Attitude Awareness
Author: Judy A. Laslie
My attitude about healing and wellness was strongly influenced by this special little book, "Who's the Matter With Me?" by Alice Steadman, Espress Publishers, 1985. It made so much sense to me that I read other books on similar topics. These ideas changed my life dramatically, and I believe much for the better. I love the title, and it seems to almost tell the whole story right there. Steadman writes about the body/mind connection of how using body parts words in your speech results with consequences in your body.
Using phrases that include body parts are so common that we probably don't even realize what we're saying or that they have an effect upon us. Speech patterns become ingrained habits and seem almost automatic to us when they're that familiar. We hear and use so many of these words every day, unless we increase our awareness and stop doing it. Why would you want to stop doing it? Because, your body manifests stress with the increasingly stronger emotion when you say the words, and with the spaced repetition of the use of the words, by developing physical symptoms. You would want to eliminate the body parts phrases, because words (thoughts) are things that are electrically charged when you THINK them. You program your computer brain with every thought you think, (garbage in/garbage out, in computer speak).
Consider these phrases and how they would create symptoms within you. "He's such a pain in the neck." Who gets the stiff neck? Not the other person. "I can't stomach that." Stress held in the stomach area? "That behavior blows my mind." Seeds planted for a cerebral hemorrhage? "Oh, that just breaks my heart." Would you really want to energize that? "I can't see why they did that." Will vision become impaired? "That just burns me up." I don't think you want to say that. "That pi.?me off." Bladder infections are statistically higher in people who use this phrase. "I am so hurt that they would do that." Where might these hurts be stored?
If you think that when you really get to know someone, you usually find that he/she is basically a bit "rotten" inside; what condition might you be creating inside yourself? If you think you don't handle things very well, where will you manifest the stress with that thought? If you think you don't really have a voice in the decision making process in your office, do you ever develop laryngitis? What about "I can't swallow that idea anymore," or "The beauty of it just took my breath away" or "I don't want to hear that"?
Have you ever said "I would die for a new car" or "That's to die for"? How about the idea of "Always keep your shoulder to the wheel" and "He sure keeps his nose to the grindstone"? What happens with those phrases? "I just feel it in my bones" may manifest in a variety of ailments.
I'm sure you can think of many more body parts that people use in daily speech. So many of our medical needs are rooted in the way we program our own stress. We bring much of it upon ourselves, until we know better. I think that's the GOOD NEWS of this attitude, because if we create the disharmony within us with our thoughts, we can change our thoughts and change (heal) our life.
Use positive affirmations to reprogram and override the old software in your brain computer, such as the ones suggested by Louise Hay. With your increased awareness, you will hear body parts in speech and begin to avoid them more and more. If you catch yourself using one, just say "Cancel, cancel!" or "Oops, that's not my thought" and restate what you just said, eliminating the body part word. This can be stated aloud or within your head and both are just as effective.
One favorite affirmation I say (within my head) is "I am in perfect health, feeling fine, better than ever before. And this is so." I want to nip symptoms in the bud, so I use this anytime I feel a twinge, slight pang, minimal symptom of fatigue, possible digestive upset, or if I stub my toe, and so on. I precede the affirmation with a big, slow, deep breath in through my nose and inhaling until my abdominal area expands.
If you choose to do this, focus on your breath and feel the air going over the membranes in your nose as you inhale slowly, fully, and deeply. Then slowly exhale through your nose. Breathe this way a couple of times and then repeat the affirmation in your head as you inhale and visualize yourself healed and well. As you slowly exhale through your nose, visualize the minor (or major) symptom released and healed for your highest good.
When you release your symptoms, there is a spot left within you that the symptom energy previously occupied. A law of physics states that nature always fills a vacuum so you want to purposely fill the vacuum yourself with your choice of energy?namely the healing energy. Breathe this way once more and fill the space with love and light, that brilliant white light which many people associate with the source of all creation, God.
Caution: Do not do this while driving your car or operating machinery because it might temporarily put you in an altered state. Do this in a comfortable chair or support of your choice for the first few times. Soon you'll become so good at it that you can quickly invoke this affirmation anywhere and under various conditions, i.e. on the tennis court, if you've hit your shin with your racquet, and while you pause for a moment to pick up the ball for the next serve. No one even needs to know what you're doing because it's inside your head.
If you have relied on physical symptoms to get you out of things you don't want to do, you may resist accepting this information. Remember, God gave you a mouth and you have the choice to say "Yes" or "No" instead of becoming sicker and sicker to avoid something you dislike. You have the right to allocate your time and energy; and it is much more honest, and a better choice for you physically, to state what you prefer.
Someone, who must have been very wise, said that if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always gotten. Have fun with your new awareness about body parts phrases and possibly enjoy a healthier you in the process.
Judy A. Laslie, author of the international title, 9 Chances to Feel Good About Yourself, B.S. in education from BSU, speaker and holistic counselor based on numerology. Personally autographed books 1-888-267-BOOK.
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