Conscious Creation: What to do when, and when to do what?
Author: Boni Lonnsburry
You discover you have the amazing ability to create your reality. You begin to let yourself dream of an idyllic (or at least pleasant) future. And you want to “do it right!?What to do? And, when to do it? ?These are two questions that arise, time and again.
Many people ask about when to visualize, when to dream, how to structure their formal manifestation time in the most optimal way. And these ARE important questions. Too little energy focused towards your dream results in the energy dying off, you not getting signs that what you want is coming, and losing interest (or worse yet, belief) that it can EVER happen.
Too much energy focused towards what you want results in a resonance of desperation, sending your subconscious mind the message that it’s hard to create what you want, and that if you don’t do it exactly right, you won’t get it. This kind of action results in an energy of needing to “earn?good things ?“If I just do this technique 50 times a day?I HAVE to create it."There is a balanced place that lies between these two polarities. And it may take some practice before you “get it? But once you do, you’ll see how easy and fun it can be to consciously create a life you love.
Here are some tips to finding your particular place of balance in creating:
1. FULLY DEFINE YOUR DESIRES ?Creating always starts here. You need to know how you want to feel to create what you want. You do NOT need to know exactly HOW IT LOOKS or HOW IT WILL MANIFEST. You only need to know how you will FEEL when you have the wonderful relationship, or the perfect job (for you), or the ideal home, or to live in a body that is vitally healthy and alive.If you know specifics, great! But if you know the essence, you are opening many more doors for good things to come to you.
Why? Say you want a red Miata sports car. You can focus on this, and put lots of energy forth, and you can certainly create that specific car coming into your reality. But if you explore deeper, you may find that the essence of what you desire in transportation is to feel free; safe; fun; to love the aesthetics; to feel prosperous (both in driving a nice car, but maybe also in knowing it didn’t break the bank for you to get there); to feel excited about your car and to feel happy. Perhaps there are a few specifics of the car that would make you feel certain ways, like the car has cruise control, which would make you feel free to not worry about speeding.
So instead of dreaming of the red Miata, you dream of a car that makes you feel these energies. And lo and behold you see a car you’d never seen before, and you love it far more than the Miata and you get an incredible deal on it and you drive off into the sunset feeling precisely those feelings you felt while you were creating the car.The car is a tiny example.
Imagine when you open the doors of possibilities for jobs, relationships, etc? If there is a specific thing you desire, by all means go for it. But preface your programming with the words, “this or better, with harm to none? and watch the magic begin!
2. FIND THE TECHNIQUES THAT RESONATE WITH YOU - I used to feel bad about not doing much “formal?programming. Then I realized I had been in a space where when I did formal techniques (i.e. sat down and visualized a certain way, or did meditations specifically for manifesting) I would put so much charge on them that it pushed them away. (I had a teeny, tiny problem with impatience in those days.) So I worked more on informal programming (number 5), and I had great results.
At other times in my growth, formal techniques worked nearly instantly. And some techniques didn’t work at all (for me), yet others were my favorites because I always received immediate confirmation that they were working. It’s important that you find the processes that resonate well with YOU ?and use those specific techniques to manifest your dreams.
3. SPEND 20 MINUTES TO AS MANY HOURS (AND DAYS) AS IT TAKES TO CLEAR WHAT STANDS IN YOUR WAY ?Before you go about manifesting anything in your life, check to see if there are any beliefs, attitudes, patterns, etc. that are stopping you from fully allowing the reality you desire. A little bit of time spent focusing on “why not?will go a long way in helping you create what you do want.
4. SET ASIDE AT LEAST 10 MINUTES A DAY TO FOCUS FULLY ?How often you do techniques to create something you desire is up to you. The more energy you put out, the quicker it can come to you, UNLESS you are doing techniques more often because you are impatient or afraid it won’t happen. Energies of impatience and fear will slow down your creation. So set aside a few minutes every day to feel fully how you will feel when you get this thing you want, or to do some other formal technique.
5. BE AWARE OF THE RESONANCE YOU SEND OUT THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY ?What you don’t want to do is “un-do?your technique by worrying that it won’t happen. So have a plan as you go through your day, as to what to do when worry or fear strikes. Perhaps send the worry or fear away from you surrounded by a pink bubble of light. Or say affirmations. Or talk back to that “negative self?who loves to sabotage your dreams.
This was one of my favorite techniques for handling fear ?I would say to myself, “I may not have _________ in my reality right now, but it is coming; and when it arrives I will feel _______, and ________, and ______.?I would end up feeling all the positive feelings associated with this thing I was creating, and it would shift my resonance immediately.
6. LOOK FOR SIGNS THAT YOU ARE GETTING CLOSER ?Your reality is always speaking to you, if you’d but listen. Especially when you are working towards a dream or desire, it is important to stay conscious of the signs in your world. If you do not receive signs that the thing you want is manifesting, it’s time to delve deeper into your beliefs, and change and heal those that oppose your dreams.
7. CELEBRATE; GIVE THANKS; REFINE AND KEEP GOING ?When you receive signs, and when you receive the actual realities you want, spend some time in reflection. YOU created them. Let that in. Give thanks to those who helped ?your Higher Self, perhaps, or guides or God or Goddess. Celebrate your success, at least emotionally.
Also take a look at what you may want to shift or change or add to, in this creation. I am always re-defining my dreams ?adding more freedom, or creativity, or fun, or prosperity. Then keep going ?keep looking at what may be stopping you, keep doing techniques, keep looking for signs. You will never stop manifesting, because there will always be new and exciting things to dream up. So become comfortable in the process and enjoy the journey ?THAT in and of itself is the most powerful technique of all!
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