get nervous? How does that feel in your body?
Do Christians need Self-esteem?
Author: Bill McGrane
"Do as Jesus did." At some point in our lives we have all heard this, and it is a valid statement. However, we soon find that, in our human efforts, it is seldom easy to accomplish. Why? Jesus taught some very basic truths. Why do we find it so difficult to do as He did? The problem is not in what He taught, the difference in His time in history and ours, or in the fact that He was fully God as well as fully man. The problem is in us. Are self-esteem principles meant for Christians? Let's take a closer look.
Discovering Your Personal Treasure Chest
Author: Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein
Have you ever wished for the Publishers Clearing House to come to your door one bright and early morning? Or perhaps you bought a lottery ticket, feeling the anticipation of being sent a substantial check every week for the rest of your life? Although you may not realize it, metaphorically the Publishers Clearing House comes by your door every morning, and every day you have the winning lottery ticket. How is this possible? Well, within you there already exists a treasure chest. It is filled with the priceless jewels of your own positive memories and your capacities to achieve positive states of being.
Discovering Your LIfe purpose
Author: Phil Walmsley
Please remember there are no right or wrong answers.
Did you ask life for a Snickers and get a Milky Way?
Author: Karen A. Ostranger
You set out on the path toward your dreams long ago and now, here you are years later and you still haven’t reached your goals.
Developing self-belief - The 10 step process - Part 4
Author: Nick Best
In this last part of a 4 part series, I will take a look the last 4 steps in the process, and review some case studies of people¡¯s experience of using it.
Developing self-belief - The 10 step process - Part 3
Author: Nick Best
In part 3 of this 4 part series on developing self-belief I will look at how to apply the first 6 steps of the 10 step process in your life.
Developing self-belief - The 10 step process - Part 3
Author: Nick Best
In part 3 of this 4 part series on developing self-belief I will look at how to apply the first 6 steps of the 10 step process in your life.
Developing self-belief - The 10 step process - Part 2
Author: Nick Best
Last week, I examined why believing we will succeed is so important to our success in life. This week, in part 2 of this 4 part series, I will look at how beliefs can affect our lives in ways beyond our normal conscious control, and outline the 10 step self-belief process.
Developing self-belief - The 10 step process - Part 1
Author: Nick Best
To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail.
Author: Stacey Chillemi
High self-esteem-like having money-something we think everyone else has but us. Yet having low self-esteem is perhaps the most common flaw of our humanity.
Develop strong inner beliefs to improve your self esteem
Author: Sean McPheat
There are simple questions you can ask yourself to begin to clarify and develop your strong inner belief system, so that you can make decisions that are right for you.
Determining the Value of Links from Link Renting
Author: Aaron Wall
What is Link Renting?
Determine Your Tune
Author: Katherine Scott
Most of us spend several hours each day communicating with others through the medium of our voice. Our voices contribute much to how we impact our world.
Author: Terry L. Sumerlin
It was a cool winter morning, and getting cooler. That morning, before I left for the barbershop, I told Sherry that maybe the yard work we had planned for the next few afternoons should be postponed. The clock radio had said it was supposed to be very cold for a few days. It would be very uncomfortable out and might make both of us sick.
Dealing With The Truth
Author: Regena English
One day I received an email from two members of my email list saying they didn't feel comfortable in sharing their opinions with the group because:
Cultivating Your Self-Esteem
Author: Brian Tracy
Your self-esteem is probably the most important part of your personality. It precedes and predicts your performance in almost everything you do. It is the energy source or the reactor core of your personality, and how much self-esteem you have determines your levels of vitality, enthusiasm and personal magnetism. People with high self-esteem are more positive, more likable and more effective in every part of their lives.
Author: Thomas Danaher
My goodness! Where has civility gone? Is it still here? Is it in hiding or has it been stomped on so much that it can't get up and function? Perhaps it is all of these. I believe civility is still here but only practiced on those occasions when we want to present ourselves in a good light. Then we are "nicely, nicely". Afterwards, we go back to being our thoughtless and careless selves. After all, who is polite and who practices good manners? Well, worthies, plenty of people do, but not enough practice civility to make the impact on society (civilization) that we can be proud of.
