Making a Difference
Author: John McIntosh
Making a difference in our life and the lives of others does not require special skills, experience, education, social status, age or sex requirements or any other society-labeled qualification. It calls only for a sincere desire to do so.
You may be a bank teller, hotdog vendor or sales clerk wanting to brighten the day of your customers with a warm, contagious smile. Or, you could be a humble, champion of the poor like Mother Teresa, who taught the world to look past the wretched, unwashed body to the soul within. However humble or grand your inspiration to make a difference may be, there is no order of difficulty to the one who seeks, with passion to influence circumstances for good.
Passion in this case means a burning desire, guided by unconditional love. It is always harmless and comes from a win-win perspective and an uncompromising integrity. The one who is driven by passion is living their life purpose. You can see and feel it in the shine of their eyes, the spring in their step, the exhilaration of their expression and especially in the magnetic quality they have to influence others.
The propensity to engage in a life changing purpose that will make a difference on any level does not come with a degree or a certificate. It comes from deep within and is often found through an obscure insight, a flash of intuition or a delightful coincidence.
For much of this century, pragmatic, science based education has trained people to dismiss ephemeral visions as unverifiable and even childish nonsense. Accordingly, although most people have experienced these intuitive messages frequently throughout their lives, they failed to act on them.
However, a recent surge of interest in other world phenomena has opened the minds of millions to the real possibility of higher, albeit unseen guidance. This has caused a steady increase in everyday visionaries who can be identified by the distinctive way in which they think.
They tend to be receptive to insight, symbolism and meanings hidden by linear thinking. They will often see things as if from above, in its entirety and complete, in many cases before they have begun.
Their thinking involves a focus on what is desired rather than on how to acquire it. When thinking about how to manifest a certain goal, there is a natural tendency for past failures and mistakes to float to the surface of our consciousness, challenging our will to achieve.
But when guided by passion, the content of what a person wants to change attracts people, circumstances and conditions, which are conducive to the successful fruition of that manifestation. This is partly due to focus. The things we place our focused attention upon are energized and given life. This is why it is so important to choose our thoughts carefully.
If our attention is distracted by past mistakes, we are giving energy to those thoughts, which in turn attracts circumstances that are similar. Even well meaning thoughts about ridding ourselves of debilitating habits, will ensure those habits remains with us. Those who succeed in making a difference, make it a habit to focus on what they want not on what they want to get rid of.
For example if a person focuses on getting out of debt, the idea of debt is still receiving their focused energy and circumstances will continue to mold themselves around that seed thought. To rid oneself of debt he must focus on the opposite condition. Focusing on becoming financially independent will eliminate the debt and create a condition well beyond merely being debt free.
This is what I call a 49/51% attitude adjustment. Only a 2% difference in the direction of our thought can make an enormous difference to the outcome.
Swift responsiveness to inspirations received rather than impulsive behavior that sways with the winds of emotion, highlights this thinking process. It is marked by a passionate, unshakeable dedication to the change desired.
The constant flood of media persuasion or the fickle tide of popular tends, fails to influence the visionary from his chosen course of action to make a difference. In fact it is more likely the gravity of his influence will redirect the flow of opinion as it enters the mainstream of everyday social dialogue. And eventually, open-minded acceptance of any subject renders it a self-evident truth.
By following our passion, unattached to the binding controls of outside circumstances, whether viewed as positive or negative, we will automatically begin making a decided difference in the world we perceive.
The benefits of a life lived in this way are not in some distant, unknown future but in the moment by moment expression of life. Following the flow of our heart's innermost desire carries with it a harmony and joy that needs no time or space requirement to experience.
And anyone can begin to make a difference right now, by allowing that desire to emerge.
John has been an entrepreneur and leader in the field of sales management, marketing, training and motivation for 31 years. During that time he has risen to the level of national sales manager in two separate companies, founded two companies for which he acted as president, and for the last 15 years, together with his wife, has operated a highly successful, international natural health company. Over the last 25 years, he has trained thousands of sales people internationally presenting his material with high energy and conviction based on personal experience and success. He has been a student of motivational and spiritual philosophy during his entire career, successfully incorporating the ideas he learned into his own daily life and that of his inspirational training. His success has led him to the summit of attainment in a highly competitive industry. It has provided him with a lifestyle of freedom in both his inner and outer worlds based on a strong foundation of Inner Guidance. In 1996, he wrote and a novel called “The Millennium Tablets? in 1997 he acted as editor and ghost writer for another book called “The Keys to The Kingdom? by his long time mentor, Edith Bruce and in September of 1998 his third book will be available called Living Abundantly through Inner Guidance. John also publishes a daily “Inner Guidance?Inspiration and sends it by email to a subscription list. What others are saying about John McIntosh John McIntosh’s books and teachings have transformed my life and opened up my soul to incredible heights. His guidance and wisdom has not only brought me material success, but best of all spiritual riches that I have searched for my entire life. Not only has he inspired me, he has helped me find truth and focus from where I needed it most--inside of me. Thank you, John.?BR> Chris Carley, Current number #1 ‘royalty income?earner in Herbalife International Inc. John McIntosh can be reached at john@innerguidance.com