Are You Living Your Soul's Purpose?
Author: Suzanna Kennedy
Copyright 2002. Reality Crafting Holding Trust. All rights reserved.
“Are you living your soul’s purpose?” That’s the question I asked myself. The answer led me on a magical transformational journey from Detroit, MI to Kauai. It’s a powerful question. If you ask it of yourself, be ready to change in a big way.
Four years ago, I was happily married for 22 years with two healthy, well-adjusted teenage children. My career was at its peak, making a very comfortable salary as a business consultant in the Detroit auto industry. I specialized in designing corporate training programs and leading large-scale change initiatives. My work was respected and my consulting skills considered valuable. We lived in a beautiful home in an affluent neighborhood, a car for each member of the family, enjoying two-week vacations in the Caribbean each year. According to all standards I was self-actualized, I should feel fulfilled and happy, right?
Some call it midlife crisis. I know my husband did. Yet it was more than that. I wanted to go deeper. Where was the magic? Where was the adventure? Where was the mystery? WHERE WAS THE PASSION? I felt disconnected from anything that truly seemed important. I longed for true intimacy. And this question kept coming into my consciousness. “Are you living your soul’s purpose?” Was I put on this earth to train guys how to sell more cars? “I don’t think so!”
One Saturday morning I woke up and felt my body going into contractions. It felt the same as labor when I was giving birth to my children. Waves of energy moved up my spine. It lasted for about an hour and a half. I sent a silent prayer, a call for help, and asked, “What is happening to me?” I heard the answer clearly inside my head, “You are giving birth to yourself.”
After that, everything changed. I found that I still had memories of my life up until then, but none of the emotional attachments. There was new priority in my life, an extreme focus on spiritual service. I didn’t know exactly how that should look, but I seemed driven to find a way to know and live my soul’s purpose.
My mind was changing rapidly, but I felt my emotional and physical bodies stubbornly holding on to the past programming. There was an overwhelming urge to heal myself of limiting feelings, beliefs and emotions. I wanted to create a whole new life, but I didn’t know how to do it. In my search, I ran across a spiritual healer who taught conscious manifestation. I took one of her workshops and found that I could run and direct electromagnetic energy through my body, just like she did. So when she offered an advanced workshop in Sedona, AZ, I followed her there.
After returning from Sedona, I had decided to end my marriage and leave Detroit. But emotionally I felt unable to break the ties and commitments that had bound me for 22 years. I was flying high, totally ungrounded and ready to flip out. Again, I prayed for assistance and was led to another teacher, Adam El David. He used a method called Integrative Natural Healing. He conducted two private sessions with me within a week’s time. This was exactly what I needed. I was able to let go of all of the limiting thoughts, beliefs, feelings and attitudes that I had accumulated regarding relationships. It gave me the courage to make the changes in my life I knew I had to make in order to align with my soul’s purpose. It gave me strength, and it gave me trust.
It took me only a few months to move through a relatively graceful divorce and relocate to Sedona, AZ with a healthy nest egg honoring my 22-year commitment. I loved Sedona, with its red rocks and clear blue skies. Its transformational electromagnetic energy was juicy and palpable. It was the first time in my life that I felt really connected to the Earth.
Intuitively, I knew the move to Sedona was temporary, but necessary for my healing and transformation. Once in Sedona, I contacted Adam again and moved through another three sessions over the phone. These sessions helped me begin healing grief, pain and fear triggered by the separation from my family and secure lifestyle. My abilities as a healing facilitator became stronger and more apparent. The transformation was so impressive, I felt called to learn how to facilitate the Integrative Natural Healing process.
Adam agreed to train me I established a healing practice in Sedona. When I was in the altered state necessary to conduct the healing sessions, Spirit gave me new information and healing techniques. The program began to evolve beyond what Adam had given me.
After a year and a half in the Sedona desert, the tropical air of Hawaii began to call to me. I decided to invest a month in exploring the Garden Isle of Kauai. I took a hike from the Kilauea Light House up to Crater Hill. This is well known as a sacred Hawaiian power spot and, some say, an inter-dimensional portal. What ever it is, it sure invoked a strong experience for me. I began to feel strange waves of energy wash over and through me. A voice whispered to me, inviting me to live here, promising to support me.
Immediately I began to see evidence of the island fulfilling her promise. I had conducted a healing session on a woman on the previous day. Apparently she experienced a miraculous recovery and began telling everyone about the “healer from Sedona.” The owner of the B&B where I was staying began getting calls from people wanting to meet me. So she arranged an informal reception. Among the people who attended the reception, many became interested in my work and I was asked to lead a group session. This group asked me to come back and facilitate the rest of the program. I was offered accommodations, facilities to conduct my work and promotional support. It seemed that the Garden Isle had welcomed me with open arms. I decided to move to Kauai.
If Kauai decides she wants you, she seduces you in whatever means necessary to get you here. She promises you safety, security, companionship, fulfillment – whatever it is you think you need. Once you get here, you find that her seduction was -- just a seduction. You face your illusions of security. You come face to face with your own fears and doubts. And you either move through and past them or she kicks your butt out of here. And so it was with me. The support that was offered from the group -- dissolved. I found it hard to find a permanent home, moving from one temporary spot to another.
But I held fast to my desire to serve. I depended heavily on my own Spiritual guides who spoke more clearly to me than ever. I was told to rest, relax, enjoy and just BE. The word Kauai means, “Come, Be.” So for the first six months I followed my guidance and spent my time at the beach, in nature and networking with other healing facilitators and teachers. At six months, I began receiving new information from my Spirit Guides. At seven months, I found my dream home. Nine months after arriving on the island, I gave birth to a new spiritual technology called the Sacred Union Program.
Sacred Union is coming into union with all aspects of yourself, in all dimensions, including your own Divinity. The program currently has four steps and is continually evolving. Sacred Union has brought me into true intimacy with myself, with Spirit and recently with an intimate partner.
For me, Kauai has been the birthplace of my Divinity and the birthplace of my expression of my spiritual essence. As a newborn Divine Child, the land and mana here nourishes me to overflowing. Instead of training guys to sell more cars, I’m training people to come into Sacred Union within themselves. Instead of leading corporate change initiatives, I’m leading personal transformation. Once again I am training trainers, as I offer the Sacred Union Facilitator’s Program. I am using the same skills and talents, but now with a passion, because my mind and body are aligned with my heart and soul. Am I living my soul’s purpose? You bet. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Suzanna Kennedy facilitates self-healing and transformation in several different formats: guest speaker, individual sessions in person or over the phone, group sessions, playshops, and retreats. Her audio recordings facilitate the Sacred Union Program. Contact: Suzanna Kennedy at 808 828-6327 or toll free at 866 393-9001. Visit her website at www.realitycrafting.com or email her at Suzanna@realitycrafting.com.