Two To The Power of Ten, How to Attract Your Mate
Author: Anne Brewer
Two To The Power Of Ten
The Effect of A Communal Orientation on the Aura
Human beings were not intended to exist in solitary situations since they are innately communal beings. However, many people have created a tolerable single existence, using the crutches society has provided to ease the pain of loneliness. Some couch their sense of isolation by drowning their sorrows in alcohol or drugs, some binge on junk food, and some curl up evening after evening with a mindless paperback novel or, worst of all, sit like zombies in front of the television set.
This solitary behavior significantly affects your energy field. Every soul consists of electromagnetic energy that vibrates both inward and outward in waves, carrying energy messages inward to the physical body as well as outward to the universe. This energy, known as the aura or auric field, surrounds the physical vehicle and is more concentrated in close proximity to your body. The auras of those living in a communal frequency are much stronger near their body and extend much further from their body compared to those who have developed a loner mentality. Those who develop a solitary mentality create a withdrawal of energy, and their aura clusters in a weak, narrow band around the body.
Withdrawing Your Calling Card from the Universe
Once that contraction of energy occurs, it becomes increasingly more difficult to connect with another person. It is the difference between hanging a “welcome” sign on the front door versus displaying a “beware of dog” sign. When someone is vibrating in a communal frequency, they have the ability to attract another. When they move into a solitary energy frequency, they literally withdraw their calling card from the universe. Additionally, the weaker, narrower energy field surrounding their body creates less energy flow to and from their physical vehicle. These folks are literally starving their physical bodies of the energy needed for a healthy existence.
Most people will create all kinds of excuses for not locating their life partner. They will say there is a lack of appropriate single men or women available since “all the good ones are married.” They may claim there is no place to meet anyone, or they avoid the bar scene which they perceive to be the only place to meet people. They may venture into computer dating services but soon despair as they continue to meet one inappropriate partner after another. But, how can someone expect to connect with a partner when they have withdrawn their calling card? It is like visiting a city for the first time and expecting all of the residents to recognize you. You cannot expect to be identified when you have gone into hiding.
Hold the Belief Your Life Partner Exists
Finding your life partner requires four primary traits: 1) holding a firm conviction that your partner exists for you; 2) having the strong belief that it is part of your path and purpose at this moment to connect with him or her; 3) creating a broad band energy field that signals to your partner that you are ready for him or her now; and, 4) having a sense of knowing that when you expand your energetic field, your partner will automatically be drawn to you. As easy as this sounds, most people are convinced that the perfect person does not exist for them. The mass consciousness feeds that sense of doom by convincing single women over forty they are statistically more likely to be killed than receive a proposal for marriage. Or, you observe the interactions between the couples you know, noticing their lack of harmony and their dissatisfaction, and assume that it is equally difficult to find harmony for yourselves.
In order to attract your life partner, you must hold the belief that it is possible! Most of you resonate at about a sixty percent level for believing in the existence of your perfect mate. In other words, you have a sixty percent belief factor in the veracity of that statement.
Holding 100% Conviction in Your Perfect Mate’s Existence
It is critical that you resonate at one hundred percent with the belief that your partner exists. In order to shift your energy field to complete alignment with the concept of a perfect mate, conduct the following exercise:
• (SAY THREE TIMES EACH:) “Creator of All Beings, Archangel Raphael from the Realm of Divine Love, Archangel Zadkiel from the Realm of Creative Visualization and Manifestation, Sacred Earth Mother, My Guides and Teachers, My High Self, My Conscious Self, My Subconscious Self.”
• (SAY TEN TIMES WITH CONVICTION:) “I align one hundred percent with the notion that my perfect mate exists.”
