Author: Patricia A. Mondore
Have you put God in a box? You would probably be surprised to know that many people, quite unknowing, do. The results not only affect the individual's walk with God but can have a devastating affect on how they relate with other believers as well. My husband and I worked at a Christian Bookstore for several years. During that time we met people from nearly every imaginable (and unimaginable) denomination, sect and variety of Christianity as they came to buy religious books and supplies. We were amazed at the vast differences there are among people whose common denominator is their faith in Christ. We were, perhaps, even more amazed to see how those differences could cause insurmountable barriers between many of these same people.
It was common to hear customers debating each other over varying theological positions to the point of blind rage. We saw others threaten to boycott the store for what they perceived as its tolerance of certain "heretical materials." To help a person select a book we would ask what topic they were interested in and then had to discreetly find out which view they had on the subject. Then we could safely point them to either the "for" or "against" section. This wide range in doctrinal positions teamed with an all-too-common intolerance of anyone else's position was an enigma to me as a young Christian. How could one Body of people with such a precious common bond have so many opposing ideas? Why wouldn't God have revealed one truth (the same truth) to everyone? Plus, it seemed that the more tenaciously people cling to their own ideas, the more detached they become from other members of the same Body. What they have done is to put God into boxes of their own making limiting Him to their own opinions. However, in so doing, they have redefined the infinite God of the Universe with their own narrow point of view. The results lead to disputes, factions and a Church divided.
Throughout history, people have attempted to understand and define God. He has been verbally and pictorially depicted as anything from a Santa Claus-like old man, to a wild-eyed dictator hurling lightning bolts in fits of childish rage. Whether it is the cold, austere mess-up-and-I'll-strike-you-dead god, or the name-it-and-claim-it vending machine god, these are not God, the Almighty Lord and Creator described in the Bible. Finite men can only create finite gods when they are trying to work within their own frame of reference putting Him into boxes of their own making. The outcome is a lot of little gods in little boxes. The true and only God has said of Himself, "..for as high as the Heavens are above the earth, so are My ways above your ways" Isaiah 55:8,9. No man can fully comprehend all of Who God is. So why, then, do people choose the boxes they do?
Man has a built-in spiritual need and hunger. All people wonder, at some point in life, who they are, how did they get here, and what is their purpose. Many are searching for any source that promises to provide these answers. Some are drawn to the dynamic or charismatic personality of a strong individual who appears to have a special connection with the Divinity. Others prefer to follow the crowd and choose to unquestioningly adhere to the philosophy that the majority rules. Another source of guidance that draws many is tradition. Our cultural and familial upbringing will greatly affect the choices we make. To rely solely on any of these sources, regardless of how sincere and committed to truth they appear to be, will be limited at best. At worst, the individual, group or tradition one chooses to follow is entirely wrong.
Sometimes a person's perception of what God is like is directly related to the perception they have of their own father. For example, a child with a loving and affectionate dad will, many times, find it easy to see God as an intimate, loving Father. In the same way, a child with an abusive or distant father will see God in that light. Others will invent a god who they believe can meet the needs that were left unfulfilled from their childhood. A god who can be manipulated to serve one's wishes offers an escape from the pain of an overwhelming and frightening world. Whether fear-motivated or need-motivated, people cling to these deeply entrenched ideas, afraid to question their validity, blinded from objectivity. Their need for God to be who they believe he is will not allow them to consider whether their beliefs are, in fact, true characteristics of God. Some will stay in their spiritual boxes for the rest of their lives settling for the security of the walls they have built. Others will become so disillusioned by the finite monotony and narrow predictability in which they have placed themselves that they will venture beyond the limitations of their boxes. Some of these will find another box to try for a while. Sadly, others will quit looking altogether. Many an atheist arrived at their position through this route of utter discouragement. Still others, perhaps by getting a glimpse of a far bigger God than the one they had been clinging to, will step out of their box and discover Who God really is.
The God of the Bible is limitless and beyond defining but He has chosen to reveal Himself to us, in part, through the Bible, His own written Word. Those who seek Him there will discover He is able and willing to meet the needs and fulfill the desires of every person. He will reveal different aspects of Himself to each individual according to their personal needs. Differences in understanding only become a problem, a) when the views are not based on God's own biblically revealed truth, or b) when one becomes intolerant to any other view than their own. The first set of differences are based on actual errors essential to a true relationship with God. Being wrong on issues central to the Christian faith such as the Deity of Jesus or salvation based solely on faith in Him are absolutes essential to a true relationship with God.
The second set is not based on biblical error but on the error of not tolerating differences in each individual's personal walk with God. The Apostle Paul addresses this issue as if he were writing directly to the church today telling believers to "accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters" (Rm.14:1). He urged them, "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification" (v19). Learning to accept each other's personal convictions is essential to developing healthy relationships with other believers. Still, considering some of the totally opposite positions people have taken, at times some will be wrong. I believe that when we get to heaven we will find out that every one of us had our own blind spots and faulty concepts of God. As Paul wrote, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully" (1 Cor.13:12). That is all the more reason why a tolerance of differing views is so important.
There is a story about 10 blind men and an elephant that illustrates how multiple perspectives can all be valid. Ten blind men were led to an elephant and asked to describe it based on what they felt. Each one, when touching a certain part of the elephant, discovered something entirely different than the others. But each was right, in their own limited perspective. Only in combining their perceptions could they put together the most complete definition of the elephant. This allegory can have two applications to us, as believers. First, one must take the whole Bible, with each section in context, as the revelation of God. Second, one can widen one's perspectives and concept of God through accepting and learning from other believers not just in spite of, but because of our differences. A sign of our increasing maturity will be seen as we learn to accept the multiplicities of one Body of people working out our salvation as individual beings. We will even be able to accept those who cannot reciprocate our acceptance.
It is essential for us to distinguish between issues which are absolutes and which are the variables we can differ on within the freedom we have in Christ. I challenge you to prayerfully examine your own walk with God and to seek out any boxes you may have placed Him in. Then take the risk of venturing out of those boxes to experience the freedom of wrestling through these difficult issues for yourself. Through the Bible and the Lord's help, you can begin the lifelong adventure of discovering who God is, and how truly knowing Him can change your life.