Cultivating Endless Referrals: An Introduction
Author: Bob Burg
So long as prospecting is a part of the selling process, we might as well make that process both fun and lucrative. We do this by developing, what I call, ¡§Personal Walking Ambassadors.¡¨ These are typically ¡§Centers of influence¡¨ (those who already have large, prestigious personal spheres of influence and have lots of credibility within that sphere) who will enthusiastically connect us with those people who are ready, willing and able to buy what we sell. In other words, they cross the ¡§Marketing Bridge¡¨ in that they ¡§need it, want it, and can afford it.¡¨
Imagine, if you will, a huge, beautiful rainbow spread across the sky after a terrific rainstorm. As legend has it, at the end of that rainbow is what? That¡¦s right, a pot of gold. In a sense, we could say that pot of gold is ¡§where the money is¡¨ . . . where those who can and will buy our products are standing and ¡V even if they don¡¦t know it ¡V waiting for us (or our competitor) to arrive.
Too many salespeople spend the majority of their time at the beginning of the rainbow, doing the work that is hard, unsatisfying, and often not particularly profitable. They make cold calls, send out promotional packages to the percentage-wise few who are interested (or ¡§say¡¨ they are) and follow up, follow up, follow up.
While this, of course, is a legitimate part of selling, it¡¦s also the most difficult, the most time-consuming and the least profitable.
The answer, of course, is to cultivate a network of endless referral business. The two key words in that sentence are, ¡§Network¡¨ and ¡§Referrals.¡¨
Networking was one of the business buzzwords of the 80¡¦s and 90¡¦s and continues to be to this day. And, like before, it¡¦s a term used by many, understood by some, and successfully practiced . . . by far too few.
So, let¡¦s define our terms, first with what Networking is not!
As one who spends much of his life speaking throughout North America on this very topic, I¡¦ve been exposed to just about every false premise and preconceived notion regarding Networking there is. In my opinion, most people see Networking as personified by the stereotypical, fast-walkin¡¦, slick-talkin¡¦ salestype; the one who aggressively sticks a business card into the face of everyone they meet and says such things as, ¡§Hey, give me a call ¡V I¡¦ll cut you a deal.¡¨
We know that, far from being Networking, that¡¦s simply . . . actually, I¡¦m not exactly sure what it is; but it isn¡¦t Networking. ƒº
I define Networking as ¡§The cultivating of mutually beneficial, give and take, win/win relationships.¡¨ The emphasis is most definitely on the ¡§give¡¨ aspect.
But is that ¡§real-world¡¨ type of thinking? Yes, it is. Why? Because, ¡§All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust.¡¨ And part of developing these feelings toward you in others is to first add to their lives in a significant way.
When you Network according to our definition, with a genuine concern for someone (regardless of whether he or she is a direct prospect) and a sincere determination to help that person accomplish their wants, needs, and desires, it becomes a very effective way for you to do business.
It also becomes very profitable, as you¡¦ll find yourself developing a large number of people who want to do the same for you. As you do this consistently, on an everyday basis, you¡¦ll find that not only will the quality of names on your list continue to add, but they will multiply geometrically.
The reason is that all of these people with whom you are developing relationships know many others to whom they can eventually refer you. (In fact, it¡¦s been documented that the typical person knows 250 other people ¡V thus every time you develop a solid relationship with one new person, you just increased your own personal ¡§sphere of influence¡¨ by a potential 250 people every . . . single . . . time.)
In a sense, you could say that the ultimate goal of networking is the building, cultivating, and developing of a very large and diverse group of people, who will gladly and continually refer you lots and lots of business. While, of course, you do the same for them.
In a nutshell, you¡¦re dramatically increasing your referral business, without spending significantly more time or money in order to accomplish that goal.
In other words, you¡¦ll be hanging out by the ¡§Pot of Gold¡¨ at the end of the rainbow, dealing only with people who are qualified to buy and have the desire to buy. At that point, your business will become very fun, a lot less stressful, and a lot more profitable.
While we¡¦ll discuss this further in the next article and begin looking closely at the ¡§how-to¡¨ aspect of cultivating your win-win network, let¡¦s end this segment by looking one more time at what is perhaps, the key-concept in the entire ¡§Endless Referrals System¡¨; what I call ¡§The Golden Rule of Networking¡¨, and that is:
¡§All things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust.¡¨
If you can keep that phrase at the very top level of consciousness every time you meet someone new, you will be nine steps ahead in the game . . . in a 10-step game.
Bob Burg ( http://www.burg.com) speaks to sales organizations on the topic, How to Cultivate a Network of Endless Referrals. He is author of ENDLESS REFERRALS: Network Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales. And WINNING WITHOUT INTIMIDATION: How to Master the Art of Positive Persuasion (each with over 100,000 copies sold). He also has a free weekly ezine newsletter which you can receive by visiting http://www.burg.com and clicking the appropriate icon.
Note: Endless Referrals, totally revised and updated, goes on sale September of 2005. Purchase one for yourself and recommend it to everyone in your organization. Never again be at a loss for new people with whom you can share your products and services.