• After you have stated the affirmation ten times, close your eyes and envision the outline of an indistinguishable male/female figure that is surrounded in the green light of heart energy. Imagine that figure coming toward you. As the figure approaches, extend your hand and visualize the hand of your mate being extended to you as well. If you are female, you will extend your right hand to the left hand of your perfect mate. If you are male, you will extend your left hand to the right hand of your perfect mate. Place your other hand on your heart. Sense the touching of fingers as you hold your energy together. Imagine the coursing of energy through your hands and in your heart. Maintain energetic contact for at least one minute (or longer if you desire since it will feel good). Then, release your energetic contact with your perfect mate.
• (SAY:) “Although I am releasing your hand in my visualization, I maintain blended with you on an energetic basis. I hold that connection in my heart until we physically meet.”
• (SAY THREE TIMES:) “Thank you.”
Your energy field now resonates with one hundred percent conviction that there is a perfect mate for you. You are energetically maximized for connecting with your life partner. Be sure to support your new vibration with a heightened, unfettered desire to find your mate.
Releasing the Aloneness Imprint
In addition to resonating with one hundred percent conviction that your perfect mate exists, you must also release your “aloneness” imprint. This is an imprint that every single one of you carries since you exist in a collective consciousness that supports it. There is an unspoken energy that comes with every desire you manifest. It is based on the polarity principles of the planet that provide an opposite condition for every situation. The intent of polarity is to provide contrast so you can identify your desires. Once you have identified your desires, you are meant to create them. However, because every desire has a duality counterpoint (e.g., health/sickness, success/failure, wealth/poverty, etc.), you resonate with the counterpoint at the same time that you resonate with the desire.
Whether it was directly communicated to you or learned via observation, it became clear to you early in life that limitations (counterpoints) were present with every desire. Perhaps when you said you wanted to marry your greatest romantic love, adults raised their eyebrows in disbelief. Or, when you fancied yourself as a successful career person and wife and mother, you were told it was very difficult to have it all. Certainly, when you passed the age of forty and you had not met your partner, society endorsed the high odds of ever locating that individual.
You have a pattern that aligns “partnership” with its counterpoint, whether it be “solitariness” or “aloneness” or “isolation.” You must extract yourself from this polarity in order to resonate with partnership. Reverse the pattern in your energy field by performing the following powerful exercise:
• Light a green candle (symbolizes heart energy) with a sheet of paper on which you have written “aloneness” and ignited with a match. Let the sheet of paper burn in a Pyrex or fire proof bowl next to the candle.
• (SAY 3 TIMES EACH:) “Creator of All Beings, Archangel Raphael from the Realm of Divine Love, Archangel Zophkiel from the Realm of Balance, Gods and Goddesses of Partnership, Angels of the Unification Energy for Planet Earth, My High Self, My Conscious Self, My Subconscious Self.”
• (SAY:) “I request the reversal of the energy imprint that I currently carry that imposes aloneness whenever I contemplate partnership. I ask that you assist me in extracting from this pattern established in the group consciousness in order to align totally and completely with the true principles of partnership. I also ask that you reverse any other imprints that block my partnership and love abilities of which I might not be conscious. My intention is to use my partnership to represent the highest good of all by exponentially expanding my love frequency through the concept of two to the power of ten.”
• Imagine the “aloneness” imprint that no longer serves a purpose. See this imprint inside a crystal sphere, similar to a soap bubble. Imagine your hand reaching out to pop the bubble, dissipating the energy of the imprint so it no longer exists. Fill the space that the soap bubble occupied with green light that supports the notion of love.”
• (SAY THREE TIMES:) “In the highest good of all, thank you.”
Using Energy to Advertise
Once you resonate with the belief that your perfect partner exists and you have released your aloneness imprint, you must act as a radio frequency, sending your energy into the universe just like an advertising message on network television. Envision how it would feel to make love with the perfect mate. Generate the emotions of love and harmony you will feel in the presence of this ideal partner. Feeling the love and sending it outward is a key part of communicating your presence.