Child Violence - How to Prevent Your Child from Becoming a Statistic
Author: Kathy Noll
Did you know that over 6 million boys and 4 million girls are involved in fights every year on school grounds? Many are physically threatened while a large number of students are also robbed. Bullying has become a very serious "Hot" topic today. It's been in the news, and the theme of several talk shows in the past year. The problem has been around for as long as people have been around, but it's only been recently that we've become aware enough to do something about it. Mental and physical signs for parents to look for to find out if their child is being bullied include: Cuts, bruises, torn clothing, headaches and/or stomach pains before it's time to go to school, or a reluctance to go to school, poor appetites, poor grades, decline/withdrawal from usual activities, anxiety, not many friends, always loses money, depression, fear, anger, nervousness, and relates better to adults and teachers than children.
Challenge Yourself ... Stretch your boundaries daily!
Author: Edward B. Toupin
Many times we fall into a sedentary lifestyle because we fear forward movement. We eventually feel as though we've fallen into a rut and can't seem to escape. However, this is where we tend to forget that part of moving forward in life is to continue challenging yourself and your abilities.
Calling Your Energy Home
Author: Molly Gordon
Do you have the energy to sustain a full and balanced life (what I often refer to as "your bigger game"), or do you sometimes suspect that if your dreams came true you would be too tired or scattered to sustain them?
Author: Virginia Reeves
Without trust, you can't be willing to sacrifice, cooperate or commit yourself. You want to be appreciated for what you contribute. Building respect for individual differences, where one person can relate to another's interest - even when they disagree - is paramount to developing a respectful relationship. If a person doesn't feel that his or her role is valued, then a level of trust will not exist. This kind of trust can weather changes in goals or events because it is based on mutual understanding and that is where real power and synergy come from.
Building Self Esteem and Confidence
Author: Julie Plenty
When it comes to building self esteem and confidence, don't think self improvement, think self development. What's the difference? If you regard personal development as improvement, it suggests that something in you needs to be "fixed".
Boosting Your Self Esteem – Because You’re Worth It.
Author: Jeanne Johnson
Well done! You look great! We may say that for others, but how often do we say it for ourselves? We seem to be taught from an early age not to praise ourselves. But is it really such a bad (arrogant? boastful?) thing to do? I think not.
Beware of Gremlins
Author: Carol Gegner
Are you trying to move ahead in your career, expand your business,save more money, have quality family time or play a better game of golf? Do you have glimpses of grandeur or brilliant ideas only to have them fade quickly away? A voice inside your head begins chattering, "Who do you think you are? You can't do that. That's really a dumb idea." And then you begin to worry, feel anxious, guilty or become fearful. When that happens, you have been attacked by a gremlin.
Being the True You - Authentic!
Author: Lisa A. Mascaro
Most people live their entire lives never finding their authentic self. They never find the person they were meant to be, nor do they develop themselves to their greatest potential. Unfortunately this is much easier said than done, for it takes time and effort to undo programmed habits and ways of living.
Being Intentional
Author: Alan LeStourgeon
I was talking with my wife, who is a mental health counselor, the other day and she was lamenting a bit about some of her clients not wanting to make the necessary changes in their lives to get over their issues.
Be Consistent to Be Successful
Author: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
When you take a moment to think about your self-esteem, what comes to mind? STOP READING NOW! Take that moment...what does come to mind?
Be a Doll Babe...
Author: Dr. Nili Raam
Dr. Nili Raam
Be a Doll Babe...
Author: Dr. Nili Raam
Dr. Nili Raam
Find evidence for better self-esteem in your handwriting
Author: Sandra Fisher
There is proof of your self-worth in your handwriting. To develop a positive new self-image discover your personality strengths! Find reasons for greater self-esteem from actual evidence in your handwriting.
Authors Who Consistently Assist Us To Move Forward
Author: Maria Marsala, Special Project Coach and Consulting
Our time is one of marvel and spiritual movement. Enjoy the Web sites of these authors, speakers, teachers, and role models. Their work assists us as we look inside, learn to work with our strengths, and turn our weaknesses into assets. It's time to "Make your day by becoming the person who makes your heart smile!"
Attitude is more important than Age to a Home Business Entrepreneur
Author: Arthur
By © Arthur, The Online Internet Home Business Opportunity
Are You Taking Responsibility?
Author: Debbie Friedman
It is time to take responsibility for our actions and the results we create in our lives. It’s time to stop expecting someone else to do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves. It’s time to remember that no one is doing it to us and no one is going to do it for us.
Are You Living Your Own Life?
Author: Robert Taylor
Most would say yes to that question. Let's take a closer look at it. When you fill your life with the evening news, television, movies and fantasy books, what have you added to your life which is truly beneficial?
