Psychoanalytic Psychotherpay - Optimal Healing and Recovery
Author: Daniel Shaw, CSW
Therapies abound today, many laying claim to fast, easy, and amazing results. My own experience, in my private psychoanalytic practice, in working with people from every walk of life, is that real healing and recovery from lifelong issues of depression, anxiety, inhibition, and repetitive negative patterns in relationships, requires sufficient time and hard work for real change to take root. Personalities are not built in a day, and the mind does not operate like a machine with an on/off switch. We all have complex internal worlds, and many of the internal conflicts, fears and hopes, needs and wants, that run our lives, do so without our full awareness or cooperation.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a means toward a fuller awareness of one's own internal world. This awareness is what makes the difference between a life where one is trapped, or a life where one is free.
Psychoanalysis today is no longer bound by some of the rigid conventions that are so often stereotyped in jokes and cartoons. Interpersonal, relational, object relations,humanistic, existential and self psychological schools of psychotherapy have emphasized empathy, openness and warmth, in the therapeutic relationship. Psychoanalysts, out of all mental health professionals, are the only therapists required to undergo their own personal psychotherapy, in addition to rigorous requirements in academic and clinical work.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for people who feel trapped, unable or afraid to realize their dreams, caught in repetitive patterns, missing the love and fulfillment in life and work that are human birthrights.
Daniel Shaw, CSW, a resident of Rockland County, New York, maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in New York City. I work with adult individuals and couples on a wide variety of issues, including career growth and change, relationship and sexuality, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and many other mental health issues.
I am certified in adult psychoanalysis and psychotherapy by The National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) in New York City, and I am a member of the Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (APSP).
I also work with former members of cults and cultic groups, and friends and families of cult members. To read my essay, "Traumatic Abuse in Cults," go to http://hometown.aol.com/shawdan/essay.htm.
To inquire about a consultation, or for any other inquiries, you may e-mail me at Shawdan@aol.com, or call 212-581-6658.
Daniel Shaw, CSW
850 Seventh Avenue, Suite 906
New York, NY 10019
(212) 581-6658
E-mail: shawdan@aol.com
Website: http://hometown.aol.com/shawdan/page1.htm