Remember, it is desire that taps into your creator energy. The more feeling you can generate around your visualization of your perfect mate, the more you project your thought forms into the universe. Think about the characteristics of your ideal partner, then visualize and feel the loving vibrations. Send your joyful, anticipatory feelings outward every single day until your partner appears. Your auric field will expand as you emit your messages, supporting the communication you are sending and acting as a giant billboard for your partner to see when he or she moves into your presence.
The Power of Love
Why were human beings given a strong sense of communal spirit? You were not intended to live alone since the union of two individuals in a partnership of harmony and upliftment has tremendous power. The energy frequency called “love” carries a vibration that goes beyond the capacity of a single individual. If even twelve percent of the individuals on this planet were coupled in harmonious love relationships, it would generate enough power to heal the entire planet. The love frequency creates exponential growth by increasing the positive energy field of the couple by a factor of ten, far more than an individual can generate. This exponential factor continues to increase the more that you unite in harmony and upliftment with another. This energy is important to the Earth because it transmutes all energy that is opposite to love. The ability to send this energy out to the universe can be performed through your loving relationship with your partner. Whatever you do together is amplified and accelerated beyond the energy that you can transmute alone.
If you could see the auras of two people in love, you would be amazed by the strength of their individual and combined fields as well as the extent of the broad sweeping dimensions. For most, this field diminishes over time as each person focuses on what they do not like in their partner rather than what they do like. These are the folks who found what they needed in someone else because they did not have it in themselves. However, eventually they grew to disdain their partner for holding different characteristics from themselves. Had they attempted to develop their own missing attributes or cherished the other for being different, the relationship would have continued to emit the maximum love frequency. Some couples forget that Spirit is limitless. Others understand the beauty of creation and, just when they think they know everything about their partner, a new aspect of their partner’s spirit emerges.
Maintain a Divine Union
Conversely, there are couples who cherish the unlimited assets of their partner, usually because they recognize that the varying parts create a complete whole. Yet, apart they are also fulfilled because they have taken full responsibility for their own soul’s growth, and do not depend on each other for completion. Over the years, they bond into a unit that acts like a well-oiled machine. Their auras exceed the strength and dimensions of their initial years together. The Divine Union in which they exist actually expands their energy fields, even if some of the initial passion abates. These couples remain healthy over the years because their electromagnetic fields are generating an excessive amount of inward and outward flowing energy, both between each other and outward toward others. They are simultaneously healing themselves and healing the planet because they hold a receptivity toward possibilities.
You have the capacity to attract the perfect partner and experience an abundant electromagnetic field that extends well beyond your own space, healing you as well as biophysical systems. Believe in your power to create a loving relationship for yourself. Believe that it is in your highest good of yourself and the Earth to manifest a spiritual union unlike anything you have experienced or witnessed. Know that if this is the highest desire of your heart, there truly is another who holds this same desire. Together you can grow and expand your hearts and your energy, and heal the energy of the world.
Anne Brewer writes and teaches about identifying and removing barriers to personal growth. Through her company, InterLink, Anne works with people from around the world who wish to experience more health, wealth, and happiness. She also continues to act as President of her marketing consulting company, working with a variety of Fortune 500 corporations on consumer-related sales and marketing strategies. When she is not traveling on business, she enjoys her life in Prairie Village, Kansas, with her loving mate, David (Beaulieu), and her son, Drew.
Anne’s channeled articles frequently appear in such metaphysical publications as The Sedona Journal of Emergence, Pathfinder, and The Edge. Her first book, The Power of Twelve, Achieving 12-Strand DNA Consciousness, was completed in 1996, and it provides instruction on how to increase personal power through expanded consciousness. She has been honored to apprentice with nationally reputed healers and continues to expand her knowledge through ongoing education with metaphysical teachers and her own guides.
To contact Anne Brewer for a personal appointment or to order books or tapes:
5252 W. 67th Street
Prairie Village, KS 66208
913-722-5498 (phone)
913-722-5498 (fax)