Are You Enthusiastic?
Author: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
Enthusiasm, the dictionary tells us, means to have a strong excitement of feeling, something inspiring zeal or passion. In Greek and French it means to be inspired. It's origins are, and its first definition, comes from the religious. An enthusiast is one who tends to become ardently absorbed in an interest--a cause, object or pursuit. The real key to success is enthusiasm, so, the big question of the day is, "What fills you with enthusiasm?"
Are You Disciplined?
Author: Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
For most people, the word "discipline" has an immediate negative connotation. It implies something imposed from the outside, doesn't it? It means that someone or something is controlling or demanding, neither of which are particularly appealing. When we do think about self-discipline, it, too, often has a negative spin because it is seen as difficult and contributing to failure. Can you think about it differently?
Another Life ... I wish I were someone else.
Author: Edward B. Toupin
In 1978, Erma Bombeck wrote a book entitled "The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." It was a most humorous read, at the time. Of course, this title falls in line with the idea that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." But, her sentiments hit the idea head on in noting that there must be some specific reason that the grass is greener "over there." While the top layer is nice, plush, and green, what is it that boils underneath?
All About High Self Esteem
Author: Barbara Rose
1. How do I begin to like myself when I’ve had low self worth my whole life?
All About High Self Esteem
Author: Barbara Rose
1. How do I begin to like myself when I’ve had low self worth my whole life?
Addiction to Perfection
Author: Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
The following email was sent to me by Karen, a member of our website:
About Self Love
Author: Barbara Rose
1. How do I love myself?
A Simple Paper/Pencil Temperament Test
Author: Hal Warfield
A first step toward discovering your natural temperament type.
A resolution method that works
Author: Nisandeh Neta
At the end of each year, it is traditional to make a New Year's Resolution. With such "agreements", we commit ourselves to resolving personal issues, yet more often than not, fail to keep these commitments. The concept in itself is a good one: to make an assessment of our lives, to contemplate what we wish to modify during the following twelve months, and then making a commitment to that change.
A Laypersons View of Self Esteem
Author: Robyn M Speed
There are many theories about self-esteem, but, really, the only one that matters is: yours.
A Holistic Approach to Treating Hair Loss
Author: Sam Razi
Use the world 'holistic' and half the people in the room will assume you're into quackery. When it comes to hair loss treatment, I think the word is a valuable one. I like to apply it in terms of overall health. I am not implying that if you are healthy you won't lose your hair, but I am firmly of the belief that if you are NOT healthy then you are not in the position to obtain optimal results from your hair loss treatment regimen.
7 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem Quickly
Author: Roger Elliott
If you’re tired of feeling bad about yourself, or just want some tips for those down days, these 7 practical strategies will help you take action to lift your self esteem.
7 Top Tips For Solving Problems
Author: Dr. Wm. G. Seavey
1. Realize you have a problem. To not do this is delusion.
7 Simple Ways of Driving Traffic to Your Site Using One E-Published Tips Booklet
Author: Paulette Ensign
I am not a web designer or search engine optimizer, nor do I play one on TV. However, I do know that the driving force in bringing qualified traffic to your web site is dynamic high value content. That means compelling, interesting, approachable, and immediately useful information, especially when you also directly sell products or services at your site. Increasing and maintaining traffic also demands both offline and online mechanisms to attract those visitors.
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4 Ways You Can Get Over Your Need for Acceptance and Get on with Your Life -
Author: Larry Bilotta
Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you learn how to accept yourself. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you’ll find people will judge you less and accept you more!
4 Simple Ways To Get Over Your Need For Acceptance...And Get On With Your Life -
Author: Larry Bilotta
Imagine what your life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you! Here are four quick tips that will help you get over your need for acceptance. Make these four things a part of your daily routine and you’ll find that people will judge you less and accept you more!
10 Ways To Spring-Clean Your LIFE!
Author: Kathy Gates
1. Clean out the anger, hatred, jealousy, and self doubt.
10 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem
Author: Michelle L. Casto
The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can give you. Just because people like you or you receive an award, does not mean that you will love and take care of yourself. Positive self-esteem comes from within and does not change because the scenery or circumstances change. To have esteem for something or someone is to regard highly or favorably. High self-esteem is relatively stable even when the forecast looks foreboding.
10 Ideas to Jump Start Your Self-Confidence
Author: Skye Thomas
To begin feeling that first spark of self-confidence within you, try as many of these as you like. It's important to enjoy yourself along the way. Have fun!