If It Ain't Coming, It Ain't Been Sent - Trust Me!
Author: Jan Tincher
If it ain't coming, it ain't been sent, one of the seven laws of the universe. Well, it's one of the seven laws of the universe,
Un-paraphrased, it's the Law of Cause and Effect. Loosely put, it means what goes around, comes around, or . . . If it ain't coming *back to you,* it hasn't been sent. *You haven't sent it.* You need to send something out before it can come back. So I guess the question is . . .
What have you sent out lately?
Hard work? Good thoughts? Or not hard work? Not so good thoughts? If you send BAD out, guess what? You get BAD back, and you sometimes get it back so fast you aren't able to move aside to avoid it. Wham-o, that's just how fast. In other words, if you kick someone who's down, YOU'D BETTER HIDE!
*** Sidebar Unfortunately, hiding never works. Why? Because this Law of Cause and Effect is a YOU-seeking missile! ***End of Sidebar If you send GOOD out, guess what? You get GOOD back. But there's a twist. I have found, for some reason, that GOOD takes a little longer to come back. Which is OK. I like to savor. Of course, I'm not above reminding the universe every once in a while that *I've been good.* What are you sending out?
To get a little technical, the Law of Cause and Effect is one of the most important parts of a person's life. Socially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, AND financially. And here's why. Everything that happens to you, happens for a reason. Knowing this, here's what you must do. You must concentrate on the CAUSE, and the EFFECT will automatically take care of itself. Let's take this one *cause* at a time.
Socially, do you sit home alone, or do you gladly accept company and all that comes with it? What are you sending out? Spiritually, are you praying, then taking everything back, because you just know God isn't going to grant you what you want? Or are you hesitant to accept anything and everything the universe has in store for you? What are you sending out?
Emotionally, are you not feeling loved, therefore, you're not sending out love? Where do you expect love to come from? I mean, really, if we can't love ourselves, how can we possibly expect others to? Here's what you must do. Every morning, just after you wake up, spend fifteen minutes saying things that make you feel good. I personally like "I am loved, I love, I am loving. I love myself and all creation." But you know what. It took awhile to get there.
It was real hard to say any of the above, when I was feeling totally unloved. But you know what? I worked at it until it felt so good, I couldn't imagine not being able to say it. Of course, I had to rephrase it just a tad until it felt right tome. I started out with, "I'm beginning to feel loved." And then I imagined what *beginning to feel love* felt like. Man, did that feel GOOD! What are you sending out?
Physically, what are you sending out? "I feel terrible." "I feel so down." "I feel like a freak." OK, OK, OK. We won't even go into that last one right now. But here's what you can do to change that. Change the tense from present to past. "I felt so terrible." "I felt so down." "I felt like a freak." See, that's how you FELT. Now, you can move on. You might have felt so terrible, but it's time to move on. You might have felt so down, but, again, it's time to move on. You might have felt like a freak, but that's not who you are. IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON. What are you sending out? STOP IT. Just plain stop it, so it can't come back. *That's your mission, should you choose to accept it.*
Financially, what is the metaphor you are *sending out* for your life? "I'm broke." "I'll never have a new car." "I can't get a decent job." What are you sending out? Your thoughts are affecting you physically, so now you've got to go through everything above AGAIN. What are you sending out?
OK, now, let's take control of our lives. Rather than be affected negatively by this very powerful Law of Cause and Effect, we should use it positively by always remembering what goes around, comes around. There is no vindictiveness, it's a fact, what goes around, comes around.
YOU can stop it NOW.
Thanks for reading, Jan
Copyright 2001, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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